13 Tips & Tricks Every Inkscape 1.3 User Should Know

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and this video we'll learn 13 essential tips and tricks for users of inkscape version 1.3 if we create a path that has sharp corners we can easily round the corners by activating the node tool and clicking this button up here that says add Corners LPE then we can click and drag these white circular handles that now appear near the nodes if we select multiple nodes we can round our Corners together and if we hold down control and click one of the handles it will change the corner type at that node If We Hold shift and click a handle it will bring up a dialog where we can type in an adjustment amount we can also choose the corner type in here and if we choose either chamfer or inverse chamfer we can adjust the chamfer subdivisions if we want to reset a particular Corner we can either drag the handles back to the node or we can hold Ctrl and ALT and click a handle and if we want to remove the corner adjustments altogether we can click the add Corners LP button again foreign if you want to edit the individual letters of a text object we first have to go to path object to path which turns all of the text into a single path and to separate the letters into individual paths we go to path split path for some fonts where some of the letters are overlapping we try to go to path object to path then path split path it will combine the overlapping letters into a single path to fix this before converting the text into a path we first need to go to the text tool and add enough spacing between the letters so that they're not touching now turning it into a path and doing split path will make each letter a completely separate path if we have a text object selected and we open up the path effects dialog and click the Clone button in here it creates a clone of the text object which we can then add various path effects to and if we edit the text of the original object it will edit the text of the Clone as well as I've shown in previous videos it's possible to create some pretty cool editable text effects using this method another thing we can do with text objects is use them as linked items and certain path effects for example if I copy the text object into the clipboard by right-clicking it and choosing copy then I add the Boolean operation path effect to this rectangle I can click this button here that says link to item and it will link the path effect to the text objects and by the way for the operation if you choose either difference or symmetric difference and the text doesn't get cut out of the rectangle just select the rectangle go to the fill tab or the fill and stroke dialog and click this fill rule even odd button alright and if I select the text object again I can still edit the text this also works with the pattern along path path effects for example I can copy the text object apply pattern along path to this path here and click the link to path and clipboard button to easily cut a shape into fragments we can draw some pads over it with the pen tool then select everything and go to path fracture if we have two shapes selected and we go to path difference it cuts the top shape out of the bottom one but it also removes the top shape but if we undo that select everything again and go to path flatten it cuts the top shape out of the bottom one without removing the top one also unlike with the difference we can use flatten on more than two shapes at a time if we transform an object such as by moving it we can repeat the transform on the same object by pressing Ctrl alt t and we can repeat it on duplicates of the object by pressing Ctrl or D we can also do this with other types of transforms like scaling and rotations if these keyboard shortcuts aren't working which is common among Linux and Mac users we can change them by opening up the preferences dialog expanding interface choosing keyboard searching for reapply here then double clicking each of these lines and inputting a new combination of keys at the left of the bottom color palette we by default have four color options that are larger than the other color swatches these are called pin colors if we right click one we can choose unpin color which moves it back to its original location in the palette similarly we can right click a color that isn't pinned and choose pin color and it will add the color to the pin colors we can also click the hamburger icon all the way on the right choose configure and uncheck this option to make the pin color swatches the same size as the regular ones if we're working on something with specific dimensions like a poster we might want to hide all the parts of objects that extend beyond the page borders to do this easily we can open up the document properties dialog and check this clip to page option if we have a complex path with many nodes and we want to edit multiple nodes at once it can be annoying to select some then hold shift and select the others so instead if we hold down the ALT key we go into freehand selection mode which creates this red path as we click and drag and any nodes that we draw around will get selected as soon as we release the mouse if we use the fill and stroke dialog to blur an object then go to the node tool we now have these two circular handles that we can use to adjust the blur on both the vertical axis and the horizontal axis forward control as we drag a handle it will blur on both axes by the same amount if you're going to shift and control it will blur on both axis proportionally if we click and hold on an object we can press the c key to create a clone of the object at the current location and because they're clones changing attributes of the original object will change them for the Clones as well if we use the page tool to create multiple pages and we add some objects to them we can easily use the export dialog to export all of the pages into a single multi-page PDF document to do so we make sure we're in the single file tab with page selected choose PDF as the export format give it a name and location and click export now we have a multi-page PDF file that we can open up in any PDF reader okay so those were 13 inkscape 1.3 tips and tricks thanks for watching [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Sweater Cat Designs
Views: 14,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vector, graphic design, logo, typography, logo type, editable text effects, digital art, logotype, path effect
Id: colnFPlX11o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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