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[Music] foreign [Music] what's going on YouTube this is 903 fishing got a special episode for you guys today we're going to be talking about buoy markers okay for brush pile crappie fishing how these are essential when you're a brush pile crappie fishing you must have these on your boat it is going to put more crappie in the boat for you knowing exactly where those brush tops are and guess what I'm going to be giving away a two pack of these buoy markers right here in this video the information on how to enter will be in this video somewhere so be sure to stick around for that I do appreciate y'all for clicking on this video If you haven't smash that like button YouTube loves when you do that and also if you're subscribed to the channel already God bless you y'all know I would not be doing this without you guys thank you for liking sharing commenting means the world to me thank you so much if you're not subscribed and you want to learn learn about crappie fishing this is the channel for you smash that subscribe button come join the family now I already have these buoy markers marked I'm going to show y'all that here in one second I'm throwing the buoy markers out over the brush pile just remember when you're marking the brush pile with the buoys you need to be sure to as soon as that brush top shows on the right side of your 2D or down scan that is when the brush top is directly underneath the transducer and that is when you need to throw these buoy markers so be sure to remember that let's see if we can catch some fish today as well y'all stay tuned all right guys we got this brush top that's already marked we're going to try to go over it and Mark it with this buoy marker right here as soon as that brush top comes on the screen that is when you throw the buoy marker now I should run over it pretty good right here it looks like I'm having to do everything two hands here so we're gonna go right there it is right there we're gonna toss that buoy marker out y'all see that brush top right there a brush top looks like two two right beside each other this is what we're gonna fish today okay guys I got my two buoy markers here all right they're right out in front of me we're gonna troll over to these buoy markers and see what these brush piles look like there should be two of them now remember those buoy markers are not going to be a hundred percent accurate you got wind current waves pretty calm right now but I was actually holding holding the camera when I was doing it as well so I was a little bit behind probably but we're gonna see what they look like there's the first buoy nothing on the down scan yet so how far off are we it looks like let's see there's the buoy I'll keep it on going okay there's one there's the first top right here and there's fish on it it looks like and then there's the second brush power right there and there's fish on that one as well fish up top fish up top look at there some good crappie it looks like [Music] really good fish two separate brush tops so these two buoy markers are great representations on where these two brush tops are I know that both of these brush tops are in between these two buoy markers I know the first one starts about halfway and then the second one is a little closer to this buoy right here so it is very important to have these buoy markers while your brush pile crappie fishing you're going to be able to stay on that brush top if you catch a fish when you catch a fish you'll know almost exactly where to throw right back because that brush Top's not moving so let's go ahead and set up on these brush tops with the trolling motor and let's catch some crappie y'all stay tuned [Music] okay guys let's see if we can pull some crappie off these two brush tops remember like I said I know these two brush tops are in between this buoy and this buoy over here just gotta find out exactly where I need to be casting at and let's see if any of these crop you want to bite today that's going to be the question that brush top looked like it came up to about 12 feet so let me go ahead and do this eight Rod got a eight foot rod 9 10 11 12. I'm actually sitting at about 13 and a half or so so let me fix that I think I need to be at about 12. I'm gonna go about a foot shallower just because there's crappie on it don't mean they'll buy it there's one oh there's a crappie oh that's probably gonna be a keeper guys now what you need to do once you do catch your first fish you need to go ahead that's a keeper but I'm gonna go ahead and put that one back once you catch your first fish you need to have an eyeball on where you caught that that crappie I threaded that minnow on I'm gonna throw it right back out there go right back out there see what happens now I'm gonna attempt I'm gonna throw it right back on that same spot that's where I need to be that is the brush top that's closer to that other buoy over there so now I have a pretty good estimate on where exactly that brush top is and that's where I need to cast and that's where I should catch my fish there's one right there that's where I should catch my fish look at that oh that's a good one that's gonna be a good one well black crappie and that's a good black crappie though look at that guys back to back cast on them I'm gonna keep that one I'm gonna keep this be sure to stick around somewhere in this video you're going to be able to have a chance to enter to win a two pack of buoy markers just like the ones I use all right there's the first one in the pewter let's go baby let's see how many more we can catch what's going on family I want to take a break from the fish in action like always let's go over the setup today eight foot ACC crappie sticks of course super grip on this ACC then we have the Viper X 1000 these are the green and black reels that match these ACC crappie sticks really well be sure to go to pcfun.com use code 903 fish 15 to save you 15 off of your order and we have our slip cork set up baby this slip cork setup is deadly guys no live scope on the boat I predominantly use a slip cork