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and this is just an oil we could make a quick getaway in the car like this we could just pull it down off the shelf Johnny I'm telling you we could do this we could pull this up with a pull it down to make a getaway that's gonna cure this actually in case you guys in today we have something literally epic planned for you guys Johnny tell them so we saw an epic nerf rocket online and we're gonna go to the shops today and we're gonna see if we can actually find this nerf rocket at the shops but before we do that we're gonna go downstairs into our nerf lair let's see if we can actually find enough stuff to create this let's do it guys before we go out we're holding a giveaway of an iPhone 7 and some Google Play and iTunes cards if you want to enter all you got to do is smash alike and we announce a winner every single day guys so do that right now and you're entered let's get out of this joint guys just look look at our now Sarge's there's just not enough but there's not enough tool here I don't need to create an app frog life put all these sick and I've done to create rocket what are we doing something I gotta go to the shops that way my finish that later [Applause] guys just arrived at the shop we're gonna go in here right now check out this knife stuff here we are guys here we are all right guys we're about to go into the shop and we don't exactly know what we're gonna buy right now but I'm guessing that it's gonna be a lot of stuff I'm guessing that usually when we go into shop we buy a lot of stuff that's just what we do so let's go in there and let's see what we can find generally a lot of nerf stuff we like so we're gonna have a look let's do it let's just do it I'm ready okay guys so we go recording I accidentally ripped the bags open so let's redo this nothing I didn't do anything you're gonna blame me for something I didn't do let's get to the nerf section yeah all right guys mansae yeah there's this it's like that's a cup a little cooler that's all white and I don't know exactly what that's gonna do for us we have the trash track this could be good actually it's getting closer we'll get one of these holidays we need like bullets or some for yeah or the double breach we got like two of these another double bridge this is what I'm thinking yep we get these we got a shotgun right here but it's not enough so I why waste our time with something I say when it's not enough you know what you just dude you just you just put it straight down we don't get anything but it's enough literally I think we get this for sure we need that your attachment over it's it's a it's a white man it's a white attachment D so pretty much we're gonna get these two things we're gonna get this little phaser as well because that could be a good attachment for sure for sure so we got all this let's go to the checkout let's do this okay I'll see you there okay did you compare because I don't want to all right dude hold up you want this jump you you are splurging I need an air mattress like I hit 22 honey you've been sleeping on the ground you need this I don't need a flock day mattress like what is that let's inspect um quiet uncomfortable let's just go it's not worth that oh this is what we're doing that's bad time I'm actually getting this down better get this and you get this okay how about it we're getting one package guys we just felt like a hundred bucks and all its nut stuff but I don't think it's enough so we're going to Toys R Us right now we're gonna see like a hundred dollars okay all right so we're going to Toys R Us we're gonna spend probably another hundred maybe we're going crazy today just for you guys this is but the extreme is out there let's go let's get into his R Us I think we are where we're business babies yeah so I'm Tommy we're gonna buy that much snow stuff I'm so close you can't even tell how close we just found these play babe Bailey we just found babe laser hat yeah and I was like we're - we're definitely buying this what the heck is this $19 that's like to play blades in this I said beyblades let's go to the nerf section cuz that's really what we're gonna spend money on we just centered nerf heaven literally look at all this what look at all these Smurfs stuff right now I don't even know what I'm gonna get Johnny does this this is huge this is what is I've never seen $100 are you serious I mean it's big but it's like $100 wait what's your reaction to that it's pretty crazy its operational reaction to that dude that is actually crazy why is it so much the megafauna bid on that that is such a cool one right there do the thing is we have this that's 124 dollars yeah why on earth is this gun here like a hundred dollars that one's way but I don't even know it's not even motorized or anything what but should we get it anyway should we just get it I don't know for the extreme it I don't know do the extreme is what you guys want us to do a video on this one you've got to comment that down below right now because you extreme is a so cool like seriously you guys are making a day every single day thank you guys so much for tuning in every day smashing that like one subscribing you guys are African Johnny's thinking the same thing is not along to what I'm saying thank you guys so much let's check out over the bar we're gonna try like that these are rocky we need to make this a cool I'm told me I think we need to take a break let's go look at the scooters man all right let's just do this I think I found the scooters no we're not like July hey just three plus all right so should I get it cuz I'm a princess oh my goodness go Tommy get me I think I think we've taken it far you don't look fly anymore let's get out of this joint honestly he thinks he looks quiet with these scooters but really he doesn't I'm about to dunk on this right now yeah they said I couldn't don't and I could let's check out right now I don't even know where oh we could get this guys think of this Johnny come and look at this dude oh my do you guys know what this is right now this is a kiddie pool it's old days Tommy whole days which put him down so go for an electric scooter man look this is toy yes no is he sick it actually doesn't run hang on like I'm not gonna lie looks like it's kind of hard to put this music is shooting it so well right now see ya brah see ya he's back he's back yeah these are the ones we're going for guys like Dean's here wall oh I love this blue one Johnny I think I found it this is the one that's more my favorite color what's your red red black you know anything like that I'm thinking that we go for this one right here we may be it's probably the best one we could go wait dude this one's $29 Stan the perfect thing for Tommy Tommy and you ready this time are you actually ready no I'm actually serious I'm ready spider-man whoa but it's too small for me it's a spider-man suit oh I think we got oh it's a spider is you're gonna reject this my name is neon dude well that's so cool that is actually sick dude we're going at 70 bucks worth it let's get it I'm going to the checkout right now so I'm an impulse buyer I see something I like it I buy it