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all right today me and tommy are having a crazy hide-and-seek nerf war this is going to be awesome but first i got to go in there and buy some nerf guns get ready he opened a shop right here tommy what's going on what's happening i want to buy some of your nuts we're having enough for right yeah why would i sell you any of my guns guys look this is my nerf arsenal you see all these nerf guns i've got so many more than johnny look at them i've got bullets i have everything you're not buying anything what why would i sell them you know that i don't have many nerf guns why would i just okay listen i've got money that's why you'll sound to me well you better be ready to premium i am ready to pay premium which guns do you want all right what guns do i want okay i want this gun right um okay don't get smart i'm gonna get this at a good price be fair with me all right you want to buy them i'll give you a good price go all right come on let's do it all right so what i'm thinking is i'm gonna go for the guns i know are the best which i know is over here this gun right here this is the gun i want first and foremost yeah okay that's a common friendship because it's that's actually limited edition you're just talking crap pick all the guns you want first pull them off the shelf and then i'll make a group price okay fine you tell me their limited edition i don't believe that all right this is mine how did this get here hey it's mine now okay empty take the rest all right this gun this is the round all right all right um i'll go the rocket yeah i'm gonna get the rocket this gun and this one over here this gun okay all right there you go tell me a price so that that's all you want out of all of these guns well i can't carry much more okay can i just tell you i have some sick guns here but if this is what you want it's what i'll get what do you think i should buy this is limited edition you can't find that anywhere literally that one right there okay it's red before you keep going let me just tell you guys this kid knows his stuff this kid's like a nerf expert sort of thing so i mean he's pretty good this is literally he's enough crazy man so i'm gonna give this to you 450 150. this one's a hundred i don't have 150 and this one is what are you talking about pretty old so i'll give that 50. no chance 300 listen hey hey we're having a nerf war aren't we why would i give them we're going to do a sick hide and seek knife battle you need to give me these at a fair price okay three hundred dollars come back to me with your negotiated price okay come over here guys and i'm looking you go away you don't get to look at how much money i've got you don't get to turn away look away all right guys let's see if i've actually got the money for this 41.50 165 okay i've got to make a deal for 165 all right you can turn around all right listen how much did you say for these sir would i say 300 300 okay this is what i want to do okay and this is just what i want to do see that gun up there yeah i want you to first of all get that gun down for me if you can you do you know how to work your setup here ah cool beautiful so this is what i want all right i want these four guns now what i'm gonna do for you is i'm gonna do something special okay i'm gonna spend that time with the most expensive i know i know you're probably thinking about 180 dollars 180k so it's about its own nearly 500 total what i'm gonna do for you is i am going to buy these four guns off you for 160 but wait but wait but wait okay i'm not getting ripped off just like okay you're not getting ripped off okay i'm gonna tell you the secret okay i am going get it out come over here i've got no plan what do i do bob just saying that you love him okay um listen we're brothers okay of course yes i care about you do it for a hundred and second do it 160 for me for all four yeah i need a girl i have nothing else to offer i need them to battle you it's 180 i thought of it i thought of it how am i how are we gonna have a good battle if you don't give me these guns for 160 dollars he's got a point there we're not gonna have a good workflow look i'll tell you what and i'll give you i'll give you one of them back at the end so you can have it back that one someone that one i'll give it back to you at the end you're getting such a good deal here 165 and you have a deal it's 120 100 120 140 150 i literally have perfectly 165 yep there you go are you offering deal 165. were you offering 160. i was offering 160. how did you get the extra five i just added extra five yeah all right hey hey i turn around all right i can't let you hear this i made a good profit those guns were old okay guys so i guess because he has four guns i'm only going to take four guns as well now this these are the rules you're going to go get to hide you're going to get a minute to hide if i find you you can then run so don't hide in somewhere where you can't run because when i find you i need to shoot you two times to take you out okay i find you you start running hit me once i need to hit you twice okay and if i don't hit you twice awesome you'll live and if he wins this this competition i'm going to give him 10 of my best nerf guns what for free you