Make a Single Jaw Milling Vise for ESPRIT TNG - Needs Machine Tool Builder

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okay so we want to create a milling fixture this is a chick one lock product so this is the way that it comes in from the step file that they provide on their website so if you want to follow along i will go to the website here really quick this is their website here these are products available in north america but if you are in europe and watching this there are all the steps are going to be very similar so feel free to follow along with a similar product but for here you can download the different one lock devices i'm actually using the 1550 the 1550 model right here so you can download the step format here and the pdf instructions on you know the data i guess for this particular product there so let's go back to a spree so here we see the full assembly and check it looks like they colorized the model so this is nice i mean this looks really great we don't have to do any colorization of the model so they're definitely putting some nice models out there so uh what we have here is a single jaw vise where this jaw is going to slide back and forth and this jaw here is going to be fixed to the base so the first thing that we want to do like any of these products is we want to orient and position our assembly or model in the correct you know location and orientation so this typically sits you know on a machine table and it looks like it's kind of hard to see here because this is pretty dark so what i'm going to do really quick is just maybe change the color of all this so i see here that if i pick this solid i'm actually picking everything here and you know i like the way all this looks i just want to change this dark black to something a little bit lighter make it a little bit easier to see so what we can do is come down here to our propagation filter and when i click on that if we look at the face icons you have all of these different choices so you can choose one of these color uh one of these coloring choices here this is you know just different types or of standards of color selection so i'm going to pick that first one i'm going to hold shift on my keyboard and i'm going to pick this face here not the whole solid but the face so when i pick the face and i left click here you'll see that that color selection indeed worked so if i go to clear here you'll see that the selection is only of the faces that are that dark color i'm going to right click go to copy and here i'll pick black but i'm going to define custom color and go up to around 80 like i normally do when i'm creating the darker anodization so now that i come back to the shaded view we can see it's a little trick there that if you do get a model that comes in with a color that is maybe not desirable you can quickly select all of the faces that have that same color attribute and it makes it very easy to grab all of these faces around so now we can see um you know for me i can see here that we have these two locations on for this uh for this one lock vice so what we're going to want to do first is move our origin point because this is likely going to be sitting on some sort of a base plate that has specific locations that maybe we created in the past or maybe you're going to create a custom base plate fixture that this would attach to so we want to reference one of these two points so what i'm going to do here is come to manipulation and say move origin and this will snap a new uh zero point a new x y zero point and you can see that as i move move my mouse to the center location of one of these it highlights that i'm gonna click and then we see that our xyz home location our p0 our origin point in esprit has moved to that location so now this has been positioned now to be where i want it and now we want to make sure that it's oriented correctly so for a component like this we want to you know we're going to use this we might use it in different methods on the machine but typically you know most people are going to have a vertical mill they're going to use this with a vertical mill that's what this is designed for or maybe horizontal but basically uh for each of those it's going to be the same so if you're standing in front of a vertical mill you're going to be basically looking at it kind of like this where you know you're going to have this at the the door facing the operator so that they can tighten down the work piece so the x and the y you know this is correct so they've already oriented this in the correct method so looking at this from a top view looking down from the the ceiling down to the machine the table x is typically in this direction the y is this direction of course the z is going to go up into the spindle so we don't really need to do anything there either but this is the way if your model did not come in this orientation you want to make sure before we continue to get it into this orientation so now we can choose what we want to do here unfortunately they do not it doesn't seem like i i didn't find the hard jaws so if we look at the pdf manual the data information for this let me drink this over to the screen here if we look at this we can see that there are you know multiple different jaw types so i personally do not have any of these but if you can get them from your sales rep you know we'll talk a little bit about how to to do that so but this document is good you want to grab the pdf because it's going to show you you know here is our um you know maximum nine inch uh 228.5 um you know jaw opening from face to face of the soft jaws so we're going to reference this document in a little bit but um we want to look at the individual solids and see what we have so that's a solid this is a solid here so both of these are going to move in tandem together and what we want to do here for this particular example is i'm going to you know we want to decide how we want to to use this so with the soft jaws i want to create i'm going to create i think three different esprit files so we're going to have one that will be this solid that contains the fixed jaw base with the base itself then we'll create another one of this guy and then we'll create another one with these so the first thing that i think for me to organize everything i'm going to put