Mind Of A K*LLER: Terrance “Gangsta” Williams delves into the TRUTH behind his VIOLENT PAST

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[Music] life Ain real life real life Street star know what time it is Wow real life three stars we got him in here we got him back uh he introduced himself better than we can but uh Terence Gangster Williams Terence Williams I'll let you go through your own monikas but uh go and introduce yourself let people know who you is Terrence Gangster Williams aka Mr answer right back aka the people's champ Terence Williams let's go OG let's go let's get it it's right what name do you prefer that people hit you with uh Terence cilian Williams okay okay I'm glad you prefer that but uh OG giggity be good too see Terence cilian Williams and OG giggity put me in my civilian mind State now it's a lot of people that be like gangster because they know me from that I don't you know cool but I prefer the OG giggity all that because it let me know okay you over here you're not over here in the streets no more well in this interview man for this conversation man uh you know ganga we want to take it back to the old gang let's get it then we want to go back the Mac 9 gang the Mac 11 yeah the Mac 11 I like the mac90 gangster uh you it's going to take a trip down memory uh because one thing that we you know notice you for is U when since you first got out and got on this world as far as you are now being civilian whims you're on the internet the internet is your play big that wasn't a tool for you back then man you know back then you know you use other tools to to kind of Break The Rules a little bit and um you know we spoke to you before in the past you know little things about you know situation of Magnolia things like that but um I we going to delve a little deep deeper deeper okay uh we're gonna play off some things that we spoke on before because you I know you said you had no regrets and I want to start right there because after You' said you had no regrets uh you said that on a few different podcasts now um the more you're asked this question do you ever start to because we're make we're making you think about it do you ever start to build regret like yeah they didn't ask me a few times and now they I I didn't even thought about it but now they actually got me thinking about some of the stuff and and here we go well Joker I've said over and over no regret now if you want to text me the answer you want me to I gladly would do that for real life frear I do not listen to The Joker I don't regret nothing I've done in life nothing and I always tell people because what I have done has helped me become the man I am today and the reason why I can say I don't regret nothing I've done in life because I've never raped a woman I've never took advant of a child I've never killed a innocent person so that's why I don't regret everything else was in the streets baby did you ever uh either shoot someone or pull a pistol on someone that you you got it wrong you mistake it like oh that was oh that was the wrong person we didn't do that goofy stuff back then we got our man we got the right one yeah cuz see we we walked up we a do the driveby and all other crazy stuff so we got the right one I've never U yeah no no man not at all so there's a saying and it says um you're not a real killer until you've killed someone that you've loved have you ever heard that before no that got to be in the movies no man this what I always say uh brother um anybody could kill if he push farther enough right but it takes some person to really be out there and go look like you know some people are wait if somebody come by to them they gonna act in self-defense but when you go and hunt you go and look for the person now you know yeah that boy'll killer cuz he coming some people won't come some people wait come look for me or you know want the home cold Advantage all like some guys just don't want the drama but if you bring it to the adults there they're going to man up yeah um so for you like what were things that got you to that point where man I gotta go we got to hop in the car and go look for somebody like like just road rage I mean like what what was it some simple things or was it like somebody robbed you like okay we got to go back and get down on them like what was I I don't want to say Petty things but what were things that would like someone just look at you the wrong way step on your Nike and you like all right it's up for that man first before I answer that shout out to Bird Man Rock I had to rock this I had toar this the red face I had shout out to bird wear this thing well bro now um talk about it here's the thing bro you know ju say you didn't switch from Nik to Rebox so nobody didn't step on the Nik um but no we really we didn't had a road race back then it was just that we were young wild and we want to prove who's the most vicious killer who's the how they say the steppers today so we want to prove like don't play with me I'm coming you know so proof to who to the the enemy that well how they say the op these days you know we want to prove to the other party like we coming you know so it wasn't like oh you stepped on my shoe not mad none of that but I've heard it was a guy that say that uh that happened with one of my best friends at a club that he did that and that's how beef started but for me I've never had no situations like that n it's just always being okay I'm out here I know we beefing with this project or these type of guys and if um we don't go first they gonna come to us who was the most vicious op you dealt with the Calo so like like but like a person was anybody that just rang names and you're like I I got to look out for him cuz he he'll strike like I will yeah uh T after Calo uh