whether I'm on the big lake or in the creeks and this slip cork setup is going to catch a crappie year round be sure to go check it out on the channel under how to playlist that is where you can find how to rig up this slip cork setup all right guys enough talking let's get back to the crappie y'all stay tuned now both of these brush tops right here look like they both had fish on it but I've done found one of them so I'm going to stick to that one I'm gonna stick to this one right here for now now if these stop biting on this pile then I may move over to the other pile oh there he is oh there's the Third oh that feels like a piece of fish oh there's a bigger one right there baby look at that guys I am threading my oops I am threading these minnows on so check it out once I unhook that crappie look at there I'm good to go again even though it's dead look at there third crappie off of it that first one was a keeper as well but a little little too small we're gonna throw that back but there you go there's two right there let me take this off so I don't have to open that every single time got some ice in the cooler today guys the surface temperature is 90 degrees I'm not going to put 90 degree water in the live well with these crappie they'll be ruined in three or four or five hours so go ahead and put them on Ice today let's see if we can catch another one I got that same minnow throw it back out there 12 feet and that's the ticket right now 12 feet I was fishing my first couple of calves were 13 13 and a half feet deep I didn't even set my adjusted I have a pretty good eyeball on where that brush top is now I relate it to that buoy marker there where I caught my fish I can always just look at that buoy marker to see if I'm where I need to be at there's one look at that oh that feels like a big fish well oh it is is that a black no that's a big old white look at that I have it dialed in guys look at there now probably not going to rethrow that minnow but there's too crappie on one minnow right there for you guys hey look at that stud not a giant but I mean that's a decent fish right there guys really decent right there go Y'all Gonna flip out of them I'm thinking about it you thinking about it let's go catch another one so I'm gonna go back to this one now what I like to do is I like to toss out past where I'm getting my bites at okay and then bring that minnow y'all see me wiggling that minnow bring that minnow into the strike zone when I say Strike Zone all that means is where I'm getting my bites that that's all I mean by that should be about right in there is where they've been hitting it is one going to play on this cast or not oh yep yeah he did oh oh oh oh that's good look at that oh let's go all right that sucker was not coming out right there guys hey that's a good fish too not a giant but a solid 12 inch or so let's go baby let's see if there's another one that wants to play where you at crappie we're playing games I thought he I thought he was on there he didn't even take the cork under nice black that's what I'm talking about barely got him hooked oh got him as it was coming off baby there's a nice black crappie guys I think that is one two three four that's five that first one I threw back so there's five off of here guys let's let's keep going let's see if we can get some more oh give him go oh we can go back to that cast uh oh a little black nope I don't think that's gonna make it well it might actually God black crappie's so feisty guys are y'all's black crappie more feisty than your white crappie I know I know mine are in Texas these little black crappie right here could feel like a giant we're gonna measure this one and you stick nope not gonna make it guys just short of 10. got to be tinted well he's right at 10. we're gonna go ahead and throw that one back I'm telling you guys you better get these buoy markers if you're going to brush pile crappie fish it's a must-have oh my gosh there's one oh my gosh my bill dang guys I swear I don't miss fish messing with this trolling motor hey look at that I mean I think I think that might keep see what it looks like oh this crappy's hot I mean the actual crappie is hot that's crazy hey guys 10 and a half baby stop 10 and a half wow okay guys I think we got a stud here sorry for no hook set yeah it's just good it's a giant it's Giant sorry guys my GoPro too hot it is 8 12 in the morning and my GoPro says it's too hot but look at that fish right there wow that right there telling you that is a good crappie right there guys real good fish put him in the cooler let's see if I can get actual hook set for you guys oh there there he is all right guys there's that other brush top oh we got a nice white crappie nice white look at that guys so guess what both brush tops have fish on them this trolling motor today is giving me fish because I'm blocked behind this point and there's no wind so this trolling motor is just going everywhere today need some wind for that trolling motor let's go see if we can catch another one okay guys that first spot they stop biting so we're gonna go to this second set of brush tops right here I can't express enough to you guys as soon as you see that structure run across the right side of your 2D that is when you need to throw that buoy marker out and let's let's go over the top of it see what it looks like real quick for a taller structure here there it is right there right there and then look at that brush top guys look at that brush stop hopefully there's some crappie on it for you guys all right guys let's pop the trolling motor down let's see what's on it okay guys there's our buoy right there we're coming up on it let's see what she looks like today there she is right there it looks like there's some crappie on it that's what we're gonna try to fish right there that buoy marker is pretty accurate pretty accurate back there so let's go see what's on it y'all stay tuned well let's see if there's any fish on it this buoy marker right here is pretty accurate it seemed like there he is I don't know how big he is he ain't very big he ain't very big guys but