Court Scenes So Bizarre You Won't Believe They Actually Happened

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- [Narrator] Court is the most respected institution in the world. It's where people's entire futures are sometimes at stake, and when you enter one you have to be on your best behavior. But the world has its fair share of odd people, who can't act normal, even in the strict confines of a courtroom. Let's get to it, to find out the top 10 Court Scenes So Bizarre You Won't Believe They Actually Happened! (whimsical music) Number 10, Mr. Wilkins. In 2008, Mr. Wilkins was in court for a felonious assault charge. He decided he wanted to represent himself in court, even when encouraged by the Judge to get a lawyer. A few years earlier he represented himself, and was miraculously acquitted, despite having only an 8th grade education, so presumably he thought the same thing would happen, but it didn't. He was in the middle of questioning a police officer as part of his defense and knew he couldn't get away with it this time. So he tried to act his way out of it, he collapsed to the floor, faking a heart attack. - Your Honor, excuse me for a second. I need some time. (people chattering) - [Narrator] But this Academy-Award winning performance definitely didn't bode well with the judge. She had multiple police officers and medics check out Mr. Wilkins, and they all concluded he was completely faking it. After waking him up she had some choice words for Mr. Wilkins. - [Judge] You've been checked out by trained deputies who are medics, you've been checked out by a registered nurse, as well as an emergency medical technician, all of whom indicate that there is nothing physically wrong with you, nor any reason why you couldn't continue here, sir. - [Narrator] Judge Hoffman ended his antics with a 42 year sentence. Maybe he'll use that time in jail to brush up on his acting skills. Number nine, threatening the Judge. Most of the time in court you want to prove that you're innocent, especially if you're up for a murder charge. Let's just say, Juan Rodriguez clearly isn't the brightest crayon in the box. During his arraignment for attempted murder charges for stabbing a nurse's assistant, he threatens someone's life in the courtroom, the jude. - Listen to me. You don't let me out of here I'm gonna (bleep) kill you. Not a joke. I'm gonna take your (bleep) life if you don't let me out of here. Okay, I'm done. Now let's eat breakfast, the brother's cooking. - [Narrator] He demanded to be released from jail for Rosh Hashanah because of his Jewish background. However, instead of being polite, he hurled insults at the judge threatening to kill her. Needless to say, she definitely did not side with him, and ruled that he be held without bond for a first degree attempted murder charge. Number eight, two women fall to the floor. Having a life sentence read out is definitely up there as one of the worst moments in someone's life. But for Erica Mae Butts and Shanita Latrice Cunningham, both convicted of killing a three year old baby, their reaction was among the most bizarre. - You did get credit for any of the time that you served-- (women screaming) - [Narrator] Butts' mother also had to be physically thrown out of the room because of her screaming. Who knew those court room chairs could come so in handy? They're currently serving a life sentence. Justice was served. Number seven, Franklin Williams won't shut up. Franklyn Williams, accused of three armed robberies, definitely loves to talk. The Judge in the first 20 seconds of his trial urges him not to speak, and to let his lawyers speak for him. In fact, he decides to interrupt the judge so much to plead his case that the judge has no other options than to yell, zip it to Mr. Williams. But he still doesn't get the point across. - Your Honor, I just met this attorney the other day. - [Judge] That's fine, so-- - He came and took my cell phone yesterday and they came and took all my property out my cell today. - Mr. Williams! I'm the judge in the matter, shut your mouth and I'll tell you when you can talk. You got it? At this point I'm going to hear from your lawyers and that means zip it. - [Narrator] So in one of the most bizarre cases ever, the Judge makes true on his threat by taping his mouth shut. - It is what it is. - He definitely now understands what it means to have the right to remain silent, earning himself 24 years in prison. Number six, grabbing a gun. Remaining calm during sentencing is one of the most important aspects of being in court. In this case, Michael Fisher is calmly waiting for his sentencing to be given out. The Judge reads that he has been found guilty of first degree murder in the killings of his wife and son. The sentence he received is life in prison without parole. In that moment, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He punches Deputy Scott Eby, and tries to remove an officer's handgun in hopes of escaping. (people shouting) While grabbing an officer's handgun may have seemed a good idea in the moment, he soon realized it wasn't and he should've sat there like everyone else as he's tasered by officers. Michael's last words to the judge were, "I am going to come back and get every last one "that did something to me." Good luck Michael, you're never getting parole. Number five, thumbs up, you're going to jail. Isabel Martinez isn't exactly your run-of-the-mill upstanding citizen. She's charged with six counts of aggravated assault, and five counts of murder for killing her husband and four kids by stabbing. Only one of her offspring survived. The reaction of the woman on the left to her charges says it all. - [Judge] 10 counts of murder, which of course also is a felony. You have no bond on the murder charges, only a superior court judge can even consider bond on that. You are entitled to have a hearing to consider you for bond within 30 days. - [Narrator] The Judge asks her if she has any job, which she replies no, and then when he urges her to get an attorney, she completely refuses. The strangest part is that this woman seems super happy about the killings and even more excited that she has a life sentence. She gets on the ground, bowing out of nowhere, confusing the entire court. It seems she loves having the attention and the cameras on her, smiling proudly touching her outfit as if she's famous. She gives her sentence a big two thumbs up. - [Woman] People that you're in the courtroom with here, the people in the holding cell, the people in your pod, if you speak to them about your case you create another witness for the state. - [Narrator] So far she's escaped the death penalty and is awaiting trial for life in prison. The court is still waiting to deem if she's mentally stable enough to have a trial. Do you think she's mentally stable? Number four, Penelope Soto. Penelope Soto is very charming when she's in court. On a charge of drug possession, she goes on about how much jewelry she owns and laughs whenever the Judge is talking. But the Judge reminds her that this is a court, not a club,. - How much would you say your jewelry's worth? (Penelope laughing) It's not a joke. We are not in a club now. - [Narrator] And things take a turn for the worst for her as she makes fun of the Judge's accent saying adios when she leaves. - Bye bye. - Adios. - [Narrator] For this, the Judge changes her charge from $5,000 to $10,000. She is livid, walking away, flipping the bird and telling the Judge to (bleep) off. At this point, the Judge has had enough. He brings her back, finds her in direct criminal contempt, and orders her to spend 30 days in the county jail for that outburst. This girl was obviously never taught to respect authority. - Did you say (bleep) me? - Actually I did. - Did you say that? - Yes sir I did. - Oh you did say that? I find you in direct criminal contempt. 