Baby sitting simulator got a Christmas update

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hello Scott dazzlers welcome back to Des games and we're back with the yellow baby you remember the yellow baby he's been on here a couple of times on the channel and they've just done a Christmas update I did have another game for you like an hour-long gameplay of a new game but I deleted the voice file crushed me I thought I have to do it again so let's take it out on the baby let's go Christmas chapter we are ready for Christmas where's that [ __ ] he's normally here in his high chair isn't he I don't know what's the oh pick up old photograph oh what's that what I don't know what this stuff is this is all new we'll find out as we go along where's the infant there he is hey you little [ __ ] yeah remember me hate you all right prepare Christmas to put baby in the high chair I just put him in the high chair sit there and don't move or I'll poke your eyes out turkey we're getting turkey oh my God I'm so ready where's the turkey gingerbread man yeah although there's a little baby one eating all right I got an egg do you want an egg this is all you're getting [Music] wait I can throw eggs at the baby hey what what what you feeling lonely come anyway why's he got a plaster on his leg it's probably because I've been beating him right sit on the oven all right that's the safest place for you all right where's the turkey look at that look at it baby look at it look [ __ ] put turkey in the oven all right no put it in put it in the oven that's the oven though right right okay maybe if I close it oh there you go that's how you put a turkey in the oven baby add decorations to the tree do you want to decorate the tree baby huh what do we go in the fridge make your choice all right we're gonna decorate the tree where the carrots are all right Christmas tree add decorations to tree yeah oh wow I think I'm gonna hang that there okay all right I'm gonna hang that about there what are you thinking is it good I'm not gonna throw any more eggs at you don't worry you're good I might put some more on there okay this this side of the tree is looking a bit bald there we go look at this this is this is nice so for once we're having a good time you having a good time yeah he's having a good time all right I'm not really doing this in any you know cute order but you know it's just me and the baby what's in the bathroom have I done anything in the bathroom I've got a bit of stencil going on okay I like this why can't you just be a good kid go in there shut up shut up I know your game you're not a proper baby you're a demon oh it needs a star hmm little baby would you want to sit on top of the Christmas tree do you want to sit on top of the Christmas oh [ __ ] I'm sorry don't tell child services I just go in here don't look at me like that I know what you are all right I know what you are get the star for attic there's an attic now don't move don't move and if you move okay you get an egg shut up I know what I know what he's like I know what he's like where's the Attic where's the attic this is his room yeah okay oh [ __ ] run [Music] it's a bit weird wouldn't it run what's this play recording snow curiosity in July following such a sweet spring it started when I took this job but I was not the first the baby needs to shut up [Music] okay really weird recording Paddock oh baby the baby is crying I should probably okay what is that [Music] is that a present I can't resist a present right there's a star I'll come to you in a minute what's this soon what is it is it a painting I'm not one for dark heart okay I'm gonna get the tree and we're gonna ignore that that's what's gonna happen we're gonna have a nice Christmas all right coming down baby where's the star so where's the okay there it is oh God nothing can be that bad [Music] what I got your star you stupid star for your stupid tree God damn it the things I do now look at that what in the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God [ __ ] what foreign gave birth what what oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what is it where is it oh my God we go where's the baby I see this why I hate this kid I hate him baby baby oh pickles I need to get my [ __ ] oven like just put put the turkey there right and let it let it go wait there's another one wait a minute I put him here what how did he come back in here wait a minute wait where's he gone now he's he's behind the turkey what is going on I'm gonna go upstairs to see where the child is baby breaking emergency it's not an emergency I think it is the child is missing where is he wait this is the first time ever in this game where I can't find the kid is he up in the attic foreign [Music] baby soon yes soon I'm gonna get reported where's the kids put turkey on the table all right I guess that's the next step and then I'll find out where the baby is okay do you know what it actually