CRC Dreamweek Conference 2018 | Pastor John Hannah | Day 2 | Session 5

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[Applause] it's like a blanket over this place the presence of God is all over this place somebody say Jesus I surrender give two or three people are high five and say you better get ready welcome welcome welcome everybody tonight in this place all our first-time visitors you are so welcome yo a dream week 2018 come on how many of you have enjoyed the conference so long and the songs we were singing our latest release of our album come on if you haven't got your CD or you haven't downloaded downloads these songs we are COC proud come on give that to somebody that's not clapping his hands or clapping your hands and put a smile on their face in the name of Jesus we have a lot of reason to be happier tonight no better place than this in Jesus name Amen and amen we want to welcome faith TV with us tonight to dr. and range anyway but we honor you and we thank you for this opportunity to broadcast you from Blumarine I want us to give them a big big god bless you and a big welcome to all our television viewers across Africa South Africa people who couldn't make it to dream week that are watching tonight on television we welcome you and we know tonight that God is going to touch you right where you are in your home God is going to change it because God loves you tonight is your Mike right thing where you are in Jesus and come on deliver 9 where the revival began which welcomed all these people and then we want to welcome everybody everybody tween WIC is for you and about you and I mean our first session was absolutely amazing let's say thank you again to Pastor Charlotte not only at work for us but a wordplay on nation if you know somebody that he's angry or up sick in our country get that message and send it to those message because we first have to exhale before we can email a means a lot of people exhaling on social media exhaling on different platforms and there's not a lot of love in what they do and the problem is they've never exhaled the plane in the past we have to exhale yesterday and we have to inhale the present and the purpose and the power that God has for us let's give her one more big god bless you big thank you are you ready tonight COC all the way from the United States of America senior pastor of new life covenant South East church with over 20,000 members mustered John and [Applause] so every pie I've been waiting on you I came to give God some glory in this place can you shut up raise up the hot dog right there go go go go Wow Wow Wow it's a wild moment for me on your way to your seat I want you to prophesize something to your neighbor into yourself it's just one word and we're believing God for it I just want to be ready to you see just such an even say tonight that's it have a seat tonight tonight tonight that's going to do something for me tonight that's going to deliver me tonight that's gonna heal my family tonight that's gonna revive me tonight that's gonna stir me up tonight that's gonna move in my life tonight I need you to put it in the atmosphere I need you to decree and declare it open your mouth you've been waiting all year but we serve a god that could do it for you tonight come on y'all open your mouth wit it up just say tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight I'm not goin hope the way I came tonight let's go heal my body tonight that's good revive my soul tonight let's go stir me up tonight gotta be a little bullsháá okay calm down okay have a seat have a seat I'm sorry tonight tonight tonight move in this place tonight have your way tonight tonight come on you all everybody open your mouth and just say tonight tonight tonight I honor the Lord for being here and I'm one of those people that are crazy enough to believe that my steps are ordered by God I refuse to believe that I just end up a place just to be there but I believe in divine appointment and divine timing and I'm crazy enough to believe that we're in the right place at the right time and we're with the right people I've got to do what he's going to do tonight tonight I honor the Lord for this opportunity and I want you to hear me I travel and I meet a lot of pastors and I want CRC to understand something you don't have a normal path he's not normal he's not normal can I give you just some united big top so when somebody is like they're tough you know they're like the Peter that ran with Jesus you know they're no Punk you're not scared of anything so in the youth in the u.s. we call them UAG pastor OTT is a cheap [Applause] he's the real deal can we celebrate him and his white and his family right there Wow Wow and I'm so grateful you can be seated I'm so grateful for the word that came in the five o'clock hour that's the Charlotte that word in the thing is like we both pray about well like what we're gonna preach where we go and you go someplace and it's like this is part one and this is part two so in part one she said breathe again part two is let's do it again if you have your Bibles come on let's go to the Gospel according to Luke and the fifth chapter but that's well according to Luke in the fifth chapter we're gonna be reading out of the NIV you ready okay this okay I'm gonna stay right here I want to look at it on the screen can I get on it's great yeah go on look at my screen okay bang I'll talk to you guys later okay see ya he saw at the water edge two boats left there by fishermen who were washing their nets can everyone just open your mouth and say I'm done [Applause] Jesus sets me down here he got into one of the boats let me just stop there without permission without an invite he's a g2 which means that have you Apollo of grace you got you Hannah