would legit win if you win your nerf arsenal is going to become better than mine wait so i don't have to give you anything if i lose you need to give me at least 500 if you lose 100 i'll pull it out of the piggy bank i'll win it's all good all right done deal i accept all right i'm going to be winning these guns off you yeah you go with bulb okay i'll be around here let me load this guy alright so the way for me to win is i need to get to the front door so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hide upstairs hopefully he comes up walks past me then i spring downstairs get to the frontal and win got a minute to hide come on time's already taken all right here we go guys i got this awesome gun as well hopefully i can shoot him like in the head so that he like gets knocked a bit back so what i'm thinking is i'm going to hide right on this chair i'm just going to put a blanket over it now there's normally blankets on this chair so he's not going to be expecting it i'm going to grab a blanket all right guys so i'm going to bring the chair around here like this i'm literally just going to cover myself thanks both all right so now i'm protected i'm under the blanket he's coming up to find me remember i've got to get to the front door downstairs to win the challenge guys wish me luck let's do this okay so if johnny makes to this front door without being shot twice he wins or if he lasts three minutes hiding i think i'm gonna find him all right i'm setting the timer johnny i was kind of hoping to bait a response out of him just said all right time is set for three minutes if he if he lives for three minutes that's pretty good okay so i'm gonna just assume that he isn't in here i think i kind of have to just assume it's not in here because this is my nerf arsenal not his i would guess that he went upstairs johnny johnny where are you okay is he playing the game right now because this is surely i see it moving you miss no i need where'd you go johnny johnny i don't see you at the front door maybe you went around here johnny no no three minutes is up where'd he go johnny that's what i'm talking about that's around if i win one more round i get 10 of your best nerf guns you're done i can't afford you're done hey now it's your turn to hide i have the best nerf arsenal in this town all right go hide it's your turn you're not finding me i'm not making the decision i'll find you you got one minute yeah go i'm gonna i'm going to bang really loudly like i'm going up the stairs and he's going to think i'm going up there okay now he probably thinks i'm upstairs what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hide under this right here and then the second he passes i'm gonna sprint straight for the door because if i make it to that door i win the round so that's the idea let's hope he doesn't look under this let's do this this is ah i hit my hand i moved the whole table did it all topple no you're right okay good now let's hope he doesn't find me okay all right guys three minute timer starting in five four three two one all right i'm gonna find this kid and if i don't find him i'm gonna shoot him twice come out wherever you are tommy you can't hide from me you can't hide from me no no chance you're right those kids are right you took a free win yeah you took a freeway you took a free win in your little ride hey it's all part of the game it's all part of this you beat me in like 10 seconds just said well i was horrible that's why i have the north arsenal and you're so lucky all right go i'm hiding my turn this kid is so hockey make sure you block your ears i know where i am i will all right guys i gotta get a new gun first let's go this gun right remember i bought this gun sick come on bob we've got to find a really good spot i gotta win one more battle one more challenge guys and i win 10 of his best nerf guns how sick is that i'm winning this one okay that was a horrible spot that was horrible i mean i won though but it was horrible i'm not seeing many areas okay do you know what i'm thinking i'm thinking behind the door what do you reckon bob uh yeah that could right or maybe just like under there all right you know what i think i'm gonna go to you to that room right there that that'll have more room yes okay perfect all right i'm gonna hide right under here all right bob cover me with the chair i'm gonna my aim is to win my aim to win is to get two good shots at him i'm not going for the run to the doorway i gotta get this by the shooting method all right guys i i went this gun last time and i think honestly it's got the two bullets but i need a change-up gun so i'm gonna go to my arsenal and get a new one all right which gun should i pick i like this one a lot but i think i might this one's a sick one and they're mega bullets which means i have a bigger chance of hitting i can hold three bullets here and just in case i miss all three of them i can hold another three on the side here which is so good this gun is a good one look at this ready that's a strong gun okay let's do this i better set the time setting the timer all right your timer starts now he could be in here actually i didn't even realize that your timer starts now johnny all right here i come i'm gonna guess that he's