CRAPPIE Fishing With JIG & BOBBER From The BANK‼️ CRAZY Double Jig Rig Action

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh shoot oh oh oh oh but guys this is a toad look at that fish oh my gosh what's going on youtube this is 903 fishing guys i'm back at this bridge today and we're going to be targeting some more pre-spawn crappie all right last time i was here i had a pretty good day last time i was fishing in the evening this time i made it here before daylight i'm the first one here i already have a few in the bucket it's been too dark for me to record the sun is just now coming up today i'm going to be using acc cropping stick snacks and guess what we're going to put these to the test today i'm going to be double jig rigging all right i'm going to show you all the setup here in a second double jig rigging under a slip float i just wanted to say thank y'all if you're already subscribed to the channel god bless you y'all know i would not be doing this without you guys if you're not subscribed and you love you some crappie fishing hit that subscribe button come join the 903 fishing family all right guys we about to get to it y'all stay tuned all right let's see if we can get back to work guys this is my double jig rig right here all right i'm double jig rigging about a foot apart i have now this is the acc crappie stick snacks right here this is called the old faithful it's like their version of monkey milk and then i have the disco face these are 1.75 inch crappie jigs right here from acc crappie sticks and i've already caught a few fish on them this morning but i wanted to show y'all how they work all right so double jig rig guys at the end of this video i'm gonna put the how i rigged my slipcork setup all right i got my slip cork of course i have one split shot on here because i have two 16th ounce jig heads so i already have some weight with them so let's see what happens once again i apologize for the car noise that is just part of fishing either beside a bridge on a bridge whatever you want to say that's just part of it guys so i apologize for that hopefully y'all can just try to tune that out i'm having to you know realize what is a bluegill what is not but those those crappie ninety percent of the time if they if they want it they're gonna take your cork under and you're not gonna it's not gonna be no problem they're gonna hit it they're gonna hit it one time like that right there and then boom he's gone just like that oh that looks like a good fish guys oh yeah that's a good keeper fish look at that now that one hit the old faithful guys that's their monkey milk right there all right look at that nice little crappie right there let's see what this one's looking like 12 inches ah 11. 11 inch crappie right there guys 11 inches boom now guys look at this situation that i'm doing all right i'm i am beside this bridge okay i'm standing on this one rock right here now it's about three or four or five feet right out in front of me it's a big drop off so i am standing on this rock and what i'm doing is i'm sitting down for you guys i have the camera on my head and i'm throwing it out there and i'm letting you guys see what's happening underneath the bridge now the only thing is sometimes that cork is gets right behind those old wooden pillars right there and i can't see sometimes you know what i caught that one more oh yeah that's gonna be a fish guys that's gonna be a fish let's do this real quick i'm running that slip bobber that double jig rig i'm running it right across those old wooden pillars no see that's a bluegill dang it come on man you're killing me that's not a bluegill that's not a bluegill oh buddy oh oh my gosh what a slab black crappie oh my lord look at that fish guys that is a hammer whoa that's a good fish hey guess what hit it on the old faithful once again all right dang that's a nice fish this time i got my bucket right beside me so i'm not having to worry about it let's see here see right now it's behind that second pillar so i'm having to kind of make sure i can see it these crappie are just moving in and out around here all right so they're chasing bait they're chasing shad minnows underneath here i would say more shad than than men oh is that bro there he is golly look at that that is a nice white crappie whoo that's what i'm talking about baby let's go there you go i believe that's number seven let's keep going guys let's keep going all right sometimes i'm catching them really close to the pillars sometimes they're out away from the pillar it just really all depends that's one reason why i got that double jig rig guys because it allows me to fish two different depths all right and i can have two different colors on and that helps me know which color that they want right now and i'm mainly catching all of my fish on the old faithful which is the monkey milk color i love this double jig rig guys it allows you to do a lot with it cover a lot of water fish at different depths to find out where these crappie are that right there has been the hot spot oh is that him it's been the hot spot look at there oh i don't think he gonna make it i don't think he's gonna make it guys we're gonna throw him back these jigs first time really using these jigs guys and they they seem really durable these are the only two jigs i've had on i've caught about 10 to 11 fish already same two jigs haven't changed them up yet so they seem really durable and that's what you want with a crappie jig you don't want to have to be changing jigs out every couple casts so you