Crazy Homemade Gifts

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Need some last minute gift ideas? We got you covered. Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - Merry Christmas Eve, mythical beasts! Tomorrow is the season finale of Season 8, but we will be returning with brand new - episodes on Monday, January 11th. - Yes. Mythical beasts, a question is a Christmas wish. You write it down on your list and you mail it to the North Pole. Time passes and you worry that perhaps a rogue elf accidentally placed you on the naughty list or mistook your letter for toilet paper. As you lay in bed tonight on Christmas Eve, you wonder if your wish will ever get an answer. And then all of a sudden, Santa's slidin' down your chimney with a sack chock full of answers. He places his answer gifts under your tree, eats all your cookies, then he vomits them up on the hearth because he's gluten intolerant! And then he moves on to the next house. Never stop believing in answers, beasts, for they are coming to you tonight. - Gluten intolerant. - Yeah, that's a thing. Alright. Actually, your answers are coming right now! A little Pregiftmas Christmas. - Woah! Giftsmas! - Alright we asked you to ask us questions on Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter; our first question comes from Swetha Chandru, who asks, "What do I do to make Santa come to my house?" Well Swetha, the only surefire way to make sure that Santa comes to your house, of course, is to not be naughty all year. - That's right. - And you know, that's a sliding scale depending on who you are, so you've still got to keep your fingers crossed -- - as you tuck yourself in tonight. - (knocking) - Oh whoa whoa. Hey. Did you hear that? - Yeah? - (knocking) - It sounds like horses - landing on the roof! - Yes, yes I hear hooves, and -- - (grunts) - There's a man grunting like he's getting - out of a sleigh. - (crash) And oh! I think he might've hit the satellite dish. - (clanging) - Oh yep. And broke some plates. - (crunching) - Oh but now he's sliding down the roof! - 'Cause we don't have a chimney! - (clanging) But he broke some more plates! And maybe a glass! - (foot steps) - And now he's in the yard. - Okay. - Hey. Could it be? - Could it be who I think it is? - (knocking) - Yes, come in. - Come in? Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas Eve, Good Mythical Morning! - (laughs) - Santa Claus! - Wow! Give him a chair. - Take my seat. - Welcome. Welcome. Welcome Saint Nick! - Santa's been standing - all but two minutes. - Alright. - Here we go. Ho ho ho! - Here you go. - Wow. - Well it is an honor to be here, - Greg and Link! - It's an honor to have you Santa Claus. - It's such a treat! - Now listen boys, I didn't come here - just to chit chat. - Oh. - I come bearing gifts! Ho ho ho! - Oh! - You're digging deep in there. - Oh Santa's got lots of gifts in here. Oh I've got something special for you Robert. - (laughs) - Are you ready? - Yes? - Something you've been wishing for - all year long! It's a Ham Dogger! - Oh this is the thing that makes the ham - into a dog! - That's absolutely right. - I've heard your wishes every night. - Thank you so much. - Santa didn't know what the heck it was. - You did talk about it on a show. - Can I open it? - Yes please do! And I'll show you how it works. This took me several hours to make. Here it is! - (laughs) - This is the finished product! - The one on the right? - What's the problem? That's what it's gonna look like later, too. Ho ho ho, you and your jokes. So here's what you do: you stuff this thing here full of raw meat and then you put it in any old frying pan, and then after about several hours, you get this delicious looking Yule log! - Can I -- - Go for it. You can't have that without a delicious condiment. I've got just the thing for you, Gregory. This is Santa's Special Sauce. Here you go. Go ahead and squirt - a nice healthy dousing. - It looks a lot like ketchup, but -- - Certainly is not ketchup. - Oh gosh. No it needs more. Oh! You think that's enough? - No. I think... - One more squeeze! There you go, Julian. Now go ahead and give it a big old good bite. Merry Christmas. - Ooh! - How's Santa's Sauce? - That's really special. Thank you Santa. - Um, well... Yes. Now you're looking awfully sad Link; you're thinking, "Santa didn't get me - anything." Right? - No I believe in you. Oh good! Then here's your gift. I did get you something of course. (clears throat) I present to you the Elephant Ear Washer. (screams) - (laughs) - This washes a human ear? Well it is an elephant ear washer, but I'm sure it works the same; - we're all mammals, right Gregory? - We're all mammals, Santa. So all of this doesn't go in the ear, just this goes into the ear. - Certainly not. No Link. - Alright. So here's what we do. Go ahead and insert that. - (laughs) - Well pull the trigger first. - Let's see what the force is. - Okay...Santa wants to know if you want it harder or if you want it soft. - Gentle. Just go easy on me. - (laughs) - Okay. How about like this? - Ooh! Less than that. - Less than that? - When it's in my ear, yeah. You're a grown man. You can take it, Link! - I think you should go medium hard. - (screams) - (laughs) - There