Can YOU Guess?! 3D PICTIONARY RETURNS! Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday! Ep 67

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you really can't build this any better than you've built it no scrap man bringing you another episode of multiplayer Monday once again with Mambo oh hello komodo gaming oh and we got a con on the end over there hello and today we are actually back with pictionary 3d pictionary episode 2 we've actually done one episode of this before so if you're not familiar go ahead and check that out now you might be wondering what is so special about this episode of pictionary well this time we have stairs so we can actually get amazing yep so we think I think we've also changed up the rules a little bit we are going to basically one person builds and then the other three have to guess whoever buzzes in first gets their chance to guess that will stop the timer while they're building so you cannot build what people are guessing and the timer will cease to continue and if somebody gets it right they get a point but if nobody guesses it at all then you lose a point so that gives you incentive to actually build some yet yeah if nobody guesses your build at all then you lose a point so that gives you incentive to actually build something that actually looks weird yep and yeah we just got to see whoever gets the five points first wins and you use whatever you want to build like you can use any objects in your inventory and it has to be just clocks who's going yep two-minute timer I guess I guess if we go left to right here or right to I go first yep okay all right you go first oh we're doing right to left I don't know are you doing the right to left what right left left to right jr. see Dan you see all right I'm gonna generate my word all right guys I got my word are you guys ready are you guys ready for this all right yeah this is this is actually going to be kind of difficult for me all right here we go in three two one we're going already going really really it's a horse no are we still going with the rule if you if you buzz in and guess wrong that you can't guess until someone else buzzes in look at that so we still play with that sure yeah yeah we did with the rule all right I thought we did that work why didn't that work up there we go all right here we go yeah I'm just showing them out here I can know it is not a my faith it is not not amazing it is not it why isn't your lights turning off all right reg you ready working we're good okay all right we go oh the by right I did hold the button I'm gonna I'm gonna need my lift here well I don't even know like I don't think he knows I'm not seeing anyone I mean I could yeah no no it's something abstract it's uh uh Komodo Oh the seahorse yes it's a seahorse yeah it was so funny you guessed horse without me even doing anything it was like no it's a good seahorse guys that's a good seahorse oh yeah add your point manually come over though there you go all right yeah you got a point here we go it's time to generate my word yeah I generated that all right saveurs okay yeah I'm what do i do switch here press this way to go yeah switch and in three two one I'm gonna start here okay okay okay all right picture inscribed you made a completely two dimensions all 2d yep hey those blocks for three-dimensional Oh someone's coming at us bench no oh wow I'll let you know what my legs turn off all right and yeah no no my legs aren't no all right now they're up now wait a few seconds yep I don't remember how we set this up okay let me get them my lift what are you building what is he building you know you know we're the audience right are you orient are you orienting it yeah it's towards us like you guys don't need to worry about anything okay okay it's uh I almost want to like walk up there and just like walk around it oh oh oh wait I'm sorry I'm not supposed yeah my bad my bad I bet I gotta wait for you guys sorry I got excited yeah I gotta wait I'm sorry trigger-happy trigger-happy and let me know when it what is it a one of those mailboxes no what what kind of mailbox do you have the one public the blue oh they don't have legs like that all right I'm going back to building yeah Oh what okay is it a duck no oh that was my guess earlier it looks like I know it looks like one of the scrap mechanic ducks almost all right are you okay I'm gonna actually grab something for my inventory really quickly okay here we go turn it up again all right this is gonna change everything really you have like a minute left it's oh oh wait um what happened who is that I think it's not me I got it first okay all right it is a chicken yes yep I can't believe I guess duck what it's a second I know I was gonna guess I might a boy duck at a chicken anyway all right I'm about to generate my word all right ready word is ready to go and click the button okay what come on ready to go ready to go no oh you just said the words ready to go you lied you thought I had yeah you screwed yourself there wasted for the first one alright here we go and drying alright yeah alright good he's building and drying at the same time he's that's a big wall there oh okay working on it oh no that was me wasn't it oh my yeah I'm a computer monitor uh-uh I have to give it to him he got computer it's oh alright compute that's a computer 1990 computer our audience won't even know what you're building I was I was obviously guessing I was gonna guess like a TV like it olds go to TV yeah alright I'll just pop a point on wait so what's that - for oh well we're tired right now is that working on one yeah except for Connie and alright you ready yep ready what's your word it is a word