you have to have allergy in you so he got into one of the boats the one belonging to Simon which is also Peter any action oh I doubt it put out a little from the shore baby he sat down without permission and talked to people from the boat let's go when he had stopped speaking he said to Simon launch out into the deep let down your nets for a catch Simon answer if you have your Bible in you taking those three points are right here master we've worked hard I want you to write write they're tired and tonight God's going to speak to many of you on in the building that are tired we worked hard and then he specifies all night the second person in the building that God's going to speak to are those of you are that feel as if time is not on your side so we're tired and time is not working with me and haven't caught anything the third person that we're going to deal with tonight is the one that is disappointed just disappoint it and you can be all of that in his presence Wow but because I came to dream conference because I came to drink over it I'll let down the net who knows what God's gonna do in here tonight when they had done so they called such a large number of fish that [Applause] their nets be game to break you gotta read this let's go something stigma to the other partners in the other boats come and help them and they became and filled both boats so food they begin to think it's about to be a net braking boat sinking anointing I need you to make sure you got the right one on your boat it's about to be a net braking boat sinking anointing let's do it again so here we are in the Gospel according to Luke the same incident can be found in all four of the Gospels in Matthew the fourth chapter mark 1 and then John 1 let's back this thing up and let's see what happens before we get to chapter 5 in Chapter 1 there's a hook up there's a hook up between a woman by the name of Barry and Elizabeth in the Bible says that Elizabeth is now over old age and she's carrying a miracle the angel has spoken to Mary say but you're going to get a miracle it's saying if you don't believe that I can do it for you go see you oh gee Elizabeth she's already holding a miracle and the Bible says that when Mary walked in the baby begin to the leap in the womb which means that there was an immediate connection when they got together Kimmy you don't need any more friends you need to either be the person that's holding the miracle or expecting a miracle and then when we meet there should be a blink in the spirit ring in the second chapter Jesus is born Wow Mary does not get pregnant like everybody else everybody else gets pregnant from the bottom Mary gets pregnant from the top the Holy Spirit comes to over her a season pregnant it was something that is never happen if assuming you all that's what's gonna happen to you tonight the Holy Spirit is gonna come over you if you want to be impregnated with something that has never been birth in your family never been hurt in your community never been birth in your city why because you in the right place at the right time come on open your mouth to say tonight tonight tonight in the third chapter we're introduced to a man who does not have a mainstream ministry John the Baptist Jayda be [Applause] a lot of people want to be in the front you want to be on television you want to be all out front but John the Baptist ministry is in the wilderness which means that anybody that wants to hear John the Baptist you have to be willing to be uncomfortable you have to go where the bugs are the snakes are difficult as hot but you know that once you get there you're not going home the way that you can in the fourth chapter we've now find that Jesus is being prepared to be released why because he has an assignment in the wilderness the Bible says let of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted a bit of a lista you're led by the spirit into the wilderness and the only company that you're going to have is the devil you have a one-on-one appointment with the devil and he has 40 days to shut you down and the Bible says in every day the devil came and tried him and for many of you all you have been in your wilderness please hear me it is imperative that you pay attention to tiny this conference is in the first week of October which means that you have now entered into the last quarter of the year which means it the first quarter the devil didn't kill you the second quarter Nikita didn't kill you the third quarter the devil is Kingdom the fourth quarter you coming out of here [Applause] let's go ahead a little bit to the picture in the fifth chapter we now get to see how he chooses to pick those hand pick those that are gonna be close to him it is imperative that where some of you all are going that you have the gift of discernment that you can literally handpick who's gonna be this close to you you must even handpick your Judas because you're gonna have to tell to him hurry up and kiss me so I can go ahead and do what God has called me to do and if you have the gift of the discernment nothing will catch you by surprise you'll be able to spot the witch before the wish spot you you'll be able to spot the hater before that hater spots you you'll be able to find out who's talking about you behind your back come on lift your hands and say God please give me the gift of discernment so him being who he is he's teaching in the multitude is following him let's stop for a minute without facebook without Instagram without a radio or television how is he getting such popularity because many of you are you want the crowd but you don't have the oil [Applause] a lot of singles but very few singers have oil they a lot of praises but very few people have oil watch me without any PR without anybody