Wayne he's deceased AB bu he's in the FED he got life sentence it's another one but he he's active stood out there so uh people know who he is um it was a rumor that I shot him in my project but I didn't because I don't miss well I I I hit I hit two people but uh there was some steppers in that Calo and they they were like this they were kill one another back that they got into but they wouldn't let you come in a project and kill them and they always hung together and and they got they used to go get their man they was they was vicious but the thing was I used to run with them at one time so they knew I was just as vicious as they are so it's like uh okay now this is a delicate situation we can't stay we gonna run down on on gangster like that and he ain't going for us what was what was the most vicious thing you ever saw I seen somebody get cut up before i' seen yeah like what with like a switchblade or like with a saw a saw oh body part SE before yeah I've seen that before now wait wait what scenario were you in to have say again What scenario where you would to have seen some devilish [ __ ] like that man bro it's a situation the old headit is deceased two of both of them is deceased who play the part in this but I've seen that and I was like wow I'm talking about they like literally took the hand and went to cutting and what the world but yeah wait what part came off the only started from the only hit the arm legs I saw him cut the head I got a part actually I got a buddy he's out the Calio project people know about him he's he's in uh prison right now I think in Texas um he have a CH I don't know if he was convicted for but he was charged with cutting somebody head off as well yeah he was charged with that he was Char and like how did that make you feel seeing that did it change you or were you just like were you numb at this point when you when you saw this I you know what and I brought my therapist here um Grace um she she have a thing called save space with gra I'mma bring her up here later but I I might needed some I need I may need to seek attention or or or some help I mean because like how some people like a guy hit me in my DM other day was like OG how you sleep man like you know I've done some stuff as a youngster and I be having nightmares and I was like how you do I said well I lay down and go to sleep or I lay down and think about how get me some money or or what female you know that I'm going get next but I don't I've never had a nightmare um I've never had bad dreams on dead bodies I've never had that I don't know where they come from so it's got to be the opposite did it make you feel good then like you see what I'm saying because got to affect you some type of way right no I'm not g to say it made me feel good just it gave me that it did give me that rush like man because this is a person that would have killed one of my people so it's like man okay yeah he gone we know for sure he gone and they not gonna never find him right person you know but um like I said I was young so I don't know bro like I say if I got my therapy here y'all but if there's any pretty young therapy that's wild because she's professional get me the DM because I need to talk to some young wild therapist so you you're saying uh Gangsta saying that you do say and you do feel that you needed therapy back then like no no no no no no I'm saying now now oh wait so back then you feel like nothing was wrong with you yeah no cuz here's the thing think about this bro back then we were so young and wild a person that say hi my name is John I went to Harvard I'm here to talk to get out of here beat it because you you you not you have to come go your mouth What's happen you dig now I'm going to be more prone to listen because you come from where I come from so maybe you can relate to what I'm going through in this jungle you know what I'm saying but back then we didn't have that everybody around me in the hood was gangsters getting money showing you how to kill and how to get away with it we didn't have the people to like how I am today with my nonprofit let these youngers know we didn't have that back we had the people to show you how to to your gun how to pull up at the car at the red light and not to do we had the people to show you how to be a good criminal so to speak you know what I'm saying so I'm just curious uh you know and you mentioned of course you know you know people show you how to do that whenever you like say all right man I had to delete this person um did you ever worry about like talking to their mother or you ever saw their mother like crying and weeping and that didn't make you feel like damn I took you know [ __ ] she got one less son [ __ ] no you know back then it was like you know how a person would be like the f word f your mother or your daughter your sister so it's like back then bro and it's sad but now that I look back on it I know people that have deleted people went to the house cried with the family like we going to get him we going to get him and it was him that did the shoot the murder you know so I was seeing so much cut through stuff and then back then bro buz being so young it was like a like a a show off like who could do the best a homicide or you know who can just do something that's like wow boy you crazy you did that you know so you have people that would that would delete somebody and go to the FI did you feel like you were at War at the time with who no with the other side did you feel like you were at War of course I was at war with the Calo yeah so you felt War like right yeah cuz I know them boys weren playing did you uh ever have any like souvenirs from more or anything like that you ever keep something after you deleted somebody no no because back then like we did