Cable Management Under my Desk using the Power of 3D Printing

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hello everyone and welcome back to my desk as you can see I have some wires but I also have one of these and it can make this time to make something here let me show you I'm making a square bracket literally a square bracket so what I'm doing hold it freeze turns out that my capture card only captured this window not any of the pop-ups that go with it so I'm going to fast forward through a lot of the design stuff I'll try and hit the high notes but you'll have to wait for the next one for me to do a design video I want to mirror this right here across this plate right there beautiful uh finish sketch now I'm gonna drill these two holes through this part actually we're gonna do um uh we're gonna do an end to object this side of this object's done Perfect all right so now these two holes act as clearance holes for uh my screwdriver my t-handled screwdriver I mean a regular screwdriver actually way easier to fit through than this uh you have what is in the kit ah I see I'm using a number eight half inch pan head Phillips screw sorry for the noise also I work in metric I grew up in Europe so um whatever all right my screw is around four and a quarter millimeters so I want to make another hole so I'm going to make a sketch I feel like it was oh I bet it was a better Dimension to the center line like so I bet it was 30. yep that looks about right Yep looks darn close then I can make another Circle Center Point at the what the heck oh wait no not center point I didn't make this now it's camping there we go center point of this I'm gonna make another Circle what did I just say a minute ago feels like forever um this is gonna be you know what five sounds fair because these are probably gonna get printed on an angle but wait we don't want that that's gonna be a real line um we're gonna go ahead and mirror this across and then blow this hole straight on through and the way that we do that is the exact same as we did the last hole now in order to instill strength in our squares we add all of the um oh okay so this is gonna be 3D printed what that means is that these would normally need supports I'm just gonna not do supports um I think I am enough to put this whole thing to actually verify it normally what I would do let me make a section normally what I would do would print about that much of the model normally I'd print that much of the model and I would use that to verify like my geometry make sure it fits within the size of the place that I want it but in this case because I actually need to check that my um at my screw holes work correctly and aren't too small and don't split I need to print the whole thing not sure about these big holes they'll probably be fine so my plan is to mount this surface this this surface here will go along the bottom of my desk screw holes in it and then I will use this Square to capture the cables that are currently a wild mess under my desk this is designed to be big enough but a piece of one by three no one by four yeah because two by fours are actually three and three quarters so yeah this is wide enough that I 2x4 but actually I'm gonna use a one by four will fit between them so I can basically make a little Channel Nook that all the wires can be on and if I want to I can like zip tie them or staple them down to that one by e that'll just get them up and out of the way off my feet because unfortunately my desk doesn't have that functionality so good engineering practice is to always put your fillets in at the end so now that I have created my design also your fillets are very important for the strength of your part you don't want to create a notch in the corner that will create undue stress especially as this thing's being pulled on right through here and through here actually I don't even know if you can see my mouse this whole thing might end up being trashed as I was saying you don't want this corner to get ripped out so you're going to increase the size of it a little bit I think five inches will be or five inches five millimeters will be fine this is plenty of size plenty of oversized to fit the the two by four through it so I don't think having filleted Corners also if I'm not mistaken 2x4s have Affiliated sides so this should be fine they're not Square anyway the other thing is do I want to recess do I want to countersink the screw heads up here I could let me check where is my where's my uh sample screw from my box of screws I'm going to do let's see that is eight well so right there that's the minimum size I could possibly use for my clearance hole my clearance hole has to fit my screw through it I only used an 11 and this is an eight so if I want to actually have a clearance fit on a 3D printed part which is pretty loose tolerances I know it's not but my Ender threes aren't calibrated I didn't bother so I'm probably going to make this a nine gives me a half a millimeter each side yeah all right we're gonna make a nine nine millimeter countersink on this surface so we're gonna call that done for the fillet [Music] yeah that shows you right there that if my screw head is that kind of diameter then uh yeah yeah all right we want to make another mirrored surface let's do it this time we don't want to extrude to the end instead let's select extent type 2 object and we want an offset what do we want an offset of I think I made this about oh you know what let's do this smart we will measure the size of the screw head the screw head is how thick 2.75 so I'm just going to be on the safe side and I will make it three millimeters deep so I want to yeah I want to make it three millimeters deep I know that this is what did I make this eight nine we'll have to go back to the original sketch all right anyway Let's do an offset from this surface we're going to offset seven millimeters the other way minus seven oh well let's go a little