shouting what watch me his name gets out because of the anointing that is on his life and many of you are you looking for book ups you looking for positions and titles no you don't need a hook-up you need oil you need the oil of God to be on your life you need God to use you in ways that he's never used you before lift your hands for five seconds and let's just worship God for the oil being on our life go five come on four for the oil of God three we love God - but we love God but the power of God for the power of God but the Shekinah glory of God for the weight of God to be on my life use me for your glory for your glory let's get in the boat let's get in the boat because he's about to pick up Peter your oil is gonna make them pick you your oil is going to make them call you your oil is going to make them give you an opportunity the oil that is on your life is gonna give you the scholarship the oil that is on your life is gonna make them call for you to do what you do why because you have no oil come on y'all for five more seconds worship God put the oil don't worship him for popularity don't worship him for position don't worship him for a title you only walk the oil of God you only want to be anointed lift your hands on your way to you see I need you to somebody can tell you anointed for this come on have a seat you anointed for this you were knowing it for this you anointed for this you anointed for this you are knowing it for this and so then he steps in a boat and when he gets in the boat with Peter he said just push back for a minute let me finish this class and then when he finishes then he picks up on what's going on in the boat he never comes any place just by chance whenever he comes in the room he comes to me to need and when he sits on Peters boat he's able to pick up immediately okay okay you're tired you're tired okay okay you feel like time is not on your side okay okay you're disappointed but in spite of all that I see a future I see a future now listen to me carefully I can't speak to your future until I meet the need of your present I can't call you into your future until I give you the miracle of your present and after I give you the miracle of your present then I'll show you your future if as many of you all in this building he's literally at this dream conference about to give you the miracle of your present I'm so glad you didn't get what you wanted I'm so glad you didn't catch what you wanted I'm so glad you were turned down when they turned you down I'm so glad you went through the hill that you went through why because it slows your boat down which means that you've only been waiting on Jesus to get on your boat and now a dream week is your time and it's your turn ha let's go I'm sorry I get too excited open your mouth for save my time my turn come on sitting in my time my turn and when Jesus gets on the boat and he picks all this up he puts a demand on I need you to get over I need you to get over being tired I need you to get over timing honey Jay get up and being disappointed and just push out into the deep no but you get out there need you to drop this Annette it's not a question that's a demand I need you to push out into the deep and then I need you to drop your net but before we push out let me deal with those of you that are tired you've worked hard he said master we've listen to me you've been working hard at building your family but it's not working out the way that you thought you've been working hard at trying to be the perfect spouse let me help you nobody is you've been working hard and trying to be single and saved Oh get quiet then didn't it I want to be single but I want to be saved I want to be single successful insane about that you've been working hard on being kept you've been working hard on not picking up the habits the old habits that God delivered you from and I know that it's not you know protocol to admit that you have not been successful all the time but let me invite you into the real world although you've been working hard at it it has not always worked out the best way that you think that it should you work hard at being a good friend you per card at being a parent you've worked hard at breaking generational curses you've worked hard to come in a church and doing it like they say you worked hard at being a good worshipper you worked hard at getting and reading your word you work hard and study and I hold it at sometimes it's not working out the way that you think that it should work let's be honest you can get tired please hear me we come in here we look like superheroes but you offs when the lights are off let me invite you into the real world I hope you're sitting in the INA section I hope you're not sitting around fake phony hypocritical people I hope you're sitting around somebody that can identify with being tired like many of you are he made you a promise but you're tired of waiting you're like Sarah I mean how many more times I go here then I'm supposed to have a child please tell me something new some of y'all are tired like David you came running from Seoul when it's a part of you they want to turn around and take matters into your own hands because there's still a little residue of violence in you oh it's real quiet let's go further you're tired have you ever just done ministry and decided I really don't want to do this anymore because I don't like the weight that goes with it but in spite of your being tired God knows where to see you to give you the strength you need I'm so glad that you didn't give up last week because God intended you to for you to make it this week - the dream conference why because this is his shrimp is gonna be made perfect in your weakness which means that dawn is about to give you shrimp in this