Creality Ender 3 S1 | Unboxing and First Thoughts

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hey everyone thanks for joining us tonight here plastic makes perfect as we check out creality's newest version of its most popular printer the creality ender 3. this is the ender 3s1 and we've had some failures not the printer's fault and we've had some successes definitely thanks to the printer hello and welcome i am now officially one of the cool kids with a new ender 3s1 wanted to do an unboxing with you all here today let's take a look at the build process we'll unbox it together we'll do a test print maybe if i have some time it might just need to be a small one or we might need to revisit the test print a little later let's crack this bad boy open here now let's see what we got inside oh a warm tip gives you some retraction speed here 35 to 45 millimeters a second some distance uh for pla and for something like tpu that's good thank you creality all right let's see we got our standard looks like instruction manual warranty card 3d printer quick installation guide okay they got a breakdown of the board that's good there's a handful of different things in here for this one i'm not going to go over this entire book i don't think that's going to be needed for this all right tools we have oh these are new little creality decals very cool standard scraper are our snips a few different bolts some tools here looks like we got an end setup and a connector cable an extra nozzle it's the first time i've seen them use a regular sd card instead of a micro sd card so that's interesting and new and we have our handy dandy nozzle cleaner careful that'll poke you continuing on that's discouraging to see i i think i think at this point creality could probably do a little bit better than than this little bundle of filament i'm sure it's probably enough to get you through whatever test filament or test a print they include on the card there but that's kind of disappointing i would expect to kind of see like a quarter kilogram roll at this point but that's none of my business all right what do we got here some plastic pieces we'll put over to the side for now um here's our power cable else we got looks like oh here we go this is what i was interested in seeing so this right here is the new direct drive extruder and hot end that creality is using let's see what all they have in here has a nice silicone sock on it maybe it's just me but i really wish that um manufacturers would get to a point of having it you know blow from two different sides or more surrounding than just kind of blown at one side and looking at this here it looks like i can see a little bit of dust inside the blower i can't really tell i'm not sure not a big deal either way but i like how it's all integrated one nice unit it's got weight to it but it's not as heavy as i honestly was expecting it to be we have the cr touch built right into it i like the single ribbon connection here at this point that's really nice i think that's a nice change of pace from the bundle of cables that was coming up previously so we'll put this off to the side keep moving through i've got another piece up top i'm gonna guess that's part of the filament holder and the run out sensor get a good look at that there nice integrated one easy peasy what else yep got the holder itself oh oh okay all right just this this caught my eye here just so anybody knows if you get one of these guys careful i just saw that little thing in there and here we have our nice new color display all right it has your input voltage warning on here to switch it from 230 volts to 115 depending on where you live at i'm going to assume that's actually on the machine itself but we'll get there nothing else in here so let's get this out of the way moving along all right i like that this is assembled already that makes it easier so here we got this is an enhancement i'm basically going to be talking about changes from the original ender 3 maybe a little bit from the two because those are the two i primarily have owned in the past i had an under 3 v2 it was okay wasn't a big fan of the touch screen so i'm hoping this one's a little bit better here so it does look like we have dual z axis here the belt running in between to synchronize them looks like uh mounting the hot end and the extruder and everything should be pretty straightforward from what i can see pretty pretty easy there put this off to the side for now what else what else what else let's see more style of foam here okay now let's try to get this guy out nicely all right let me get this box out of the way all right i think at this point we've got everything all right it comes with a magnetic print surface okay so this is different so this looks like a sheet of spring steel this is what i have basically changed all my printers over to except i don't use this grippy kind of build tack surface i prefer the pei coating but i haven't tried this yet so we'll see how it goes but i am glad to see that they went with a spring steel plate here okay so let's see what other kind of changes we can find so uh looks like we have ourselves a little drawer here looks like a nice little nice little tool drawer you could be using so i'm going to readjust a little bit here so you can maybe see a little better a little tool drawer looks like we have belt tensioner up front here and i did see we have a belt tensioner so we have belt tensioner for the y-axis and a belt tensioner for the x-axis i like seeing that it's nice that they built those in originally on the original creality ender 3 it didn't have any belt tensioners like that so what i really like is i appreciate the fact that creality takes the time to see the modifications and improvements that their customers are doing and and working to implement them uh themselves so it's nice to see that they're doing that what else so we have a big a big sd card reader up front it looks like a usbc port here too that's a welcome change over the micro usb they had previously ribbon cable i imagine for the screen the display now what are these so all right i'm sure the instructions are going to go through this but i kind of just like to look around and see what's out