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quick chloe grab everything are these girls stealing food from a candy shop uh-oh busted quick the police are coming chloe is pretending to be tied up with the cashier and madison is trying to sneak quietly from the shop but it's too late not so fast girl you come with me mr policeman i just wanted some candy i am so sorry is madison going to jail madison is devastated jail is so dull and scary but wait the policeman didn't take her snickers this will cheer her up ahem i'm confiscating this but why no snacks are allowed in jail it will be so hard for madison to live without her favorite snacks she has to think of something aha help bring me snacks [Music] i hope someone will find this note and bring her something good she doesn't know that her best friend is already planning to help her with the snacks [Music] happy birthday to you hey stop no food is allowed here no of course i just brought flowers for a friend it's her birthday let me smell it [Music] what are you doing i'm just giving you a party hat don't be silly maybe you want to join the birthday party happy birthday to you happy birthday to you go go go now go go happy birthday to you take it take it chloe but it's not my birthday today i know madison is not flowers it's candy take it oh i see nice happy birthday to you yummy madison is trying to get out of jail by digging a tunnel but wait something hard is in the hole it's an old prisoner who was trying to get out of here too didn't make it ew i'll never get out of here [Music] oh wait emergency teeth i have an idea madison is writing her friend's number instead of the emergency number help please help me and pretending that she had an accident what happened my teeth please call a doctor omg what number okay okay doctor doctor we need a doctor someone called a doctor oh dear what a bad situation please let me in i will help the prisoner now let's see what's inside the doctor's case oh dear what scary tools [Music] the policeman is fainting [Music] i have to go help her success it was actually sprite now the girls can throw a candy and drinks party in the jail cell nice um are you done with your teeth already no no we are still in the process it's bad oh okay okay i have to go again he's gone [Music] chloe brought plenty more sprite for madison [Applause] [Music] such a good friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] give it to me while these guys are arguing it's an opportunity for chloe to sneak some candy in oops [Music] you oh see anything hey hey come back what's this it's his what you know no candy is allowed here no no no it's hers i'm not carrying anything forbidden oh look he's carrying a lot of candy as watches i can explain everything you are so busted boy madison madison i'm here look what i've brought you wow gummy bear earrings that's so clever [Music] that's not all look someone seems interested in chloe never mind look look voila [Applause] take it take it [Music] i'm going you enjoy i'll be back later one two three four hundred and five hundred and six hundred seven phew that was a nice workout yeah bye wait where are you going exactly just to the bathroom can i well of course you can that way thanks wow what a woman but wait the bathroom is that way and she went the other way strange well where was i eight nine ten [Music] hey i brought you something to drink hi before the policeman comes right girl you walked the wrong way oh yes i'm sorry i just got lost something is off where are you looking i don't understand why she did that to you sir oh you women [Music] who is this boy whoops it's chloe nice disguise hey hey hey stop stop stop what are you carrying it's just my tools there are some things to fix in jail let's see nails well and in this drawer is chloe hiding snacks inside the box excuse me someone is calling one second hello go before he hey boy come here thank you for calling come there are some issues with the electricity can you check it me um let's go i'll show you oh you're so small look here see fix it okay sir oh i'm cheating i don't know anything about how to fix this [Music] you'll fix this right yes yes sir help me with this just hold this uh-oh the electricity is out but it's an opportunity for you chloe to sneak in while he can't see anything in the dark it's so dark in here madison who's here it's me it's me everything is all right look what i brought you first chocolate take it and second voila quick girls hide it before the policeman turns on the electricity ah the sign is still there where to hide candy oh stop listen maybe you can give me your stuff and i'll give you a gift card to a spa what do you think don't call this number again you little prankster um give me two two well okay deal [Music] here good [Music] luck so girl hey where is she and here is chloe looking like a cook i hope this disguise will help her sneak past the policeman [Music] food so good this is good for him ew please give me a little bit of this yummy food [Music] a little more oh so good enjoy can i go go food food oh food finally i'm so hungry take a bowl i'll give you some tasty stuff [Music] mash ew i don't wanna oh you silly look [Applause] [Music] pennies you are so smart i'll go now food [Applause] work hard you say yeah right oh look who is here again while he isn't watching maybe chloe will manage to sneak more snacks for madison uh oh watch out hey what's that you get out i have to work those people interrupting me wait the police hat is in chloe's hands and the dress is hanging up [Music] she knows