movement that you'd never even knew you had I wish I had just a few people in the building that know that the Lord is our shrimp [Applause] God is our shrimp wait a minute and the joy of the Lord come on listen seekers is that Italian I need you to touch three people in your sexy anything be strong in the name of the Lord be strong in the name of the Lord be strong in the name of the Lord you're gonna finish school be strong in the name of the Lord you're gonna raise your children be strong in the name of the Lord you're not getting the voice it's strong in the name of the Lord you're not going to commit suicide be strong in the name of the Lord God is with you be strong in the the Lord even when you're surrounded in a house well you're the only one that is a believer be strong in the name of the Lord even when you come in this building to get your praise own be strong in the name of the Lord if your hands for it in this movie see here and let's go further let's go further let's stay with your timing we've toiled all night timing what do you do when your clock doesn't match his clock by now I thought I would have been married by now I thought about had kids by now I thought I would at least have my own house by now I thought I would have been doing ministry full-time but you've never worked part-time anywhere you've never served anybody how can you expect somebody to serve you and you've never served faithfully anywhere have you ever felt like everybody's getting it but you and you just sitting there waiting on my turn when is my turn gonna come later I mean you turn for everybody else but nobody it allows you to come and jump for yourself go get the jump in I wanna turn what do you do my doctor tells you something's gonna happen but it hasn't happened yet it's almost like you act the man at the Pool of Bethesda maybe I'm sitting there and she said hey wouldn't be made home man go every time I get ready to get in the water somebody always jump in front of me and I don't have anybody to help me get in I mean I saw the water turning and it's all about timing and I seem not to get in the water at the right that's your neighbor say your turn have it felt like Jarius ever look about like Jarius Lord can you come to my house lay hands on my daughter Hiller okay I'm coming then while he's coming hiccup that woman with the issue of blood this is not your story Jesus was on his way to mop indeed she got Farah destined to get down on the ground and crawl and then when she touches him she pulled what she needs who touch me don't worry about a hurry up have you felt like telling Jesus I mean like win hurry up and then it comes to sermon if there's leave the master alone your daughter is dead it's even further Allah says don't doubt just believe regardless of the news that you just heard I still got time to give you a birthday don't not just believe you made it to dream compass and I still got time to give you a breakthrough don't doubt just believe I'm about to turn your no into a yes let's address your disappointment we told all like caught out absolutely nothing every day all night and I've got nothing and I've watched other boats go back fool but I caught nothing am i disappoint you ever felt like I put in my time but I'm not catching what I want I remember it like in my 30s everybody was starting a church I was like Hello Jesus will you go call me I feel like you know what pastor of anointing but when are you gonna release me and then at 36 he tells me you're still not ready I was like the blood of Jesus [Applause] I've been saved since I was 17 and he tells me you're still not ready and then he makes me go and join the Puerto Rican church and I'm the only black in the Puerto Rican charts and I speak no Spanish hey buddy we're gonna blurt eonni off I'm like what up I learned one line in in high school come on Sal say bean gracias ito then he kept on thought the guy I know you know no English but he was waiting and I had to wait four years before he released me took four years for me to break he's like not yet I need you to believe again now I need you to serve people not time do all that for years I waited boat standing still tonight I came in here because many of you all you have given in to being tired you've given in said not being your time and you've given in to being disappointed and the Lord sent me to tell you let's do it again let's do it again now in order to do it watch me you can't be on the boat by yourself cuz you're gonna need to have the right people around you to help you roll back and this is why I took many of you here be careful who you sit next to me you come to church because you need the right people on your boat and I pray that you're not sitting in a section with some sleepless I prayed the to sit next to somebody who's that height is you up that's it I pray you sit Nixon somebody say what we bout to do you feel bad about the deuce of the bus in this section I need you to check your section I need you to make sure you get the right one in your section that believe that doctor do [Applause] please forgive me we do something in the black church in America we talk to one another something's gonna need you all to make sure that you know everybody in your section because you all are gonna roll together and I need you to make sure you have the right people in your boat if there's anybody in your section they don't want to roll put them out tell them I don't know where you're going but you can't sit here because we're bout to get what God has for us before we leave here I need you to check those around you how do you check them look at them and just shout hallelujah [Applause] I need you to check this section over here I need you to make sure you got somebody who's ready for