stuff but we wouldn't like the youngers did like we a say yeah you know we didn't do like like like like the Taliban D like we do it like yeah I did that you know what I'm saying but um we did do stuff in Broad day like no MCH and none of that but like keeping somebody car or keeping something for somebody no man that was a quick way to get your that pin you going to Angola you did that no for real um for the most people how far did y'all venture out during this war like you know was everybody hey you just go to the local Kmart uh y'all go in packs like did you move around by yourself or did you always stay like mosquito anybody like did you have people like just around you how like you know and warri like I got to go to the store hey make sure this so and so go with you uh versus go by yourself yeah we it was only three of us that war with them yeah so uh it was just it was it was my codend and blabber and my other codend H bezel who be with Birdman so it's three of us against them so BL blabber OG blabber who they call now he always in a project getting money he just like to sell drug hustle yeah hot beas want to lay up with a female somewhere hump a female and I just like to just ride different hoods go hang out you know different places so no you know we I you know what bro now that I sit back I be like I look at what's going on today even though we were wild we were laying stuff down doing my time we was the murder capital a few times but these youngers scared me man today and I was out there young don't care man yeah that's what I want to ask you um you know we seen uh and actually before I ask you that uh we'll come back to it I want to get walk us through your first time you had to actually like say I got to shoot I got to shoot somebody tell us how old you were what what were you going through where you like this is your first time I'm sure you probably had a gun you held it probably played with it but your first time having to actually pointed at somebody and try to take I was 11 11 years old 11 um young excited we already was I I had already used to hang around this this Hood called uh second Daniel some people call it second D which is a block from there now but um we had like a little weed shot back then and then mosquito graduated to crack but um I call pull up pick me up and it's like cuz I always one of the on that like to brag a lot well I do this I do that you know when you young you just say you'll do that but you don't know for real if you really do that right but uh the die with a TI come you got to show up so when you young and you have a gun you trying to impress the person that you're looking up to when this person bring you look shoot him just point point the gun that way and pull the trigger so it's easy um back then and once you shoot somebody and you see the bullets into them and you see the effect that is causing them now you become like you know what I want to shoot somebody else now I want bro because it it was so crazy that one day me and mosquito we was in a magn project and I had a little 22 I think he had a 25 and we were actually like I was in the courtyard he was on Forest Street I was on Robinson so you got the building so you got the street so you do that you walk there's a building here you could look and see the person do the cut through that way so we was like okay look Let's see we could let's see if we could hit one another we really had you know real guns we was like but I didn't shoot he didn't shoot so like I walk we walk go down to the next cup we look at each other he look and he won't shoot I won't shoot first then I walked out he looked then we we we didn't pull the trigger that night so what we resulted to was throwing bottles at one another and it uh hit by the bottle br sh off the ground hit my knee and I had to go get stitches all in my knee I still got the little scars on my knee today you look like you want to see my scars oh look let me see have you ever deleted somebody without without a a handgun like with your bare hands or something else something different no I saw somebody stab somebody though I was present when someone was butchered yeah that was present for that yeah so you know um we recently seen where uh they just showed some footage of FBG ducks uh murderers uh you know committing a murder on the Gold Coast driving back right back to the hood uh getting out and you know just moving around and I know you said you used to go do your dirt and you go right back home yeah uh were you or was anyone around you someone who would want to go not say brag but let people know what just happened you come back smiling too hard or something know back then what we did and that's crazy you say that because in the hood when something happen you going to jump back out and you going to tell one the homeboy hey look y'all go around such go make sure that boy dead but you know he gone so you just want your homie to know that's my work you know you might you know I'm the one that did such and such it's always was a bragging thing in the hood back then or or or you might go back around when you see the yellow tapable yeah he gone so yeah we always did that so you you never just did that did something and just kept it to yourself like I'mma just ain't telling nobody about that we no because it was always somebody that I was cool like I never just went and brag to the whole PR yo I did such but it was always somebody that was one either one of the hot boys or either blabber either hot bees somebody knew what we always knew what we did because for the backlash like okay yeah let me show you how dirty the Calo was one of the men got hit they thought it was us and they hit one of my people for nothing and this wasn't really my my people didn't really do