all right are you starting okay it really is it mate isn't me it's me staircase stair stair case no ha ha nice try oh no what no it's not stairs not stairs scrap man not stairs ok Oh dawn yeah moto escalator no no okay yeah you guys are going to the wrong the wrong direction yeah okay keep throwing out that garbage what okay describe it duplex no no what would I get - I don't know it's - yeah it's a Darin case okay no it's not it's not it's great yeah it was a staircase it clearly is okay I'm just gonna build himself out of the ER like a Rana I see you're on a timer right yeah I know the timer is there yeah it's like this huh I've been actually do some painting if nobody guesses this you're gonna lose a non-existent point okay yes my guess is swimming pool or know what getting closer though but know what okay so see yes yes yes doc no nice right okay here's gonna be the big the big thing guys the big thing yesterday about this side over here oh I got it oh I know what is it no doll oh yes oh yeah what's oh I would not have guessed that okay I guess that yeah I'm impressed it's kind of hard that was yeah blue water water who is water higher water is shallower it's like when you gues when there's nothing there and it's like well he was gonna build the thing all right my turn I'm gonna generate my word all right I got my word are you guys ready all right here we go oh I just thought it really like I got my inventory ready for this I already know I know exactly I know exactly what I'm doing for this it's gonna be so simple you guys gonna get this so quick you ready I'm ready yes all right timer is on here we go okay okay what about you okay I'm looking I'm looking okay okay litter ramp maybe there's a faster way to build what you're building right now what do you build yeah what are you alright I'm gonna I'm gonna do something here for you guys I'm gonna do something here for you guys I have to make a modification what Oh cuz moonbow is busting anyway oh okay all right all reset all right okay is it a shark yes it's a shark oh boy did you guys really not know what that was I saw it I'm like it's gotta be a shark with the water it's gotta be a shirt yeah I mean it's a triangle I was gonna build a whole shark at first and I'm like wait a minute I don't have to do that why don't you just put down the shark piece oh I totally forgot there was a and then just like I don't to a point yes hitting the button the hole I don't think what is this totally missed opportunity yeah okay I'm gonna do this here we go okay switch alright Moomba what's your word okay use your words about something like this what's that looks like concrete okay okay what like that well on fun get a pair of shoes no what do you maybe your clothes how do you yeah how do you even know your clothes all right a building again here I'm drawing I mean you're pretty oh I was just about to blows in Oh Komodo boots no no okay were they bang it like this now all right the watch you know what I'm gonna do one thing Oh statue no oh no I was gonna be a statue that's why that statue would try good try okay watch this everybody watch closely I'm watching I'm watching closely oh come on Oh beat yes we forgot the thing go on all right come on oh you got your break yep get a word okay I'm ready I got this I gotta get a first try at least let him build something first all right here we go I got it wall I gotta get myself a point for that one [Laughter] I feel ya all right so now it's just cotton again time I could lose ya Khan could be my last place come on man you're even you're the host to we're a server hosting you're in last place yeah I know you got to get ready you know just building just built just build all right okay every bet oh it's just like yours p'mote oh is it a walls gonna say mm-hmm okay that's not I was expecting can you reset the timer or reset the yeah yeah yeah III don't I take mine back any one of those name what is yeah what is it it's a camera yep whoa I said it just clicked literally like a camera Wow I was trying to figure out what would make the best lens but that's clever it was clever alright we got your bow in first place wouldn't kind of last place all right you guys ready share the fun Scott competitive server all right all right guys all right you guys I am starting the timer right now here we go guys go ahead Khan is it as its tilt no nice guest oh okay Oh resetting no no no right and okay go ahead mumbo is guessing I'm just person no yeah you guys there's gonna be there's gonna be a moment like there's gonna be a single thing I'll put down that is gonna be the defining factor of what you're guessing here I'm gonna wait for this thing I don't like yeah I mean you can get [Music] a komodo manikin No Oh God have you got that right alone that was a good guess all right all right all right are you guys ready for this I can't get me wait wait wait wait wait wait my paint tool I'm gonna have to do a little bit of this and of course they always wear a red shirt all right and here we go this is the moment this is the moment people okay this is the moment I'm what what what come on Mambo hip yes I don't know it's always I mean I got fixated on the red yeah it's always blue pants and red shirt I don't know why is that's always the way it goes blue pants red shirt for what for it what type of person character when you put blue pants on it so it goes with a red shirt really I was thinking like taxi driver like who always wears blue pants and a red shirt I couldn't figure it out nope threw you out there didn't I yep three off really did not moon both oh wait I weren't on the throne Moomba off he's gonna win yes four points guess this