there first so we have these uh nice little connector ports here one for the z-axis motor it looks like there's an expansion interface possible and then for the filament detector all right on the back here here is where our um our volt change can be so looks like you got to take this guy off and then for me that says 230 i am 115 so i'll take and i will switch that over yep now it says 115 make sure it says 115 if that's what you need then you should be good there all right it didn't look like there's much anything else different that i could tell i mean it's obviously a different form factor in the sense of it's a more solid base here it's not kind of split up and compartmentalized like it was before we'll do another video later where we'll take this apart and look underneath but for now i don't have a whole lot of time at the moment so i just want to get this built put together try it out looks like that they already did put the more rigid yellow springs in there i'm not sure if they really are more rigid because i haven't taken them off and squished them or anything but they do they do feel like the ones i've replaced in the past so that's good power switch on the side and then the plug for the power on the back okay i guess i should probably do this by the book shouldn't i [Applause] all right so instructions nozzle assembly and wire clamp installation place the nozzle assembly on the mounting back panel of the extruder pre-lock with four m3 by six hexagons socket head cap screw and tighten so i need four bolts here two trends that it say to use it said to use 19. so that is oh oh there it is so if you're looking at this if you get confused the parts list actually kind of extends over here there's another line over at the top so i'm gonna need to get four of those guys this here so i said there are six of them in total or five in total one two three four five there we are and we are going to do what did i say that the graphics are a little a little small i'm not sure if this is helpful for you guys but you kind of got to really get in there so here's my finger for comparison of the size of how small the graphics are especially when you're looking at tiny little instructions like this where the screws go in it does make it more difficult all right continuing on let's work to put them together the nice thing about these 3d printers is they pretty much always include everything you're going to need in terms of the tools the parts all of it so i should actually probably grab this bag of tools here [Music] which one are you you are this one here we go all right so i'm gonna need this guy here and slide that over so we can see it all together all right so you want the blower fan facing towards you and the cr touch on your right and [Music] that lines up there okay so once you have it seated the right way it really kind of stays where it has a little bit of wiggle but it really kind of stays where it's supposed to be overall so what is this showing it's showing before i'm going into the side i guess [Applause] okay yeah it's the only four slot slots openings on the side uh when i do this whenever i'm putting bolts or screws or whatever in i really do try to do things in a star pattern wherever i can so i don't go like this but more start this corner that corner this corner kind of crisscross around and then i just kind of get them just snug enough so that they're secure um burnt a lot of time in the past by over tight well by tightening bolts all the way only to come back a little bit later just to loosen them some so i could make something wiggle a little bit into just the right spot so i like to just kind of get it to the point where it's a little bit a little bit loose and then when i'm all done i'll go through and i'll retighten everything else okay so that part is done clip the wire clamp to the back panel of the x motor so where's the wire clamp that's this guy here's our wire clamp and it wants us to flip this over well all right i lied i'm just going to tighten this one right now i don't think i'm going to be coming back to it later i don't think i'll have to redo anything so i'm just going to tighten this guy now sorry i lied but yeah i'm going in a bit of a star pattern here so it kind of evenly tightens them up you don't ever want to over tighten these they don't always use the best tools or the best nuts or bolts so i've snapped a couple things in the past it's not ideal all right so now that we got that snug as a bug in a rug we'll flip it over and then looking at this here it is saying on the right side this guy so it looks like it goes right up here so where your lead screw comes through how does it have it all right so it has a little this little guy cupping up like this so i guess it's going to slide there you go right into place i don't want to break it it seems very snug all right it's snug guys so when you're doing it just just know that it's snug and you got to give it a little bit of a little bit of force not too much you don't want to break it okay so all right flip is on next gantry frame installation so i like i like that with the with the wake reality shipping them now you don't have a whole bunch of different posts that you have to put together and square up blah blah blah this one comes like that from the factory so that is very helpful all right so to do looks like we're going to put the base down and then put the screws in so that's that's interesting i don't know that i'm going to be able to do it the exact way that they have in here because they essentially have you in the instructions put this put the gantry on top of the base but there's really nothing holding it there so when i go to lift it up to put the bolts in that's going to be a problem so i might try something a little bit different than what they're suggesting i might put the bolts for one of them in first right and then tighten that up a little bit because i should be able to lean it enough to keep one there and then i'll go and i'll add the other ones so i want to make sure i have the right wrench first because it's gonna be a little bit precarious but we'll be okay we'll be okay it's a big boy all right so we will like i said you can see i put a bolt through