this but they really they was like you know what we going to just get so we going to hit everybody we can whatever and and and and and the thing is when something happen you have to alert your people like look boy you got here so y'all be on point you know they might try to spin through come through whatever case may be but yeah uh I never just did something was nothing I could think of cuz I a never done nothing where like you know how you kill some you be ashamed or you might rob old grandma down the block or Grandpa down the black man you down bad who man who W that Rob so I never had them situations so you know I always want to let the homie know yeah boy my you know so how many you got you know how many B you shout out to uh my boy he was just hereit too FBG butter oh yeah the butter man yeah would you have kicked it with him back in the day yeah he Young and Wild Man we always want the young wild boy who you know going to squeeze yeah yeah man how how do you turn it off don't turn it on you just be cool you don't never turn ain't no when you in the streets ain't no turn on I'm talking about like now prison day oh yeah because I did 23 years 10 mon I know the people hide you in that prison system they will hide you in that prison system and here's the thing I don't care how tough you are on these streets how much you a s how much you fight when you get to prison is different especially for the fed I'm not speaking on the state I've been to the state but I was back then so but now in the phase is different because you you are around people from all over the world that's in federal so you got people from like I'm from Louisiana so Louisiana Texas Alabama Florida Georgia uhuh Kentucky U Tennessee all us is homeboys Mississippi this my homeboy so we might be shedding CS we might be going to walk stabbing other people together lose good time might he might get killed you like me my homeboy I got to protect him he gota protect me I don't know this guy got from whole another state but it's different in that federal prison so but me being there seeing people get stabed up people get killed um people losing their good time running their going from I'm about to go home shter go home to getting a life sentence or get extra time tacked on um for me to get a chance you know some people like now I just want one more chance out there God granted that for me so I always make sure I think for me the next person so I'm going to stay out their way I'm not going to go in no I don't have no bsiness in nobody who talk about who got the bricks or who got the her what you doing man you tripping you know what I'm saying so I know where to stay at uh I'm curious were you uh do you feel like you were better at uh selling drugs or squeezing the trigger squeezing the trigger I couldn't stand selling drugs bro I couldn't stand that man I couldn't stand that let me tell you something let me tell you something uh killer Stone a big homeboy he's deceased now he would give me money tell this get out the project I Tred to sell a crack twice that didn't work for me um heroin I should do that but I was one of the ones where I want to go ride in the other hoods with some sound in the car and I want when I pull up in the hood I want them girls to turn around and sh they butt so yeah you one of those yeah I don't have time to be in a pro selling no drugs so but maybe sett down had to sell some drug some time was blabber cuz OG blab like when I pull up in the project like 8 in the morning he about to go get breakfast he got like about 10 or 20 grand on him from selling hero heroin bag to bag bag for bag yeah so um sometime I would but that wasn't that wasn't that wasn't my strong point I would rather Rob or take a hit get paid fast then have to stand on the block or in the cut in the courtyard and then you got fiends who got favorite who they cool with what my boy I'm come go they don't want score from you now you mad oh yeah n that's yeah it's just a dirty game now one thing they said about the drug game um you know it does bring you know females oh yeah uh does does the uh I don't want to call it the murder game but uh yeah does the murder game bring the same type of uh uh entrance from females uh does it Peak their uh yes of course because you know what this what I learned I have my therapist maybe she can elaborate on this may she can elaborate on all this I believe not every but majority of good girls want a bad boy best either they want to be around him or then now now let me just say this they might not bring them home yeah they said no yeah okay see what I'm saying so they might not bring them home good girl they might not bring them home to M or Pops to meet the family but I've seen some that was sneak like listen I can't bring meet my parents but you know we going to we going to kick it because of this the thrill that you got respect people scared of you they was talking about you in the beauty salon or at the barber shop or my I was at my friend house and her boyfriend was in there discussing you saying you the one that pulled up with the AK and shut the whole block down blah blah blah so you have a lot of women that even the ones like my therapist she's now but here's the thing they they be intrigued with that with that bad boy that a lifestyle do does anyone ever like lay down with you be like look in your eyes and say you know whisper like tell me some murder stories bro that's on some TV stuff but I AB BR I never say that thatz she gonna be the next victim cuz the first I'm in you ask me about some bodies I'm trying to hump you I'm trying to hump you talk about who I didn't murder so cuz when mad Day come you know they going to tell might get turned on by it huh might get turned on she might like that murder ertica yeah