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in this video you're going to see laney bugs build the most epic bases to ever exist in all of minecraft history from building the most secure minecraft prisons to crafting the coolest underwater base you will ever see these builds will leave you speechless and just when you think the fun is over we have a secret special surprise waiting for you so make sure to stick around until the end let's go oh and what a beautiful day here at our minecraft house yeah the sun's out nothing can ruin our day yeah sun's out buns out time to eat some hot dogs oh wait wait the weather's getting all rainy wait what it's a surprise hurricane bro what's happening it's the middle of summer oh no this is not good dude yeah oh it's a hurricane ah take cover item we gotta pack up our most valuable belongings and run dude our house is gonna get soaked oh right my fortune's inside this house you got a fortune you didn't tell me about it yeah i've been saving up for quite a while i got a lot of money okay you get your money i'm gonna go get the most important stuff to me all right i'm gonna go downstairs into the basement guys everyone watching don't tell justin where i'm keeping this money it's supposed to be a secret all right i gotta put this down here's a little trapdoor then i got a top secret security code with a really good password and then here's the money wait wait what it says needed to borrow some money for donuts love foxy when one foxy took all my money now foxy oh man i gotta pack the most important things in my life which are my donuts okay i'm gonna go nuts for the donuts i'm packing them all right nice nice i got my secret stash yeah i got some underwater here so adam doesn't know about these okay nice all right you get everything you need i got all my stuff yeah i i guess foxy took all my money you wouldn't know anything about that right no i definitely don't know what paid for all my donuts oh man the house is getting soaked at least the house is still here adam you know what we can just wait until it dries off everything will be just fine yeah it should be all right i mean it's still sunny we just got to let all the water evaporate it's not the end of the world yeah except it's a giant meteor heading straight for our house oh no it's gonna blow it up oh there goes our house we blew up our entire house and the whole house is gone oh man wait where did foxy boxy and rocky go uh-oh i think they were in the house adam hopefully they're okay they should be all right oh man oh spaghettios foxy boxy rocky yeah we survived what was that rocky that was a big rock was that my dad oh man oh man sorry about your money saying i had to borrow it now listen we gotta make some new houses we gotta live somewhere else what should we do um well what if we had like a house building competition okay boxy rocky and i will be team number one i'll be team number two i'm justin the pro builder you know oh and i can be the hacker builder so are we the noobs aide yeah you guys are the noob so it's new versus pro verse hacker okay we're the noob squad we gotta build a noob house okay boxy rocky this looks like a nice place to build our new house okay yeah um foxy you got the supplies right yeah boxy you start building now boxy i know you have a tendency to blow stuff up don't do it okay all right i'll try my best i just gotta lay the foundation i mean we're the new team but i think our house is gonna be the best house ever yeah i'm just i'm just watching you build a box yeah this house rocks thanks rocky yeah wow hey boxy how come you're not using any rocks bro um because i don't have any all i have is wood i'm i'm a rock and i know you're a rock rock i rock you do rock and our noob house rocks too yeah okay you're making a mess oh it's all right um just don't blow stuff up boxy hey hey wait wait wow i'm sorry i messed up i accidentally put tnt instead of more rocks okay i was supposed to look for supplies but oh it's a big donut over there i'm gonna go get that i hope boxy rocky doing a good job building the noob house i hope boxy hasn't blown stuff up yet he likes to go boom foxy did you get all the supplies i didn't get them i got oofed up wait what you got oops that means you lose all the supplies hey don't blame me what happened to the house it looks like someone blew it up all right it's my turn i'm just be the pro builder i'ma build a super secret spy base underwater mansion with the helicopter and go carts you know what i mean because i'll be playing mario kart you know what i mean oh man this is gonna be sick i'ma turn all the windows like purple so it kind of matches my hair you know what i mean i'm gonna build the coolest house of them all oh yeah i've been studying all sorts of architecture this is gonna be lit i'm gonna make a helicopter landing pad over here put some go-karts because i like to go in my rory you know what i mean we got a big tv we can sit there and watch lanky box together or some paw patrol yeah this is like my dream house guys i've always wanted a house like this on some water you know what i mean with the underground secret hacker base and now i'm making the heli launch pad oh the helicopter looks so sick let's go this is my international super spy base you know what i mean i'm an international super spy yeah let's go all right guys now i got to build my house i got the task of being the hacker so check this out i've been working on this for a while apparently if i put this magic block down i can actually make an entire house on the click of a button oh man here we go whoa it's a huge mansion now i mean foxy boxing rocky got the new house justin's working on his pro house but i mean i think the hacker house is pretty sick and if i press it again wow it transforms into an even cooler house wow guys this is awesome think of all the fun we can all have here this is super cool oh man i'm so glad i got the hacker role in this challenge because this is super fun man i might have to press it again whoa i got a pet here and perfect this is great for foxy boxing rocky too we can even have like bedrooms with them and like the pet right outside this is awesome oh and this is where we can make like meals i can store my money down here i can have like a little room for justin's donuts they never get lost again wow guys i mean i don't want to get too cocky but i think the hacker house is looking real cool i'm a present again wow it's even bigger and i can fly and i have a whole city whoa man i hope foxy boxing rocky's new pow is doing all right because i don't want to like make them feel all embarrassed when they see this awesome city oh man i'm flying around okay i'm gonna try adding in some of my hacker code i'ma copy this and i can actually paste my house into the forest guys i can copy paste in minecraft guys this is so cool wow okay everybody why don't you come look at our new house okay now ignore the parts where there's missing walls boxy blew it up house wrong wow you guys did a great job wow foxy boxy rocky this house looks awesome wow you guys even framed foxy donuts oh wait these are the donuts you bought with my money foxy no adam i found this one in the forest it was donuts oh and wrestle