here and you want the hot end assembly to be facing the front of the machine so i'll hold that there i'll line this up a little bit i'll finger tighten it so it doesn't flop all around on me all right now that it's finger tightened it's not going to fall so now i'm more comfortable putting the other ones in again just putting them in to finger tighten them mostly and once all four are in there i'll lock it down i need to actually use the tool here a little bit on this guy how exciting watching this random person on youtube put bolts in a machine what knob all right there we go they're not tight but they're snug then i'll do the same thing on this other side now just make sure you got a good handle on this all the weight does seem to be at the bottom so that is helpful but the center of gravity is a little weird so just make sure that you have a good hold on it maybe even get a second set of hands see i'm a big idiot i like to make things as complicated as possible by trying to do pretty much everything on my own man that has bit me a couple times but you know i got my pride so i don't learn anything and just keep going on because that's what we do right we never learn i'm just kidding i gotta always be learning stuff but the way i learn things best is making mistakes honestly taking the hit and moving on all right so now that i got all four of them snug i'm actually going to tighten them so i'll flip it over to the short side so i have a little bit more torque on my side get it in and again you don't want to over tighten it it's starting to just push back here so i'll stop right there same for this one there's my resistance so i'll stop get out of here all right and there we have it so that's that moving on what else do we have all right those are tightened good display installation time so it looks like this unit holds the display place the display bracket on the side of the right profile and tighten it with three m4 by 18 bolts there you go yeah crowdie did a good job here i really like that they did this they took all the individual bags i don't know how i can see it but they actually wrote what they are on it so m4 by 18. i know i got a lot of glare i apologize but if you're not sure you can just look at this or you can match up the parts and the pictures from the beginning in the parts list so all right this your holes are going to go in alignment with the holes do these things slot in no maybe not all right they don't slot in they're just held by bolts that's fine that is fine no worries all right all right all right all right i'm gonna go for the top ones first they seem like they're in a less opportune spot and i apologize as my big dumb head uh blocks the camera which i'm very confident is doing now hopefully not but so for this one i'm going to recommend again don't fully tighten because it just kind of flops here and you have to align three three bolts so you you're definitely going to need to wiggle it i imagine oh i was wrong there actually is a spot where it sits properly otherwise it does move but yeah okay all right that makes it easier so we'll turn it on its side drop these other three bolts in oh yeah they line right up learn from my mistakes y'all this is why we're doing this together so you don't have to go through the same pain and misery that i do i'm just kidding this isn't bad at all tell you what compared to the original ender 3 the ender 3 pro even creality has come a very very long way in terms of ease of installation um i i think anybody could confidently do this pretty easily here the under three the under five i would i would be inclined to say that might be a little bit more difficult or have a bit more of a learning curve for folks so my top bolt doesn't seem to want to go in all the way i'm not going to force it honestly it's a piece of plastic holding the screen which shouldn't really move much so it's fine it's solid with those other two in there anyway but if you can see it's there i uh i did check the threading i'll check it again what i like to do is if i feel like something's mis-threading i will essentially just spin it the opposite way until i hear a click and feel it drop down once it does that i'm a lot more confident that it's threaded properly yeah all right so i just did that now oh nope didn't change anything it's still tight like right there so there's only one size screw so i'm not sure what the deal is but we'll let that sit all right moving on continuing on so then align the pins on the back of the display with the large holes and insert them slide them down to tighten it all right let's do that holes pins up down good and snug hooray for us we're really doing it youtube we're really doing it okay [Music] those bolts that goes in there huh that's funny we'll get back to this they didn't actually i don't think that they actually tell you to plug that in but that one's pretty straightforward so i'll just go ahead and do that now i can't imagine that's going to affect things later on down the line at least i hope so there's a small extra notch on one side make sure you align that with the cut out uh it's probably hard to see but there's a cutout at the top of this so push this together don't have your thumb on the screen try to hold it off to the side when you push it in getting snug all right we're good i like that okay anything else while i'm down here no all right moving on then okay so now it wants me to mount um not the spool holder so they have a recommendation here i'm gonna assume okay so it looks like the filament sensor is off to the right so when you're installing this let's see oh look at that is that gonna do anything yes all right beautiful i like that that's nice so with this one here it might be hard to see again you can see these little ridges right here right they actually line up perfectly with the ridges on top of here so again keeping the filament run out sensor on the right hand side what i did was i put the front on first and kind of aligned it and then just slowly tilted it back it gets a little snug but it's okay keep going with it and then boom it's on there rock and roll i'm gonna need to tighten that up because that is no good um but i'll hold off though in case it's loose