but see here's the thing but here's the thing know I can't lie and play about a homicide because people know that was what I did so if I lied be like just make up something just to for her her C You Know Her Fantasy then that might I might be talking about something that really happen when she get mad now she going to go and tell the yeah because he say he killed s cuz I had that I had a female bro it was it was it was the hot boys all everybody was home killer Stone I had a body I had a charge I went to turn myself in and I had this female that I was messing around with that's how I got that landlord name from my home at Jer man um I had different keys on the key rang right so I had this female that was that was supposed to go with me to turn myself in for the homicide um my one of my main females heard that I was doing that so she called a law office right before I get ready I had to go we went to the law office first then I went to go turn myself in we went to go to the to the uh Paris jail to turn myself in she called her and she asked reception for me the lady put me on the phone she say you be worried I hope it gives you for other I heard the phone what I'm trying to tell you so uh you know when the women get mad bro they just be Wilding so I always I kept N I ain't never that's what bro I'm so I'm so happy even I was young dumb and wild back then I wasn't that dumb to sit down and just tell her bro yeah play by play He Go a gun over here or we this the gun knowing you tell your partners first yeah they going know we going to tell the home you going we all if you notice this we always trust the people in the streets we always trust a homeboy because it really it be bragging for right for us we tell a home you know I don't want Crush boy yeah I don't want to close this coffing boy so we going to tell a home booy but this new pillow talking stuff that happened down you had pill talker during my time but that's really like new upto-date stuffff did you ever wanted to get at somebody that might have messed with one of your girls like no I had too many girls I you know but you have that you know when you have one of them might be messing with a dude that you just don't like you just don't really like no bro let me tell you something you see how good I look now in my old age this a man when I was young oh talk your [ __ ] talk your [ __ ] I Was Young Rich and dangerous back then so I ain't never had a female PR or a dude cuz he this always been my thing if a female decide to mess with a dude I don't like or mess with somebody it's something about that dude she see in him that she like so um my thing G be is this though now if I know who his woman is or or somebody he mess with I might try to go back door go hide at her get back at him but like just straight up want to know brother I always pride myself to this day was um I never messed with a barried woman when I was in the street I never messed with a woman who had a man she lived with because I felt like I'm a living legend girl I'm gangster I'm not about to be sneaking hi mess with you going holler we gonna holler but um no I've never had that where a dude just hit one of my Fe because I I always just mess with a lot of hood racks so it didn't matter she was it was it was fair game you never like went to um some of the early on like the music videos that uh c m is putting out you like say let me go see if there's a video fixing a a groupy chick that I'm going just you know that I'm I'm going just take from one of them they wasn't big like they are now you know they did little videos but the some of them girls two of my girl right up they rap BG and baby rap about it go back and go back and do the research for y'all listening when they say ask T and Danielle how we B those my two I don't one brought them around there I actually have them two at the same time one was light skinn one was brown skinn nice bodies and I would bring them around and then they just start around doing what to do but um yeah that that wasn't like how they got the the groupes come around the video set cuz see back then when they do videos it was the home girls out the hood and some home girls will cuss you out um you play with them and certain stuff so my home girl was rough coming up if they a like you they going let you know B get on they gonna cuss you out um but this day in time them young girl they they trying to geted they want to get the video or get them some money or whatever the case may be n that's facts um I guess I got to ask uh for you to take us back through you know the situation that you know we talking about codefendants the situation actually got you jammed up that was with the the Italians right no no no no no um that I had a I had Cod ofenders out of New York but they were uh Latinos okay Spanish Latin Latino well we always say Spanish but Spanish is a language right you speak Spanish but you're Latino so culture um right what happened was Bryce um whose brother his brothers lack who with the D boys right like be baby them too um rice met some uh people from New York they Somebody went to jail and one of the homeboys B him out of jail and they still had drugs so my project was jumping for her well Bry stayed that too far from the M for me project but he wasn't too tight with somebody back there he could trust to dump the dope all back there yeah so he holled at me got off it so it was good dope I was like right where where you get that from oh man people New York right so I was like we going I said I'm going up there it was that good you like I'm going I listen I didn't get invited I didn't call I said bro when I'm going to New York hit the people when I get let them know I'm coming what year is this like what 9497 9797 yeah so um when we go to New