Samuel Rodriguez: Awaken Now (James Robison / LIFE Today)

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the attendant the lamb awakens the message of the cross for hung on a tree Galatians 3:13 became a curse for us no other symbol incorporates passion and promise like the cross a simple symbol depicting two pieces of wood one vertical and the other horizontal successfully branded the eternal hope of glory to all mankind and Madison Avenue a multi-million dollar campaigns have not been able to reproduce a loyalty commitment and even to a great degree multi-generational allegiance to a message conveyed via the humble conduit of a brand not written on the wood but incarnated in the spirit of what it represents grace and eternal life that universal Christian symbol boisterously and with unbridled persuasion not only conveys a message of what is to come but about life Julia's life is a cross Lisa so eloquently reference that the cross is both vertical and horizontal life is Vote vertical and horizontal vertically we stand connected to God his kingdom eternal life spiritual truths divine principles and glory horizontally to our left and to our right we exist surrounded and revealed through community relationships family culture and society simply stated the cross is both vertical and horizontal it is both Redemption and relationship holiness and humility covenant and community Kingdom and society righteousness and justice salvation and transformation ethos and pitfalls John 3:16 in Matthew 25 orthodoxy orthopraxy Billy Graham and dr. King faith and policy prayer and activism sanctification and service the imago Dei in the habits of Christ missions and the marketplace the New Jerusalem and dallas-fort Worth Texas and for too long people have lived out their verdict for your horizontal we've a few even in Christian leadership have succeeded in living speaking equipping ministry from where the vertical and the horizontal planes of the cross intersect the Nexus of Christianity it is the place where conviction marries compassion where the fishes intersect with the bread and truth joins hands of mercy it is the place where we reconcile the optics of redemption with the metrics of reconciliation the evil day with the habitus Christmas the prophetic with the practical faith with action the Lambs agenda stands committed to both the vertical and the horizontal we need a church committed to saving the loss and transforming our communities to addressing sin and confronting injustice to protecting life and alleviating poverty to reaching the center in reforming the culture it's not either/or it's both and it's the Lambs agenda we need to reconcile Billy Graham's message of salvation through price and by the way this may be completely politically incorrect and it may get people upset in the year 2013 but there are not five ways to get to heaven four ways to get to heaven three ways to get to heaven two ways to get they have it and this is even more politically incorrect and may appear sometime in the newspaper tomorrow but it's okay mohamad cannot take you to heaven but-- I cannot take you to heaven other ways cannot take you to there's only one way to heaven and his name is Jesus Christ there is no other way but Jesus no one away but Christ no other way jesus said I am the way the truth and the light behold the land let this be the generation that will reconcile Billy Graham's message with dr. King's March let this be the generation that will sing there is room at the cross and we shall overcome one day I'm about to finish the agenda of the Lamb awakens with the new song silence is not an option then I saw land Revelation chapter 5 looking at it I've been slain standing at the center throne encircled by four living creatures and they sang a new song we can now permit the pathetic noise to silence the prophetic voice silence is not an option when so many so many are slaughtered in and out of the wound silence is not an option when men abandoned the Roses fathers and our children are slaughtered when pornography marries technology God is mopped pushers are more admire than preachers school grounds look like battlegrounds and our neighbours sit paralyzed by the gate called beautiful begging for change it's time to sing a new song I wasn't we can't be quiet I I was invited to make a prayer for this event in Washington DC with a large event mucho Mucho people and I do mean mucho and I was invited to pray and the organizers a television personality who you recognize not not another believer but he's he invited me as a friend he said I'm Roderick and I want you to come in I want you to pray pretty guys that there's a secular event has gonna do Christian why would he want me to pray I just want you to prick you want me to come and pray for an event has absolutely no spiritual crown yeah I want you to pray all you want me to pray you'll be the one minute manager are up right oh it does it till they fool me in the large event and I do mean very large a couple hundred thousand people and I come in and I get to go backstage and and and right there it's and going out there next to the Washington Monument we're growing up and I'm going up in the personality looks at me and says we change the program now get I took out I took that red-eye flight from Frisco to DC so it's you know third caramel macchiato and I'm looking and I'm going watch anyone who changed the program you're still praying but in this in the spirit of correctness we invited other people to other faith narratives to pray and he goes you know how it is I don't know I don't but go ahead and tell me and he says well and it just sounds like three guys go to a barber you have to see it it's actually you could he he goes we have a Universalist minister who will pray we