further than that let's minus five oh perfect look it gives us a little preview it's just three inches or three millimeters deep perfect go all right so since I know now that that's three millimeters deep because it told me I don't even have to go back in the old sketch but if you should want to go back in the old sketch and come back here you can click edit sketch look at it so it's 80 tall and our walls are in fact eight millimeters thick which should be plenty strong enough just made out of pla it doesn't have any real weight on it I just need a thing which 3D printing is the greatest technology for making a thing that has come out in a long time uh dang it I just started some prints on the printer uh and I'm gonna actually save this because it might need some revisions so disk mounting wire safe and that'll be V1 of this uh desk mounting wire bracket well it'll be v0 I forgot real Engineers start with zero Only Fools like me start with number one I guess it was wait what it's named V1 now to be what I'm very confused I'm gonna I'm gonna check the check the video on that now it's V1 it knew I was badmouthing it you remember uh how I said I didn't know if the design was finalized well I realized something if I want to put cables through this I now have no way to put cables through this I would have to actually unplug every cable on my computer and run them through this and then plug it back in I don't think I wanted to do that I also don't know that I'm happy with giving up the structure on the sides because I don't want it to break I'm thinking what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna clip here let's do it like this I'm going to hit a sketch I'm gonna make a sketch on this plane I'm gonna make a rectangle and I'm just gonna steal thank you foreign now when I go to install this I can pretty easily slide my cables through before I mount this to the top of my desk now if I ever need to take the cable out that's a whole thing but at least for the install it will be easy I'm debating doing on the bottom but then I have to put in some kind of board on the bottom to keep it so there's not a hole on the bottom we'll do this we'll do this as our our beginning designed what not that I want this I want this we'll do a fill it real quick also I'm gonna make this go away uh let's see we're gonna select here here here and here and we'll just go ahead and make them three whoa not that I don't want this thank you make a three that's fine yeah I think that'll work now we're going to use this as our um I guess a V2 design since technically it's changed all right there we go updated to V2 and we're just going to export this again so in here to bodies body one you know what I could name this bracket save this to my downloads perfect safe awesome I'm going to hit Ctrl R align this on the build plate and then I'm just gonna slice this puppy I don't want any supports I'm relying on my printer to be able to make a fairly accurate hole with no supports it'll probably be okay this isn't a dimensionally accurate thing so we'll see how it goes okay I'll see you in the printing room yeah welcome to the whole this is where we print all right we install oh wait this way up and print wire routing bracket let's do it alrighty nobody got time for that we'll just see it when it's done all right here we go back into the uh print corner of Doom what do we got what do we got we got a bracket all right I'm gonna have to actually do this the hard way beautiful got one a rear top of the desk shot okay so we can do two things at once here um what we're gonna do is I'm gonna put this just over the edge there we go so we can verify look the uh countersink Works appropriately and we can check there we go yep so we can verify that the screw isn't too deep into our desk [Music] a track under here for I'm seeing a problem either in the way which isn't the problem with this but it is a problem is I want to add a piece of wood in there but see here's the benefit of having our open um open design [Music] and then we want it right there [Music] yeah that one worked all right we got two marks on the underside of the desk all I really have to do is break through this um what are you called laminate on the underside of the desk and then I'm just into the fiberboard and the screw should work just fine [Music] oh I wonder how much tolerance I gave myself for where the holes are if I had to guess I'd say not a lot for installation I'm going to start with my screw already like this [Music] next screw I gotta move all these cables over this way yeah look at that that's got some strength and stability to it all right what if for the next one I wish to check all of this just all of this Rish including that put it right there [Music] one of the benefits of modifying a design from being a solid square is that my positional location doesn't need to be perfect they can be a little bit squeezed in so if they're wrong and they're a little bit if they're out the other way they get squeezed out to be pushed out a little bit there's a lot more flexibility to do that with this hole cut here than if I'd have left the design Square [Music] all right [Music] [Music] all right one more to go maybe two [Music] [Music] thank you there we go that's much better looking than it was um to be fair if we come up here there is still um a bit of a mess under here but at least it's all up out of the way and not bothering my feet and I can vacuum again last thing to do is I gotta look into figuring out that UPS we all know that cable management is an absolute pain in the butt but with the power of 3D printing you can turn any messy desk setup into a fantastic workstation I can't wait to see you for the next project [Music] okay
Channel: Montana Doe
Views: 590
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Id: kru2xeq9mm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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