York we we flew into the John F Kennedy Airport we went to the Howard Johnson hotel and we caught a a cab from there to to this restaurant me or blab OG blab so we in this restaurant and he got this two pretty Latino women man talking about beautiful so I'm I'm telling to connect I'm like listen I said me me girl one girl he like later we talk about that later like all right now but I want the girl now man don't about this drug right now I'm here now I want her so we go in the back of the restaurant it's three of them it's one lightskinn two one two lightskinn one your color dog he's the head one and as we talking now back then ounces of heroin was 2500 back in New York back then so he's trying to charge us 4500 like man I didn't came here first night but I'm like okay he I'm from out of town so he trying to treat me I'm out of town all right but now in my mind I'm I'm gangster right so I'm getting a little upset so we kind of like arguing a little bit right but I had to catch myself I was like hold up bro you don't have a stick pin on you you way in New York nobody don't know you out here and you in the back of a resta run it's like about 3 in the morning so they get the drugs blab test it and U we on this side of the restaurant and blab about to about a little deep fry it so uh the man say see told you told you it's good so blab duck that like it's all right a all that I said when he say that it's good so um we we negotiate the price so we go up front so the man sex he got me away from blab he put me at this table and got blab at the table over there talking to the other people he said me me like you he no like no trust so but I'm like this my brother you talking about talking about you don't like you TR right we going to get you all right I got something for you so we work a deal out um I had one up ow him $1,000 so we got the heroin we went back to we we called up we flew out there but we C we got out of Greyhound to go back um then I had to meet this other guy from out the M forine project those that go-to guy so when I met I say you buy yeah I said what I supposed to give you said $1,000 here so I Bri I said yo what's up with him man he cool good do I said I'mma ride I'mma Jack him because I'm like well you already you just paid him though but I don't know him so but I know that he the connect I mean he he not the connect he they goto for New Orleans they going to send that heroin down to him cuz he was a good dude cool dude respectful cool guy right but I didn't know him like that so I'm ask him Bri what's up with him Bryce say he Liv in the Me For Me project well we was like a two block friend male for me in pres at the time so I'm like he the one black you know brce me I said man I'm jacking him man we got to meet if we got to meet with him to get to work now I'mma Jack him so um bro we was minding our business bro then this how the FED come about well my phone was already tapped but the people from New York called me one day was like hey what's up we know hear back from you you know you don't like dope I was like it's all right so I I told blab I said look tell him tell him it's too high so BL man that's too high man y'all want too much so we negotiated a cheaper price um they like sending half of the money I was like n y'all come you know send send it and then we going to do it like that so they sent the Kia heroin in the mail but they drove down to New Orleans first so when I found out they was down here we was on the phone I I was like we going to meet across the street I'm in the mag got they had a a grocery store called wind Dixie grocery store across the street from us so I was like I said man we I called brassy Bri we going to kill him we going to time up and kill him BR we didn't kill him said man we going to time him we going to do them later so that's why I had got to toic to commit murder cuz I told BR we going to time him up and kill him later you saying this on the phone yeah I didn't know my phone was tapped though I'm on the phone saying this right wild but I'm happy to F stepped in because I could had a Deb penalty you know what I'm saying because back or they had a that's I want to ask what exactly now that you you know as we're talking about it what exactly would you have done like how do what would been what would have been your method like how would you have caught him down bad uh you know just walk us through what you would have did were already comfortable so we was looking for them to come to I I try to get Bryce to get him to come to one of his houses in the hood and once they get come in the house like they that cuz they already knew we had did good business in New York already I was on their Turf so now y on my turf but back then ke AIA Heron was back then was anywhere from 80 to 100 Grand and it was taking three four or five so you going street value you going to make a million dollar grinding bag for bag now that stuff I I was I said yo how much I said what that stuff you know is not what it was back then so um so I'm curious uh go ahead cuz I G to ask if you do say okay we're going to get him down bad go to one of his houses set him up what if he's not being cooperative well she this the thing what I'm telling Jer once they got in the house there is no such thing of being cooperative or whatever because I was just going to start shooting from the start because we got them there the whole goal was to get him in the house because I know the heroin CU see the thing they was they mailed the heroin to the guy I'm about B they M to his house in the project M was crazy man everything I'm telling yall is on my is in my wire tap right in my phone conversations I tell my codefendant when the people got arrested so I the dope was still coming to bed they was still