Rescue Vehicle Challenges! Quality Service NOT Guaranteed... - Main Assembly Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to main assembly and today we're gonna be doing some awesome challenges working our way through the save em challenges and hopefully unlocking the break it challenge which is a challenge in its own category completely with some parts that i haven't really used yet but in this one these are also challenges that i have never done before these are new challenges to me the first challenge of this i looked at a while ago and i went ahead and just did it on my own because it wasn't really anything particularly new but these ones i have not tried at all so let's get into a heated situation here oh okay making your robots great dealing with fire hazards oh unfortunately humans are highly flammable and instinctively climb things in the presence of fires you will have to extend your reach to help them we extinctively instinctively climb things in the presence of fire so we got wow look at this we gotta save all of the dummies whatever alternative help means and we gotta pop all balloons where are the balloons i'm assuming that they're gonna be up here too this is cool we got a whole fire oh man look at that got a whole fire scenario all right how many dummies four i see all four of them there's one there's two there's three and there's four so we're definitely gonna need some type of crane arm thing using pistons and maybe some hinges um oh there's balloons okay so now i'm getting an idea of where the balloons are i'm sure i probably missed some other balloons over here uh aid stations we can take them to the aid station all right well i can't find any of the other balloons we're gonna focus on the dummies though because i think those are the main the main objective here probably saving people i don't know what alternative help is going to mean but let's get into build mode uh apparently this is the last thing i built which actually might be a good starter thing because the main thing i want to focus on right now is a crane thing which i can probably put on the front of this this is actually really nice here because the wheels are out in the front which means that if i put weight right here the wheels will support that weight without tipping us forward too much um let's also make this out of what is it made out of aluminum yeah we want this to be heavier since we got to lift things up let's go heavy and we'll make it out of steel so everything should now be pretty much steel okay so now let's go into mechanical probably uh powered yeah we want pistons so we're gonna go ahead and put a piston right here and then can we put a hinge directly on a piston we can put a hinge directly on a piston wait this seems a little bit different than i thought it would be here let's place it down can we set like the default angle oh here we go here we go all right so let's set the angle oh oh this is interesting i haven't used one of these in a while i think i want to change this how this is set up though i think i want this to be over here and then we're going to set the angle all the way back as much as it can go and the default is going to be pretty much like closed like that and this is going to go all the way out that way so now i should be able to put another piston right there and then what we can do is we can open that to it's pretty much it's a hinge we're going to bend the arm and then on the end of this we are going to have a suction cup just like that all right so i'm gonna get rid of these boosters i really don't think we need boosters for this and i'm also going to add some steel plating to the back of this all right now to program it up let's see here what did what is this heart deleted i don't even know what i did here but we don't need any of that anymore all right so let's go i'm going to set these uh pistons to be able to holy cow those things can go so high i'm going to set these so basically they're going to be able to go the max and we're just going to be able to control it within that range so we'll have pretty much full control over them all right so let's see if that seems to work all right so press oh you can hear it it makes a sound [Music] that's interesting i didn't remember them making a sound before i like that all right so now we can go up and down we can go like that and we can go like that look at this this is so cool we should have we should be able to get all of them all right so i think we could do this from here activate the suction cup we're gonna extend this forward i hope this is that as far as it extends i could have sworn that would go farther did i not hold on let's get into build mode here did i not drag that up that's not 200 is it that seems like it should go way farther so let's go around then to the side i have the suction cup activated now this will be easier anyway all right excuse me sir oh i have not lined up at all all right let me actually let me do this a little bit better this is a weird angle let's go up there we go go that way and let's go ahead and we're going right into the butt here did it work it worked we got it oh no it looks so weird sir or madam are you okay please save me we don't have to bring all of their limbs into the aid area do we we can i'm assuming we can just here here come on come this way take my hands i will show you the way to health just hold on tight follow me here let's bring this back in yeah i know you're badly hurt but i'm i'm going to take care of you there's an aid station right here look at this you're welcome see see we don't need to bring all of the parts over we just need to bring probably the head is the most important part as long as their brain is in the aid station we can repair them all right who else we got over here all right so we got that guy right in front of us but i'm gonna go and prioritize this person on the balcony because i feel like that's gonna be more difficult all right let's see uh this is a difficult angle here all right there we go all right come on down oh perfect i think this one's good because i think we actually have the torso this time let's go ahead and bring them in here go we'll hold you up like this all right here we go just don't fall you're okay i got you you're in good hands you're you're in good suction this is bad this is not good i was not expecting