upstairs because if he was in here he probably would have laughed i gotta be quick though hey johnny you remember the story of the chicken and the egg what happened to the yet i found you i found it get out he's on a stalemate hey don't shoot otherwise i'll shoot you it doesn't matter if you shoot me or you don't get a point yes i do if i shoot you twice i win no that's not the rule yes no it's not you better come out i'm gonna hit you one more time you're so lucky it's not like you are so lucky hey when i can lose 10 of my nerf guns you're getting taken down actually hey you can't blame me for that you crammed i don't miss you i miss you i'm calling this the reason i won you're hiding now i'm going back all right good luck okay guys i have the best hiding spot look at this so right here we have a solid platform and you might think but why would you hide there you're gonna get caught i only need to win this one round and then i win so this is my plan once it comes past here which i'm hoping he comes past here first i'm going to jump down there and make a run for the door that's the plan now i just need to get up here without injuring myself definitely don't try this at home do you want to pass me my gun yeah okay i need some bullets for it as well guys i'm not even going to cover myself i'm just going to sit here in the open i'm going to just sit like this and i'm going to just be still so he just doesn't realize that i'm here if he doesn't realize this it's going to be so funny so guys there's a mega bullets and normal bullets in this gun and you just flick this switch to change to elite or mega bullets how cool is that all right go get johnny all right i've got to pick my knife gun real quick and then we start the three minute time all right so i've got this rocket gun and that gun left i've already used these two i'm gonna go the rocket gun all right so basically all i need to do is hit one nerf rocket bullet at him and i win the round now we made it if i hit one bullet that counts as two shots he's probably upstairs waiting for me right now and guess what i'm gonna go find him all right one bullet i win let's do this guys what did i just hear something okay time is on by the way guys we've got about two minutes 20 left all right guys where is he okay two minutes seven left come on if i find him right now i get ten of his best nerf gun i just gotta find him and get one rock a good shot at him okay he's not even there he's not in there baby's behind you okay not behind there how long's left one minute 48. okay you can hear my mic he's probably in the room downstairs all right come on i'm getting down to make a run for it where do you think you're going huh gonna catch me you get out of here i win that's two two actually wait i don't win yeah that's two two oh you got me right in my back all right sudden debt i should have gone earlier i knew it sudden death what's sudden death okay i hide you try and find me the door isn't an escape if you don't find me in three minutes or i shoot you twice i went so basic so i can't shoot you exactly you can't shoot me you just gotta find me and i can shoot you twice and i win all you got to do is try and find me though this is turning my guns at risk all right all right here we go guys i'm trying to win this thing let's just say guys there's a reason why i decided to do this he doesn't realize i got the big boy left i'll show you guys my plan in a second but first let's reload this 50 bullet mag basically fully loaded now come with me now i've made this nerf box spot come around here i'm going to be waiting in here for tommy he's going to go upstairs look around for me and when he comes back down i'm going to annihilate him with this machine gun who does he think he is he thinks he's real i'm getting his 10 knife guns that's all i'm saying all right all right i don't know what kind of tricks this kid's got playing but i'm about to go haven't set the time get ready johnny your time is going to start right now all right at the time here we go let's go okay i'm just gonna look upstairs see if i can find him what did he say the rules were do i need to shoot him twice that still like do i win if i shoot him twice just find him that should be easy though he's got to be downstairs it's the only place that makes sense i'm pretty sure i just heard a noise you hit me twice already ah stop stop stop stop stop stop i win baby hey and tommy you know what i'm doing this is the first nap gun that's mine i forgot the rules i got you twice i got you like 20 times that's a w for me baby that's what i'm talking about the guns back up that's gonna wrap up this video guys i took a big owl today see you guys in the next one see you later guys so see you later guys bye
Channel: XtremeGamez
Views: 1,856,856
Rating: 4.7816377 out of 5
Keywords: HIDE AND SEEK IN CRAZY NERF BOX FORT!!, box fort, nerf battle, nerf, NERF WAR, nerf blaster, nerf guns, nerf arsenal, nerf video, nerf war 5 million subscribers, nerf war 6 million subscribers, nerf gun game, nerf war the care package, nerf mod, nerf vs nerf, nerf gun war, nerf wars, xtremegamez, pdk films, new, suggested
Id: Jjmwx9EByGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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