Build a beautiful 3D open world in 5 minutes | Water, Lakes, Environment | Pt. 2

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welcome back to part two of the open world quick hit series today we're going to be building this scene you see right here where we've added in a stylized lake with post-processing effects to simulate being underwater let's head into unity and get started on adding our calming and stylized Lake before we get started please make sure you guys are using the built-in render pipeline for this tutorial and not urp or hdrp I'm going to try to show all of this in five minutes but I might go a little bit over let's start the clock and try our best I'm going to start off by switching into the wide scene view I like it a lot better for editing our terrain now let's take a look at our open world the goal is to add a stylized calming Lake to our scene to do this we'll need to add two assets from the package manager go to window package manager make sure you're on the unity registry Tab and search for post and install the post-processing package next go to the unity asset store and add the Aquas light asset you can find a link in the description after that navigate back to Unity go to package manager and under the my assets tab find the aquaslite package then import and install it now let's go to our scene View and find a nice spot in our open world for a lake before we proceed I'm going to quickly toggle off the lighting and fog Effects by clicking this button above the scene view to start let's select our terrain the first step is to remove all the trees and grass where our Lake will go in the inspectors select the paint tree freeze Tab and hold down shift and click to remove trees from our scene next go into the paint terrain Tab and from the drop down menu select set height I'll set the height to about 20 but you'll have to adjust this for your own project also make sure to choose a brush with a soft noisy Edge and reduce the opacity to about 15 or 20 so that our lake bed has a nice uniform slope to the edges just a quick note if you accidentally shift-click and set height mode you may notice that you've lost all your terrain objects no worries you can get them back by just left clicking again without holding shift once you're finished go to the detail painting Tab and we're going to use the same technique as we did before for the trees hold down shift and left click to remove all the grass from your lake bed now let's go back to the paint terrain Tab and choose razor lower terrain select a brush with a lot of noise and paint bumps and Randomness into the lake bed after that choose smooth height from the drop down menu and blend those bumps together to create an uneven but smooth lake bed next we need a suitable texture for the bottom of our Lake I highly recommend using a free asset pack called hand-painted grass and ground textures add that to Unity then import and install it let's go back to the paint terrain tab switch to paint texture and then go to edit terrain layers add a new layer and personally I like the texture named dirt light it up but feel free to experiment around with different textures When painting the texture make sure to choose a brush with a softer Edge and reduce the opacity to around 50. for this project I'll paint the Hillside and the lake bed with the same texture now you'll notice that the texture looks like an ugly grid and we don't want that I'll show you a little trick to fix this go to the tiling settings in the inspector and change the size to 10 and x and 25 and Y in my opinion this makes the texture look a lot better okay let's go back to the 2x3 layout so we can see the game View and now the moment you've all been waiting for we're gonna add some water let's move the player to get a better view of the water in the project tab navigate to aquaslite prefabs and then drag in the water plane adjust the scale so that the water plane covers the entire leg bed and position it by either typing in the transform coordinates or dragging it using the move tool wow it really is that easy with the aqua slide Shader but to be honest I don't think this water fits our project so let's stylize it a bit it I encourage you not to just take my settings but really play around and customize this in a similar way select the water plane and the hierarchy and scroll down to the Shader at the bottom make sure to open up the aquaslite front face Shader not the back face now let's adjust some settings to reduce the wave details let's turn down the normal tiling I'll also decrease the normal strength to make sure the lake appears a little bit calmer for a consistent style and color theme let's sample the light and dark colors of our Skybox and change the main color in the Deep watercolor in our Shader to decrease the intensity of the light reflection I'll reduce the specular field by about a half there's a bit of foam where the water meets the land and I want to increase its size so let's increase the foam blend value and decrease the foam tiling to reduce the detail finally I'll reduce the foam contrast to blend it better with the water now my main issue with this watersheder is that the reflections are too intense giving it a more realistic look which doesn't fit our style let's reduce the real-time reflection intensity to about 0.5 and the probe reflection intensity all the way to zero that last change really made our Lake fit into our scene let's make one more quick adjustment by lowering the wave speed to make the lake a little bit more calming and finally let's take a full screen view of what we've created you can see that the shallow water has a different color than the deep water the foam Blends nicely there are reflective sunlight and most importantly it matches our landscape however there are two problems that we need to address first when we go underwater it doesn't feel or look like we're actually in water and second the back face of our water doesn't match the front let's fix these issues select your water plane and scroll to the bottom of the inspector this time select the aquaslite back face Shader now all we have to do here is copy over settings from our front face change the normal tiling normal strength and wave speed to match the same values for the Deep watercolor I'm going to leave this to the same as the default back face color because we're about to add something else that'll take care of this to make it appear as if we're underwater We'll add a post-processing volume to our water pay really close attention to the following steps as they make the process a lot easier click on your water plane in the hierarchy and add a box collider component this will automatically size it to match the plane's Dimensions however we want to create a separate game object for a post-processing effect right click on your water plane create an empty game object and name it post-processing volume now go back to your water plane copy the Box collider component and then remove it click on your post-processing volume game object right click on the transform and select paste component as new now you have a collider with the same size as your water plane on the post-processing game object make sure to check the is trigger box on the box collider then let's edit the Box collider and ensure the bottom part of the box is below the lowest point in our Lake add a new post-process volume component and create a post-processing layer by selecting the layer drop down clicking add layer and typing post processing don't forget to add your game object to the post-processing layer by selecting it from the drop down on the post-processing volume component create a new profile and then we can add an effect click add effect and select depth of field check the focus distance box and set it to about 0.1 now I've moved my player into the water but we still need to add the effect to the player camera open the player prefab click on the camera object and add a post process layer component in the layer option you have to make sure to select the post-processing layer we can see that the blur has now been added to our player camera when we're in the water let's add two finishing touches in addition to the depth of field effect I want to add a little bit of a color shift so let's go back to our post processing layer add an effect choose color grading and check the temperature box I'll choose a value of about -33 here finally go to our post process volume settings and turn on a blend distance which will smoothly transition our effect I'll choose a value of about 0.25 for the blend distance post processing is truly amazing and now you can see that we have a nice smooth blend between our land and being underwater congratulations if you made it this far let's take a look at our final scene and what we built if you guys are enjoying this series make sure you add a comment below asking for what kind of content you want to see in future Parts also if you can help me get this video in the YouTube algorithm just like And subscribe and that's going to help me a ton I'd really appreciate it you guys until next time peace
Channel: spaderdabomb
Views: 61,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Open World, 3D, Unity, Tutorial, procedural, water, terrain, environment, post processing, shader
Id: pOo48Vdtwwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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