everything on a separate layer so i'm going to come here and i'm going to say add a new layer we'll call this base i'll create a new layer we'll call this fixed soft jaw and then we'll do another one here movable movable jaw so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to grab with the control key i'm going to select and highlight these two items and then in the properties i'm going to go ahead and set that to be on that layer that i just created so for the default layer we want to go to the movable jaw and now i know that those are on that layer now on this i'm going to grab this and i'm going to switch this from default to the fixed soft jaw and then this one i'm going to put on the base so now i should be able to control and i see we've got a couple of little things here so what i'll do is i'll highlight that and this likely is going to be on the base so i'll set that to the base as well so now when i turn the bass on you that's there there's my soft jaw and my movable jaw is there now typically uh you know if if you were creating this in the esprit interface and you did not have access to machine tool builder um you would want to position these jaws in the i guess the maximum open distance because when you save out a gdml from the esprit interface it assumes that the location of everything is at the open position so we're going to go ahead and verify that that the distance between these two and we can come here to analysis we can go to measure so we're going to say element 1 will be this face element 2 will be this face and it says that it's 8.996 and if we recall from the pdf document it said it was i believe 9 inches and so 8.996 that's close enough we're just going to go ahead and leave that alone so this is the maximum open distance that the jaws are you know set to right now so the next thing we want to do here is we're going to want to create our workpiece adapter any subsequent fixture adapter we should at least have one on here and our jaw adapter so that's a wa for workpiece adapter a fa for fixture adapter and ja for jaw adapter now to keep things simple uh this jaw is going to be moving along the y-axis and we're going to leave everything the way that it is right now i think this would be the most um you know the easiest way to do this so i'm going to leave the for the jaw adapter i'm going to leave this location where it is at 0 0 0. so we're just going to come here and say j a underscore 1 okay and that's it uh now the other one that we want to do here is we want to put a fixture adapter and a workpiece adapter so we're going to come to manipulation say modify and we're going to grab the z-axis and when i do that you'll see that no matter where i move my mouse my z-axis stays inside the z-axis plane or you know this this direction we're just moving it straight up and down it's not changing the x and y location at all so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to pick something along the the top of you know one of the soft jaws or the vice whatever and that will put that right at you know the top here so what i like when i'm typically using these types of fixtures is i wind up translating my work piece up so i can usually digitize the bottom face of it to align it with maybe the top of a cutout on the jaw so what i'm going to do here is i'm just going to hit that w again and we're going to give it a distance of say 2.5 inches if you're working in metric you know you could put in you know 60 70 millimeters i'm going to place that up there and then you know what do we want to do with this i'm just going to grab that the the v for a long y and you know you could pick something here along the middle just so that you know the work piece is kind of aligned in the middle of where your jaws would be so right here i'm going to say this is my new workpiece adapter wa underscore 1. now for the fixture adapter what do you want to do if you were going to basically fixture onto another fixture where would you place it you know you know whether you're going to do this or not i just like to create it anyway so what i'm going to do is come back to the the manipulation modify work plane again we're going to grab our w and what i'll do is i'll grab something on the bottom of the jaw like right here so that's going to put my fixture adapter you know right there uh if you want to you know center this you can certainly center it so we can come here and you know basically say let's grab the u and find the midpoint here and then we can say let's create an fa underscore one and then if you want to even double click the workpiece adapter and do the same thing by modifying u and snapping to the middle of the jaw just so that it's sitting you know in that mid position we can come here and for the workpiece adapter just right click on it and we're going to say replace the plane so we have those created but we have one more that we want to create because we're going to save this out as a fixed jaw and to save this out as a fixed jaw we're going to save it out not as a jaw type gdml but just as a fixture gdml so we want to have another fixture a position set for this so what we're going to do is go back to xyz and we're going to leave this where it is just like i did with this jaw for the j a we're going to leave this where it is and when i when i'm set at x y z i want to come here and i want to create a new position we're going to call this a fixture adapter underscore fixed jaw and that way when i'm in the tng environment and i load my gdml for that fixture jaw i will see that i will see this nomenclature in the interface when i'm using it so at this point we've created all of the adapter positions that we need to create everything as a working assembly so let's save our file now we're going to go ahead and just do a file save as and go ahead and put this wherever you are saving your files so we'll call this check one lock s oh i'm sorry that's 50l [Music] 1550 cm so this we've basically achieved kind of a base level for what we want to do um you can leave this as a single esprit file uh which may may be better let's go ahead and do that uh what we'll do is show you how to use the grouping to save the individual gdml so we'll leave this as a single esprit file that way we can always have it as a reference so the first thing that i'm