a meteor to get it what happened to the donuts you spent my money on i ate them i ate them made them okay guys now check out my pro house this is my international super [Applause] wow this is an awesome fro house we got bumper cars yeah we can go inside see yeah it's nice and safe too wow and wait would i see something on the roof as well it says this rocks i can see here and watch all sorts of lanky box videos yeah oh yeah good idea yeah guys i got a helicopter up here it's so sick huh oh man okay this this might be one of the coolest houses i've ever been inside yeah and everything's color coordinated it's purple like my hair anatomy like foxy like my favorite color donuts you know everything's lit you know what i mean wow and you can give us helicopter tours all around here yeah all right guys and here welcome into my hacker house what is this how did you possibly build this adam did you hack minecraft i did i used a bunch of mods and a super cool building hack bro you got a chilken in here bro yeah i got that for foxy it's a pet chicken oh this is lit bro yes there's infinite rooms all you guys can have your own rooms to yourself this is boxy's room wait what is this what it's like a holographic window simulation yeah you can have it project anything you want it's super high-tech she's crazy we got a place to lift weights exercise play some games this is cool yeah i got a home gym and rooms for all you guys it's a super luxury mansion now who do you guys think should win this challenge guys hey i think all the houses were equally lit but listen guys we're all best friends as long as we're together that's where home is you know what i mean that's true i agree oh man this challenge was awesome oh and what a great day here in minecraft yeah it sure was great it's so weird though our servers have been invaded by a ton of evil characters lately huh yeah we've had evil ladybug cartoon cat i mean there's a lot of evil people yeah i was thinking and what if we built like a place to put all the evil characters so they can't attack us in our own servers hmm we could do like a prison oh yeah we could make like a custom prison and put all the bad guys in there yeah like pennywise and all those guys oh yeah good idea then they'd never attack us again hey what's up everybody what's up man with you guys you guys talking about prisons huh yeah hey foxy we were just talking about how we should make a prison and put all the evil minecraft characters there oh dead idea wrong yeah that's a pretty good idea um okay how about we make a game out of it what if we do a new burst pro verse hacker prison building challenge okay you're on everyone get into your teams adam's one team i'm one team and foxy boxing rocky will be the third team okay boxing rocky i guess we're the noob team okay oh man where's some noobs oh wow and cool i'm the pro team i'm going to build the best prison ever evil just the hacker is the hacker team let's go we're the noob team but we're going to show them that we're the best team i'm building some areas for the evil guys to go into look at how nice this looks everybody all right so we're the noob team but we gotta make sure we do everything right so that we trap everyone perfectly yeah our new prison is gonna rock oh wow yeah this is a good idea we can build some traps and then if any evil characters come here we can like trap them oh yeah we got all sorts of traps we got some slippery ice with some fans so they'll fall down yeah oh that's genius and we can create like a lava trap yeah i'm making a lava trap my mom is a volcano so i know about this i'm making some nice plants over here i'm decorating just because the prison doesn't mean it can't look nice ouchy i stuck my toe on some thorns okay oh and about ouch so far our prison's kind of new no it's looking nice we're making a bunch of trap doors here there's only one that lets people escape will people be able to find out which it is probably not oh we'll see and i heard that cartoon cat might be coming into our prison soon oh yeah we made a trap door over here okay this is a nice looking prison we're looking good everybody all right guys i gotta build the best pro prison ever uh what would a pro use um all right let me try using this lever here i gotta do the most pro traps of all time because i think there's gonna be some crazy enemies here all right and because i'm a pro i'm actually able to fly all around my prison which is super super helpful all right so what's this trap gonna be if i put a ladder up here um i can see from the high ground and see if anything's bad um and then i'm gonna have some laser traps here which are gonna be super hard for any enemies to get through all right those are enabled and then um let's see maybe i can hide like a key card somewhere yeah yeah this key card opens this door where should i hide this where no one would ever find it i'm gonna put it right here where it's really hard to get to and you basically have to be a pro flying person to even get it all right i'll put a trampoline here so i can get it but no one else can okay evil hacker dusty i'm just gonna hack my whole base i just built the max level security prison instantaneously oh look at these spikes look at the lava boat okay okay now on the inside we have some laser beamers pew pew pew which no one will ever get past i learned all these hacks from adam this is a crazy max level security prison no one is ever gonna escape this prison this is too crazy no one will ever escape my hacker prison all right guys let's see we're gonna unleash some monsters into all of our prisons and see how they do oh we gotta test out the prisons yeah dude okay boxy there's cartoon cat you stay right where you are no more hacking in our minecraft servers okay all right sounds good i know we're the noob team but we're gonna be awesome hey look you can't escape oh no he walked out the door of himself oh oh we forgot to lock his head oh no okay don't worry you're gonna fall down on the slippery ice oh he saw the ice oh oh he just decided not to go that way oh he found the secret trap door too oh this is going horribly wrong foxy okay maybe he's gonna go through the ice after all oh he found the lever let's see if it works he's going another way wait a minute wait he took the lever he's gonna turn off the fan oh no we didn't this is rocky's lava trap oh no he tested it and realized no oh man oh cartoon cat's outsmarting every trap we have no he knows where the lava is he's jumping he's too smart oh no oh i fell it down hey no follow cartoon kid he can't beat our new baseball oh boxy oh this is where all the mystery doors lead to nowhere he can never get out oh genius he's never gonna find it i saw the lever how did he see that cartoon cat escaped our new prison wow he escaped so fast we tried our best though all right guys now i'm in the pro prison and my prisoner is evil miraculous ladybug so we're gonna see how my pro prison holds up all right ladybug let's see if you can figure out this first puzzle how are you gonna escape yourself oh there's a ladder up there but oh guys she didn't see the lever this is so far so good all right she's trying to get up to the high ground but i put some traps up here so this