thing now pictionary gone okay rule number one of dictionary don't be a loser all right let me generate we're here for us my room ready I'm starting the timer rate about now let's see Canadian what can I say hey why do you guys always start with a slam sorry okay why do you not start with a slob because I 3d pictionary you've made two-dimensional obviously the entire time you know what you know what yeah there there are three Dementor what are you moonbow what is the building what is this what is this the point of this game is to guess what it is all right gotta guess is it a thumb no a thumb okay that's that's a hand that's a hand run through a blender will it blow my hands up will it blend rubbing that so my god come on kind sorry sorry you just you you me me me me me me me what is it it is it a hand no that's not the word oh thank you for giving me my yes bag thumbs up no I mean it's broken thumb but not be the worst that's not the point genuinely not get us Ohio Oh God it's a watch no one what Oh Oh me me wait oh oh no it was me I won I won I won bracelet yes oh my god that's that was cheap yeah no oh right that was clever that was clever I like the big I like the big cans that the idea I was I was originally going to just do a bracelet I was like that's not gonna yeah circle no right alright guys we can't let move Oh get this one all right work Komodo okay see the word what's your word yes word I need one point the word don't let me do it um I see something now oh no no bad combo no um I was gonna say musical note or a note I don't know come on oh no no okay whoa make sure you don't guess unless you absolutely I know yeah boom Oh can't guess until one of us guys know yeah white and prove they're okay yep yeah okay okay oh it's okay oh I know I just what kind of it yes wait wait wait we're getting new part we're here in new parts this is gonna probably give it off okay okay I'm ready let's see I don't know if it's really uh Kevin dear yep that was nice I don't know I was gonna say reindeer I'm like you know what deer is probably more like I don't know time do you really only have one point right now [Laughter] we've already established that are good at building stuff and that's a bit yeah so pretty much komodo you have to win this otherwise game over yeah here we go okay all right all right are you down here we go okay Wow okay okay the word no it's not sorry Wow hmm interesting why is there suspension I don't look cool that's I'm still trying to what really can't get it now like that's I said done man like we've died that's white uh-huh it's right and I okay you're like totally done building like that's it you lose a point you lose your only point if we can't get this I don't know what else to put on it okay hold on I'm trying to I feel like your suspension is throwing us off I don't really should not be throwing anybody off it's like the boys okay hold on this this is just to help like show you stuff it's not sure well can you show us that you had you have like less than you have like 40 seconds what is that what is I don't get it like I'm trying to look at it from the other perspective [Music] like this mitosis this is what it would do you know what would it would do right so it's still just the white thing right but like this is what it would do I don't what this is cause good so like a you know I'd be here you really can't build this any better than you've built it it's a pogo stick really oh well first of all first of all jump away turn a thing off first of all I think the handlebars are wider than the pogo part we got that reversed yeah you lose your only point you lose your eye I don't like that is less an embarrassment on my side and more on your side for not guessing that was real tastic and then you were like jumping in between the parts of the pogo goes up and down like I don't know how else opposed do it my turn isn't it oh boy all right here we go no hammer has started I can win and okay mmm it is not a pogo stick it to buzz in by the way oh oh is it was it oh my bow bow bow bow is it a penguin yes it's a penguin it's a penguin mundo wins bubu is the pictionary master I didn't even hit the head I'm a concrete slab and you couldn't guess pogo stick like but to be honest it wasn't terrible pogo stick what I honestly really can't think of how to do it better penguin from like to ram pieces and a concrete slab because if that was a key that was the key to finding a feature right there apparently you have zero points Kahn no technically I had one no yeah what you would time but you got 0s a pogo stick I mean clearly clearly not my problem oh man okay our faults are our fault good game good game make sure you check out everyone else's channels links in the description and leave suggestions for future multiplayer monday ideas verbally things that aren't pure races creative multiplayer monday ideas alright well I think that's against Dubai about this whole thing yeah you all do okay it'll be that that'll be like your defining the I don't know what I'm saying right now we're gonna remember you for this yes well we'll never forget the pogo stick fiasco hey wait what happened why am I like this [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 180,593
Rating: 4.918571 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic game, awesome creations, best scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic multiplayer race, Scrap mechanic pictionary, 3d pictionary, scrap mechanic draw something, scrap mechanic 3d pictionary, 3d draw something, let's draw, pictionary
Id: l1fqdza5YTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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