Crazy Mario Bros: Luigi's Sugar Rush!

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hey luigi i was wondering if you could run to the store for me and get some groceries wait me why are you getting me to do it i thought you're the one with the car yeah but my tank is empty and i mean you run faster than me so i just think it would work out better if you did it for me i don't know i mean a run to the store is pretty long so if you want me to do it then you're going to have to give me some kind of incentive all right that's fair what can i do uh oh okay okay so you can pick one item from the store that you want just anything you want but it has to be below ten dollars i don't want you wasting all my money and uh don't go anywhere other than the store because i can check the charges online so i can tell when you go somewhere else all righty i got it to get something from myself don't go anywhere else get your groceries all right thanks luigi just thought remember here's a shopping list don't go anywhere else and uh yeah have fun i guess i'll try to have fun bye jesus he runs fast i wish i was like him i can barely even run let me try and run right now i suck alright am i here oh finally i made it to the store already let's just let's just go in all right let's just get mandy or what he needs and then i'll get something for myself oh it's going to be cool all right now let's just see what he wants ah let's see this uh this is a really weird shopping list well it doesn't seem like too much so i can go and do it let's do this now that's much better all right let me just get one of these maybe we'll get two we could get two seriously he didn't even specify what kind of cheese he wanted whatever i'll just get uh look at swiss i like swiss well that was lucky all right i think i've got everything that maddio needs now all that's left is a million dollars how does he think i'm supposed to get him a million dollars what is he talking ab oh all right uh all that's left to do is get myself a treat so let's go whoa look at all this candy and maddio said i can get something as long as it's below ten dollars so uh i'll get something from here wait what is that sour worms hmm and it doesn't look like anyone's buying them so uh i guess i'll try this what a sour worm all right let's go let me just push the cup oh it's so heavy oh god these bangs are so heavy i mean i could probably walk home but it's going to be difficult you know the one lucky thing about having a hat on all the time is that i never have to get a haircut thank god hey man yo i'm back from the store you know it took a long time to get there and back but i'm back now so uh hi what luigi where are the groceries oh the groceries oh yeah i gave them some random homeless man okay okay i'm kidding i got your groceries right right over here there you go oh sweet thanks luigi all right let me just make sure all the things are right all right maddie i had to check every crevice of the store to get everything that you wanted and i think i did a pretty good job wait what is this what is this bag sour worms oh yeah those are for me sorry about that mario i didn't mean to get that mixed in with your stuff but uh i'll just be taking that you know i mean you said i could get a snack so i decided to get whatever these are about to go find out so uh sex video you're welcome i guess you might want to share those with someone those have a lot of sugar in them you can't be eating all that uh all right i'll go share these with somebody thank you all right oh my god i can't wait to drink all the vegetable oil all right it's time to finally end the conspiracy and find out what these things are so let me see yeah it just seems like candy to me i guess i'll try it dad iggy was the one who shoved the bread down the garbage disposal not me luigi why do you always come to my room to do things i mean can't you just get your own room why do you always come into mind well i would go to a different room but your room is placed across from the room i was just in so it was kind of convenient to come over here all right fair enough i'll leave you to whatever you wait a minute are those sour gummy worms uh no they're sour worms what are you talking about and they're from publix yeah whatever the p stands for luigi i don't think it's that good of an idea for you to have all those sour gummy worms i mean last time i had those exact sour gummy worms it was a few years ago and my dad bought me a pack of those sour gummy worms and then i chucked down the whole thing in one night and then i was going crazy and then the scariest part of all is that when i went to sleep and then i woke up in the middle of the night and george lopez was playing on the tv ah i hate when that happened yeah and then he crawled out of the tv and then he wait what were we talking about again uh george lopez right no we were talking oh yeah okay so about those sour worms uh i'd be careful if you're gonna eat those because ever since then i've always been really scared to eat anything of the sort so uh just don't eat too much okay you're probably gonna go crazy if you do just uh just be careful that's all i'm saying all right junior i i will know what to do i mean i really want to eat my sour worms they look so good but junior said that if i eat enough of them that'll go crazy oh i don't know what to do they do look tempting though oh stop it luigi you can't eat them but i really want to no no luigi only eat a few if you're