should work oh she's checking the chest let's see wait what what did she grab uh oh oh no guys she's starting to unravel all my traps no i didn't think she'd make it over here oh well that's okay because i'm still a pro so i don't think she'll be able to jump down here uh wait what's she doing ladybug what are you doing wait she no oh wow that was smart she used the water to break her fall oh man all right i did not expect her to be able to figure out that trap but it's all good because i have lots more traps oh now she sees where the key card is ah i should have put it in a better hiding place oh no ladybug i will defeat you don't worry all right she was able to do this but i got one more trick up my sleeve some more lasers oh no she jumped right through them uh okay this is the last lasers i have only one more thing i can trap her in my rock prison uh let's see if this works oh oh oh oh it's working oh thank goodness i put that in here as a last resort all right i trapped ladybug and so far my pro prison actually works [Laughter] creepy talking angela at 3 am you have now met your match you are now locked up in this mac security prison there's no way you'll ever escape okay okay she's making her way out of the glass bubble okay into the laser beamers okay you'll never escape look i got all these cameras i'm watching i'm watching your every move creepy talking angela okay you're never gonna escape oh you can't even get through here okay oh wait what she's getting out her iphone what she ios hacked her way out she made it through the lava she already escaped but creepy talking angela doesn't know about my secret weapon i'm a hanker you see if i press this button oh boom you get instantly hacked back into the prison you'll never escape yeah let's go oh wow that was a lot of fun guys creepy talking is back in the prison guys yeah guys this button is so busted nobody can ever escape the prison can they do i'll just press the button and then everyone who's standing over here on the grass gets teleported into my mag security prison wow that's actually really smart i guess you won the challenge then yeah we're playing roblox in our minecraft house whoa this is awesome this is the best day ever we're chilling what a beautiful day in our minecraft server nothing could go wrong today yeah but i i do kind of hear something outside what no that's my stomach rumbling oh it's a storm outside oh wait that's weird it's a big storm wait whoa whoa what's that oh no it's a tsunami you name me oh man this is gonna destroy our whole minecraft server adam we gotta run the tsunami's gonna crash into our house run oh no dude i don't think we can outrun it and i'm really bad at swimming it's okay adam just grabbed the valuable stuff from our house okay go go go go go all right okay our house is flooding dude don't worry adam i know what's important to me i'll get all the donuts oh that tsunami wiped out our entire house oh man where am i i'm stranded here in the ocean now oh man i think i see adam in the distance where's foxy boxing wrong there's adam oh oh wait there's my donuts oh okay or donuts oh i ate them or doughnuts oh okay i guess i'll save that oh i'll get the donuts later okay don't worry adam guys adam can't swim despite how many bubble baths he takes he never learned how to swim adam wake up i gotta carry at him okay there you go adam we got you thanks for saving me dude and we're stranded here that tsunami wiped out our entire house who's gonna save us now i see something else hey guys oh man thank goodness the lifeboat works you guys are lucky to have us you guys will be straightening here otherwise i brought your donuts jessie oh thanks foxy yeah all right well guys i think our house is actually all right once the water passes our house isn't destroyed so we should be able to just go back in there yeah yeah we gotta wait for the storm to go wait wait what's that giant whale it's a megalodon it's going underwater and opening our house oh no it's heading straight to our house oh it destroyed everything why did it do that oh man now we actually have to rebuild our house we got no base wait a minute it's luca whoa hey luca lucas saying we can go underwater and build new vs pro vs hacker bases whoa okay you guys want to have a new first pro verse hacker house building challenge under water yeah let's go guys oh this is gonna be so much fun oh man okay here we go into the water it's time to rock and roll this is gonna be awesome oh this is crazy wow wow is this where luca lives we're in the underwater base area with luca guys we gotta split off into teams okay boxy foxy that's me and rocky we're gonna be the new team yeah i'm justin and me and luke are gonna be the pro team and i'm gonna be the hacker all right hey let's go okay we're up first boxy rocky let's do some building all right we're noobs but i mean we're gonna try our best look we're making it foxy boxy rocky colored look this base looks great we're not noops yeah you're right wow this is turning out great we just gotta make sure we don't get distracted we're doing great guys oh teamwork makes a dream we're looking how fast we're building we're awesome oh wow great work foxy oh this bass totally rocks foxy let me just see what happens if i if i just do a little bit of this over here and i i do a little bit oh no oh the water's coming unlucky rocky flooded our underwater base i'm sorry no that's okay we can plug up those holes no problem okay yep box you build a video editing area yep i'm gonna do the youtube stuff here i made my room over here it's real nice i got my donuts and everything oh who's that oh look he's nemo nemo's outside what's up nemo oh wow it's nemo hey guys hey guys i found nemo again wait but guys remember what i said about not getting distracted right boxy don't be so late let's go hang out nemo outside all right yeah we can finish building our house later nemo rocks okay we're swimming with nemo yeah oh nemo you're getting kind of far away from our house oh nemo so cool we found nemo we gotta find dory oh guys i really think we should get back to building don't you foxy oh wow boxy found a hidden treasure chest filled with donuts nemo's awesome oh cool this is good it's the greatest day ever yeah um all right guys we should probably get back okay yeah let's go back to our base wait a minute oh no sharks are eating our face sharks were eating our base we were distracted by nemo oh man that was kind of a noob thing for us to do nemo oh i'm gonna sit in the bed i feel so disappointed in ourselves yeah but it's all right we got a shark friend now i'm at rock bottom right now no guys it's okay our base is great i'm proud of this base hey the sharks keep eating our base go away okay now it's my turn i'm here with luca and we're the pro team all right luca let's go now we're gonna do some speed building it's gonna be crazy guys we're gonna build a crazy underwater base complete with an elevator look at this guys it's see-through so you could actually be inside the base and see the whole underwater world it's gonna be crazy guys the pro build is underway let's go whoa yeah luke is doing an awesome floor pattern this looks so sick let's go okay hey i wonder how foxy boxy rocky are