30 days in the county jail. - Okay. - [Narrator] Sadly, in a later hearing, the judge dropped the $10,000 fine along with the 30 days in jail and sent her to drug court instead because she apologized. - My behavior was very irrational, and I apologize not only to the court and you, but to my family. Number three, Judge Qiana Lillard. Judge Qiana Lillard is in the middle of sentencing Amanda Kosal, for a DUI which resulted in the death of a young man. Things seem to be going completely smoothly until a man and a woman can't stop laughing at the back of the courtroom gallery. The Judge reminds everyone that this is a court of law, and is not a joke. There's a family grieving the loss of a loved one, mourning over her tragically being taking away, and these two people keep laughing. - I don't know who he is, but whoever can sit here at a tragic moment like this and laugh and smile when somebody has lost a family member. I mean the entire time that Mr. Zirker's sister was speaking that clown, and that's what I'm gonna call him, a clown, was sitting there smiling and laughing. And you can go too, because if you don't know how to act, you can go to jail, so leave. - [Narrator] But it didn't stop there. On her way out, the woman adds some backchat to the mix landing herself 93 days in jail. - [Judge] Anybody that can sit there and laugh and smirk, with somebody, take her, she's going in the back. She's goin' in the back. Anybody else wanna go? You can go too. - [Narrator] For speaking out of turn in a courtroom she was charged for criminal contempt. Not only was Amanda sentenced to three to 15 years in jail her friend was sentenced for 93 days, on a day when she wasn't even the one on trial. Sadly, she only spent a night in jail, but it must have taught her a lesson, the courtroom is no place to joke around. Number two, Mr. Jones. Everyone has their own way of reacting in a court room. Usually it results in standing in silence, crying, looking to your loved ones. But in Mr. Jones' instance, it resulted in one of the most bizarre reactions in court ever. He was on trial for possession of a weapon used in a violent crime, and of murdering a cop when this happened. - Are you currently employed? - No. - [Woman] Do you want me to screen you for an attorney? - No. - [Woman] Gonna hire your own? - I don't need one. - [Woman] Mr. Jones, I've never advised anyone to go into court, regardless of the charge, without an attorney. (man growling) Do you want to be screened for an attorney? - Don't care (growling). - [Woman] Mr. Jones. - [Narrator] I don't know if the biting and growling is an intimidation technique, but whatever makes you feel better Mr. Jones. Look at the guard's face next to him. This is a state where the death penalty exists, and everyone has their own way of dealing with stress. While this was his preliminary hearing, Jones was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Before we get to number one, here's an honorable mention! In a Miami courtroom, Lawrence Patrick Sullivan, a 29 year old man, was convicted of carrying a concealed firearm. He showed up for his trial with green hair, pale skin, tattoos on his face, looking a lot like the Joker. He may have been confused if it was Halloween or not. - You can represent me,but I'm trying to get bonded out man. - They're there to help you, sir, you don't have a lawyer. - It doesn't feel like, I didn't feel like signing the paperwork. I'm really not in the mood for that. - [Narrator] When he was arrested, officers patted Lawrence down and found a .380 pistol in one of his pockets. He didn't have a permit because the gun was too expensive. His bail was set at $5,000. That isn't too bad for a villain trying to escape the Batman, hopefully he won't have to go to Arkham Asylum for a long time. Number one, Michael Marin. This man lived a life most would dream of. He was a millionaire, having traveled the world, traded in complex investments, and led an all-round lavish life. That was, until he bought a mansion he couldn't afford, and got into lots of debt. To escape his troubles, he decided to burn the house down, but his home-insurance provider got suspicious and investigated it. Turned out, he escaped the file in a scuba tank and mask, and plotted the whole thing. Whilst being tried for arson and for incident, it loomed on him that it could lead to decades in prison. As the verdict was being read, he placed his hands over his mouth, looking distraught, but secretly he slipped a pill in his mouth. Soon, chaos ensued. Turns out he poisoned himself with cyanide as soon as the guilty verdict was read. What do you think was he thinking in his final thoughts? Soon after, he went into convulsions and died on the courtroom floor, leaving his wife and four kids behind. This is very similar to Slobodan Praljak, a wartime commander of Bosnia, who drank poison at the UN, due to his crimes against humanity. In both of these cases, the men could not live with the thought of going to jail for the rest of their lives. What do you think? Would you rather face a lifetime in prison or end it right then and there? Let me know in the comments down below. Hopefully you'll never have to make that decision. Thanks for watching! (whimsical music)
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 814,187
Rating: 4.827879 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, caught on camera, unexplained, caught on tape, mysterious, unsolved, mystery, creepy, Court, judge, mysterious things, scariest things, Penelope Soto, life sentence, felonious assault charge, real, Jail, DUI, facts, insane, caught, bizarre, worst moments, people, Moments, strange, Things, analysis, real bizarre, crazy, laughs, viral, institution, Court Scenes, court room
Id: 7h73and9oho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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