CRAZY SOAP BOX DERBY OBSTACLE RACE! - Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday! Ep 77

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[Music] I'm bringing you another episode of multiplayer Monday and scrap mechanic once again with comodo gaming hello and Conn and today we are doing the soapbox race down to these crazy crazy obstacle courses that Kahn has built which are very there's a student why did you do this Kahn there's trees there are trees actually you know why there's a reason Red Bull has been doing this soapbox marathon on their Red Bull website for some reason so they've been doing this crazy soapbox marathon and I've just like I really wanted to do it so Fox raised all right oh wait wait wait I waited way to sell us up there Kahn videos and expectations in reality really close all right well anyway so we have to basically build a vehicle that is within 16 by 16 and no thrusters no glitches and no propulsion it is completely gravity working you have to let the track take your vehicle down and all you can do is steer that's all you can do just sit in it and steer and this ball is an example of that except it's definitely not the sixteen by sixteen requirement so for the intro we got to get down to the bottom to get it to our garages so we think it would just all right and the steering either this has no steering [Applause] okay that was fun and actually yeah your vehicle has to be able to get over this stuff so good luck let's go down let's go down the rest of the course cuz I delete this yeah we got that all right so we got some trees so your vehicle can't be too wide cuz you're gonna be able to get through these trees and stuff oh I'm sliding oh oh by the way by the way these little things come on I don't know can do this look back here these have collisions these little sticking up branches here the small ones don't but the big ones no I'm not worried about we're not gonna make it that far so okay okay alright so we've been thinking and and we're thinking that we definitely want suspension to get over those crazy amount of pipes at the beginning and something to slow you down is probably going to be useful so I so off the course how did you fall off the course running my cat was doing something and I went back and yeah okay sure sure sure yep so yeah they are identical they're all identical yes it's all identical alright lair Monday your Monday whoever goes through the oh yeah I think the best of three so whoever gets the farthest or finishes the most times out of three races Oh out of three races gotcha gotcha yeah so unless it's a three-way tie and then we do one more I guess yeah I'm assuming not everyone's gonna finish all three times so whoever gets the furthest I think will get the point for that particularly guys guys check it out check it out I have a big logo and then check this out I got I got a little logo what what is this little con why do you get one why don't we get one I don't know but it look he's stackable except moans like how cool would it be to have like a three dimensional gear that can roll around and he's Eddie's Hollow no little con little and use it as a wheel can you put like bearings on top of it no but you can in fact use it as a garbage can you can't get it in look okay guess what I am I don't know I'm Kanchana why the garbage can I'm soaked I'm in the trash in the trash can hey everyone fifteen minutes on the clock build your thing no thrusters no glitches no engines no press your button that's my button con all right on the lift down I didn't put my left down okay I'm ready red button red button does the extra live time does the time helping Komodo if you're not contributing motto at just about time it going there goes [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-uh here's timer [Music] hmm oh oh it is a shoe he's got laces that's so good this looks pretty cool I like it why'd you imagine why a shoe why is shoe that was a soap box derby not about a shoe then you got your brakes wait how does your steering work he turns oh okay I thought I didn't know where the steering bearing was those are your brakes okay yeah we're doing all right it looks good all right it looks good I really like the the-- big the chute Debus really well done no G I'm waiting on the theme thing here okay all right uh cotton Kahn's next my I don't mind I mean I kind of have a theme but not really my themes just split just gone it's just gone because it's wet Wow what please tell me first oh wow it doesn't really line up way off I can't get it perfect Wow I mean I probably could but I was trying to probably several minutes on that I spent I spent way too much time on that all right so let me show you how's your turning work okay yeah breaks how's your break turns yeah what are you you know okay all right they both tilt down on the controller and then they pitch down Yeah right I see I see all right cool cool yeah it seems it could work all right I don't know haven't tested it looks good baby looks good yep you're ready for mine right ready for mine not really what is it is it is racecar it's got the always coming up holder the patented scrap man coming vice yeah got six wheels just cuz some of those pipes were a little bit we're a little bit uh tall there so I don't want to bottom out in my middle and then the only front wheel creation you know anytime I do back wheel steering like 4-wheel steering it's way too much so I think Weil will allow me the fine tuning much more easier if that makes for medical sense much more screwed up scrap man what I do I'm gonna show you what you did look at lights now if you hook your brake lights up now hit your brakes [Music] gonna win and now I can't even say what you did now I have to do that all over again now I look like a caterpillar it is character it's like like I am not amused I am not amused we go right yeah that's crazy okay all right first one to the top is the first one at the top oh right are you guys ready to race down to this terrifying steep hill yep I'm ready remember all right but I'm about oh boy a ball over here get a win guys you think it's gonna win it could win obviously think it's gonna win I think the trees aren't gonna stop it well isn't there is a tree in the middle isn't there I don't think I think it'll just hit it and roll off of it and then keep going alright so you know I'm gonna be distracting I'm gonna be like warning to watch the ball but I'm not gonna only pay attention to my own course I'm furthest from it it's gonna be harder for me to see it alright anyway anyway ball counts towards the alright yeah I think if we could pay attention the ball counts but we have three rounds and we are allowing an adjustment period between each round so you can actually add and tweak things on your vehicle between rounds to try to optimize