Create 3 FULLY Editable Text Effects in Inkscape 1.3

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in a previous video I showed how to create editable text effects in Escape 1.3 which you guys seem to enjoy so I thought I'd show you how to use similar techniques to create three additional effects for the first effect I'm going to grab the squares and rectangles tool and create a rectangle for the background I'll open up the fill and stroke dialog and give the rectangle an orange fill I'm going to click this button to change to a radio gradient and I'll click this one to reverse the gradient putting the transparent stop at the center now with the transparent stop selected here I'll raise the alpha Channel all the way up and make it closer to White all right for the text I want to put it on a separate layer above the rectangles layer so that I can easily keep the rectangle in the background to add a new layer I'll go up to the layer menu and choose add layer and in here I just want to make sure the position is set to above current and now I'll click the add button okay now I'll go to the text tool and create a text object down here for now the text settings up here don't matter at the moment but I'll set the style to bold to make everything easier to see now I'll grab the select tool and scale up the text subject while holding down control to maintain the aspect ratio for the color I'll first go to the Color Picker tool here and choose the orange of the rectangle now in the fill and stroke dialog I'll click this button to give it a linear gradient then I'll grab the transparent stop here and raise this Alpha Channel all the way up all right now I'm going to add a new color stop by double clicking in here near the center of the gradient line and I'll add two more stops one on each side of the center one and really close to it now I'll grab the center stop and make it completely White then I'll grab the last stop here on the right and make a magenta I'm now going to copy the rgba value here then I'll grab the stop just to the right of the center one now replace this rgba value with the one I copied all right now I'll go over here to the gradient tool and change up the rotation angle of the gradient alright to start adding some effects to the text object I'm going to open up the pet effects dialog by going to path path effects and the first thing I'll do in here is click the Clone button to create a clone of the text object and with the Clone now selected I'll come up here and add the offset path effect to it with the offset path effect added to it I can grab the node tool then use this orange circular handle to offset the Clone all right and I actually want to make this clone white but at the moment if I show the settings for the cone original path effect here among other things the Clone is currently copying the original text object style which includes its fill and stroke properties so in order to give the Clone its own style I first need to delete the word style in here along with a comma after it and press enter and now I can switch over to the fill and stroke dialog and make it white I also want to put the Clone beneath the original text object which I can do by activating the select tool and clicking the lower to bottom button up here now I'm able to select the original text object here alright next I want to create a duplicate of the Clone so I need to select the Clone again to select an object that's underneath another one I can hold down the ALT key and click the top object and now I have the Clone selected as I can see in the path effects dialog all right and to duplicate the Clone I can either click this button up here or I can use the shortcut Ctrl d I'm going to make this one black and I'll lower its opacity to about 60 percent now I'll move it down and to the right a bit and send it to the bottom okay now I want to duplicate the first clone again so I'm going to select the original text object at the top then hold alt and click it again to select the Clone and I'll duplicate the Clone with Ctrl d I'll give this one a dull reddish fill now I'll give it a linear gradient make the transparent stop here fully opaque and change it to a dark purple I want this gradient to be vertical so I'll go to the gradient tool grab the first stop here and move it to the top then I'll grab the other stop hold Ctrl to snap the angle and move it to the bottom all right now I'll go to the select tool and send this clone to the bottom then I'll grab the node tool and offset it some more if I don't see the orange handle here I have to go to the path effects dialog and make sure I have the offset path effects settings visible in here all right now I'm going to duplicate this clone by pressing Ctrl D now I'll go to the fill and stroke dialog and I'm going to give this clone the same gradient as the original text object by clicking the gradient list button here and choosing this one but for this one I just want it to be a straight orange to magenta gradient so I'm going to remove the three Center stops to do this I'll select them one at a time and press delete can now grab the select tool and send this clone to the bottom then use the node tool to offset it some more okay now I'm going to select all of these text objects and I'll move them on to the background rectangle and I can resize everything if I want finally I'll add a shadow between the text and the background to do this I'll first duplicate one of the Clones it doesn't really matter which one so I'll just grab the one in the back here and press Ctrl D I'll make it black blur it a bit and lower its opacity then I'll move it down and to the right sum and send it to the bottom all right the effect is finished so now I can grab the original text object here at the top and use the text tool to change up some things if the last character doesn't show up in the Clones like this I can add a blank space to the end of the text then delete the space for the font I'll go with a Baloo and I'll set the alignment to centered and if I want I can still come in here and adjust some things like the offsets of these clones and that concludes the first text effect for the next effect I've started up a new inkscape document I recommend that you do the same because having a lot of path effects and things in one document can slow down inkscape quite a bit alright for this one we'll go with a neon effect like with the previous one I'll start by creating a background rectangle I'll keep the fill as black but raise up the opacity to 100 now I'll give it a radial gradient reverse it and make the center stop a dark gray okay now I'm going to add a layer above this one then I'll create a text object for the font I'll choose something with thick letters like Montserrat Now set the style to heavy I'll also go ahead and set the alignment to centered now I'll use the select tool to scale it up all right for the color of the text I actually want to turn off the fill by clicking the X here