this hold on um maybe maybe if i maybe if i use this i can this isn't working this isn't working and he's losing parts hold on if i if i go back he's still there okay good we don't lose the progress for what we've done so far we can just pick them up off the ground now don't worry i'm here to save you please save me just follow me over into the aid station as these sheds off another limb apparently this is the legless aid station no no legs allowed over here all right we got two more left right two more yeah i'm gonna suck and pad this guy right in the face all right sir prepare to be saved you're done no you're not done yet we're almost done don't worry we'll we'll get there we just gotta go down to the aid station i'll be a little bit more careful on the turn this time all right that way we don't tip over i hope oh my goodness can their head rip off i don't know if their head can actually rip off all right congratulations you're the first person to arrive with legs oh there goes one of them nevermind we'll put that back we got it with us this is just how you humans have the extinctual response to shed their legs when they're in danger just like a lizard in its tail right that's what that that that's that's what's happening here how do you get in this situation how was the fire just around this telephone pole and you happen to be climbing up that it's like the fire was chasing you out to the telephone pole all right well how do i do my controls again alright here we go perfect all right you just gotta let go excuse me you have to let go of the pole please unwrap your leg from the pole come on you gotta unwrap oh you know see that's what happened they did he did his instinctual leg shedding thing uh he's stuck i actually can't get him out out from the fire all right i'm gonna let go oh i'm stuck that was me all right i'm like i'm actually stuck in there there's like an invisible something that i was latching on to all right bring this back down we gotta get around this very very realistic fire response truck just come this way oh no it's a fake it's not a real truck after all who would have guessed all right uh you lost your legs i know you were scared and you had to shed your legs there for a minute but don't worry we'll get the rest of you back just fine just keep your arms hold on to your arms okay oh did you just say why why do you i mean you don't have to i mean you're fine without your legs i'm sure you'll be fine without your arms too look at that all right stars collected alternate i don't know what alternative help means but we got these balloons over here so while we're here let's go ahead and pop these balloons if i even they should be able to without a problem all right and pop there we go yeah see that's one out of three where could the other ones be you know what i just found a star over here and it says to unlock this star we have to complete alternative help and i think alternative help would be maybe we don't take them to the aid station but instead we take them to the water for a nice swim so let me go ahead and grab one of these dummies let's grab the one that still has at least one leg so he has the best chance of being able to swim everyone loves a good beach day right it can be really revitalizing it can really be really good for your health physical health i don't know but mental health definitely we're just gonna push you right off here and there we go hey look at that that was totally it that's funny oh i found a balloon there's balloons right there over on the beach and all right i'm gonna look around for the third one because it'd be really nice to get all the challenges and i'm like really close all right i feel like i've looked oh there they are i found them they're behind this bell tower there we go all star is gone that's kind of cool there's a whole pathway up on here all right so now we just got to go to the parking station i could just go ahead and respawn right close to it and we are done with that challenge all three stars collected that's excellent what is my vehicle doing all right we're gonna go next oh no not again well balls are flying oh no not again balls are flying again but that won't stop you right save all the dummies collect star and shoot hoops i mean that seems like it'll be easy to figure oh no okay let's uh let's get an idea of what's going on there's the aid station so we gotta save that guy i'm assuming we can knock this whole thing down because it said unstable stuff um get that start we might have to stack some pistons all right there's how many dummies there's still four dummies i see one so far um all right there's another one right here and there's a golf cart what i think what are these guys doing you can't leave these guys on their own here is a ball i'm assuming that's what we got to shoot hoops with oh there's another one on the hoop so i guess we could do that hoop with our vehicle right now all right so that's three there's one more dummy that i haven't found yet this is taking me a surprisingly long time all right you know what let's do it with the dummies that we know so far and maybe you can hear their audio and it is directional so maybe as we're going around helping these other dummies we'll we'll find the fourth one that i can't find right now all right don't worry i'm going to save you you know i'm just going to go right underneath here just like this activate the suction cup and prepare to be saved okay i don't oh there goes a leg i'm sorry i can't you gotta hold on to your legs it really does feel like the lives are detaching its tail stress response like every single time i grab them they're like nope no more legs this ought to scare you away see look he just dropped his other leg just like that okay can we get that one i think if we go up this ram okay there we go that everything's solved now he's no longer out of our reach all right so he's somewhere in this pile of debris there you are please hold on to your legs if you can all right up the ramp we go look at he's like in the fetal position look at that hey look at this he has both of his legs so far all right and down you go he got both of his legs we have a first successful all limb save um all right now we got a golf cart person all right we're gonna grab this guy from behind like right on the head here oh that's not what i meant to do uh i'm gonna