its performance that way you're not just doomed if you just come at last I'm just gonna hold the brakes the whole time that's actually a good strategy it's so steep I'm really nervous right now okay brakes brakes brakes brakes I'm stuck on a tree no no wait wait can we reset our vehicle on a lift on the track guys guys I didn't win we didn't discuss this can we reset our vehicle on a lift if we're still on the track I was on my vehicle what the balls go past me guys somebody answer me yeah sure sure sure okay all right yeah I have to get back in it though Oh getting get again no no it's going without me okay yes what wait they don't make it all the way to the bottom no you're at the bottom a pill through at the crack it made it yeah no no no go back go back okay good no no no no I felt through the map oh wait I'm back on the track but by vehicle is a lot better if I would not have used the brakes on mine wait did both of you make it okay I made it though the ball one yeah the ball did win though did it actually make it all the way yeah it's down here at the bog I'd make it filled in for some reason at the crack down here where he's got the one piece it flattens out hmm it's right here yep ball one wow that was impressive yep all right back to the top all right you know I'm doing no breaks this time that's my adjustment to my adjustment is no brain to try the no breaks is time to full speed just staying straight you guys ready for round two I'm ready for round two yeah all right here we go started the timer first big first thank you first all right there it goes oh I'm dead wait wait I'm still on the course oh there's a tree out of me again there's a tree ahead of me again all right come on there we go all right all right I'm up here I'm up here I'm up here I'm up here Oh No hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I got this I got this I got this I'm still on the course boat Oh No well I made it the farthest right that means look at the point yeah you did make the furthest not the ball made in the farthest wait where's the ball that was the old ball where's know the first the first time the new ball didn't make it through so it's one point Cobb one point we go go Moo moe okay this is not fair this ball is cheating all right I want to make a modification my vehicle I'm gonna make it a ball now oh my god that is so intense you get going so quickly there it's just it's why I've modified my system so there's a switch braking mechanism sort of a button braking mechanism I think will make it much easier to to manage my steering and braking if I don't have to hold it down I'm gonna are putting on eight what's it as you make it a useless night oh there's no bearings on it okay there's no bearings it'll just drag me some grip team ball and chain guys here we go all right I'm all right but this is gonna slow me down it up I don't think it will all right here we go team breeze oh I already started the timer Oh what your ball and chains getting pushing me yes all right here we go here we go all right team ready team brakes working and it's working kind of it kind of all right you know oh no it's it's riding on that's are you all right let me go a little bit faster all right now slow down slow down oh these brakes these rigs are working I feel stable I feel more stable I'm like slow down a little bit more oh no no yeah I'm done yep I was turning but it wasn't turning going down this that's true oh I can't even see the jumps are going off of yet okay wait where'd the ball go well still here yeah mine's going without me wait how did you get back up there wait what me what Oh guys guys miss screwed up we started up did we not put the ball down we didn't spawn a moon Boas ball oh we got to redo it we got to redo it guys we got to redo it guys no you didn't make it come on come on go like a motor you can do it although this round doesn't count because we forgot yeah blows ball doesn't count no scrap man do you know what happened no bill there's a map and I fell to the skybox and I landed back on the ramp I'm keeping that that's my round that's a way you can keep that but we got to do one more round that actually happens yeah they haven't any cover points that was they forgot to include Mambo and oh no I forgot my dock I forgot no I forgot to relook on my switching to my seat no I know full speed full speed see him again oh no the ball is winning look at it go oh I can't believe that happened it's like it doesn't even care oh I have it I hooked up the new switch and I didn't put it on the seat oh oh it's actually a race between Moomba Khan and Komodo yeah it was yep not any more oh okay okay okay we're good we're good I just got Komodos done kimonos done that means kind of and if I can't get in this thing okay I think I made it about this far to be honest with you there we go there we go okay where's the bullet come on bomb ball and chain the other thing it's so hard if you have to reset on the ramp because oh wait what inside I'll give it to him it's a tire do you get tired you still made it the farthest always the ball gets stuck on a tree Brandon did you have any points yeah well it depends on if you come Mambo no no no points for you to man your time for lesson man I am disappointed that I forgot to hook up I switch to my seat brakes just just just not to the seat it is not hooking up the brakes yeah brakes yeah I just gonna jump out and present that's all I needed to happen alright where's the vehicle oh yeah the ball and chain it's right here winning vehicle here's the winning vehicle right here oh right and let's get rid of that we can get rid of it yeah yeah we don't need any of this stuff anymore it's pretty much yes as so what winning looks like I think I probably tested the course for steepness before I before you yeah yeah maybe a little bad mention the fact that he was building us as we you know started I built this and I didn't ride it test it once I just said I look stupid it's a little aggressive yeah leave your comments suggestions I mean this is kind of a race but like not really because it's I don't know but I mean it was a race yeah well kind it was a race it was a race there's more race against yourself but really but it's a race yeah race okay alright well we'll see you guys are the next multiplayer Monday [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 210,994
Rating: 4.8483701 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic game, awesome creations, best scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic multiplayer race, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic tile builder, custom tile builder, tile builder, soap box derby, scrap mechanic soap box derby, soap box race
Id: iX1Fl2uPvgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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