God to give them a miracle I need you to check this section over here and into the picture the chicken everybody up we must sing tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight without eternity without eternity put out into the deep let's go let's go now before we put out this imperative number one you have to trust the one who's telling you to go out which means that you have to believe everybody hear me you cannot come to this week's conference and not believe God for a miracle you have to believe that he still has time and that he could do anything we are a people of faith we don't wait until we see fish we just take him at his word and I'm amazed at the number of people that come to church but don't believe God I need you to make sure that you are around believers I need you to open your upset I believe God I believe I believe I believe I believe I believe God I believe him in the areas that I have not seen him work in I believe them in the areas that have disappointed me I believe them in the areas that I am tired I believe him in the areas that I am weak I believe that he still got time to do it why because I got my breath back it now that I got my breath back oh bring him up against a I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God let faith arise in this room let faith arise in this room let somebody believe for the house let somebody believe for their ministry let somebody believe for their party I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe party were pretty about keep saying that I believe God come on honey fake to arise and he fake to arise in this room and he paid to be in a circle of oh come on cut the music any I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God for my family I believe God over my name I believe God over my career have believed God over my credit I believe God over my sickness I believe God I believe God have a live God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe that God is bigger than my background I believe God is bigger than my resume I believe God is bigger than my naysayers I believe God is bigger than my Goliath I need you to believe God you cannot go back you can't roll if you don't believe that he's able to do it he said at your word which means that if he said it I believe God come on come on you all if you believe that God gets you a dream conference you're not here by chance of an accident but this is divine timing I need you to open your mouth and begin to believe again I believe I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe God I believe him I believe him I believe him I believe him I believe him I believe him if you believe him you're gonna have to be willing to do something that doesn't make sense you're gonna have to be willing to do something that doesn't make sense what do you mean please listen he's telling them to go into the deep everyone's me we're going to the big watch me it brought daylight nobody fishes in broad daylight the reason that you go out at night is because it's cooler there's no activity and the fish automatically come from the bottom to the top but in the daytime the fish at the bottom which means that if I send you out there that means that you're willing to do something that sounds stupid watch me watch me like some of you all we tell you just open your mouth wash out all the shouting listen go X Joshua when they get to the walls of Jericho I can't explain it he just told them open your mouth you gotta be willing to do something you gotta be willing to get out of your comfort zone you gotta be willing to do something that you've never done before I can't explain it he says he takes the foolish things to confound the wise come on here which means it gotta do something that doesn't make sense just to give you your breakthrough oh yeah come over here if you don't believe me ax name it I can't explain it why he sent him to the dirtiest coldest water and tell him to dip seven times why do I have to go to the muddiest place and why do I have to do it seven times why you just can't speak a word and make it happen cuz I want to test it see if you willing to do what makes it to some risk take us all right so why do I have you to continue to check your section because they didn't fish with a pole they would fish with a net and one person can't hold the entire net which means you have to have the right people with you that are holding the neck and you got an all have to get like a rhythm like when I back up you back up when I you let's do it again let's just do it again let's go crazy one more time let's believe it don't get out my side get up both side hold on I'm not done with you yet I'm not done with you I'm not done with you reach over and grab your name about a I'm putting a demand on you don't you let me go until you fill a pool until you feel the weight of God in this building feet are by side hold on listen to me can I get the praise team on stage to help me hold the net come on I got seven minutes hold that hand I need you to hear me I need you to hear me I need you to hear me I have some areas in my personal life that I am tired I have some areas in ministry that I am disappointed I have some areas that I thought some things would have happened by now and they have not happened as of yet so I came to suffer so we could do it again so we could release a praise in this building so we could release a shout y'all go help me well let's get some more red coats [Applause] come on back it up back it up back it up stay on this side of the net see what you do good see something but you have to teach them where to go with the den because you can't afford to let them mess up your breakthrough don't touch this side this is the part we have to literally pick it up and we're