is nicer without him I might not complain all right I'm gonna put the turkey on the it's a bit weird oh it calmly does it now for right turkey is going on for table find the baby I I've tried I tried what the [ __ ] did you eat all of that yeah you look [ __ ] happy son of a [ __ ] take him to changing smelly little [ __ ] I wish I could throw you harder you ate all of it and I got nothing nothing fine Christmas outfit upstairs well wait I gotta change him right oh god oh what is this [ __ ] do you know anything about this [Music] oh God if you ever want like birth control just play this game that's that's it that's all I'm saying that's the attic man this is the stupid baby's room what's the okay that's Christmas outfit is that it it's not an outfit that's a hat it's an ugly hat that's what they make the employees at Walmart where the turkey has annoyed me even though it's virtual ah you look even more of a prick right come here then that thing's creeping me out we need to talk about that put him in the high chair yeah now I've got nothing to eat but carrots put turkey carcass in the bin yeah may as well huh dick hahaha how can you eat all of it oh put something else in there get turkey from the okay here we go this this one [ __ ] goes goes a bit self one second parenting 101 yep yeah that's how it starts this is snowball okay I'm gonna take one of those [ __ ] whoa whoa what what dick give me my turkey yeah that's right weird ass Snowman in my refrigerator let's go I need a new fridge I need to find a turkey I need a turkey in here some wine oh Hallelujah what in all of [ __ ] [Music] even here yeah there you are kid I gotta tell you something we need a new fridge a turkey in the oven okay boom it's gonna blow up and get check on baby okay yeah why can't you just sit it's missing a handle [ __ ] it what are you what are you have a carrot every update it gets weirder hello my sod in bed I know what's gonna come out of it the baby's gonna come out of it oh God here we go [Music] Pop Goes the Weasel come on yeah there it is see I predicted that get here what is the matter with you what is the matter with you because the way he looks at me there's no point in putting him in the high chair just did you see his eyes go I mean everyone can see his [ __ ] eyes but did you see them they were demonic for a second don't stop don't start oh right [ __ ] me I guess it's done I guess it's done stupid if you eat this if you eat this turkey I'm done I'm seriously done I want some all right I want to make some sandwiches okay keep you right now stop looking at it sit down for dinner well where do I sit okay head of the table makes sense all right [Music] [Music] why what have I done to this kid every crit no I'm not playing this game I'm not playing this game I'll open the biggest one I got a ball huh I like that I like that yeah yeah what's this oh look look at the car you ain't having it [Music] guess no one's having it okay what's this one an airplane ah okay I only got to just land on his massive forehead okay that was that was anticlimactic but I'm gonna do it again [Music] what is it a gun oh let me please let me shoot him ah I wish these were real bullets I'm gonna take the baby to bed okay yeah I need to shake it shake these off before anyone else's nose oh I missed slam dunk [ __ ] oh Bobby he's not going through it though you're going through the hoop before you go to bed damn it what yeah yeah slam dunk all right we slam dunk you we're good we're going to bed now night [Music] kid watch TV on the sofa that's all I wanted to do all right what's on Netflix look at this [ __ ] look at this look at this [ __ ] how many turkey left no I have nothing the baby's rinsed me dry that's what they do isn't it ah yeah let's watch fireplace tell my God [Music] no I don't know I don't want pets [Music] the baby's hard enough where is he where is he smack a cat that's all there he is look what are you doing we don't know yeah okay now now we're gonna see the gift what's the present and why have I got a cat all right I'm following you cat oh all right Jesus you are so [Music] foreign they can leave me like that now I don't know where I've gone I've been sucked into a painting March 2023 okay so we got a while until the next chapter comes out guys damn it I hate that baby I hate him all right guys uh you know it's nice to play all these Christmas themed games I'm gonna re-record the other video that I messed up but at least we caught up with yellow baby yellow baby is always good to catch up with and we'll see him again in March and we'll find out what happened to us and where we got sucked into like I've pressed my channel and see you in the next one stay Dustin
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 1,213,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing
Id: S2TCdB3sj1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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