want to be able to catch you know 10 15 20 crappie on one jig that's gonna save you so much time you'll be fishing a lot more that's what you want to be doing is fishing not changing your bait out every five seconds where's that hot oh oh that hot spot right there i got me a little hole oh that's a nice black crappie look at there are they already starting to change over that's what it looks like we're not going to measure that one guys that that is going to be 11 11 and a half maybe even 12 inches right there that's a good black crappie it's looking like i'm having to throw it out there and run this run these jigs i'm having to run these jigs through that spot i can't just throw it right there so these crappie are wanting the bait crossing their face today they want it coming past them they don't want it dropping down on top of them so they want these jigs they want them coming across their face and when they and when they start when it comes i mean my cork is is hitting one time and then it is going straight under with it last time i was out here it got dark on me i was here in the evening it got dark and i caught so many fish when you couldn't see i was disappointed caught a lot of fish that you could see as well but it just got dark on me so i decided to come out here in the morning and i caught fish before daylight i was out here with a headlamp and i was catching fish before light caught one big o toad my first fish was dang near a two-pounder it looked like there he is oh man that's good there we go oh white crappie guys they are destroying this old faithful i don't know if it's just because it's the bottom jig or what but that's the one that they want right now acc you better not go in the water 11 inch fish guys 11 inches that ain't too bad not too bad right there we'll take that let's go let's go these crappie are just stacked under this bridge they're using this bridge for structure all right there's a cove that goes back off in there guys they're staging on this bridge so i am catching pre-spawn crappie right now and they're hungry they're they're they're gonna feed they're gonna feed right before the spawn because they're going to be protecting beds protecting fry so they're not going to be eating as much now anything that comes in there yes they're going to eat it but they're really stocking up right now for this spawn of 2022 that sun is coming up it needs to warm up is what it needs to do it's still 30 i don't know if y'all can see my breath but it's still 30 some degrees right now probably about 37 38 degrees but it's still chilly come on fish [Music] oh shoot oh oh oh oh but guys this is a toad look at that fish oh my gosh oh my gosh come here crappie no no no don't do it don't do it oh my gosh oh my gosh guys holy crap oh my gosh got now guess what that one didn't bite the old faithful that one bit come on that one bit the disco face look at that oh my gosh guys that is an absolute stud that is a stud oh come on oh my lord what a fish guys guess where this this crappie bit that right there beside that pillar oh my gosh that is a monster of a fish where yet fish guys i'm just giving that slip court oh there he is oh i don't know if that's gonna keep or not now that one hit the well that one just went back in the freaking water but that one hit the disco face that time what is crappie when they hit that slip court when that cork hits man they crush it it's one surge and then it is gone sometimes it could be a very slow down but oh oh it's another good come here come here fish oh that's a good one that one was on the disco face see look they're so they're hitting top and bottom jigs guys so that tells me that i have these krabby dialed in right now they're hitting both jigs i got them about a foot apart no reason to measure that fish i got them about a foot apart right here and they're crushing it guys i've only used two jigs today so far i got 10 keepers in the the bucket and i've threw back a few these crappie are just on right now but oh is that another one oh my gosh it is another one oh my gosh back-to-back cast on them guys hey they're sweet they're they're they're going back and forth from the old faithful to the uh the disco face that's a good fish that's 11 and a half we're gonna keep that one too let's go i believe that's 11 keepers guys that's back to back cast on them yep i've used these are the only two jigs i've used that tells me that these acc crappie stick snacks are legit i don't know if they're that far out right now i guess we're going to find out oh oh ah decent fish yeah put it back you just got to get it in that right window for these crappie and if you get it there they're gonna hammer it right now i mean it is inevitable and i can't believe nobody else is here with me right now but they're missing out that's all i got to say gotta get that cast down guys you don't get that cast down it's tough and what i'll do is i've casted about five or six times and haven't gotten a fish now after catching fish oh back to back to back oh well a lot there's one oh and it's a good one holy crap oh god that's a crappie that's a good fish oh buddy those black crappie just fight so good look at that look at that black crappie well i was gonna say after not catching a fish after a few casts after i had been catching them what i like to do is i like to adjust that bobber up you know go deeper about a foot go shallower about a foot it really just depends but i didn't have to that time there we go i believe that's a dozen all right guys so what's happening is