doing and i wonder how adam's doing with his hacker build because me and luke are the pros foxy boxing rocky with the noob team i wonder how items looking oh man as the hacker let's go we got a weight room because you already know we'd be working out we'd be getting jacked we have an underwater water pool guys oh man look at this awesome elevator this base is super pro let's go oh man all right guys i gotta do my underwater hacker base and i'm gonna show you guys some new hacks i've been working on a minecraft so check this out if i program this i can make a super huge underwater castle at the click of a button and guys that's not all i've been working on some hacks that let me use minecraft animals to do the building for me i'll show you guys that later but guys let me add some code in here check it out i changed it so now it's a different underwater castle and i built it in like half a second i'll show you guys around by using my flying hack all right here we go i'll give you guys the whole tour man justin luca and all of them are gonna be so jealous of this all right let me enter some new code here wow check it out guys i got my own luca underwater island oh man this is only going to be complete with a big adam statue i'll build that later don't worry don't worry okay hmm what should i build next i mean this already looks really lit but i gotta really blow away justin and luca so let me add this on here let me add some programming all right dash dash expand expand it by 50 times whoa it's huge guys wow this is so cool wow i'm gonna fly around and show you guys all the awesome stuff we got buildings here we got even like a dining set you can play music if you want i mean there's really everything you could ever want in this place and also check this out i'ma program these sharks and they're gonna do some awesome building for me i want you guys to build a huge atom sculpture okay oh man here they're working they're working program the code dash dash atom.exe here we go come on sharks oh wow it's all coming together and the sharks are doing all the work for me this is so cool wow the underwater atom base is almost complete um but i'm gonna actually add some more details but i don't want to do any of the work so i'm gonna have some crab friends add in an arcade and a fridge so when justin comes to visit he'll have some food wow this is so lit all right i'm gonna teleport over here and then go check in with all the others here we go okay everybody here's a tour of our new base welcome in everybody make yourselves at home wow great job foxy yeah boxy rocky and i we all built this together it's real nice don't ignore the fact that it's flooding oh sorry about that but yeah we got a secret base over here check this out wow a little donut stack secret donut station here it's real nice guys real nice we built this with our own two paws in boxy's hands in rocky's hands cool okay this is my base with luca check it out guys wow you got a pool table yeah we got a pool table with a view so you can see outside into the underwater world and check this out guys i'll show you guys up here we got a nice little workout area you know what i mean oh and a swimming pool underwater yeah that's crazy huh it's water under water wow that's a flex that's a pro move this is pretty cool huh me and luca worked real hard to build this all right guys well check out my hacker base wow adam you really made a statue of yourself are you serious well not quite i didn't make it i had some sharks making what yeah dude i used hacks to do that dude you controlled the animals using hex bro yeah we can all fly all over the place check out that fridge i built for you wow i already ate some burgers out of your fridge and this is nice cool yeah there's so many rooms and i literally built this in a second whoa you got a giant nemo in here yeah i programmed him into the game well guys we found nemo earlier but i found the mega nemo whoa what's in this giant mystery box whoa so guys apparently there's a big secret in here and the winner of our competition is gonna get it oh we're having a roller coaster building battle today exactly it's gonna be us and foxy and boxy and we're all gonna try and build the best roller coaster gotta win what's in this box this box looks so exciting boxy we gotta win too yeah foxy we're gonna win for sure okay everybody let's start building boxing we're going to be a team these two of us so we should build double the good roller coaster all right foxy and boxy are the noob teams we're not noobs boxy we stay real focused we're gonna build a great roller coaster we're gonna be the pro team this time yeah for sure man i wonder what's in that giant mystery box i just hope we don't end up as the noob team like we always do boxy because we always try our best but we always pull pranks on each other yeah you're right but so far it's looking great look at our roller coaster yeah it goes into the side of this hill this is real cool boxy okay here boxing you keep working i will go take a quick break over here okay but fox i need to keep building here and i got to keep laying down some tracks well i need to keep laying down the thickness but foxy you have to move ouch don't hit me boxing i'm a donut break don't don't don't mess with me don't you understand though like i can't finish the roller coaster don't you understand i need to get stick i know you got to get thick but i want to finish the coaster i don't want to be new stop it boxy stop it i'm just gonna destroy this boxy you're gonna pay for that you're gonna pay for that those are my donuts boxy see we were doing so well now we're gonna end the base the noob team because i'm gonna sabotage you well no we won't because we're going to keep building and we're going to have the best roller coaster ever if i sabotage you boxy you might swim by donuts you miss with me what was that red block i just passed i don't know boxy i believe it and i will get you back for this have fun boxing all right let's test this out with some tnt there wait what no it's gonna explode i'm gonna blow it up yeah oh man now our roller coaster is ruined well at least i got my donuts i get even peace box here have a donut i guess we're noobs after all oh boxy we're doing great okay back to using the teamwork boxy no more pranks okay okay okay okay i will ride the roller coaster is it safe over there um yep it's all clear okay are you sure bucks yeah 100 you're probably boxy actually no i'm not that short anymore wait what i i don't know why you pranked me we had a troll oh sorry i'm such a noob oh we're in noobs boxy don't worry i heard there's something cool we could order in the mail to spice up our roller coaster oh yeah it's about to arrive once we put this next to our coaster it's guaranteed to be cool that way this is huge oh we're gonna win that mystery box what is this boxy what's inside the box it's something i found on ryan called a t-rex you found it all right yeah it's super cute whoa it's a tyrannosaurus rex wow look at how big it is okay oh he kind of looks angry boxy wait a minute oh no this one's me foxy you bought this on the internet yeah now it's gonna destroy our roller coaster all right boxy rock get us out of here hey