what to do hello officer hello wait are you new strange handcuffs um yeah i bought them online new handcuff trend look someone is trying to get out of their cell omg i don't know what to do calm down i'm going to deal with it you better chill out chloe do you work here no silly a ticket i'm free you caught him thank you for your service of course it's my job please you can have him sorry let's go boy let's have a talk ha ha girls nice one stealing swearing not listening to parents so many mouse traps is he that scared of little mice chloe knows how to redirect his attention [Music] and now let's transport some goodies for a friend oh dear so many mice everywhere what where [Music] a car for me no one is here [Music] enjoy from chloe oh my bestie if we confiscated a very nice lollipop i didn't expect to see you here do you have any candy with you no don't be silly that's impossible what's that behind your back um look behind you an escaping prisoner what where time to save ourselves from this situation here we go stick it what was that look i don't have anything i saw the prisoner run over there hmm okay let me check then wait a minute i'm so hungry i'm going to eat these prison balls have you not escaped there's candy officer look the prisoner went that way where over there officer he ran there where i can't see anything i'm sorry i think he's over there hmm that makes sense oh yes [Applause] [Music] i am the master of fighting careful you want to hurt my baby you careless blue man oh i'm sorry i was just why did you come here i came here to see my husband okay give me a second i need to check the list what's his name anderson i can't find anyone named anderson well then you have to check again well he's not here let's spice things up with some more crying now what do you mean he's not here you put my husband in this stinky jail leaving me my baby alone oh please i can't take it anymore okay that's it show me what you have in your bag what's that diapers what else do you think i'd be carrying all right just get out of my sight amazing [Applause] hey madison charlotte you came to visit me look what i have over here oh my gosh is it a baby no it's snacks oh it's snacks so good to get some food oh wait my head got stuck between the bars wait i have some baby oil let me use it to get your head out here you go oh thank you i thought i'd be stuck here forever come here little baby let me take care of you [Music] not so fast what's this have you not seen the sign candy is not allowed or food oh maybe i missed it this time turn it over oh okay here take it hmm what's this i can stick this on good i have an idea oh my back is so itchy stop right there oh okay do you have anything illegal with you no i don't are you sure yes officer i'm 100 sure let me scan you oh okay scan me if you need to what's this the scanner is picking something up it's only my t-shirt okay i'll try one more time just to be sure again same thing let me try on myself something is wrong with this thing you can go thank you hey madison hey charlotte look what i have on my t-shirt girl lollipop oh thanks you sneak this in got it before someone sees you oh okay time to run this is one tasty burger what's that oh boy look at her oh no i ruined my shirt thank you hello i came to visit my friend do you have any food young lady me how could i of course not something is not right here can you turn around maybe we can use the x-ray to check you out [Music] oh officer there's no need to do that i'm good as it is come on let's go it will be fun it will just take a moment please stand here oh boy now for the fun part once i press this button we'll find out the truth no please no don't press the button boom what do we have here charlotte got busted candy is not allowed give me what you're hiding there get out now that's sad i was really starting to like her casual day at the inspection post oh wow food is not allowed what's that please wait a second i need to check this girl oh okay what is it with you this magnificent tall hair hey hey look into my eyes what's that it's my comb for my hair you can take a look hmm looks pretty normal here you go you can have it back wait before you go i need to do a scan on you look officer that girl is trying to get away wait what oh you you thought you could get away from me charlotte it's you what did you do with your hair well you see there's a trick a trick it's coke amazing give it to me here you go sister thank you oh finally real drinks wait there's more candy in a coal you're genius charlotte i know sometimes i surprise myself this is so good hey stop right there oh okay do you have anything on you no no no i don't turn around let me scan you what's in there show me nothing you say food is not allowed here no give it back to me it's mine stop resisting young lady oh no all the food exploded what is this food jackpot well this turned out better than i could ever imagine now get out of here seems charlotte lost everything she tried to sneak in oh hey maybe i can get my candy don't be silly please i said no that means no that's right [Applause] oh i have an idea look there's a spider oh no a spider perfect time for plan b hello who are you i'm a new janitor do you have any candy with you you know this is a no food zone food absolutely no hmm you look very familiar to me do i know you well i'm new here i'm not sure we've met okay can you help me clean the desk oh of course let me help you oh thanks phew that was close there you go your desk is like new now and your hat thanks bye wait what my hands are stuck