try to get you out of there sir just stay calm don't move be very careful hold your breath here comes the suction cup all right i'm just gonna drag you backwards up the ramp and into the first aid station there we go actually i think the sign just says aid station this might not even be first date i'm sorry to say you might be getting second or thirties i cannot guarantee the quality of the aid that you're gonna be getting we don't know where the fourth person is or i don't know where the fourth person is yet you guys might you might have seen them and i'm just missing it because i have youtuber blindness uh but we do have the basketball here so let's go ahead and shoot some hoops best car basketball player you've ever seen oh man my piston goes just high enough and let go there we are and that unlocks this start behind me right here okay i still don't know where the fourth dummy is you know i'm gonna go ahead and assume that the fourth dummy is probably at the end of this pathway down here somewhere are you like are you stuck somewhere behind here please save me oh no way look you see the hand he's in the dumpster i was wondering if these dumpsters could open oh man i wonder why he was so hard to find that is crazy all right uh don't worry i'm on my way all right let's see if we can do this i don't really don't know what to think about this all right let's just bring the whole dumpster there we go he ought to get out oh i'm so sorry i mean what are you doing in there all right we'll drop the dumpster off right there and let's go ahead and get this guy now all right here comes the suction cup tickle tickle right in the armpit all right off to the aid station we go no guarantees on first aid you're the last guy in there so you might get the fourth aid who knows well you have all your limbs so far so i'd be thankful all right there you go perfect yeah so unfortunately i won't be able to pull myself up to get that star but you know what we saved the dummies we shot some hoops i think we're good to move on to the next challenge that's not a that's not such an exciting star anyway all right here we go the final one before the break it challenge don't get your feet wet bring all the dummies to safety collect star rock climber all right is it flooded or it's flooded what do we do fly oh what does that mean i don't know how i feel about that it has flooded water is a threat to your robot's delicate electronics so do try to rescue the humans without falling in why and they need to approach things for a different angle well i know what rock climbing means now we got to get this thing how do we actually have to fly what okay hold on so we start over here so we can actually get up onto the roofs oh there's like catwalks and stuff oh i see all right so there's four dummies total one two collect star okay three and four i think we should be able to get all of them without flying and going into the water but this star over here i do not know about this star but you know i'm gonna give myself some bigger wheels so let's go for large off-road large wide off-road large wide off-road seems a little excessive i might get stuck let's just go off-road large that'll give us some more ground clearance and hopefully some more stability all right so this guy should be pretty easy activate the suction pad and there we go really really i'm saving you i'm saving you wait where's the oh there's the aid station oh sorry i'm sorry don't worry about it i gotcha we're bringing in for first date no not first stage sorry i'm not making any claims that aren't supported by these signs here am i really stuck on this do i need bigger bigger wheels all right we're going for extra luck oh i don't know how man you know maybe we're going to stick to the large i feel like extra large is a little bit excessive right here i'm just going to move this to the bottom of that and that should give us a little bit more ground clearance i hope that's gonna be okay all right who's next all right nice and gentle i'm glad these are permanent objects and not as unstable as that scaffolding before i don't know if i can extend long enough we might have to stack some pistons you might have to reach out here oh no that's as far as i go you know what if all right bear with me on this one are you ready for this here we go yes no oh he fell in the water oh no that means he's in the water right did we just ruin it here let's go and reset i don't think he reset i think we lost we dropped him in the water and he's gone forever so we're actually gonna have to restart this challenge all right so that should allow us to extend a lot farther perfect just what i wanted now can i get back up without an issue i'm just gonna go backwards the whole time all right here we go there we go do we have enough power do we have enough power i forgot to increase my engine power oh just enough just enough all right hold on your legs all right look at that leg stayed intact and everything i'm proud of you oh excuse me excuse me as you drive over him when you rescue him oh my goodness are you kidding me is this also too short we're right there come on yes we got him oh ah oh no no no no oh no no no that's gravity all right come on up come on up oh this is bad oh the gravity is you're too heavy lose your arms rip your arms off next we need less weight it's your life your life is in your arms right now oh no no no no no what are you doing to us i'm totally glitched into this whole thing right now i like to say that this is the fault of the city planners and not not the uh scrap man rescue service okay all right so the good news is he's not a lost cause yet we can still we can still save them we just got to get down there without tipping over or anything like that let's go yeah much better angle look at that all right let's go ahead and let this down and then release bring bring that up bring that up bring that up bring that up bring this in bring this in okay bring this down activate suction suction the head okay now we got to get up that ramp that over there as long as we bring this guy with us doesn't matter if we flip over let's go all right this is fine we're almost there i'm just trying to i'm done yes yes it worked we're up oh man you're enjoying the ride man not only getting rescued but you get a carnival ride as well don't worry we don't charge esther for