going to eat any don't go overboard [Music] [Music] yeah let's get this party started well he's screwed oh this is awesome [Music] [Music] all righty i think it's time to take a break i've eaten enough for the day now i think it's time wait a minute i can't take a break what i ate the whole thing the bag is empty oh no i ate the whole bag like junior told me not to oh no what's gonna happen to me what is wrong with this you know i wonder what i would look like with a nose piercing oh god i shouldn't imagine that again oh my gosh i can't stop tapping i can't stop stopping oh i have to keep going with jesus luigi what are you doing in here i'm doing something very important junior you might not want to be here right now uh yeah you're probably right uh just make sure that my keyboard is still usable by the time you're done with it okay oh my god oh my god okay i think i've got enough typing done i need something else to do let me go find something else to do oh look at the store oh my god this is so much fun oh my god that was so much fun i had to go do that again okay round two we what is he doing oh my god luigi can you pipe it down i'm trying to sleep what's the matter video just try to have some fun you should leave me alone i'm trying to have fun by myself what whatever oh my gosh oh my god i've never had this much energy before this is amazing oh my god what am i gonna do with all this energy uh when i think the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna [Music] wait wait guys i think he's waking up oh what what's what's going on maddio guys what are you guys doing here well we're concerned about you luigi what happened last night yeah you were just going all crazy and then we found you passed out what happened i don't know i don't remembered anything from last night all i remember is waking up and then going to sleep and i don't remember anything really well all right then i guess there's nothing we can do about this yep i'm gonna go play my ps4 see you guys thanks for well showing up i guess luigi i know something's up with you what what do you mean luigi people don't just go crazy out of nowhere okay clearly something happened last night and i'm not really sure what it is but i'm worried for you dude well medio i don't know what's going on but i can guarantee you nothing happened last night it's all good and everything's okay all right well if you say so but just remember that i'm gonna be taking measures to make sure that you're okay taking measures what do you mean by that man this isn't what i thought you meant don't worry luigi i'm just here to make sure that you're safe okay just pretend like i'm not here i mean i try but it's hard man you i usually do most things by myself it's just kind of weird having someone around all the time i know i know it's inconvenient luigi but i'm just trying to make sure that you're okay so if anything happens to you i'll be here to save you i guess so oh oh shucks maddie oh dawn oh look at the time uh it's about time for me to uh go to the bathroom yeah that's what i'm gonna do okay then no problem i'll come with you maggie you are not coming with me in the bathroom yeah i know i'll just do the closest thing to it manuel are you waiting for me outside the bathroom yeah why makes me uncomfortable well just pretend like i'm not here or something it's easier said than done mario well i don't know just pretend like i'm waiting on you outside the door but that makes me feel even worse now i feel bad because i'm making someone wait on me well i guess i'm done anyway so i'll just get out of here going to the bathroom did you not wash your hands no because i didn't even go to the bathroom i told you i couldn't go to the bathroom with you standing out here dude have you ever been in a public bathroom oh hey guys what's going on man not much just watching over luigi after his little meltdown yesterday what do you mean meltdown i mean uh what meltdown are you talking about maddie okay look i don't actually really care that much but hey i'm about to go on a walk in a minute so i was wondering if you guys wanted to come with me i tried asking junior but he said he was participating in hot girl summer what that doesn't make any sense yeah i don't really know what our kids are into these days so anyways you guys want to come well bowser i'd love to go on a walk with you but i'm really tired today you know my legs are really tired and i also have to watch over luigi so i don't think we can really go on a walk this isn't a bouncer i would love to go on a walk with you oh my gosh i would love to go i love walking all the time oh i go on a walk with you luigi when have you ever went on a walk bro mandio you know nothing about me i always go on a walk at uh four in the morning every single day uh i'm pretty sure that's not true i always hang out in the kitchen at four in the morning and i've never seen you down there what are you doing in the kitchen at four in the morning mario don't ask questions you aren't prepared to handle the answers to anyways all right come on luigi let's go on our walkie bowser this will be fun oh wait but i'm supposed to be watching over luigi don't worry mario i can watch over luigi this time i'll make sure he's by my side well if you insist then all right i trust you bowser i'm just gonna go sit around and wait for luigi all right luigi i think this is gonna be a pretty fun walk so usually when i go on a walk i usually go uh where did he go oh