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it's this quick game with magnets they're making this quick game doll out of cupcakes this is the craziest squid game flipbook i've ever seen in my life [Music] what's up guys welcome to this episode i'm lucky bye today we're reacting to the top five squid game art videos of all time what is this whoa so guys this is gonna blow your mind this is the first one out of five and this is squid game pancake art dude that's the doll way you can see what they're gonna make next yeah they're gonna make the doll the guard the guy and the logo this is so sick wow whoa yo this takes so much skill wow that's satisfying that's actually crazy that's the right color it's the right color of the the doll hey yo whoa this is so satisfying wow that's actually like better than i could even draw it with like a pencil that's better i could draw with a stencil and tracing and they're gonna flip it over what no way dude when they flip it's gonna look crazy this is gonna look crazy they left the space for the hair here we go guys bro it's gonna happen bro no wow that's crazy that doesn't even make sense you could eat that it's pancake man we should try making this for breakfast it's pancake no it'll say red light green that's crazy okay they're patting it down okay that's awesome wow think of how cool the guard and all the other ones are gonna look that is so crazy that takes so much skill yeah and guys we're watching five different crazy squid game art videos so make sure to watch the full video they should start a squid game pancake art uh restaurant because then everyone will go and then it will be tasty yeah pancake game yeah bro wow it's the mask it's the square head oh boy here we go what is that like the folds on the hoodie it's the shadows no way that attention to detail how are they so good i can't even do this with crayons huh whoa that is the brightest red red pancake i've ever seen in my life all right it's time for the flip no way no way oh boy no way the shadows what are they gonna look like man [Music] [Applause] wow the shadows cause it's so good it looks like it's folded like the clothes be folded you know what i mean it looks like your shirt wow but i'm no squig game guard huh that's not me bro that looks so tasty man could you imagine eating that that'd be so tasty man and you put squid game syrup on it see you guys squirt the squid game square [Applause] [Music] justin makes me call him that kid [Applause] you wouldn't understand adam that looks so nice are they gonna show them all together at the end that would be sick yeah wow okay now they're gonna make i believe the main character of the show bro yeah netflix if you're watching this video you guys should make a pancake shop that only sells squid game paint you should hire this person because they're very talented yeah or justin what because you're talented hire me because i'm the squid kid i'll be in squid game she's two that's true yeah oh wow they even got the right color for the lips they put like pink oh they put the 456 oh and when they flip it it's gonna be the right way around dude that's awesome this is so wild to me that this is even possible man yeah we tried to make a pancake card before if we guess the price it didn't go that well yeah well we ate it yeah dude this is so crazy and then when they flip it it's gonna look crazy it's gonna look nuts bro all right here we go guys wow 456. what this is so cool man yeah wow that looks like a photograph look at this pancake [Laughter] makes me hungry [Laughter] this is sick wow and even the plates match wait they they got matching plates i didn't even notice that yeah the squid game doll had yellow for the plate yo shout out this channel guys it's gonna be linked down below hey this takes real skill bro take real skill they got skill to pay the bills that's true he's staring in my eyes wow don't oof me don't open me in the squid game please yeah they're gonna make the logo next maybe oh they just wrote squid game but is it all connected how are they gonna flip it uh they're probably gonna fill white around the entire back side or something yeah oh this is the logo for the show here's the logo guys let's see let's see it oh that's like perfect they did a little boiling wait how did they get to such a perfect line like that i don't know this is amazing let's see them all together honestly will they show them all together that'd be real satisfying i hope so sweet game squeak game i'm the squid kid yo this channel is too crazy yup they showed them all together yeah they had the right play colors that's insane wow shout out this channel that's attention to detail and i like that all right let's see what's next what's this all right i think these might be squid game like cake pops what yeah wait that looks like graham crackers or something what is that i get maybe it's a cupcake it's a cupcake it's spirit of cake wait this is cupcakes no way these are cupcakes they're going to reenact the scenes bro they're playing red light green lights oh we're so dumb that took us like 20 seconds to figure out wow now i get it and there's the old man okay so she's looking away it's green light they're moving uh red light she's gonna turn around bro oh red light she's turning around bro stop moving stop moving stop moving oh no it's red light is one of them gonna get eaten oh bro oh he moved bro oh boy he's about to get oh he's got oof they put him in one of those boxes bro yeah what are they showing how they made it hi guys hi wow wait this is that cake what maybe it's like frosting what am i looking at that what is this bro that's some paper what is that i think it might be like marshmallow frosting guys no it's not it's cake that's like their shirt making a shirt dude how how are people this skill like i'm not this skilled at anything in my life bro yeah nor will i ever be they're doing this what they put a zipper they got levels of precision i've never seen in my life is this like a snake hair whoa guys i didn't know it was even possible to make cake that looked like this i didn't even know i wouldn't want to eat it i want to eat all types of desserts i wouldn't eat this because these are like art yeah that cupcake has better hair than we do i can't i can't eat art bro yeah i can't eat art right wow oh they even have the creases they put the wrinkles in the forehead and shading what that's insane what is this bro how is this possible bro how's it possible whoa number 67. i have a few ideas for cupcakes from this movie yeah i could see that that's incredible oh now they're making the garb yeah check this out wow wait how did they already got the texture on there to match like the mask wow it looks so good even the tool is the color of the squid game doll yeah exactly first we saw pancakes now we're seeing cupcakes i've really seen it all yeah my life has changed which out of these so far would you want to eat the most how is their camera better than my eyeballs like i've never seen stuff look this great the guard looks pretty good the garlic's yummy it's probably strawberry bro they made all the shapes to circle the square and the triangle wow wow i think they're gonna make the squid game doll next bro yeah maybe you could try baking this