that we charge for everything else though all right we should have an easier time getting up here with our new engine power yeah look at that no problem scrap man rescue service best in the country all right so the other two we just have to not mess up and get them in the water somehow really come with me please that was actually a little bit scary i thought i might fall and drift into the water or slide into the water from the edge of the roof or something all right there you go you're all set one more left i like how there's oh oh i didn't know that i was not aware that this was part of the challenge this guy is harder than i thought i thought there was just a scaffolding going all the way i didn't look this close [Music] there's no way i'm gonna do that that easy on the way back is there any way i'm gonna drop this guy in the water and he's gonna be gone i got an idea i got an idea i don't have to get me over there i just have to get him over there okay sir hold on nice and tight we need to get you to the other side of this scaffolding what if i can line myself up with one of these things so i can push him across okay all right let's just see if this works this didn't work i think we just messed up bad no he's stuck he's we're doing the scaffolding glitch again oh no i'm dumb [Music] oh no he's gone he's at the ball you can see him barely down there there's no way we can get him now we have to do all of that all over again come on come on come on come on come on here we go there we go look at that i think i i just need to have all my pistons contracted and then i can handle it so that what this means is now i can have a much easier time getting him over there i'm pretty sure all right so now i'm going to extend everything he is way way up in the air now and then we just drop them forward all right that didn't work quite as well it was intended please land on the scaffolding this time perfect all right now i'm just going to go ahead and reset myself before i mess anything else up and we should be able to get them from there all right i got them i got them okay hard hard ones down again now we're just gonna do the other ones without being reckless all right there we go we got this guy no problem all right and second hardest guy down oh get off me please thank you i'm done all right come on out don't lose your leg oh if his leg detached when he was under water i would have been very very angry yeah i know i could lift them up off the ground instead of dragging them across every single bump but remember this is just aid this is not first aid oh we actually dragged him out of the aid station so we no longer have credit for him we got to move him back into the aid station there we go perfect all right where's the last guy okay the last guy's over here all right we got him yay we did it we did it finally all right so there's rock climber and then there's another there's another star over here i think i can get this other star there we go yeah all right and this should be no problem we just jump over and get it [Music] all right just like that all right now the rock climber one i'm actually not sure if i can do i'm gonna try though all right i'm suction pad on to the roof [Music] okay that's not exactly how i wanted to be on the roof but i am on the roof oh no perfect all right i think it's trying to bring out the big wheels for this one we're going extra large off-road wheels let's see what we can do with these oh my goodness these things are massive all right can i get up here do you think come on you know we're gonna need a little bit of aid from our suction cup pal here i think there we go there we go just like that all right and let go perfect we're doing well so far all right lift up go forward flexing pad on and down okay there we go there we go uh oh okay all right this is okay off [Music] we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good oh no up up up up up up up all right come on oh man that was interesting it worked though everything that we built helped to get that start that was awesome all right let's head back into the main menu here and take a look do we have here we go challenges break it to unlock finish don't get your feet i didn't go into the parking area i got all three stars but i didn't even go in the parking area hold on is that gonna have to do it all over okay we still have all three stars all we have to do i forget that this is a thing sometimes you may need to approach things all right we just go into the parking area why can't we go into the parking area do we really do we need to do all the dummies again to do this are you serious i'm just gonna do one dummy and we're gonna see if the parking area opens if i bring this one dummy in there it does it does okay all right all right now we can complete the challenge ah there we go now now break it is finally open let's take a brief look here but this mine shaft has been boarded up but we have humans to rescue so i think you actually have to break in to the mine shaft using some new parts that we didn't have before so help the trap dummies complete the chain link whatever that means not how i would wrap it so that's gonna be interesting and we're gonna save that for the next episode i hope you guys enjoyed this episode this was almost two hours that it took me to do this i know there could have been probably better things i could have built but i was determined to do it with what i had and i managed to pull it off there's also going to be some crazy updates coming from main assembly so keep an eye out for that on the channel as well anyway if you want to see more made assembly content go ahead and check that out here on the end screen i hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 56,604
Rating: 4.9473462 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, sandbox games, creative games, robot building games, vehicle building games, vehicle simulator, physics sandbox games, physics game, free form crafting, free form building, games like scrap mechanic, games like trailmakers, main assembly, main assembly game, main assembly sandbox, main assembly update, main assembly race, main assembly stars, main assembly challenges, main assembly rescue, rescue challenges, main assembly save us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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