Diabetic LOW CARB SNACKS for to keep blood sugar stable in diabetic diet.

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hi guys this is dr ahmet ergin i am an endocrinologist as most of you already know by now and i'm a diabetes expert today i am going to talk to you about what snacks i was seeing patients today and somebody brought that up i'm like that's a great idea let's do a video about this so people want to have snacks right they get hungry you know your workouts you know and you may be on insulin you may be on medications some medications can you cannot bring your blood sugars down a little bit for whatever the reason when you get hungry i don't want you to get your hands on anything you have to kind of have some idea of what you can and what you cannot do you can still enjoy snacks without letting your blood sugar sky high or without needing to take extra medication let's get started i made this video for normal people who have a normal life who are not in the extremes of keto or anything like that so uh again remember there is another life out there that people live it's not everything is not just about keto okay so now when you talk about snacks let's go over some basic things what you're looking in a snack the snack has to have number one high fiber right number two is nutrient dense number three minimal to no added sugars number four high in fat healthy fat and high in protein let's look into what are your options now so my number one list is almonds now almonds are good why because they are very low in carbohydrates and there's a lot of fiber so when you take the fibers out there's only two grams of net carbs left in your one portion now you know one portion i would say like taking a handful of almonds the problem with almonds are you can call it a problem or not it's up to you but uh this is high in calories so there's a lot of protein and healthy fat as a result is the i think one of the greatest snacks uh and you know you will stay satisfied for a long time so unless i'm seeing patients i have no time for lunch i i just grab cup you know a handful of ailments and that keeps me going the rest of the day so i don't even have to have a lunch so it's very satisfying delicious there it comes in very different seasonings uh so it's it's up to you i think this is um the best way to stay satisfied while keeping your blood sugar in check and not to mention almonds have 15 different vitamins and minerals so it's better than chewing on a beef jerky all day i mean come on you know you have to have some vitamins and minerals number two in my list is veggies and hummus now hummus is great i was actually eating hummus yesterday with some vegetables actually carrots it was and i was like uh oh that's a great idea that i can talk about because um it makes any veggies that you hate literally uh tasteful so it be you know like you put carrots you put cucumbers you put bell peppers even cauliflowers everything will taste great with hummus now in addition to that you know if you don't know what a hummus is it's made from chickpeas it's a creamy spread it's wonderful two teaspoons of hummus is only three grams of carbs so three grams of carbs and you have your veggies with it what else do you need right the only problem in some people if you're not used to it may create a little uh indigestion or gas problems but uh you'll get used to it so number three cotta cheese cottage cheese is wonderful why because it has a lot of protein in there and then very little carbs around maybe four grams of carbs and 13 grams of protein in one cup now of course eating cottage cheese by itself might not be as fun but you can put some splunk on it maybe and put some berries um of course you have to go easy on the top on tops but you still can make it fun and enjoyable and having some kind of cheese handy in your fridge will be a great idea if you don't want to keep eating hummus and stay gassy all day so uh not that it happens to everyone by the way i'm not i'm not trying to say that you will be guessing with hummus but not some people do get that and even then i think your stomach gets used to it after a while so that gassiness shouldn't be a huge problem in the long term number four at the moment edamame if you're not familiar with it it's basically green soy beans you can steam it in a pot or use it dry but i think dried at the moment is very nice very addicting very tasty it is very good because it has a lot of proteins around 17 grams per portion it has around 15 grams of carbs but a lot of fiber so it only leaves you with seven grams of nut carbs and it is very nutritious and very delicious too number five is greek yogurt i love greek yogurt a lot of people don't uh you better do because it is a very good high high in protein and one of my favorite for breakfast actually and the reason for that is uh it is very satisfying it keeps you full uh and you have to be careful about how much fat you are getting in that but the reduced fat is not bad at all you can put some tops like some um berries and some splenda if you are if you like the sweet taste but the bottom line is one serving can keep you full with not a lot of carbohydrates so i think that is another wonderful idea for snacking number six number six is cheese now of course not any cheese and i'm not saying cheese just to be smiley here cheese is really good especially string cheese if it is low fat there's almost no carb in there and it will also