Johnny does the same thing let's do it war this is just an oil we could make a quick getaway in the car like this oh we could just pull it down off the shelf Johnny I'm telling you we could do this we could pull this up we could pull it down to make a getaway we didn't do anything alright guys so pretty much we just you know finished - up and we're actually a bit upset right now cuz we just spent like $200 no but legit we don't care but you extreme always what it's it's always worth it for my extremes do you guys make out honestly where I've got some epic stuff because I honestly thought we were upset for a second there they thought we are not upset we are so happy with the stuff we've got right now let's just go let's go we've been locked out of the car I don't know I'm not staying around we've been locked out you're embarrassing open it Johnny I don't have the cable looking run run when the fans attack when the fans attack Johnny is hiding behind a post is this kid serious they can still see you what are you going oh no don't don't that's a hydro Johnny time that's up I don't come for me don't we cry alright guys so pretty much right here take a look what we got we've got an outlet bag told me what you do with all these let's show them right now upgrade your blaster complimented tool and sand or incremental this is what I'm interested should we buy some scooter right so we unbox it right here on the street let's do this man let's do this all right hang on and how does this undo Tommy help me you're good at this dip in the camera okay so it's wrong reversal now is it yeah pretty much sir I know how to do this stuff and Johnny he's good at it I've been trying to teach him his whole life but I know it's kind of difficult to build I'm not gonna lad this plastic I'm gonna stop though okay I think I just broke this we're still good at this sort of stuff he fixes computers he fixes everything I'm gonna call you the fixer time we undo that we I'm gonna act like I know what I'm doing I own like two scooters it well and actually what if I just pull it hard way dudes the first ride yeah yeah no you're gonna fix it I'm gonna get the first ride right now great good I got it you can't steal okay I've got to put this higher there okay stop Johnny what are you doing my man wait out I can't catch up you're moving too fast his scooters oh man that is epic that is literally after look at ba he's gone with that in like two seconds and I'm walking like a snail pace me because I'm walking so slow right now I don't even know what's going on we got to catch up to this kid right now I'm gonna put this down and spring yeah do do that I want to shut I just caught it I ran all that way to catch up to you I just want to shut Johnny Johnny I don't want to run again damn he's making me run again Johnny this is your last chance I just ran all that way oh yeah hey it wasn't that long come on Tommy so finally guys it's my turn to take this right I'm gonna go down to the end see dude I didn't realize that long did I all right here we go okay you're not good I went screwed is that this thing like spins but clearly this one's not good enough to spin and I almost took my own legs dad here we go are you gonna cry yeah you fooled me there all right where you going son it's dangerous it's not good damn this is quite small there's a ramp wait oh damn crap right there hi I'm ready to ready here we go do a flip all right no flip today guys unfortunately we're gonna go to the top of that hill and you're gonna come down as fast as you can done you're ready done on this little mini scrum ready for it let's get there and then let's do it it's a fair distance I don't know energy for this let's go there are these guys got to get to the top of that this is gonna take me forever but when I'm coming down it's gonna go so fast I'm just gonna do it I'm so ready I gotta go to sethi hand somebody just looks embarrassing for some reason we got Bo I use that dad guys like that is a mile but I can house you gonna start how's he gonna stop Wow that's decent you start pretty good yeah that flip at the ended by car come to come then I thought it would be it was actually so Joe another shot at this show do not cringy you were going up that hill I felt cringy looks so funny I genuinely felt cringing like you was like walking but it was just funny oh no I was twerking that's just I was definitely twerking all right you know trying to practice that twerk I'm kidding completely about the rocket we've got all this nice stuff this is gonna be so cool okay so we just got home we got all these nurse up you guys saw us buy from the shops we're gonna open these in tomorrow's video so tune into that if you guys you know want to see that subscribe to our channel you'll see us open all these in tomorrow's video but for now what are we doing Tommy so what we have actually is a big rocket and what we have to do to this is actually modify this actor to shoot like an RPG guys I'm talking a rocket a literal rocket so Johnny what do you have for me to change this into a prop let me show you something I found this picture on the internet will pop it up for you guys right now we're gonna we're gonna try and make that little okay first up we got this little attachment now I found this and I think that's just gonna be a sick attachment tomorrow now get a good hold of that and see how that again so far this is looking exactly now you know we have next obviously the rocket we got an epic rocket ride down we'll attach my friend in now alright Tommy yes we've got some modules I'm gonna have to open mine if I'm I'll be back in one cell alright so we got this module we're gonna puff on right now I'm just literally we're gonna get this one properly I'm gonna break in supper oh I shot it did you yeah no it was so cool was it um I don't know I didn't even know what I was doing this is a laser go straight on yourself oh dude it's so cool you can turn it on and off see oh is it on that a no time all right I think it needs a battery I need batteries but I mean it would sick I'm gonna go guys looking so absolutely epic already Tommy just made the first RPG but guys I'm gonna shoot it at you Oh lit like this it's got a laser so at nighttime you can run through and you can have the lady's eyes I want you guys to comment down below right now what you want our next nerf mod to be or what you think we should do for tomorrow's video but guys that's gonna wrap up today's video hope you guys have enjoyed it if you have smash that like button subscribe if you're new if you want more videos like this and also special icon I'll see you guys in the next one say later guys I'll see you later guys
Channel: XtremeGamez
Views: 8,169,572
Rating: 4.5359073 out of 5
Keywords: nerf gun, nerf blaster, dart blaster, nerf dartblaster, Nerf gun mod, nerf mod, nerf custom gun, nerf modding, modded nerf guns, modified nerf gun, nerf modded gun, nerf tuning, modding nerf guns, nerf blaster mod, epic nerf gun, nerf paint job, nerf minigun, nerf rocket laucher, nerf grenade launcher
Id: JhGRWxmnKks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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