well i guess he's that excited to go on a walk all right i guess i'll catch up to him eventually i wonder where he went though alright i think the story is here uh okay there it is all right now i have to do is just go in there get my candy and then leave and then i can have all the candy i want oh my gosh they're they're just for me they remembered me all right let me just grab that let's see if they have any more okay i remember them being around here there they are and there's more oh my god i need more okay one two and oh there's only three i wish there was more okay let's go and i can't wait to have more these when i get home oh my god it's gonna be awesome my nose does not look realistic at all but mario we have a problem why what's going on bowser okay so basically i took luigi on my walk but as soon as we got out there he kind of just darted off and i mean i finished my walk anyway and thinking that he would come back but i don't know where he is wait we lost luigi uh what was that it sounded like it came from the front door i'll go look oh my god you don't know how long i've been waiting to get my hands on you oh i can't wait i gotta go upstairs what the heck what do you see i just saw luigi he just ran upstairs holding this little bag thing i couldn't really read what the bag said so you should probably go follow him a bag oh no what is he up to all right where'd he go in junior's room oh my gosh okay okay just one more worm okay all i need is one more i'm just saw oh dang it i was so close oh i could have stopped that i wasn't even paying enough attention to find out what made him go crazy either oh why do i always fail at this mario what's wrong i'll tell you why junior luigi's going crazy again and i don't even know why wait you actually don't know why luigi's going crazy no junior i have no idea why he's going crazy dude it's those sour gummy worms i can't believe he did that again i told him not to eat those the first time wait junior are you serious is it actually those sour gummy worms yeah go look for yourself oh god oh god oh no i didn't want to believe it it was those sour gummy worms i should have never let luigi get something from the grocery store he's not responsible now look what happened oh no well the damage has been done there's only really one thing that i can do okay i've got a heidi somewhere where luigi can't find them so where should i hide these nope nope nope what the huh this is a lot harder than i thought it was wait a minute i know a place where it's easy to put something but not easy to get something good luck finding that oh that should do the trick all right i think i finally ended this stupid situation oh boy what's up now luigi well considering you're the only person in this house already cares about this issue i figured that i should ask you uh what do i start with gummy worms go luigi i hid your sour gummy worms because it's making you crazy like you are right now you hit them oh my god i can't believe you actually hit myself with gummy worms that's so mean man can you tell me what they are no luigi i just told you that i hate your sour gummy worms why would i tell you where they are can you give me a hint of where they are a hint all right whatever uh the bag of sour gummy worms is somewhere in this house all right thanks video what an idiot now i gotta find my sour gummy worms uh so where are they uh let me use my super smell oh i think i smell them this way my feelings are getting closer every second okay so my super smell is telling me that the gummy worms are in this room so i gotta go look for them are they over there no are they over there no they're over there no uh i can't really find the gummy worms wait a minute oh my god the gummy worms are all the way up there how am i supposed to get them down he puts them so high up uh uh we're gonna find something uh oh i found something over there oh my god this thing right here you can actually help me get the gummy worms down and then i can eat the gummy worms i can have such a good time oh my god i got to take this with me another they got whatever this thing is now i can't get the guppy whips down okay now let me just keep getting my coming back let me just start moving like that oh my gosh that's my gummy worm so i gotta eat this right now what is luigi doing oh god this can't be good luigi are you okay what no way luigi why did you get the gummy worm because man yo they're so good i have to have so many more of these oh my god luigi you turned a tree into an addiction you have to stop this and who says it's an addiction i don't think it's an addiction me obviously look i'm gonna get you off this addiction right now all right louise you really need to start eating healthy so i got you this banana what did you do that for what else are you supposed to do with it uh you're supposed to eat it because it's healthy luigi i just want you to eat something that isn't sour gummy worms they're gonna kill you and how would you know that you haven't tried them yeah thank god i haven't tried them because i'm not crazy i'm like you look i need to get you to eat something healthy hey guys i got pizza who wants some oh luigi you can only have one slice no i'm gonna take however many i want this is hopeless all right louis j i hope you at least enjoyed that pizza earlier but we really gotta get you on some healthier stuff okay i mean i don't like seeing you go all crazy like you did earlier you know like i care about you and i don't