help you getting your calcium in and it will keep you full and satisfied so keeping the string cheese in your refrigerator is a wonderful idea and you can always eat that with veggies as well and this only has like 50 calories per stick so if you have two sticks you'll probably feel full and you will be having a great snack great time and no blood sugar spikes number seven another favorite is tuna now why tuna is good because it has zero zero carbs literally and yeah some people will say well like tuna is really not that tasty you know but the thing is you can make it really tasty here's how you do it so you're gonna have tuna can right so these are generally not high in salt as well so that's something that you have to watch for but you get that tiguana and you mash up some avocado not mayo okay but you can have a very creamy taste if you're using some mashed avocado and you can even mix that with more vegetables like cucumbers bell peppers etc green onions and you can make it a salad that will be wonderful it's going to taste amazing you can also use as a dip if you don't like it as a salad you can just as you it uses a dip you can do that as well but the bottom line is it can be very satisfying if you're hungry can replace a whole entire meal and it is a lot of protein and zero carbs number eight i would say number eight would be chickpeas here we go hummus was chickpeas now we are talking about chickpeas again but the chickpeas are really good because you can actually if you're having like this crunchy so you want to have some crunch you don't want to have go and have some potato chips just to satisfy your crunchy uh cravings you can use that chickpeas you can basically mix it with some olive oil with some salt and put in the oven 400 degrees like 20 minutes or so get it crispy and crunchy and then you can also like try cumin pepper whatever you like to have as a seasoning you can and get that nice crispy feeling with the chickpeas now 1 4 cup of chickpeas can still have 15 grams of carbs but with the fibers you're basically reducing your carbs by half and still is a very healthy snack and can be very satisfying number nine is the fruits of course fruits are full of sugar you know that and i know that too but uh now if you want to talk about like if you want to hear more about uh the the fruits i have a whole entire video about this so click below for the link to get that uh but in addition to that i'm just gonna talk to you about the the best snacking option here very easy i think the berries are the easiest thing you can get your hands on like cleaning is very easy you don't have to really cut up or anything like that and you can just just turn to your mouth and you know it's so easy to snack on and the berries especially blackberries and raspberries are very low in calories and carbohydrates so but as we talked about the fruit video it's really about how much you eat it's not necessarily what you eat with the fruits here there's some fruits like mangoes and and grapes are like very high in sugar uh but if your portion size is small it shouldn't be a big problem like if you're trying to eat like two three bananas at once yeah it's gonna spike your blood sugar but if you're having a health banana for example that's not gonna be a big deal as well so just keep that in mind number ten is popcorn and you're gonna be like what the freak right so popcorns are actually not the ones that are like fake you just put in the microwave with a bunch of stupid butter on it you don't want that kind of popcorn you want air pop popcorns and three cups of those popcorns are only like 15 to 18 grams of carbs which is not bad i mean if you're having that as a snack now the only problem with the popcorns is so addictive that if you're not really measuring your uh portion and you just go ahead and make a huge bag of popcorns of course you're going to end up with a bunch of carbs in your system but if you are measuring and you're having only three cups of popcorn you can still get away with it with only 18 grams of carbohydrates not to mention there are vitamin vitamins and minerals in there there are fiber in there so it's not it may not be a big deal the bottom line is um you go with the snack you like you know you don't want to just eat something just to eat you know and and then you need to also see how your blood sugars are affected if you have a freestyle libre or dexcom or any sort of cgm that's the best way to kind of monitor your blood sugars and see how you're responding so if you're having for example like three cups of popcorn and your blood sugar pops up to 300 yeah maybe that's not the best uh deal for you but the bottom line is you kind of have to experiment and see what works for you in my opinion these are the uh the snacks that if you want to have a snack that has some carbs in it uh you can enjoy these it's better than just eating grease all day like some keto people do so enjoy your day guys and we'll see in the next video
Channel: SugarMD
Views: 57,477
Rating: 4.8887453 out of 5
Keywords: LOW CARB FOODS, LOW CARB SNACKS for diabetics, diabetes, diabetes food, diabetic, diabetic deit plan, diabetic snacks, healthy snacks, low carb, low carb diet, low carb down under, low carb snacks, low carbohydrate snacks, sugar, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes
Id: S_jneHt_wEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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