Can a diabetic eat oatmeal for breakfast? Oatmeal good or bad in a diabetic diet? Diabetes tips

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hey guys this is dr ahmed ergin i'm an endocrinologist i'm a diabetes educator today i'm going to talk to you about oatmeal can you have oatmeal if you have diabetes now great question some people love it uh most people love it some people don't uh but the question is sometimes that comes to me hey doc you know i'm eating oatmeal they tell me that the oatmeal is good but my blood sugar is still spiking why so we'll discuss about that as well and let's get started okay so basically oatmeals are fairly good if you want to have carbs in your breakfast it's better than your white bread it's better than your other pest pastries so oatmeal is heart healthy there are things in there but the glucons etc that helps your heart uh the thing is you underst you need to understand how much carbs you're getting when you eat oatmeal so one cup of cooked oatmeal is around 30 grams of carbs right so if you're allowed to have 30 grams of carbs that's it you cannot have anything else and if you start adding stuff on top of it like other fruits and bananas and stuff like that then you have to consider that as well that you're actually multiplying those carbs together uh so you're adding those carbs so you may end up instead of 30 grams only you may end up total of 60 grams of carbs so you have to be careful about that now oatmeals are low glycemic index because they're absorbed slowly so that they do not necessarily spike your blood sugar quickly now it will spike your blood sugar it's just not as quick so i mean that's a good thing because if you're taking medications they sometimes take time to get into your blood and if your blood sugar spikes so fast before medications kick in and that will be a problem right uh so and then you know if you are if your blood sugar is going up uh very fast uh of course that's gonna spike higher but if it is more like a gradual increase then you are not gonna peak as much in your blood sugars so glycemic index of the oatmeals are good there it's below 55 now not every oatmeal is the same you have to really understand that now the best thing you can have is a steel cut oatmeal which takes almost 30 minutes to cook my best suggestion for that would be an insta pot or something that's pressure cook that can get it cooked like within less than five minutes it's not gonna be one minute like the instant oatmeal which probably most people do especially if you're working trying to get to work that instant oatmeal although they keep the nutritional value but they lose all their fibers because they're heavily processed so i would stay very from anything that's instant and i would take time to get these steel cut oatmeals going if you really want to have your carbs again you can use steel cut oatmeal instead of a potato at breakfast which is very high in glycemic index instead of a white bread which is very high in glycemic index oatmeal is still very good for you as long as you know what's going on now also if now you know how much carbohydrates you are getting from from the from the oatmeal but also you need to understand your body some people in the morning especially they are very very insulin resistant some people will just have a coffee and their blood sugar will spike even with the black coffee so as a result you may want to check your blood sugars after meals after you have that oatmeal uh if your blood sugar is spiking with the oatmeal that means that you're either not taking enough medication for breakfast or you're very insulin resistant then maybe it would have helped if you exercise the night before or the day before so actually you have to pay attention to that if you're type 1 there's a different story type 1 diabetics will know exactly how much insulin to take that's not a bad idea actually for them to to eat that oatmeal and and then just take whatever they need to take uh because they're on insulin and they they know exactly how much to take some type 2 diabetics are insulin they also do the same thing but they are more insulin resistant typically than type 1 diabetics and their blood sugar will spike way higher sometimes compared to a type 1 diabetic so again guys so it's not just about the food you're eating how much you're eating what is the glycemic index of that food and what medications are you on and how insulin resistant you are these are the things you have to consider before you are blaming any food or yourself don't blame anybody just find a way to get it going if the oatmeal is packing your blood sugar too much and you have nothing else to do then just avoid the oatmeal as simple as that i know it's not the most easy thing to say or easier said than done but that's that's what it is so you can always be creative and find ways to prevent these blood sugar spikes and we can help you for that as well just remember that and we will see you in the next video remember to share remember to give a thumbs up guys see you later
Channel: SugarMD
Views: 194,543
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Keywords: blood sugar spike after oatmeal, blood sugar, is oats good for diabetes, oatmeal good for diabetics, is oatmeal good for people with diabetes, which oatmeal is best for diabetics, which oatmeal is best, which oatmeal is best for weight loss, which oatmeal is best for diet, oatmeal in diabetic diet, diabetic oatmeal, oatmeal bad for you, is oatmeal bad for diabetics, oatmeal good or bad for you, diabetes type 2, diabetes type 1, diabetic diet, Diabetic breakfast
Id: F7_kn3k-ygk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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