going to do is save my base unit out as my fixture gdml so what i want to do is i want to come here and i want to turn off my movable jaw and my fixed jaw and then i'm gonna highlight everything okay you can highlight everything by by clicking and dragging over the entire solid because remember we had a couple of little guys over here that were part of the assembly now you can also hit control a on your keyboard or right click and say select all that will do the same thing or just click and drag and now we'll come to file save as and in that folder we're going to pick a fixture file gdml type okay so we're going to say this is just basically the same name okay you can i mean you know if you wanted to we can put underscore base unit or something so we'll put the base there and that's saved out so we've got this and we don't really need it anymore but again because we want to kind of leave it as an assembly we're just going to come back and turn on one of these others and leave that one off so now we're going to go ahead and save this one out we're going to do the same thing we're going to just highlight and come to file save as here we're gonna pick same thing fixture file this is very important this is not a moving uh jaw or anything this is another fixture file we're referencing a fixture adapter position f a underscore fixed jaw so here we're going to uh what do we want to call this we'll kind of leave this alone and maybe we'll just do underscore fixed jaw and for this you know you might want to just say blank or something you know because we haven't actually cut extrude our part profile or anything from that so i'm just going to leave it as blank so we have that and then we want to basically do the same thing for the movable jaw okay so we're going to take this jaw we're going to highlight this jaw come to file save as and we're going to do the same thing except this time we're picking a jaw file this is a jaw file gdml very important and we're going to say moving jaw now we have these three items saved already okay so the next step is starting machine tool builder and this is the interface and then browse to where you saved out your gtmls and then you can just double click your base file or you know come to file and open and browse to where your base file is and it comes in and this is what it looks like so you've got your uh you know your view here is set to be from the top view so what we're going to do is rotate that you can left click to rotate inside machine tool builder so hold your left mouse button and that allows you to rotate if you hold your left and right mouse button together that allows you to pan and then the wheel on the mouse will allow you to zoom in and zoom out so rotate to a view that you like we can come here to view and say set preview and that is going to now show this view anytime we're in tng and we want to load this it will show us the base unit looking in this orientation graphically so i'm not going to go through all of the settings in machine tool builder we're going to get to the point where we can use this there's really only one thing you need to change here and that is if you uh expand all of these things here you can see underneath the yellow ja1 that we created we have an orange ja1 with a direction arrow this is a jaw axis with actual axis values so here the main thing that we are concerned with is the axis direction this is set to one zero zero what does that mean x of you know a vector direction of one along x and zero zero means that the jaw will slide along the x-axis and we don't want that we want it to move along y and y only so we want to say zero comma one comma zero and hit enter now best practice if you recall it was nine inches of movement for that jaw i think it was 228.5 millimeters so here in in machine tool builder everything is is metric so the lower limit here just for best practices we don't have to change this because it's already greater than the value and the jaw will stop but i'm just going to set this to 228.5 okay and then i'm going to come to the yellow and i'm going to do the same thing here minus 228.5 and hit enter so that is uh pretty much it and you know if i you know if you just kind of want to see this moving you can see that this is our home position where the jaw is actually going to be sitting here and as we move that jaw that that movable jaw will slide toward the fixed jaw those nine inches so we're pretty much done i'm just going to say file save and then we're going to come down and i'm gonna hit my tng icon again this brings up an error or a notification i should say that says spree is already running but you can start two tngs you could have two documents open at the same time so we're just going to set this up really quick to show you at this point how you can use your new setup fixture i'm going to double click default inch for me if you are in europe and you're using metric uh so the first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to do this quickly geometry i'm going to say polygon i'm going to say diameter of three number of sides four i'm gonna say apply and then we're gonna say exit i'm going to hold my shift key down i'm going to group those four elements together come to modeling come to extrude i'm going to say okay rotate zoom in a little bit come to home part setup i'm going to double click the part i'm going to double click the solid i'm going to say okay then i'm going to say stock from block i'm just going to say ok twice i'm going to come to machine setup i will come down to samples i will come to mill three axis mill medium mill you probably have a mill if you are doing this tutorial so you can load your own mill or you can load the sample medium mill i'm going to come to let's add a fixture i'm going to go back to my data folder oem solids where i have temporary as i'm working with things i'm going to pick that base unit and you can see here that this is the orientation that we saved it out as i'm going to say okay this was a nine inch movement of that jaw so this looks like something's like six to ten inches i'm gonna put minus eight inches that looks pretty good i'm gonna say okay now on the device i'm gonna say add a new fixture and i'm gonna pick my fixed jaw fixture okay remember this one we're gonna say okay and i see that