for a reason that is on all right connect no i don't think so all right mine just must be loose it's all tightened in now it's a little screw off to the side here i'm going to take and basically how am i going to do this do i want [Applause] so it looks like all right so it looks like we'll keep the plug on the right hand side based off of what i'm seeing from creality i guess that makes sense because the plug's right here jared you're an idiot just look around dummy we'll plug in this real quick while we're here they don't give you a lot of slack so maybe that's why it's loose to put this in a spot where you need to there you go better i apologize again for blocking the camera here oh wow that's actually very tight already oh my okay it's actually pulling out and i only tried to tighten it a little bit more so i'm not sure what to do oh i'm not sure what the deal is there creality but those won't tighten up as much as i'd like them to yeah they're they're already tight and that's just got a lot of play so i don't know if it's just mine or what but something of note okie dokie so now we're gonna hook everything up basically it's gotten a lot easier uh the way that they have done this as well mostly everything should be pretty plug and play here i'm not going to make assumptions because that's not worked out well for me in the past filament detector wiring okay so let's spin this around for you guys to see so we got z-axis motor which plugs in right here again not a whole lot of of play but you do have enough it's fine filament detector looks like that's this guy the one that's hanging here which makes sense so we'll plug that into the filament detector spot right there so if you're playing the home version here's your z-axis connector and then over there on the side sorry up there at the top is the filament sensor and i did feel myself bump this so let's make sure that's secure all right that's secure moving right along uh what do we have here so where are you this is there's a little cord coming out the back and i'll show you let's figure out what it is so that's for the z i don't know okay that's how all right so here's what i found sitting back here talking to myself this cable here is taped in rip that off throw it out we don't need you plug your z in here so got a z in over here this guy's plugged from here to here locked and loaded all right um so this cable here it says get the of the black positioning label of the flexible flat cable stuck at the line claw that's what it says reality if you guys would like any help with your chinese english translations i would genuinely be happy to help you do that just let me know if you need the help sticky so basically it sounds like you just go like this i guess somebody can holler at me if that's not right all right and then it actually doesn't okay okay what they have in the in the instruction manual does not match uh what they have actually in the printer itself so i don't know how easy it is to see but in here you can see how it's like branching out of the sleeve and then one's going up here and then you got the other ones coming up there that's not how this is you can see that this just goes right into there there's nothing pulling out here i wouldn't want to pull it out there and what do we have these look like end stops this is an end stop if you're confused on what a cable is typically you can just look at it and you'll see a little orange guy here and it has a letter on it so this is x which means it gets plugged into the x stepper motor boom just like that so it's off to the side or sorry underneath there and then i got to imagine the other one the stepper or the sensors into here and looks like that's accurate so got to be careful of my screen over there now i can't really tilt it much farther i apologize but it's right underneath so if you're looking at it from the front it's the left side underneath this little casing you can plug it in there you go so that's plugged in rock and roll oh yeah so i never plugged in the front ribbon cable front ribbon cable this is nice how they have little guides for it essentially but what is this this split apart okay so these guys split apart looks like and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to thread in i'm going to try to thread in the ribbon cable into the connector here yeah it's probably going to be easier actually to just plug in the ribbon cable first now be careful when you're doing this because that down i don't know how you can see it i apologize trying my best here where the ribbon cable connects there's a bunch of pins they're very small and thin so make sure that you align the holes up in the ribbon cable to the pins don't just go jamming it in there it there's one way it's going to go in correctly it's got a little notch so look for the opening in the plastic to match the notch line them up if it my bad if you do this and it doesn't go in easily i wouldn't force it just pull it out and try to reline it again i like to get a set in and then roll the rest down seems to be easiest way for me to do it all right so there we go and look at that it clamps itself in place when it's done so there's this little bit it seems like you can kind of like thread the ribbon cable in i can't imagine how you could easily do that looks like you gotta just don't like that kind of have to wedge it a little bit but if you look i did get it in there it's clamped in nicely so it's alright anything else we need to do here or are we good i don't see any other connections laying around i was tightening things as i went like i said i don't do some big liar but that's tightened and good to go i'm looking at the chinese instructions and that is not helpful all right cool i think that's it from what i could tell biggest complaint so far is this i don't i don't like that that's floppy i'm sure i could probably actually looks like there's a hole on the other side to switch it if you want to i'm sure i could probably maybe get a shorter bolt or something to go in there but it is what it is we'll open up this janky bag filament that we got i do like that i gotta imagine yeah spare parts so i do like that creatility added that extra z cable and an extra end stop