justin oh what are you guys doing well we just built our new roller coaster wow it looks awesome here's a popcorn you guys are doing great it looks real good you guys are big brains yeah you gotta show us how to make a pro roller coaster all right i'm gonna build my pro donut land roller coaster this is gonna be sick it's gonna be a super fast hyperloop type roller coaster that's gonna give everyone free donuts when they go on it's gonna be so exciting oh man i'm thinking about the design i'm thinking about everything i'm even gonna put huggy wuggy in this roller coaster oh man i'ma set it up over here so when everyone goes through this area they get showered with donuts it's gonna be so cool yeah there's a motion sensor right here and when it's activated all these donuts are gonna come raining out the walls from here check this out i'm gonna test it out with some levers really quick just to make sure all the donuts work wow there's donuts everywhere this is gonna be the coolest ride ever people are gonna ride the donuts and they're gonna eat the donuts it's gonna be super sick oh i'm i'm gonna eat some right now oh man look at how awesome this roller coaster is it's gonna go super fast and super high up in the air and we actually put huggy wuggy in this one yeah so if you're being real naughty like adam i can feed them the huggy wuggy but if i flip this switch over here they'll go to the safe path on the left oh man all the naughty people will go into huggy buggy's tummy okay i'ma activate the huggy wuggy path right now let's see what happens oh man oh man oh they got eaten and then if i press this button we get saved wow this is a really cool roller coaster with a lot of different options and features i'm gonna finish building it and yeah i think it's done being built this is so exciting i'm gonna put the activation thing here and then i'm gonna put a bunch of fireworks here so when we get to the end everyone will get fireworks too this is so cool let's go this is my pro build i'm thinking it looks pretty pro if i may say so myself oh man all right i'm looking at justin and i got all these diamonds and all this time and i'm gonna make the best hacker roller coaster there ever was now guys i'm gonna be honest justin's roller coaster i can see it in the distance it's pretty good i see the huggy wuggy he's got mario i think i saw pennywise but i am determined to see what's in that mystery block and win it for myself so i'm gonna use my hacking strategy to hack the best roller coaster ever oh wow i did this in one click of a button a giant wooden roller coaster with twists and turns that no one's ever seen before wow check it out guys see how high it goes i haven't got some loopty loops but that's not all what's so cool about my hacker roller coaster is i can reskin it with just one button on my computer and change it to a totally new experience i'll show you guys in a bit i'm gonna try to make it like space themed maybe even like an ender dragon theme oh cool so this wooden one's really cool we got wooden airplanes but i'm getting a little bit bored let me see what happens when i press my hack button wow guys check it out we're in outer space and now it's all rocket themed you gotta have an astronaut suit to ride on this cause it's literally out of this world whoa i mean justin's is cool and i bet foxy and boxes is cool too but i don't know if they're gonna be able to beat this i'm actually worried this might be too extreme no no no no this is really cool oh cool and there's like an outer space character in here too oh boy everyone's gonna be so hyped to ride this ride but honestly let me try one more whoa okay back to my wooden one now it's nighttime themed oh man which one should i go into the competition with daytime wooden the space one the nighttime i mean this one's dragon themed ah guys i think i might have to go into the competition with this one because it's so cool oh and i can even hack in an ender dragon to ride next to you in the ride wow yeah here it is it spawned in so easily wow guys i feel real good about this competition in my coaster let's hope my hacking skills will bring me to victory i'm gonna hack it one more time wow and here we are guys oh man everybody finish building where's edam oh i'm coming guys don't worry oh yeah there's adam okay now it's time to go ride everybody's coasters and see what they're like this is super exciting we're all gonna vote on who wins the big mystery block okay guys you wanna come ride our new roller coaster first yeah it's not a new roller coaster it started out pro but then we turned it into new one hey jesse well you go ride it first yeah i love roller coasters this is gonna be awesome all right have fun on our roller coaster justin but watch out cause it's not totally finished oh don't worry foxy i'm sure it's great i have some doughnuts here think of dota at his payment i'm going to ride this roller coaster you're going to be sick you get one ticket justin i get a ticket for the chuck yeah boxy take the ticket i'm going into the ride okay good luck justin be careful jesse make sure you buckle up because you might be some hidden surprises oh man justin doesn't know what he's in for oh man this is pretty cool whoa it's kind of spooky like halloween theme this is really cool wait why is there tnt everywhere oh i guess it's just decoration it's not real tnt this looks awesome wow i'm zooming wee wee wee this is so much fun whoa this is a cool hallway oh what's down here huh huh oh it's a big block of tnt but this is probably fake decoration right wait what a t-rex from earlier friday what the heck guys what is this we bought this on the internet oh friday you run oh man this was pretty new oh no it wasn't we tried our best oh don't worry guys here's my donut coaster this is the pro build everyone go strap yourself in it's gonna be real fun wow this looks like a futuristic roller coaster oh yeah it's super awesome man it goes super fast here we go oh through the donut hallway we go and we're getting showered with donuts whoa it's raining donut wow this already gets my vote for the best roller coaster because i got free doughnuts oh wait we're going really high up we're doing twisted turns and loop-de-loops and the best part is yet to come guys we're actually going to see if you guys are good or bad are we going to see huggy wuggy oh no no no i don't want to go in huggy woogie's mouth okay adam calm down don't cry i switched it i switched it oh that was a close one dude bubbles cried wow i mean that was really impressive man wow we made it to the end that was sick guys good job all right justin that was pretty good for the pro roller coaster now i got to show you guys all my hacker roller coaster okay let's see what this looks like it's gonna be real cool i bet uh yeah i mean it's pretty fast and scary so are you guys ready oh this is sick man what is this okay so i hacked this with my hacking abilities now it's really it's an ender dragon themed roller coaster that moves at light speed uh where's the ender dragon age why'd you see your computer over here well don't worry i'll program that in foxy who wants to go first oh me me me i'll go first okay justin you can go first now be careful because