gonna cast a shout down when you cast your shout I believe that the glory of God is about to hit this building wait wait wait we're gonna do it together and I'm believing God that doing this dream conference you're going to get the release of some instant miracles I believe in God that she was seeing a turn in your situation I'm believing God that you're gonna sing a turn in your house I'm believing God that you can sing a turn in your come on why you holding that hand before you shall open your mouth I just begin to worship God right there open your mouth we honor you we magnify you we glorify you we adore you we lift you up you are God and you are God Almighty you are the Great God you're the old wise God you've got old knowing God you're the God that no owner you're the God let's see all your the sovereign God you're the God that reign on the throne you know God let's see everything that you're the God that know everything that you're the God that is aware and we open our mouths that we give you glory and we open up mountains that we give you glory and we open our mouths that we give you glory we give you glory for another chance we give you glory for bringing us to this conference we give you glory that you've got in the building with us do we give you glory that you have seen our Tigard miss you've seen our disappointment you've seen everything that is going on with us but we say to you tonight god we're ready we're ready to believe again we're ready to believe again we're ready to leave again we're ready to believe again come on I need somebody to believe again I need you to please I'm begging you can you believe again I need you to believe again please we're ready to believe again we are giving you glory and God we're about to release a shout and god I pray that your glory fill this room I pray Donna that's a weight of your glory be heavy in this place I pray that it be a net breaking I pray that it be a boat sinking anointing let somebody get baptized in the Holy Ghost SIA ha ha he shot her baby under the Moho call somebody up higher that start somebody skipped back up again I need somebody to get they fire back I need somebody to give they fire back let me see the weak God he told me they say he ran da ba ha I need your own sigil loose and he got to give you fresh tongues again I need you to pray in the Holy Ghost like he used to I need to get your prayer life back I need you to get your zeal back I need you to get your fire back I need you to get everything that you've been disappointed over it's about to be heavy in here move okada glory glory glory get it ready Church God I preach the word and now I need your glory to fill this room when they released their shout I need next degree I need boats to sing and enjoy to be release I need disappointment to leave I need paces to come in the room he told her they they say run that have a higher believe for you I believe for your children believe for your body believe for your ministry get ready get ready when I count to three I mean better be a shout I need you to forget about everybody I need you to go team I need you to funky I need you to forget about everybody pull it to the teeth you know that deep area who get ready to when I say three a shout on the count of three just throw it and begin the planes not one two three go to it place [Music] [Applause] okay don't be great [Music] baby do it quick go in worship Go Go go forget about everybody [Music] [Music] we've never done for joy face [Music] don't worry [Music] kaiba learned area never see another Bowl Sunday say Abajo be baptized in the Holy Ghost be baptized in the Holy Ghost be baptized in the Holy Ghost when it comes it comes go t go Pete go B go B [Music] maybe here you keep worship it don't stop [Applause] go D go D gaudí silly y'all you've been in the shallow too long you know what it is sicko in the deep go go with the last time you laid on your face who's the last time you prayed in the Holy Ghost was the last time you will in the presence of God go I'll give you ten more seconds go babe learned that I've a sickie or better you better be on one of us here and I am gonna be a mother mercy on the real Manabe he done that in burial area not a me a lot of Aashiqui on the reloadable sia go you prayer warrior you are a prayer warrior that's why you've been attacked you have a prayer life open your mouths goaty goaty [Applause] here and a another balsa we bout to get souls we're about to get zones we're about to get souls we're about to get souls I'm gonna get the lungs but I gotta get you all that have already been following Christ I think it'll make sure that you're ready to go deep again I need you to remain ready for your future I need you not to be disappointed with your present and then I must see my Baba Baba see you didn't that I'm a sneaky under a another boss come on do we have to move on but if you allow me to obey the Holy Ghost there are several of you all that God's been calling you to the deep [Applause] do me a favor only for sixty seconds grab one person by day hands and say let's go deep in worship grabbed a hand and just start worshipping God together put on that eye bah bah bah bah bah both Sonia heated and Anna bah bah bah bah see key under the Messiah flute or a Baba Baba Baba see here and Adama bah bah bah bah hee hee hee hee he coded in many a lady a inaudible Shia come on y'all go go go go you know how to give to yourself come on y'all give me a 30 more seconds go go go go go go even anonymous see here another website dilemma Vicky available say mama mama mama come on I need you to connect with my spirit I need to connect with your spirit go D go D go B in anatomy a lot of our site he'd remember the Messiah that has a calling on your life not Hezekiah