and my legs [Applause] why is everything even stickier what the charlotte is that you hello yes it's me look what i've got for you no way you hid the candy in the mop this is amazing i can't believe you did that oh my gosh this smells so good here take this bucket it's soda no way really okay give it to me delicious quick take the bucket and i'm out of here thanks girl okay time to go i don't feel so good stop right there do you have anything illegal what i can't do you have anything illegal like junk food or candy those oh no i couldn't possibly have those don't be silly officer what's there under your hoodie i'm just very fat okay let me check oops okay come on then jump in one place i don't have much energy to argue here okay i can do a couple of jumps oh this is bad all right pick everything up come over here yeah this is disgusting here take this mask oh thank you let me have it hold on a minute hmm he's sick and i can have oh no bingo i have to run [Music] oh man i don't think i'm getting out of this alive stop right there what are you doing here well i'm a doctor i came to test the prisoners for the virus a virus yeah that's the order wait a minute come here i'm sick i need some help okay let me check here you go [Music] this is your medicine take it and use it you should be fine oh no i hate doctors leave me alone no it's me charlotte oh it's you here you go there's some candy here there's candy take it some more in a bag pretend that this is your medicine of course you're the best here comes the canine unit get ready for a real food hunt now is it charlotte did she dress as a police officer hey wake up maggot who are you why did you come here what you haven't seen a girl in uniform now i'm going to take control because you're sleeping all day let's see how well you're doing your job all right hunter take the smell of this oh no hunter picked some kind of smell coming right from the officer hey doggy calm down it's all right get away from me please don't bite me or i don't right you can have it here you go yes i knew it you see i see everything hey madison hey melvin good to see you muffin has some candy for you look it's all yours oh wow you got me some candy this is amazing thanks muffin and charlotte pam what's going on here oh i'm sorry where are you going came to discuss future business with my client do you have any candy or food with you of course not i'm a lawyer i respect can i see your briefcase sure here you go nothing here of course it's empty you can go now wait a minute oh what now nice glasses oh thank you very much for your compliment madison it's me why are you dressed all like that well there's hidden candy in my outfit here take these glasses look at you madison you look great do you look familiar have you seen a lawyer somewhere a lawyer yes yes she went over there oh okay makes sense thank you that was close the officer is going on a first date with his dream girl need to make sure my hair looks great and here is sophia hold on hey what do you think she's very pretty right oh yeah do you have any snacks with you no what's in the bag you can check okay oh a hairbrush just what i needed i need to fix my hair okay the brush just got stuck in the officer's hair here let me help you oh wow so much candy oh no i'm so sorry that's it you're under arrest sophia just brought candies for her friend madison oh a gun oh i'm so sorry no snacks or drinks are allowed in jail do you have anything with you sophia notices the prisoners and police officers close on the hangar she has an idea just take the clothes and go go looks like everything went smoothly the officer didn't see a thing sofia is dressed like a police officer and she is taking the poor guy as a prisoner hello who are you hello fellow officer here you go okay i brought a new prisoner he's a very dangerous criminal but i don't see anyone like him on the list go distract him well you have drinks over here i'm thirsty what do you think you're doing this is confiscated food hey calm down look officer the reward for this criminal is one million dollars wow okay go go i'm going to be rich such a huge amount of money really makes you forget about the rules hey madison it's me sophia sophia who's he never mind we brought you snacks okay step aside step aside i need to unlock the prison cell go in you criminal the police officer wants to lock this boy in a cell now we can share the reward right officer what oh yeah the reward this turned out bad what's this there are packs of candy instead of muscles well maybe it's not so terrible after all yay you'll be my best roommate yes roger that look it's sofia but wait no snacks allowed oh no i need to hide my candies i'll check my backpack a carrot what else calculator nope huh where did this come from underwear yikes [Music] what a beanie yes be right back here comes a very suspicious looking gentleman and here is sofia he just dropped his skittles skittles oh no who dared to bring snacks here me no it was him no not i've got a better idea the specially trained police dog he will tell which one of you is trying to sneak snacks this is serious more skittles look officer it's him so it was you you are coming with me finally justice triumphs or at least for someone now she can bring her snacks to madison madison looks really hungry luckily sophia's already here look what i have for you gummies this can i have this beanie take everything gotta go bye her friend is the best here comes sophia do you have any snacks no no snacks definitely not show me what you have in your backpack my backpack