it's it's default opening up where i created my fixture adapter i don't want that so i want to put it on my fixed jaw position and there we go so now i say okay and now we want to highlight the vise again device base and add a jaw and here we can pick the moving jaw and you see here here's our moving jaw i'm going to say okay and there's only one moving jaw definition that we created so it appears on that and now when we click the open closed we've got that moving correctly i'm going to say okay and there it is okay so now what we want to do is we just want to use this with our work piece and see how that works so we'll come to the machine setup again and on the vise we want to add a work piece and when we do that the workpiece defaults to our workpiece adapter position so what we could use is our mating commands i'm going to rotate again remember i wanted this to be a little bit higher and this is why i'm going to pick this bottom face holding control down on my keyboard i'm going to pick the top face of the jaw and then i'm going to hit mate and that automatically snaps the part to the height of the top of the jaw so here it's minus two and a half i'll just change this to minus 2.675 that brings it down about 250 thousandths okay and now what we can do is pick this face and rotate and pick this face again holding control on the keyboard down i'm going to hit the mating and say okay and now when i close this would be very representative of the actual setup that i would have on my mill now again we save these out separately so you can go into your original file oops i accidentally hit the wrong one i want to go back to my original file here so this is the assembly that we you know the cad assembly so you can save this out after you've done your extrusion here for whatever part profile you wanted to put but inside of the spree if you don't extrude them you know your jaw is just going to be sitting a little bit further out unless the part is so big that you need to extrude these to get it in between the jaws okay so we're going to actually create some custom soft jaws really quick just to make sure everybody knows how to do it and what i'm talking about i'm going to go to modify work plane and just kind of bring my work plane up and i'm going to pick one of these top values so my work plane is at the top there then i will go to a top view and i'm going to do this crudely you know it's not going to be super precise but i'm just going to draw two rectangles like this and like this that will i'll be able to extrude and cut away so now what i'm going to do is holding my shift key down i'm going to pick one of the profiles and then i'm going to come to modeling extrude and then we will set this to say 200 000 and we're gonna go ahead and set this to um actually so if you're concerned that maybe your geometry isn't exactly at the top of your jaw you can set this from blind to mid plane and if you were on blind you would want to set this to reverse to be on the bottom but i'm just going to say mid plane and that gets me both sides just to make it good so i'm going to pick my soft jaw and i'm going to cut and say yes okay see what we're doing here now i'm going to do this one and i'm going to do the exact same thing so we're going to do midplane active solid is going to be this soft jaw i'm going to say ok and we have those now i want to re-save my jaws so what i'm going to do is you know using the select key i'm going to pick the jaws the solids sorry for the movable jaw and for this movable jaw here um we're going to go ahead and just say file save as and you know before i do this i should mention this you don't have to have any of these anymore these are unnecessary when you're doing these so you don't need to have them but just for simplistic purposes you can leave them in it's not going to harm anything but when you're saving for a jaw for this you can you know delete these if you want i'm going to leave them there because that was the simple way of doing this so here we're just going to save this out and say file save as and then i will come to jaw file because this is the movable jaw and here i'll say the moving jaw uh we'll say underscore uh oh 200 or something as like some just some nomenclature that i can remember in my head of what i'm doing or maybe a job number and then over here i'm going to pick this one now remember this one we're not going to use a jaw type we're going to pick a fixture and we'll pick the fixed jaw just so i have this and not blank but we'll put the job number underscore zero two hundred now we can switch over to the other esprit instance and we can utilize that here so now under the machine setup we can come over and on the vise when i add my work piece what we're going to do is i'm going to come to the jaw and i'm going to edit the jaw and say instead of the moving jaw we're going to do the moving jaw o 200 and you can see we now have that one i'm going to say okay and then for this fixed jaw we'll double click and edit that and we're going to pick the o200 fix jaw and we have that cut out now so i think you're getting where i'm going here now for the workpiece when i edit the workpiece what i can do is pick this top face and pick this bottom face of the part and say mate and then what i'll do is i'll pick this face this one here on the side and then i'll pick this interior wall face here and say mate and now when i say okay and hit that we see that my stock is sitting on that shelf held by the vice exactly the way that i would want it so that is how to create a milling fixture a single jaw milling fixture using esprit and tng to make your digital twin look more representative of the actual physical setup that you have on the machine for collision checking so let us know if you have any questions or requests for videos hopefully this helps you make more accurate programs with esprit and send more confident code to the shop floor
Views: 624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cnc, cad, cam, gcode, milling, turning, programming, simulation, machine, mill, chick, onelok, 5OL1550, workholding, gdml, single jaw, vise
Id: anbtgt5dUro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 7sec (2047 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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