type of stuff in your oven what oh yeah i make cool stuff like this in my easy bake all the time bro yeah i made brownies fudge brownies the other day what are they making now well this looks like the hair of the the doll they're making this quick game doll out of cupcake wow so you're the squid kid and she's the squid doll hey yo what are they doing wait what are they what does that make a pacman what is that wait what are they doing what are they doing maybe this is the body guys this is so satisfying because we're like you don't know what it is until you see it then you know what it is i think it is the body it's the shoulders yeah what is this how bro whoa oh this is so cool they made a little flower what's that oh cause it has a flower in its hair i think oh no way they got that detail bro this looks so crazy to me it doesn't even look like food it looks like play-doh or something but you can't eat that it looks like your dreams what yeah i don't dream of being in the squig game i would dream of eating a squid game cupcake what is that what that's crazy all right let's see what's next what is this wow so this is some squid game paper art what whoa it's a guard and a guy wait what oh it's like one of those fortune tellers i play with yeah what it's gonna teach you how to make it okay doing some math i can't do that okay they're folding they're gonna show us how to fold the paper i guess so i would try this at home later because this one i could do the cupcakes the pancakes i can't do this one i could do maybe are they drawing the honeycomb thing they're drawing a head oh it's the doll probably doll yeah wow that's how you draw it yeah with a pencil it reminds me of one in spongebob where he draws a perfect circle right yeah i what okay maybe i lied i can't do this one either guys if you're good at art let us know because we're not very good at drawing this takes real skill wow that's great they start out with just a circle and now it's a squig game doll yeah wow and they're gonna make her look like a robot bro oh no way so they're gonna just copy on this side yeah it's gonna be like a cyborg i can do that i'm really good at copying i'm good at tracing yeah i could trace stuff really well that's how you make my drawings wow okay so now they're going to be able to open it and it's going to be a cyborg oh i get it why they why'd they erase that what was the point of that so they can show us that it's going to be like perfectly happy oh i get it yeah i get it dude it's a cyborg i never even thought about that if you opened up the doll it would be a robot inside oh that's true it's like an animatronic it might be the same if you open me up [Music] yeah but justin doesn't open up that much no especially not on camera yeah he's very closed off when it comes to his emotional feelings what is this bro it looks like a scary robot wow okay they're gonna draw like a bunch of wires or something huh i think so yeah this is so creepy bro do you see really what it looks like under there all right i cannot wait to see the finished product it looks so evil bro oh man they got the wires bro looking like the dna whoa whoa whoa oh boy whoa oh boy now they're coloring it in wow man i wish i was this creative yeah at first i thought i could do this one but i realized i actually can't yeah that looks so good it's like perfect oh man now it's the evil machine wow i can barely draw inside the line that must be how the doll has the laser eye vision to oof people because yeah it's actually a machine right right right bro that looks so scary bro i'm a little bit scary right now bro but you're the squid kid i am whoa all right it's almost done guys let's see here open and close it oh they cut out all the paper behind it wow that is crazy what's this i think this is like a flip book squid game video okay there's the doll it's looking at the tree you know oh yeah this is a flip book yeah oh they're tracing see i'm good at this i'm good at tracing oh and it is gonna be a flip book so oh so i guess with a flip book you gotta draw the same image like 900 times yeah and it's gonna look like it's animated guys what whoa so it's gonna play like a movie no way it's head's turning it's head's turning it's gonna oops somebody bro all on paper nah it's turning all the way around it's red light time bro wow that was sick whoa oh it's the it's the um contestants yeah the scope what it's gonna like scan the whole field no way wait this is so crazy man and it's all animated i wish i knew how to do this stuff wow and now they're gonna color it in so it's all one thing so creative so you guys don't even need a computer to make your own animations you can literally do it with paper yeah well you need a lot of skill like this somebody somebody just got oofed oh no way all right here we go they drew that many pages what the heck what was that this is the craziest squid game flip book i've ever seen in my life wow bro what is that it's the squid game with magnets they're building the doll right now whoa with magnetic balls what how do you do this what wow you can do this that's whoa it's all coming together how do they they got eyeballs inside what wow guys every single video we've seen today has been so skilled bro here's the body they all got the skills to pay the bills what that's crazy let us know if you guys have ever tried these like magnet art things where do you get magnets like this i've never seen magnets like this in my life i don't know magnets probably come from space or something yeah space rocks yeah whoa maybe elon musk is making this video maybe that's his hands no way oh wow that looks good that looks epic what and you can move it it's turning over they're doing like a stop-motion animation it's scanning no oh how did they do that it exploded bro let's see that again he moved he moved well what they came in it was a really strong magnet and it just smushed up wow bro they're moving again don't move oh oh oh another magnet got off wow in slow-mo this must be a really strong magnet yeah and inside them they have like beads they put that inside them i guess so yeah yeah it's inside wow that is this is the crazy and we need to start making magnet art yeah that's incredible guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe go check out get yourself some lanky box merch especially the brand new thick plushies scented mystery squishies and of course the lanky box stick adventure book where you can find out how lanky box all got so thick bro all of these videos were incredible guys we saw some of the craziest squid game art let's go get a pop-tart [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 5,910,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankbox react, lankybox reacts, lankybox reaction, lankybox reactions, squid game, squidgame, squid games, squidgames, squid game art, squid game meme, squid game video, squid game memes, meme, memes, react, reacts, reactions, reaction, magnet art, squid game magnet, cupcake, cupcake art, squid game cupcake, pancake, pancake art, squid game pancake, flipbook, flip book, squid game flipbook, squid game flip book, lankybox squid game
Id: ivyllB8g_FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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