some people get pretty dizzy oh wait what i'm free falling there's the ender dragon wow look at justin god ah falling there better be a track under here oh wow okay i caught justin wow this is pretty lit i can't lie oh i'm getting kind of dizzy though oh you feel all right justin oh i'm getting kind of dizzy bro he's going too fast bro oh justin you're turning a little bit green are you okay oh no i think he's getting motion sick uh justin you want me to stop the ride oh i will go oh oh guys i think i might have to stop this roller coaster ride early oh i wanted to make it to the pirate ship oh no boxy was motion sick too oh it's all right guys i'm sorry i should have programmed in some hacker anti-motion sickness he all sick he's getting throw up cardboard everywhere let's just say the winner of this challenge i mean i think it's got to go to justin wow we're still dancing but what about us we have pretty cool roller coaster right yeah well let's just say we all split whatever's in the mystery box oh yeah you guys made awesome builds we'll all share it together all right let's go open it let's go see what's inside all right let's go see maybe it's some diamonds or more donuts oh man this is so exciting guys open it on three all right here we go one whoa guys we're trick-or-treating today this is so much fun wow look at all the halloween stuff here wow all the decorations really inspire me i want to build my own haunted house later but right now we're with foxy boxy and we're out trick or treating oh man we're going to be able to get so much candy i want some candy watch some donuts yeah whoa there's pumpkins and gravestones and all types of cool stuff here it's real spooky bugs is dancing yeah it's lit yeah boxy it's lit whoa look at all the decorations there's spiders oh there's ghosts everywhere we should call ghosty yeah you're right oh man this is so cool oh there's donuts everywhere there's just candy everywhere i love it wow this is the best place ever everybody take some donuts this is so cool oh let's go over here there's probably some mini games over here oh yeah good idea and we might even be able to trick or treat okay adam look there's a bunch of potions here adam if you drink this it'll transform you and you can trick or treat in a costume oh yeah good idea whoa okay okay guys i'm gonna go try and trick or treat and see if i can scare this guy go trick or treat edit trick or treat give me all your candy now oh they're sending donuts wow good job i had to get all the candy well i got donuts and candy corn okay adam you keep the candy corn we want those doughnuts this is sick wow this is the best haunted house festival ever yeah man i love halloween so much and this was a really cool haunted house yeah guys what if we built our own haunted house and have a little noob versus pro verse hacker build challenge oh good idea okay i'll be one team i don't be another team in foxy box he'll be the third team let's go okay we'll be the noob team okay boxy we're gonna be the noob team and we're gonna go build the dream team and i'll be the hacker i'm gonna be the pro then all right guys we're all going to build and we're going to see who can build the best haunted house okay boxy we're up first let's start building we got to show andy jessie what we can do whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm the pro yeah i'm a pro builder i'ma build the style hey and i dance on him and i'm the hacker i'm gonna use all my best minecraft hacks to build the best haunted house ever oh yeah boxy here we go let's start building this looks like a nice area let's start building we're speed building yeah this is gonna be easy we're gonna build a haunted house and put all the cool little traps in it so when adam and justin visit it'll really scare them oh yeah good idea good idea foxy look at how nice of a house this is boxy we're working real hard huh wow yeah i'm gonna put three doors oh like fake trap doors and we should put like a spooky spider behind one of the doors okay this is real cool boxy all right boxy let's keep building oh i'm getting kind of tired building though i'm gonna get a snack soon okay oh okay okay could you get me something too yeah boxy don't worry oh we're putting cobwebs everywhere it looks real spooky okay oh man when halloween comes everyone's gonna be so scared yeah all right i'll see you later boxy i will go get some doughnuts oh okay oh i think there's some donuts over here but these two guys are guarding it hey back up i just want some doughnuts stop it don't blast me oh i'll show you i'll put on a pumpkin hat oh scared them yeah yeah yeah yeah okay get the pumpkin oh cheater cheater pumpkin eater that's what adam calls himself oh yeah a pumpkin foxy i'm a scary pumpkin give me your donuts give me the donuts move give me the donuts right now oh yeah i found they're all their secret stash of halloween donuts wow look at how good this one looks okay i'm running out oh they discovered me i didn't mean to steal your donut rod foxy where did you go i'll get donuts you now get chased by two evil mobs uh oh they're breaking into our haunted house oh no they're blasting stuff everywhere oh oh i brought trouble to our house they're plastic stuff you're ruining the build oh no no no we should just run and get out of here now our haunted house got exploded we just blew up our haunted house bugs yeah get in the water it was not worth it for those donuts oh oh we're noobs we're some noobs boxes well i wonder if justin's doing better than us i sure hope so because we didn't make any progress boxy our house got blown up all right i'm the pro i'm a speed build it's gonna be so lit bro i'm gonna make a haunted mansion with some really advanced traps that are gonna scare anyone who comes into my haunted mansion oh yeah i'm gonna speed build it's gonna be a huge match it's not just a house it's basically a castle oh man i'ma lay a big foundation wow look at this oh look at how open it is i'm gonna add a bunch of different decoration oh it's some haunted colors okay adam and foxy box you're gonna be so impressed i'm speed building a whole castle this is so cool guys i'm gonna put all sorts of different traps i'm gonna put all sorts of different mini games it's gonna be lit it's gonna have everything people want and it's gonna be filled with candy and some donuts yeah this is gonna be so cool oh man i'm putting all the windows i'm almost done building look at how fast i'm building i'm a pro builder i'm a new burst pro vs hacker pro builder hacker let's go oh yeah it kind of looks like a kfc from the outside but it's not a kfc it's a haunted kfc it's an hfc haunted fried children look at how nice this is good job justin good job okay let's go inside check out some of the traps we got these scary statues out here and then we got some candy right here okay there's the scary statue this statue if you don't look at it it'll follow you around look at it okay i'm looking so it's not moving and if i turn away and [Music] oh that's so scary that's gonna scare adam and foxy boxy when they come over if i don't look look she moves only when i'm not looking okay oh red light green light is this the squid game okay nice stay there okay you're