have an Iman the Muslim faith we have a rabbi and you're the Christian he goes you want to pray first or last something inside of me said son you better pray last and fix all the mess everybody else makes out there that man so I said I'll pray last with great humility y'all pray lives first lady went up first and she goes up first and she pray - way god you're the god of many names of no name at all you're the air you're the wind you're the rock you're the leaf you're the tree you are everything and yet you are nothing amen well isn't that special the Iman pray the name of Allah on the rabbi did a good prayer and I'm coming up and I'm fighting with God and I don't know you know but God is battling well so I'm fighting with God and I'm going Saint your porchetta my medicine este lío Senora God why are you putting me in this I thought you open the door no man can go so I will open - I want that door was open I guess one right through it cuz you open the door I mean I took it see the flicks our fight in there my were I camera like I missed everything up day that I miss and now I'll go back home I will now I wanted I want a figure I don't mean I don't make them uncomfortable I don't want make them feel I thought I had a prayer but now I'm gonna I don't want to make them feel bad how do I pray here I mean I had the script ready and now now I'm another one about I'm not here for contra you're in a prayer but they're here how do I pray now I who I pray in the name of what the airs on what I breath how do I write about ever see the Lord truly God told me is pray like you do at church y'all never been to my church so I grab the mic hit the mic look okay look at the crowd everybody's here at headlights looking onion turn let's let's pray in the name that is above all the other names in the name to him which every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess no other name giving it to man through by which salvation is coming to all mankind in the name of he who saves he who delivers he who heals and he who is coming back again in the name of my Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ for the next four to six minutes the place wouldn't stop clapping and shouting they take a stick couldn't stop they couldn't continue and someone asked why are people reacting this way to a simple prayer why are they reacting like this real simple there is still power in the name of Jesus there is still power in the name of Jesus there is power in the name of Jesus there's power in the name of Jesus so I tell you now to awaken I encourage you to rise up understand of the agenda of the Lamb awakens extraordinary overcomers understand they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony we overcome will we understand that an assignment without an anointing it's like carrying around a million dollar cheque about a signature you can't do much with it we overcome when we praise beyond our problem and give beyond our need when we reach beyond our circle and love beyond those that love us we overcome when we understand that cultural Reformation requires political engagement as an act of prophetic activism we overcome when we understand there is no such animal as comfortable Christianity we overcome when we understand that Christianity is less about promoting the perfect and more about blessing the broken we overcome when we understand that today's complacency is tomorrow's captivity we overcome when we understand that spiritual stagnation always leads to spiritual atrophy and we overcome when we understand that Uncle Sam may be our uncle but he will never be our Heavenly Father rise up rise up and speak truth rise up and heal with his name rise nothing delivered with power rise up with a new song rise up as the Good Samaritan rise up and live out to religion rise up and clothe the naked rise up and give shelter to the homeless rise up in the federal life rise up from the bottom yo to Beverly Hills rise up and preach the word in and out of season make disciples fulfill the Great Commission and worship God in spirit of the truth and when the broken soul says no one can open the book of my deliveries who can possibly heal me let us shout out to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever and ever and never and never amen god bless you we got the Lord Jesus Lord Jesus I want you to put such a shelter in the shadow over Sammy that he can't ever move out of the very center of it I want you to be the Shepherd that directs every step he takes and every word he says Holy Spirit I want you to feel him so fluid overflowing that all of the resistance on planet Earth cannot ever slow down the release of the power of your spirit and the water of your life and God I pray that here walk in such humility before you that he will be that yielded vessel through whom you can flow a river of living water that cannot be stopped but will quints every thirsty heart and life in America God keep your arms around him he is so special everything you've ever placed on me that was a value important put it on him put a double portion on him God and let the world and the church hear the message you put in and God let that message burn in the heart of every preacher priest and person and every Christian on this planet dear God thank you for what you're doing use us according to your will thy kingdom come thy kingdom come that will be done right here on earth right now through us for your glory forever and ever and ever and ever and the church said amen amen amen
Channel: lifetodaytv
Views: 99,997
Rating: 4.9499216 out of 5
Keywords: life today, james, robison, christian, television, tv, interview, Samuel Rodriguez
Id: KC-fkiMALxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2013
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