that buoy marker over there is right where I need it to be I caught this crappie right beside that buoy marker guys so I know that booty marker is really accurate I wonder if there's any big ones in there you know what I'm gonna go ahead and go to the left really don't want to get on that buoy marker God damn there he is well here's your answer if there's any keepers on there holy smokes look at that guy oh let's go there you go baby small one off of it then a biggie then a big and look at the mount nice fish that's Montana there you go guys that buoy right there is pretty darn accurate baby now I have a excellent idea on where exactly to toss that minnow because I have that buoy marker there to give me a better eyeball on where that brush top is let's go catch another one all right guys went a foot deeper on the pile here caught that you know caught too crappie at 12. so I'm gonna go down to about 13. oh what is that is that a crappie oh guys there we go there we go nice black crappie guys so there is at least two keepers on there I'm pretty sure this is going to keep I know it ain't a giant but pretty sure it's going to keep let's see what what are you looking like oh yeah ten and a half baby ten and a half on the Checker all right guys well there's two keeper crappie one small crappie another crappy home another crappy home baby oh yes sir look at that guys there's three Keepers off of it look at that three keeps off of it baby let's go ain't no need in measuring that fish right there let's go baby I'm telling you guys these buoy markers are so important I can't say it enough if you're gonna brush pile fish for Crappie you need these buoy markers okay you really really need them I have went deeper on the pow about 13 feet now and I'm on the sides of the pile I'm not on top of it anymore oh my gosh it is that a crop oh my gosh guys this is Toad it's stood well it's it's a 12 incher I mean it's it's a good fish no matter how you look at it look at it God these crappie are hot guys like they feel warm surface temp 90 degrees like I said earlier hey there's some good crappie on this pile that's four it's got three or four that's four four Keepers off this pile look at there guys four Keepers off this pile had to go a foot deeper to really start catching them but you got to work these brush piles guys you gotta I always start off shallow work myself deep into that brush top on the sides of the brush top and usually you're gonna find them somewhere well guys we ended with about 12 12 to 14 crappie today off two or three different brush tops two locations fish three different brush piles today hey it's that summer bite guys there could be a hundred crappie down there and they just don't want to bite but we ended up pulling 12 to 14 off I would consider that a pretty good day in Texas I hope you learned something about these buoy markers and why they're so important when your brush pile crappie fishing they're really a necessity guys you gotta have them if your brush pile crappie fishing now you're probably wondering how do you win a two pack of buoys right here what's going to happen is I'm gonna have you leave a comment in the comment section and the hashtag is going to be hashtag 903 fishing in the comment section after this video releases I'm gonna wait three days and I'm gonna pick one lucky winner and I'm going to comment back to your reply saying that you won and that you need to email me I'm going to leave my email address with that comment now look guys a lot of scammers a lot of spam hammers going on on YouTube if you get a message saying you win something click on the profile that is saying that and make sure it is my channel I did this a couple weeks ago with a PC fund real giveaway and it didn't take a couple of hours for fake Bots to start commenting under people's comments and telling them that they won and it's my Pro they'll put my profile picture up there but it's not me make sure if I comment under your comment saying you won click on the profile make sure it is my channel make sure to comment hashtag 903 fishing in the comment section I'm going to be shipping you two of these buoy markers right here guys they're very affordable markers you can get to a two pack from Academy or Walmart for five or six bucks I think and they last forever the only way that it's not going to work is if you break the weight off or something but you can always just tie on a heavier weight with it and these are very essential like I said to brush power fishing hope you learned something from this video If you haven't smash that thumbs up button for me I greatly appreciate the support YouTube loves when you like and comment so smash that like button leave me a comment down in the comment section below and also if you're subscribed to the channel already God bless you y'all know I would not be doing this without you guys thank you for liking sharing commenting means the world to me I would not be doing this without my subscribers so thank you all so much if you're not subscribed and you love crappie fishing but you also want to learn different types of techniques to catch these crappie we catch crappie year round here on the 903 fishing channel if you want to learn how to do that smash that subscribe button come join the family we would love to have you like always like comment and subscribe to 903 fishing y'all have a great day God bless [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: 903 Fishing
Views: 8,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crappie fishing, brush pile crappie fishing, fishing tips and tricks for beginners, crappie, crappie fishing east texas, 903 fishing, crappie fishing tips, crappie fishing texas, acc crappie stix, crappie fishing brush piles, crappie fishing 2023, crappie fishing with live minnows, buoy markers for fishing, summer crappie fishing in texas, texas crappie fishing, crappie fishing for beginners, crappie fishing in august, 903 fishing minnow, Crappie fishing 2023 texas
Id: 8-Kr_54KK4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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