starting to scare me okay no you might scare it him and foxy stop it okay okay stop okay stop it okay i'm gonna wall this off okay i'm getting kind of scared i'm such a pro builder that i'm scaring myself this build is so good i'm scaring myself bro all right guys now it's time for the adam hacker house bill challenge now i got all types of strategies that i want to try out i know there's like a hack where you can do like a crazy big build and i might even hack the mobs around here to build for me but first things first i gotta find out where i actually want to build there's water everywhere but actually that's no problem for a hacker like myself because i can turn the terrain in minecraft do whatever i want so i'm gonna say grass go wow i turned all the water into grass and now i have this huge field where i can build the best most hacker haunted house of all time okay i got this awesome hacker build tool guys check this out i can literally just select a rectangle and it's gonna build in minecraft for me like think of how long this would have taken if i had to get all the resources but luckily because i'm a hacker i could build it in like seconds well okay i'm gonna build it over here i'm gonna have mine have two really big towers that'll be really cool okay let's drag over here and i can get a cylinder as well that'll look really awesome yeah it'll be circular oh man i bet foxy and boxy and justin are taking forever to build theirs because they don't have these hacker skills like me oh man and this isn't even the cooler hacker tool i have i'm going to show you guys that after this um but uh it is kind of looking a little bit bleak it's all white um i will work on the materials but that shouldn't be an issue because i have a hack for that as well guys you're really in for a treat oh man okay just a few more walls here the form is pretty good uh let me adjust in the hacker code here um let's see i gotta add a front door and then boom yeah see i told you guys i can change the material just like that and i can actually adjust it to be whatever i want i'm going to try maybe a lava some brick no i gotta look for like a haunted texture hmm haunted haunted house what's haunted maybe like a dark purple i gotta customize my haunted house okay i gotta make the scariest haunted house ever i gotta make the haunted house that when justin and foxy and boxy come over they're gonna get so spooked uh okay i gotta find the right texture pack so i can literally do anything oh man zero zero one yeah yeah yeah oh wow it's really coming together and i literally haven't done any work at all all i've done is just hack on my computer oh man i feel so bad for justin he's probably sweating all day oh man put in a bunch of hard work but me just to my computer i got to do it all here just on my keyboard and actually if i program the mobs they're gonna come here and do some more work for me yeah go mobs go build the front door out make it real real spooky oh yeah carve the jack-o'-lanterns have some candy i know foxy's gonna want candy later so hack some of those into this haunted mansion too and maybe even add some gravestones so that foxy and box you'll be super scared oh man and now when we look inside oh i got ghosts and creepers and haunted candles oh man this is so scary oh cool whoa there's ghosts oh this will be the best mini game ever i can use some bow and arrows and shoot them at the ghost yeah yeah yeah that'll be really cool so when the guests arrive i'm gonna give them all candy and then come in here and play this huge haunted house mini game okay everybody let's do a house tour of our noob house hey justin you're welcome to our house while you go in the front door there's definitely not something spooky waiting for you okay foxy whatever you say okay okay we got it we got it oh that was pretty clever foxy yeah that was boxy's idea is it a nice house it's a nice haunted house huh yeah how did that hole in the wall don't worry about that and you did let's go upstairs oh okay it looks like someone attacked your haunted house nope nope nope don't worry about that we got pizza we got soda we got all the things you could want in life yeah guys what's going on foxy oh no they're back again i said i was sorry about the donuts oh it's a haunting tail and you need to mail oh no oh these two guys blew up our house and they still haven't given up i'm sorry about the donuts okay oh that was kind of noob of you foxy okay everybody come to my haunted mansion this is a pro build hey yeah hey oh i like the outside oh yeah real nice decoration huh i built everything here you see by hand i really did everybody come inside you can have some candy right here oh this looks tasty yeah wow yummy okay guys now over here watch out for this scary statue guys uh why would i be scared of a statue because if you're not looking she'll slap on you yeah hey she'll sneak up on you oh whoa that was pretty sneaky yeah it's pretty cool huh i built that myself it's really scary oh green light red light oh it's always tracking you wherever you go yeah obviously it's starting to scare me go go go stop it's following me yeah let's go up here and block it off okay i'm gonna block it off guys follow me up here i have more decorations upstairs go outside up the ladder wait no way you got decorations up here wow this is a really big castle justin you did a good job wow oh this is a cool room thanks guys yeah there's like a zombie mannequin right here it's real scary huh whoa yeah i'm pretty spooked check this out there's a little maze don't touch any of the spiders box you want to go first um okay i'm gonna try oh yeah this is sick oh get the donuts wow we did it that was a fun game yeah i got mini games in my house this is lit this is way better than our noob build which wasn't even finished because it got blown up yeah that's okay though foxy yeah we tried our best guys this was awesome now let's see adam's hacker house okay guys welcome all to the atom hacker haunted house how did you build a house that big you're hacking yeah exactly because i'm a hacker oh you're a hacker how are we gonna get across the water well i actually hacked these bow and arrows to where wherever you shoot them you'll actually teleport there are you serious i am serious give it a try whoa whoa here goes justin oh yeah see it instantly teleports you there i hacked that myself that is so cool dude wait this decoration is great adam this decoration looks too nice for your sense of style who did this well i actually hacked some mobs to do the work for me whoa that's smart wait a minute there's like a bunch of glowing eyes everywhere is this a mini game yeah guys it's a mini game so try to blast all the ghosts around here with your bow and arrow dude it's like laser tag in a haunted mansion wow pretty cool huh this is so much fun adam your hacker house is sick yeah and i built it all using code and stuff wow today we're seeing if we can go max level in minecraft craft runner what is this bro it's like a minecraft running game whoa oh you gotta get the gold wait so i guess you gotta step on the green button i just guess because green means go you know what i mean right i wonder what would happen if you click the red button