on your life God has great things in store for you God has great big sister for you you're gonna get a big catch you waited you waited you waited you waited you waited you waited [Applause] [Music] [Music] go deep goatee come on man go deep for your family come on man good eat for your children come on women your bail travail and I won't say I came to get you tonight I came to get you tonight I came to get you tonight hold on ma ba ba ba ba ba ba da ba ba ba ba ba ba I came to get you tonight for every preacher there's another level of reservoir of elation for us for every preacher we go from glory to glory you've been at that level long enough God is calling us in Timothy go go go go [Music] you can let that hand go there are a couple of hundred of you now I came to get you I don't even know how you thought [Music] that you could make it through this life without God you tried everything on your own in your boat without God and nothing has worked I give the Lord thing I'm ready to write with you but in order for me to ride with you you have to let be on your boat you have to let me I must be Lord of your life I must be the captain of your ship I must now navigate it my way not yours you've been doing it your way for years isn't it a mess how about you give me a turn if you know that I am talking to you get out of your seat it'd come towards me right now ooh ooh boom [Music] move [Music] boom-boom-boom today today you get out of that balcony and come towards me right now [Music] I need you to get up and I need you to come quickly here and a baa-baa baa-baa baa-baa don't signal and Aegina pray of the Holy Ghost here and a baa baa baa baa baa here and a baa ba ba ba ba see under ah maja here and a baa-baa baa-baa fee under invariably Messiah and he cheating it out of that balcony here and a baa-baa baa-baa [Music] baa-baa baa-baa Fanta I'm filming anointing I can hear I can feel somebody's spirit I am somebody the enemies were telling you to jump overboard the enemies were telling you that you're better off dead I come to shut the mouth of the enemy get out of your seat and come now we bind the spirit of suicide those of you that know how to pray I need you to pray we bind the spirit of suicide ground on of a shaky ground are you learning available Sonia Rhonda Amy inaudible Sikhi on the relay I'm not a member of ASEAN dah dah bah ha your purpose you have destiny you have a call on your life you have a place to be with God the enemy is defeated in your life come now come now come now I need you to move now good and Larry under CC I come against the spirit of addiction that come against the spirit of addiction I pray that God give you a conscious mind to make a conscious decision I need you to get up now you know my son [Music] [Music] lift your heads if you own that all to lift your hands I want you to look at me I am 54 and the decision that you're making right now I made it when I was 17 17 I had already began to make a mess of my life I was already beginning to carry on bloodline curses I was already smoking I was already getting high I was already beginning to fail even in school but at 17 God called me I left the church I walked home weeping I went in my bedroom and I closed the door and I got down on my knees I just pretty simple prayer just a simple prayer and I invited him into my life and I need you to hear me he's real I need you to hear me he is God and He sent His Son Jesus for this purpose right here in the Bible says that he now sits at the right hand of the Father and he's your mediator he's your innocent he's your advocate all you have to do is accept him confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe you're not gonna hear boys hear you hear you you're not gonna hear any of that it's a fake thing you invite him in trust me he comes and when he comes he comes to take he comes to take over he comes to live in you and he said I'll never leave you I'll never forsake you he said lo I will be with you always lift your hand close your eyes don't say it because I'm saying it let your heart see it it just spirits say Lord Jesus I come to you just as I am a mess and I need you to be my savior to save me from this mess from myself and from this world I believe that you came to earth for my sin I believe that you died on the cross for my sins I believe that you rose from the grave for my sins so by faith I can bite you into my life to be my Lord and my Savior by faith I am saved I am saved leave your heads lifted to begin the worship God for your new life right here begin to think up for your new life begin to thank you for you do life come on Church release a sound to rejoice the souls of faith [Applause] then they'd say a big big THANK YOU to Pastor John and I come on he crease [Applause] with everything that is hidden tonight this from allowing God to breathe in us and now going with him all of you that came forward many of you came to give your life to Jesus others of you came to come back to Jesus whatever the reason is we want to say a prayer with you and a helper help you in the decision that you've made tonight so each and every one of you please right here in bloom Fontaine if you will turn to my left your right we want to spin a moment with you and if you don't have a Bible we are going to put a Bible in your hand so each one of you just turn to my live don't step on people over there please give them a big big god bless you all of you just go this way thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm here [Music]
Channel: CRC Church
Views: 23,611
Rating: 4.9429736 out of 5
Id: vnBgtF6eJXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 29sec (3929 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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