Create 4 Popular Glitch Effects Very Fast | After Effects Tutorial

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hey what's going on Internet this is Josh Noel from sons of film and in today's video we're gonna talk about creating four different glitch effects and distortions that are extremely powerful but very easy to create let's go ahead and jump in the video and see what we can do alright so creating glitch effects is a lot of fun because you get the stockpile all these different glitch elements to create one overall glitch slash distortion effect now in this video I want to go with these four techniques hopefully we get it done in a minute each so four minutes there so it's go ahead and jump into it and see we can do it so the first technique we're going to talk about image distortion which is this effect right here it's really easy to do and very easy to customize the first thing you want to do is create a solid then you want to grab fractal noise set the noise type to block increase the contrast to almost 200 and decrease the brightness to about negative 100 go to the transform tab uncheck uniform scaling increase the scale with to about 800 and if you want you can decrease the complexity to have sharper distortions or keep it around 5 and 6 to have a little bit of noise nuts torsion and then go into the evolution options and I'll click the stopwatch random seed and type in time asterisk 10 and adjust something like this and if you want this to be faster you can increase the number on the expression when you're done go ahead and pre compose this layer and click on move all efforts into new composition then turn off the layer and create an adjustment layer and then grab a displacement map and apply it to your adjustment layer then our displacement map layer set this to noise and then you can just a horizontal and vertical displacement as you see fit and to fix the cropping on the edges bring in motion tile make sure motion tiles place above the displacement map check on mirror edges increase the output height and width so now you should be able to create some very customizable image distortion but what about the most important effect of the glitch effect if you don't have this ingredient well you don't have a glitch effect and what's that that's RGB splitting it's very easy to do let's take a look at it alright when you're ready to create our TV's putting grab all your layers and pre compose it and the first thing you do is you duplicate your layer and the first effects you want to apply is motion tile and check on mirror edge and increase the output within Heights and then you want to grab shift channels and where it says green and blue you want to click on those and set it to full off and then you'll want to duplicate your layer set the red to full off and turn the green back on duplicate it one more time turn off the green and set it to blue then take the two top layers and set the blend mode from normal to screen and for the top layer hit PR and keyboard for position I'll click the stopwatch and type in wiggle open parentheses 2 comma 200 and you can just your own settings and now you'll have a slight RGB glitch on the top layer you can copy the expression and paste it to the second layer if you want to control your glitch effect bring up the opacity add a keyframe for that and move it forward in time sit down the opacity to 0% then move to where you want the distortion to end add a keyframe move forward by a little bit more and set it down to 0% and now you can copy the keyframes to the other layers and now we have a control to glitch effect so now that RGB splitting is out of the way let's talk about my favorite element of creating glitch effect and it's mostly used for transitions but you can use it for whatever and that's messing with the optics specifically using optics compensation to help distort your image create a new adjustment layer and grab optics compensation from here increase the field of view to about 120 and then click on reverse lens distortion and then I'll click the stopwatch for a view Center and type in and wiggle open parentheses 5 comma 1000 close parentheses and let's be sure to control our optics by adding keyframe for the field of view and then going back in time sitting it down to 0 and then go into where we want the compensation to end and set it down to zero as well and to polish the effect let's add radial blur let's increase the amount to about 43 set to type to zoom and then animate the radial blur amount to 0 to 41 and back to 0 to have a smooth transition and if you want make sure to apply the same motion tile technique to cover up any black edges and there you have optics compensation and what it can do for our transition are just to your overall image is just awesome and now for our final end technique and I want to be doing any justice if I didn't talk about tidal glitches and this is a very cool technique that you can put together really quick first let's take notice that my titles underneath my image distortion effect and then let's go ahead and open up our title and let's go to the anim tab and let's add opacity from here we can bring down the opacity to 0% open up range selector 1 and set the offset to 100% and then I'll click the stopwatch and type in wiggle open parentheses 2 comma 100 close parentheses and if everything is laid out correctly you should have a very nice glitch effect and there you have a very lovely glitch effect and now you can start making a presence on the door group if you don't have the patience to create glitch effects or you're looking for some other ideas on how to try clutch effects go ahead and check our links in the video description we'll take you to video hive where you're gonna see all these glitch effect templates that you're seeing right now for After Effects there are thousands of these glitch templates just for after effects on videohive these are pre-made and ready to go means you guys drag and drop your logo or titles and footage and you can render them out and be done in a couple of minutes and that's really what I like about these templates also you know I got a lot of cool ideas from the example so if you wanted to create your own glitch effects go ahead and check out links as well so you can learn a little bit more about some other glitch effect ideas but if you're interested in any of these templates go ahead and check our links in the video description so I hope you guys enjoyed this fast pace in your face tutorial if you did enjoy this video be sure to subscribe to our channel sundeck film we do post to After Effects slash post-production tutorials every week here on this channel if you did enjoy the video of course help me out by dropping a like that's very helpful hit me up on my social media networks those links are in the video description and always be creating [Music]
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 828,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, After Effects Glitch Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial Glitch, Create 4 Popular Glitch Effects, After Effects Glitch Effects, After Effects Glitch, After Effects Glitches, Create Glitch Effects, Popular Glitch Effects, Glitch Effects Fast, Fast Glitch Effects, Videohive, SonduckFilm Tutorial, Glitch Effects, After Effects, Adobe After Effects
Id: Ge5mv5hWlug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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