well red means stop adam i learned that by watching paw patrol whoa when we're getting blocks dude we're getting wood wow yeah just like in minecraft wait this is lit oh and you probably gotta build a bridge whoa oh wait what wait what do we do we're building like a sculpture or something what is that a chicken what is that dude this game is sick wait you gotta watch out for the lava watch out steve whoa get the resources it's minecraft steve never be a steve you know what i mean bro never ever there's a hat you can dude get two of those trees okay okay no way you got it whoa wait this is crazy i'm supposed to oop these bad guys yo this game is lit wait what are you gonna build a chill it's a choke it's a child and that dance yeah yo this game is actually lit what are you talking about dude this game is actually confusing because i feel like i want to go like around the trees but you actually want to go through them because you get you get more resources right well you were able to hit both trees there that's what i was saying earlier guys there's actually a hack where you can hit two trees instead of just one where buildings yo this game is lit and this game makes me want to go and play minecraft now it looks like we leveled up our pickaxe let's go nice yeah guys we will be playing minecraft later in this video we're going to attempt a 100-day challenge dude it's a bonus level it's all gold whoa i bet we can unlock some crazy minecraft skins dude we gotta get some cool skins and we gotta get that nice pickaxe y'all you know we're getting that gold come on this game is so lit actually dude okay okay okay whoa what's it gonna be what's it gonna be oh wow oh man those look like golden chalk and not getting small yo it's a new skin whoa we got the new skin oh awesome wait watch out for the lava what is this what is that oh oh he cleared the bridge yeah guys look there's a hacker strategy if you get one of the trees you can get the other ones right next to them i missed it right there oh okay we got a new tool nice wow yeah this game is actually sick all right let's go now i'm gonna go here oh wait it cuts down the trees way faster oh that's so cool so guys you upgrade your tools you're able to get more points and beat the levels faster yeah you guys see how i'm getting like both trees you see that i'm getting both of them yeah yeah yeah let's go wow this is so cool wow this game makes me want to play minecraft dude which is exactly what we're gonna do later you already know oh what are we gonna build this now is that an imposter from among us whoa dude i think it is it is wait look at how much wood we have because i did the strategy bro yeah you built the whole thing in one go dude there's a hammer is that thor's hammer bro whoa i think it is this game is actually lit dude i'm not gonna lie now guys see i'm gonna try and get two trees here yes oh i might have been able to get all three oh wait if you step on a red button what happens oh stop okay we lost thor's hammer but we got a new pickaxe here now guys we got to watch out for all those red buttons dude this is difficult okay let's keep going yeah so you can't hit a single red button that's hard all right i'm gonna try and get yeah i got two trees right there you see that okay i'm gonna try and get both trees right here oh let's go perfect okay you just gotta like swipe really fast after you oof one tree yes can i get oh i almost got all three trees there you gotta do don't worry dude we gotta go max level you already know we gotta become captain america oh i got both pieces of gold there so yeah if you swipe fast enough you can do a lot of hacks bro wow see if i can get both of these oh wow you actually went max level we have so many resources we might be able to finish this build in one go also oh what's it gonna be like a house wait this is so satisfying this game is actually lit dude it makes me want now i want to go build a minecraft house for real nice dude dude it says there's a special level here oh wow oh you're swimming swimming yeah we're underwater whoa oh this is so cool i'm getting real excited dude we gotta go and play minecraft now dude whoa you think you can beat the 100 day challenge bro i'm pretty sure we can look at how sick that weapon is bro this cut down trees so fast wow and you get more points per tree i think hey adam you already know hey hey let's get into minecraft i'm ready i'm ready for the spaghetti bro okay okay now we're in minecraft and i'm actually playing on foxy's account okay adam's in his normal skin okay now it's the day one verse 100 challenge we're playing on difficult mode so you already know i'm gonna get some resources just like i was in that game we were just playing you know what i mean oh yeah good idea but we gotta make sure to get a lot of supplies we don't get oofed in the night time oh yeah no i i'm definitely not gonna do that bro make sure you start collecting a lot of supplies because i think there might be some danger in this server oh damn oh don't worry i'm just going to hang out with the cows i'm going to hang out with the cows in case they drop some more i'm not laughing guys don't worry it sounds like you're laughing dude it's hard to focus cause i'm just distracted by adam try to follow around a cow they're following the cow i can't even focus on what i'm doing okay okay okay guys okay what do you mean focus on what you're doing what are you doing i'm focusing on beating this and surviving today a hundred obviously bro like what else you know what i mean what sounds so suspicious i'm not suss bro i'm not an imposter bro like i'm definitely not an imposter bro oh okay i mean the sun's going down do you have a lot of good supplies oh yeah i have a lot of awesome stuff now do you have anything or were you just following around that count all the time i was hanging out with the cow but i can go give us some wood or something okay okay okay it's day one it's day one it's day one watch out you actually hit me oh sorry i was trying to hit the tree bro i was trying to oh it's okay why would you you accidentally hit me dude come on all right i'm gonna go get more wood this is for the challenge guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe go check out and link down below go go buy some lanky box merch do both minecraft and the app game were pretty sick you already know we went max level new verse provers hacker slash uh hunter in minecraft time for some craft mac and cheese [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 5,110,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justin, adam, foxy, boxy, rocky, sticky, ghosty, canny, thicc shark, lankybot, milky, minecraft, base building, noob vs pro vs hacker, ladybug, miraculous, underwater, sea monster, poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, chapter 2, haunted house, rollercoaster, space, ship, kissy missy, mommy long legs, epic scene, player, diamonds, luca, encanto, turning red, dinosaur, ender dragon, who will win, house building, challenge, talking angela, cartoon cat, prison build, sonic, shadow, five night's at freddy's, app
Id: 5mskNx0fPzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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