now I'll go to the stroke paint Tab and click this button to give it a linear gradient stroke the stroke might look a little crazy at the moment but we'll fix that later for now I'll give it a rainbow gradient I'll set the first step here to red for the last stop I'll raise the alpha Channel all the way up and make a magenta now I'll add another stop in here and make it yellow then I'll add one more stop over here and make it cyan I also want the stroke width to be pretty thin so I go to the stroke style Tab and decrease it a bit that should work all right now to fix the stroke I'll switch over to the path effects dialog and click the Clone button and I'll move the Clone off the original for the moment now I'm going to add the offset path effect to the Clone then I'll grab the node tool and all I have to do is slightly adjust the offset handle now the stroke looks much better I want to align these objects back up again so I'll select them both then open up the Align and distribute dialog and click both the Align vertically button and the Align horizontally button that was like just a clone which is currently on top and I'll send it to the bottom all right now if I click here again to select the original text object what I want to do now is make the text object invisible however if I lower its opacity right now because the Clone is copying its style it also lowers the clone's opacity so I'll raise it back up to fix this I'll first select the Clone by holding alt and clicking the text object stroke now I'll switch over to the path effects dialog and the Clone original settings the only part of the original object style that I want to copy is a stroke to do this I'll type the word stroke into the CSS properties box here and press enter Then in the attributes box I will remove the word style along with the comma after it and press enter this unsets The Fill color of the Clone which makes it appear black so now I need to go to the fill tab or the fill and stroke dialog and click the X here to turn off its fill color all right now if I select the original text object here and lower its opacity it shouldn't affect the Clone at all connects I want to duplicate the Clone so first I'll hold alt and click the text object stroke to select the Clone then press Ctrl D to duplicate it for this clone I'll go to the stroke style Tab and increase the stroke width a bit changing the stroke width of the Clone works because adding the word stroke to the CSS properties box in the Clone original settings actually only copies the original object's stroke color not a stroke width all right now I'm also going to blur this clone a bit as well as the world's opacity to about 75 percent and finally I'll send the Clone to the bottom canala duplicate the currently selected clone by pressing Ctrl D and I'll increase the stroke width some more as well as increase the blur and lower the opacity to about 50 percent then I'll send it to the bottom all right now I'm going to select all of the text and move it onto the background rectangle one more thing I'll do is add a shadow between the text and the background for this I'll select the first clone by clicking the original text object then holding down alts and clicking on the stroke and I'll duplicate it with Ctrl D I want to make the stroke color of this one black so first I need to stop it from copying the original object's stroke to do this I'll go to the Clone original path effect settings remove the word stroke in here and press enter now I can change the color to Black I also want to raise up the stroke width quite a bit and I also blurred some and lower its opacity now I'll move it down into the right sum okay now I'm going to lower it to the bottom of the stack but I'm also going to click the raise button here to put it just above the bottom color clone all right now I can edit the text however I want also because the color clones are copying the original text object's stroke color changing its stroke color will change it for the Clones as well for the final effect we'll get the text a rough fuzzy or Frosty look and I'll start by creating a background rectangle with a white to Blue radial gradient fill sorry for the text I'll first create a new layer above this one then I'll create a text object I'm going to use Pacifico for the font has centered the alignment then I'll scale it up and for the color I'll first make it a light blue then I'll give it a linear gradient raise up the alpha channel of the transparent stop and make it closer to White and I'll use the gradient tool to make the gradient vertical this is pretty hard to see so I'm going to go ahead and move it on to the background connects I'll go over to the path effects dialog and create a clone of the text object the first thing I want to do with this clone is offset it a bit so I'll add the offset path effect to it then go to the node tool and drag out the offset handle all right now I'm going to add the rough and path effect to it this roughens up the edges of the object and I can come in here and adjust some of the settings if I want I usually just click these randomize buttons until I get something I like okay and at the moment the Clone is on top of the original text object so I'll move it to the bottom it doesn't appear that anything has happened but that's only because the Clone is using the same colors as the text object here alright I want to duplicate the Clone so I'll hold down alt and click the text object to select the Clone then I'll press Ctrl D I want to be able to change the color of this one so I'll go into the settings of the Clone original path effect and in the attributes box I'll delete the word style here along with the comma after it and press enter now I'll just give it a flat sky blue fill okay now I'll move it down and to the left a bit let's send it to the bottom all right now I'll duplicate the light blue clone with Ctrl D and make it a bit darker I'll move it down into the left and send it to the bottom okay next I'm going to duplicate this dark blue clone and I'm going to move this one so it's just down into the left of the very first clone I created now up here I'll click the lower button twice to put it below the original text object and the first clone now I'll go into the fill and stroke dialog and give it a slight blur finally for a shadow I'll duplicate the currently selected clone make it black bring it down and to the left of all the other objects send it to the bottom and adjust the blur and opacity let's do it for the final text object and this video thanks for watching [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Sweater Cat Designs
Views: 7,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vector, graphic design, typography, logotype, font, text, custom, 3D, neon, frosty, digital art, logo, offset, blur, clone original, fuzzy, roughen, linear gradient, radial gradient
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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