you go. Does it feel strange? - Yeah. Go easy. - Okay. Wanna do a countdown? - (all) - Guh! - (laughs) - There! You have the cleanest ears - I've ever seen, Link! Ho ho ho! - Did any wax come out? - You gonna cough something up? - Yes. - What? - That's what happened. - (laughs) Yes! Yay! Ho ho ho. - Wow Santa. Thank you so much - for these gifts. - No problem. - Well, I guess I better be going. - Why are you so sad, Santa? Well, I just feel like you guys probably didn't get Santa anything... - Actually, yeah. Know what I gotcha? - Oh what is it? - It's a travel bidet. - A travel bidet? - (laughs) - You're gonna hold it like this -- - (laughs) - Ooh there it goes! Ho ho ho it's loaded! - (laughs) - You just squeeze. - We can give you both of 'em. Look. - Okay. It is very similar, isn't it? - Look at that. - (laughs) Is this how it works? Oh, sometimes Santa has a lot of traveling to do - and he feels unfresh. - (laughs) - Yeah. - Right. - And this should do the trick! - Those days are over. - And you know what? - Oh thank you. - Check this out. I got this for you. - What is it? - It's a crotch bongo. - Crotch bongo? Wow! This is -- you guys! You know, no one ever gets Santa anything. Thank you boys so much. - Thank you Santa. - Give it a shot. Thank you Kevin. I really appreciate it. Thank you Link. You boys have been so good; I'm so proud of you! Merry Christmas! - Woah that's loud. - Ho ho ho! Well I better get going. I've got a party to go to. Scott Baio's throwing a good one this year. - Oh! - (laughs) - Here I go. - Actually you've got to work tonight so.. Well yes, but Santa's got a two drink minimum. Ho ho ho! - (laughs) - Responsible, Santa. Goodbye Chett and Link! I'll miss you, and have a Merry Christmas! (screams) - (door shuts) - I hope he's gonna be okay. - I think he's gonna be okay. - Okay well we're not the only ones to get to meet Santa today. Our resident reporter Lee Newton is on the scene to pay visit to a different kind of Santa. - Lee? - Thanks Rhett and Link. I'm here at Los Cerritos Center, where a whole bunch of puppies are waiting for Santa...Paws. ♪ (Jingle Bells) ♪ Contrary to popular belief, Santa doesn't live in the North Pole. He lives in Cerritos. I know, Cerritos. Today, dogs are lining up to see if they're gonna be on the naughty or the nice list. And to try and impress the big dog himself. So what will wow Santa Paws? Well probably this guy! This is my dog, Mr. Weasel, the best guy on four legs. Oh oops, sorry. Let's move on. Pfft. Total butt-sniffer. Well that's just four dogs in a dog coat. Woah. Lay off the Adderall, toots. A cat? Naughty list. Oh look, there's a princess right next to us. Great. I bet she's got a great talent routine too. Thankfully, talent has nothing to do with it. Santa doesn't even make the list. Turns out, it's a computer. (laughs) Look who's at the top of the list. Oh my God, he is so cute. Look at his eyes. He looks like a baby seal. There was just one thing left to do. Okay, the moment of truth. Are you ready? - This is Weasel. - Hi Weasel. - He's very shy. - He is huh? And I was just wondering if you think he's the handsomest dog alive. - Well... - (Lee's voiceover) Of course! He's the handsomest dog alive, Lee! - I'm aware of that. - (camera flash) ♪ (Christmas music) ♪ So as you can see, Weasel did amazing. He was on the nice list, him and Santa hit it off like crazy; they were in love. (laughs) You did great, you did great. Back to you, Rhett and Link. I don't want to come off like a crazy dog lady. - Do I come off like a crazy dog lady? - (cameraman) No you're great. - Okay great. - Thank you Lee. That was informative. Moving on to our next question, which comes from Elizabeth McMakin, who asks, "Any last minute Christmas present ideas?" Well we're not really good at coming up with last minute Christmas present ideas ourselves, but we know a couple of moms who might be! We've got some last minute DIY Christmas gifts for y'all. - Let's mom about that. - ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Moms! - Hey y'all, it's Christmas and you know - what that means. It means I'm tired. - Oh I'm burnt to a frazzle. I just mean I'm forgetting things and my brain is constantly farting. - Oh yes? - I just do this. Oh it's your eye. Oh that makes sense now. And sometimes when that happens, I forget my middle child exist. - Yes. - And I also forget that he needs a gift, - just like Halloween. - And you know what? Today we're gonna help you out with those gifts that you forgot. First up, I'm gonna share a solution that I came up with. The hubby took the kids to see that - Inside and Out movie? - Yeah it's supposed to be so good. They love it. So I said, "I'm gonna give Daughtry an Inside and Out doll. - Hmm. - And I took his favorite teddy bear, - and I made it inside out. - (gasps) - And here he is! - Well look at that! - Yes, it's Mr. Snickers! - It kinda looks like his face exploded. - Is that his emotions coming out? - Well no, it's just stuffing. Well that's real nice. I really like that. - He will too. - Now you know that we just love to scrapbook and have memories from things that we've done? - Absolutely. - And earlier this year, we went down to