well okay let's see what's this an orange what it's my lip balm let me check that hurts oh this is bad the officer just broke his tooth i am so sorry i want you stay away yikes no everything fell off i won't get through like that what do i do tooth i know no i look ugly and here is sofia hello officer have any snacks with you no no i don't my tooth aches i can't eat any sweets okay go i have my own tooth problem it's a success hi madison sophia are you okay don't worry look ew sophia what is that on your face my face oh it's probably skittles oh it's skittles yes sure so good madison is going to be so happy what [Music] no food allowed luckily the policeman is busy oh these letters are so small i can't see a thing phew that was close i think i made it whoops oh no sophia slipped on the wet floor my documents they're ruined how will i be able to read them now but wait a minute this just gave her an idea maybe a hairdryer will help oh a cleaner please come here it's such a mess can you please clean it up sure thing sophia's disguise worked now she needs to prove that she's a real cleaner looks like she's trying her best [Music] wow everything is clean again even my documents are back to normal okay officer do you need anything else no no thank you what a success sophia took all of the confiscated food it's time to clean your prison cell again gotcha it's me sophia and look what i have it's mentos oh wow give it to me give it to me one more thing the bucket is filled with cola and that's not all let's see what's in here chips chocolate wow i'm so happy what are these officers doing they were just looking for some good music but look who's here hello it's sophia she's dressed like a granny all right sorry granny we have to check if you have any snacks with you oh no it's so hard to stand still this is my favorite song look at that the granny just started dancing better use that for your tick tock video but sophia didn't you forget that you're an old lady now ouch my back are you all right i have to go boys wait hold on something is suspicious what is going to happen what's this sound no way come look what wow looks like this granny video is hitting millions of views we're going to be rich yay good job looks like now they don't care it's an opportunity to escape sofia madison grandma what are you doing here no it's me sofia so good to see you look i brought you something a stick what do i do with it it's you i knew there was something suspicious about you come on we're taking you away [Applause] sophia wait do i hear something wait let me check i see the stick is filled with gummies how delicious two beautiful ladies just came into the jail stop what but the officer has no manners let me scan you are you hiding any candies what no okay both of you give me your makeup these look like identical eyeshadow palettes what is the officer trying to do let's see if there is food hidden in there um oh real okay this is real makeup take it go oh from all this stress my makeup has melted better fix it right that's not eye shadow that's chocolate i knew it you stay there you try to sneak food into jail you're coming with me lady sofia filled her makeup palette with chocolate but it got mixed up but now she can bring this chocolate to her friend damn it this pen doesn't work look it's sophia hold on there do you have any snacks with you no no of course i don't oh by the way do you have an extra pen let me borrow it huh it doesn't work oh i guess it stopped working what's this book it's a math book oh i'm just solving a math test show it to me no i can't better give it to me i will help you solve it looks like sophia doesn't have a clue but she has an idea a prisoner has escaped where sophia shoved the test into her mouth what is she doing well i don't see anything whoa the prisoner punched me in the face and he stole your mouth cast officer that's it he will regret this phew he fell for that i can finally go see madison hey madison i got you this what a pen it's not a pen silly oh i see it's candy and this one a math book open it there are candies hidden inside the book careful someone's coming what are you doing here we're just doing math look i just caught the thief who stole my math test i didn't do anything yeah right now go oops i hope that poor guy will be okay but there is no time to worry when you have candies to eat is this for madison hey miss i brought you flowers what for me huh looks like madison got a bit of chocolate stuck on her teeth are you hiding candies where is it i see that you were eating chocolate no i'm not hiding any well let me sit down for a bit no don't well this could have been a romantic moment but something is suspicious candy get off let me check if you're hiding more no it's the only one the whole bed is made out of snacks it's not mine i swear yeah right i see no food for you for three days miss and i'm taking back my flowers please officer come back
Channel: Gotcha!
Views: 43,693,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sneak Food, Into Jail, Food into jail, Ways to sneak into jail, Sneak Snacks, Sneak Candy, Sneak Fast Food, Into Hospital, Into Class, Ways To Sneak, Funny Ways, Funny Pranks, Food Pranks, Best Pranks, Prank Wars, Funny Moments, Awkward Moments, Useful Things, Tutorial, Guide, Step By Step, How To, Simple, Easy, Life Hacks, Hacks, Tips, Tricks, DIY Activities, Do It Yourself, DIY, 123 go!, Ratata, Kaboom, Woohoo, Troom Troom, Gotcha!
Id: E_3HodDPnTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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