want that stuff to happen so we got to figure something out soon yeah i understand man you're just i don't really have that good of self-control okay it's okay luigi i understand that we'll work on it more tomorrow okay good night good night medio alrighty it's time for me to go to sleep and in the morning i'm gonna do something really cool what time is it wait it's the early morning and maddie was not awake yet meaning oh i'm gonna go do what i was going to do alright jesus can you time oh okay there's a story all right let me go in all right please don't do this even more here oh my god they're everywhere i need to grab them okay there's one uh and the last one is uh the last one is nine ah i wish there was more but oh well i i have to go now i have to go eat all these oh my gosh i can't wait to get home i can't wait to eat all these oh it's gonna be awesome oh my god oh my god when i get home it's gonna be the best day ever a bag full of gummy worms nobody tell me what to do oh it's gonna be awesome oh it's okay it's okay i can just pick it up the worm is okay i just i just need to get home oh my gosh it's time for the ultimate sugar craze oh my god let me get these open dude i don't even know what i'm doing but wait is that oh my god luigi i told you to stop that oh my god luigi are you serious i told you to stop eating oh my god who is your leader now mario what what are you talking about the worms are now with me they are now a permanent part of my life i have never felt more alive before dude how are you doing that what is going on what's going on is what should have happened a long time ago i'm finally my own being someone who can't be controlled or restricted by the earth's restrictions because now i'm with my family down below what family down below oh luigi you made a big mess on the bed come on come clean this up dude clean up are you calling my family trash worms go attack worms attack what is that supposed to mean wow what the a worm just hit me luigi what is going on brother i highly advise that you leave the room immediately to avoid any further destruction no no i won't leave not this time what is happening to you luigi there's all these worms on the bed and there's you floating you seem possessed or something mario i advise that you leave the room immediately you don't want to know what happens when you don't so leave now what the hell is going on i don't understand oh my god did my computer finish downloading rust it's been taking forever oh hey mario wait a minute what's with all this mess on my bed it's luigi i think he's possessed i can't really tell i mean he just poured all these worms onto the bed and started eating them and then now he's like that i have choctaws or whatever that rpg guy said what am i supposed to do about that i mean i can't even talk sets into him mario if someone's possessed you don't talk to them you're supposed to do something to them here watch this okay let's see in here i should have something huh oh a pen that could work all right let me just take this and [Music] i thought that would work i didn't even know we could do that don't underestimate what i can and can't do do you really not have any other solutions not that i know of i don't know what to do i know one thing that you guys can do what's that i like to call this one perish so what else do you guys have to say for yourself luigi please all i wanted you to do is eat healthy i know and i realized that and i thank you for caring about my safety however i may or may not have realized after you said that that well maybe the worms were just meant to be part of me you guys have any last words luigi please we care about you dude yeah all we want you to do is just snap out okay you know what luigi i've had enough of this why am i always the character that gets stuff thrown at me just for me to not even get enough screen time to do it back you know what now that i'm in the video i'm gonna throw this back at you [Music] wait a minute was that a banana [Music] oh you know that banana was actually pretty good oh my god what is all this stuff on the bed this looks like so much sugar and that's way too much sugar for normal human consumption we gotta clean this up wait that banana saved him that wasn't what i intended to happen but that's a better outcome than expected so cool oh my god we got luigi back yeah junior this is awesome ugh these things look gross luigi luigi oh my god i'm so glad that you're finally back to your normal self i missed you luigi all right well now that you're finally out of this little sugar craze thing what are you gonna do now well i don't really know what else to do with these worm thingies so i'm just gonna start naming them like i'm gonna name this one alfred and i'm gonna name this one samuel
Channel: CrazyMarioBros
Views: 1,388,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cmb, crazy, mario, bros, crazy mario bros, crazymariobros, mario plush videos, mario bros, nintendo, super mario, super mario bros, plush, movie, plush movie, sml movie, sml, luigi, lego luigi, luigi's sugar rush, sugar, rush, sugar rush, cream's sugar addiction, bowser jr addiction, bowser jr, cmb mario, cmb luigi, cmb bowser jr, jr, junior, bowser junior, cmb lego luigi, smart luigi, president luigi, cmb mario and luigi, mario and luigi, sugar crash, candy, the sugar monster, fnaf, lol
Id: LncbIbvNaMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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