there that's nice i'm going to take this off screen covering get our power cable and let's try our very first power up all right all right all right so we're plugged in now let's turn it on and see how it goes good sign see our touch boop we got our screen i want us to do a level first i imagine all right auto leveling please you see our touch out elevating first if sierra touches damage install z-axis limit manually level the bed all right so it looks like we just hit level so keep in mind i have not touched the bed in terms of leveling this is just straight out of the box and i want to see what that's like but my surface isn't straight so i need to make sure that's straight oh she got some grip to her all right there we go now we're aligned so i'm going to hit level not touch screen oh that's a bummer i'm an idiot so turn the knob press the button i probably should have lowered it a little bit before it did that uh whoops live and learn [Music] that vibrating was because the water the x gantry axis blah blah blah was all the way up at the top so these when they home they like to go up a hair first just to make sure they got some clearance and it didn't have any room to do that so vibration ensues okay so what is it gonna do 16 points four by four three probes okay so on my under five plus back here my modified under five that i have i have a bl touch put on them and this is a setting in marlin but i have mindset to do a double probe probe once and then a slow probe just to verify the accuracy accuracy of it excuse me it looks like creality is doing three probe which should maybe make it a little more accurate it's at least going to get you a more consistent average across the board all right so while that's doing that i am going to open up the janky filament i uh if you say hiya when you do things i don't know if you know this but it actually makes you stronger and it makes you faster it makes you more accurate that's science that's science you can just look you can look that up it's definitely for real probably all right so this is going to just unwind i'm not whoops i forgot this how silly of me so i'll put mine on the right side just because that's where the filament sensor is i'm really curious to watch see how bad this unspools when i let go of it so it's not so bad well this is not going to end well i'm very confident of that all right so when you're loading your filament in my it's not just here it's it's on any printer really when you're putting it in the extruder it comes out flat you don't want it like that what i like to do is i like to take my clips my snips and kind of go pretty vertical with it so it makes a pretty hard angle uh it's less opportunity to actually snag on something man what a mess this is up top so we'll put it in our filament run out sensor blue light indicates that it has filament in it we're gonna let this guy run and then while that's going oh i guess we're all done here all right we'll get this out the sd card throw it in looks like it goes in upside down and then let's go to print let's go to the cat i think the cat is a small enough model it should be okay all right so put it in there like this you can use your at least on mine i guess you can't maybe i have to disable yeah i gotta disable steppers but if your steppers are disabled you can take your thumb with this gear and start to pull it in so i'm gonna have that start i'm going to stop the video for now because it's going to take a while to heat up everything and i have to go see the new spider-man so i will finish this up later [Music] all right so what are my final opinions not that my opinion really matters everybody's going to have their own preference and experience however my personal opinion is that the ender 3 s1 has come a tremendously long way from its roots with the ender three there's been so many improvements and so many enhancements that creality has put into this this machine that it's basically gotten to the point now where i don't know that there's many things that people would really do at the entry consumer level to modify this printer i'm sure people who are out there modifying them you know to just completely different machines at this point they'll probably want to do some different things on here but if you're new to it if it's your first second third printer or even if you're just been doing it for a while and you're looking for something new reality has come up with a rock solid formula with the ender 3s1 between the spray extruder the direct drive the integrated cr touch built right into it just a completely silent operating of the machine the filament sensor up here the new ui on the display everything that they did made this just an incredibly solid machine from the beginning outside of doing you know the standard paper bed leveling which i did not include in this video because there's a million and one videos in there this is probably too long already outside of doing the paper leveling i really didn't change anything on this once i had it leveled i just started printing and they've been working out great for me maybe i won the lottery on this i don't know but overall i would highly recommend the ender 3s one if you're again just looking for a new printer if you're new to printing headache free very very happy with this so if you guys found this video helpful if you made it to the end if you're hearing what i'm saying right now just know that i appreciate you taking the time out of your day to watch this i know there's a million different videos on youtube um and i know there's plenty of people out there opening you know different printers and reviewing them but i genuinely appreciate you taking the time to watch my video so if you found this video useful it would be really appreciated by me uh if you liked it left a comment um subscribed if you feel like it you know whatever you want to do i appreciate your interaction thank you all so much for watching this and until next time happy printing
Channel: Plastic Makes Perfect
Views: 9,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creality, Ender 3, 3D Printing
Id: lPVu_sbVDWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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