Disneyland, and we took a wrong turn... My husband took a wrong turn, - and we ended up in Compton. - Hmm. And we saw something really cool down there! - What? - Everywhere on the power lines? There was these shoes just hanging like that. - Hangin on -- I've seen that! - Yeah and I was like, "That is so cute!" - I've wondered -- I love it! - And Tarmac's gonna love these, and he'll be able to say, "I'm straight outta Compton." That's good. You know, and I have another thing for the kids too. My kids are crazy about these Star War video games that are happenin'? - Oh gosh! - But the boat sailed on me getting a Star Wars video game, so instead I had to make do. - But I had a great epiphanize -- - Huh? When I said, "You know what? I got a bunch of Star magazines right here." And what I'm gonna do is I'mma roll 'em up and I'mma wrap 'em up, and they're gonna open it and I'mma say, "Look, here's the Star, and then you create the War." - And all you got to do is... - Well I see you left one - over here for me. Let's see what I got. - Oh that's right. So let's demonstrate what you can do with your kids. Go through here, you can rip out -- - Oh! I got J-Law. - Oh! And I've got J-Lo. And so we can have a little war between J-Lo and J-Law. Oh you know what? - I can add...Who is this? This is J-Hud? - And I got J-Gar. - And they're gonna war each other. - Just ball 'em up. - And toss 'em. - (necklace jingles) - That's a Star War if I've ever seen one. - I know. Okay. - We are just jingling. Do you hear us? - I know. My ball is jingling. - Just jingle jingle jingle. - Hanging right there. - Get in the spirit. - Now Grandma Gertie, - she's going on 100 this year, - Congratulations. and sometimes you forget the old ones, 'cause they're so quiet. - (laughs) - They just sit there. I said, "You know what we oughta do? We'll just give her that toaster that we gave her last year." She won't know the difference. I just went to her house, took it, I'm gonna wrap it, and she'll be like, "Woo, look at that toaster!" Now typically, a regift is something that you get and then you give to somebody else but you can also take it from their home if they're old enough to forget and regift it to them again. That's a new type of regift. When dealing with an old person, you can take advantage of that. And finally, I have -- Oh good gracious, I'm excited about this one. - Me too. - My husband, I secretly hate his guts. - (laughs) - He's all the time getting upset with me. "Where's my remote? I've been looking everywhere!" - They get so heated! - I was like, "Well, you're not even - looking in the right room." - And it's not his remote. - (both) It's our remote. - (laughs) - We own the remote together. - Gosh. I thought that I would solution it for him, - Uh-huh... - and I have taken all of his remotes - and I made him a universal remote. - Oh that is so smart. Look at that. I have glued them all together. And look, it's all together. And I can drape it over his head. And then I can just say, - "You win the award this Christmas." - Is he gonna have trouble getting - to some of the buttons? - I don't care. A remote only needs - four buttons: up, down, and mute. - Hmm. That's a good point. I hope that y'all got some good ideas, and I think we have demonstrated that it - is so easy to just grab something... - And make everybody happy. Yes. I think it's gonna be a great Christmas. - Truthfully, I'm not happy deep inside. - Well of course not, this is all on the surface, but I didn't think we were gonna get real. - (laughs) - Yeah I hate everything. Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas! Everybody's happy! - Thanks for liking, commenting, subscribing, and sharing this video with your friends and family. Here's some visions of sugar plums for your night. - (Crew) What? - You know what time it is. ♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells, Cockatrice flew away, Rhett and Link got tired and so they can't sleep for the day, Hey! Jingle bells, jingle bells, what's a calamity? Now it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! Hey! ♪ - ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Thanks to Santa -- I mean Steve Zaragoza and Lee Newton for stopping by. Check 'em out on their YouTube channels. - Links in the description. - Click through to Good Mythical More, where we are gonna give Rhett a glitter beard! - Uh oh. - It's gonna be crazy. Click through for that guys. - Unisong about dentures. - (both) ♪ Heyyyy, look at my mouth. There ain't no teeth in it. Look at my mouth. There ain't no chompers there. 'Cause I need some fake teeth. We call 'em dentures. We call 'em dentures! I said, I need some fake teeth! We call 'em dentures! We call them dentures! ♪ (Captioned by Annalyn: GMM Captioning Team)
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,897,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 8, christmas, xmas, rhett and link christmas, rhett and link xmas, good mythical moms, christmas gift ideas, christmas gifts, DIY christmas gifts, steve zaragoza, steve zaragoza santa, lee newton, lee newton dog, santa, santa claus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2015
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