the sun is coming up on the other side over there it's kind of messing my camera angle up there he is i went a little deeper i went just a little bit deeper guys you know what i don't even know if i'm recording or not but hopefully i am that's a good fish there he is uh i don't think that is gonna make it but you know what it is ten and a half let's go there you okay yep where am i what are you doing paul there's a good crappie guys he bit that disco face right there good old keeper fish getting in there doing some work looks like they've moved out from the pillars they were hugging the pillars now they've done moved out on me and i've had to slow my jig down a lot too slow it way down see those pylons over there those wood throw it right parallel with it there he is oh i got one over here 16. at least 16. big old white big old white huh i'm seeing some big old crappie huh oh gilmer that's a keeper man i'm saying i got one in here that's a freaking monster it looks like look yeah when it came up right here i was like oh my god there he is better one it's probably going to be 10 hours soon yeah 10 and a half that'll work let's go let's go there he is that's a good fish oh that's a good fish good old black crappie that's what i'm talking about oh guys look at that good old black [Music] there he is oh my god buddy oh really good fish that's what i'm talking about all right family this is what i ended the day with today i ended the day with a limit of crappie guys 25 crappie all over 10 inches today my big fish was a 16 inch white crappie i don't have a weight on her but what a monster of a fish guys look at the mouth on that fish huge fish right here and also some of the other good ones these right here are some really nice fish as well good old crappie guys pre-spawn crappie fishing targeting these crappie on structure near their spawning grounds once again today's weapon of choice as far as bait goes are the new acc crappie sticks 1.75 inch club bait right here acc had came out with a three inch club and a lot of anglers wanted the smaller version of those baits so andy over at acc crappie sticks he went ahead and made a 1.75 this right here is the old faithful it's basically a monkey milk color and this this jig and then this jig right here is called the disco face these two baits right here are what caught all my fish today right here guys first time really using them they did not disappoint me today today's choice of rod was an eight foot acc crappie sticks with the super grip you already know i love my eight footer this is what i use to slip cork with even if i'm in the open water on the big lake or in creeks or even from the bank this is my slipcork rod right here guys i have it paired with a shimano sienna 500 reel 10 pound power pro braid and also i used my double jig rig all right now i had broken off my last cast so i didn't re-rig it but y'all saw in the video that double jig rig allows you to fish at multiple depths all right i had one set at about five feet then i had my other jig set at about six feet that allows you to target what depth that these crappie are on and then you can fish that depth until it's time to move one second i want to shout out some 903 monster crappie members guys we have channel memberships now available on the channel we have four awesome tiers with some awesome perks to go along with them real quick our monster crappie members are shane smart thank you so much brother jesse stucker over at dead river bates michael mccavitt and if i'm saying your name wrong open water mike please let me know 217 rebel outdoors y'all be sure to go check him out on youtube trucker john billy always brother thank you for the support james buck dustin roach and chad williams thank you all so much for your support to the channel y'all know it is greatly appreciated for me guys go ahead and hit that join button become a channel member today if you want to catch these pre-spawn crappie all you have to do is find structure that is close to their spawning grounds i fished a bridge today that leads into a cove of course there's a creek channel underneath that bridge and these crappie are staging underneath the bridge basically okay there's old pillars down there these crappie are staging for the crappie spawn of 2022. even if you're crappie fishing from the bank like i was today you can still catch these crops if you like this video today be sure to hit that thumbs up button i would greatly appreciate it also go ahead and drop a comment down in the comment section let me know what was your favorite part of this video today if you're already subscribed thank you so much y'all know i would not be doing this without you guys if you're not subscribed go ahead and hit that subscribe button come join the 903 fishing family like always like comment and subscribe to 903 fishing y'all have a great day god bless [Music] you
Channel: 903 Fishing
Views: 551,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crappie Fishing, crappie fishing with a jig and bobber, crappie fishing from the bank, crappie, 903 fishing, crappie spawn 2022, crappie fishing with a jig, crappie fishing 2022, crappie fishing texas, best crappie rig for bank fishing, bank fishing for crappie, crappie fishing lake tyler, pre spawn crappie fishing, acc crappie stix, bank fishing, crappie fishing with a jig from bank, bank crappie fishing, crappie rigs for bank fishing, Bank fishing for crappie in texas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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