waiting to go to the address so I tell my Cod hey so we going mail I said we going to rob the mailman bro all everything I'm telling you bro everything I'm tell you is in my paperwork is in my paperwork anybody can pull it up um so cuz I'm want to get this dope man the people in jail but they got a kid we need to get this so I'm like we going to rob the mail man when the mail man pull up to drop that pet we going to rob him right and the reason why I was thinking that because I got a home girl well we H we hooked up a play where a dude had like 4 ounces coming in the mail by her house and I just play like I was locking her door and I say you got a package for here said yeah I signed for it and I kept it um he had a feeling because excuse me he was from downtown but so happened I had went bought the QX4 of the QX for Infinity so he was like you get gang in my dope she was like why you tripping so the next time I trashed her apartment B kept the dope right so um that's why I was thinking like man we going to ride because I know how the mail man come how they bring the package right right but he going in the project so but I don't know my phone tap so I'm saying all this stuff on the phone like man we going get the mail we got to get that dope but what happened was the feds used to listen to people phone conversation and they would let you kill a person just to lock you all the way in have the case stronger but the law passed where once you you can have a person on Investigation the minute they go to talk about violence killing someone you got to terminate the investigation so they had to they had to go they when they pull up when the people from New York came to New Orleans to talk to me to meet up to exchange do the money and all this old stuff they got here that night the dope was set to come the heroin was set to drop the next day but they just want to talk and kick that night with me I guess they they GNA get my money or whatever so I see some lights cuzz like I can look out my back window in the project across the street you see the wind Dix I can see a lot of lights over there right but I ain't thinking that the police didn't they they arrested the people from New York I'm not thinking that yeah and um I get the phone call man you know the police I'm then like what what they did so we still don't know that they got arrested because of my phone is T still don't know this so like five days later we still talking about robing killing and trying to do all kind of other stuff on the phone then the FED just came house and so you doing too much he did a Roundup yeah time to go let's go God yeah bro God damn it um I'm I'm curious if you would have made it through with let's say you would have got away with that um what kind of what kind of come up did you see like did you see yourself like this going to put me deep in the game or or we we looking at a way to get out this [ __ ] game at that age no that was never it retirement a way to get out was never in the vision in the tunnel that was never in the vision and it was I want to get me some more cars jewelry clothes all the material is stuff you know it was never okay look I want to invest in it that was that was like something foreign us invest what no man I need to get this money stack the money up put it in the house put it up you know just Spurs with it just go around i i r around a project throw money out the sunroof to St money you know just stunt having fun so it was never a retirement man I'm to invest in that like I said we didn't have nobody around us that was positive like that so did you take hits of course okay and how did you know which person to take it from like did you trust the person you like oh I'm I'm I'm going take the money but I might hit him too like what would be the determined Factor on taking the money I'm going give you the story when when one guy I met that's crazy to say that um but I know a person too I'm going tell you about that too remind me to tell yall I know a person that's a pay people to go do a hit and when they back to get the rest of he would hit them um yeah yeah but usually when somebody want you to take a hit you going to be introduced through somebody you know so it was a guy that wanted me do something for him we met I say all right Me by wind Dixie we get to the wind Dixie when I walk up to him there's a a napkin on the ground so he pointed the napkin I look and the first time thinking if I go down and touch that the F or Poli some what you trying to set me up or if I been down cuz they had a thing out my way when they when a homie about to kill somebody they go get the heroin and like they about to get high and drop the bag you so busy want to get high your focus you going to bend down and grab that bag it going to hit your head so when I walk up to him bro he like like there like the stuff like maybe like right here he's right there and I look at him he look at me it's broad day like though right and he he catch on that I'm hesitant to bend down to get this right so he smil he stepped back give me some breathing room he stepped back and I just squat down look at him I grabb it and I opened the napkin and it it was a ball of heroin a block so he was like that's how it's going to be cuz I wanted money and drugs for this hit so uh he he he smiled right he said that's that's how it's going to be that's how it's going to come when you get the so I was like all right so I bought it back up so he went to reach to get it I Dro it back on the ground and he smiled cuz I'm like that's why I found it I'm not I don't know what's going on who watching this whatever but you left it you had it there that's what I'm putting it back at so um but I met him through a person that's deceased now um they killed my boy man but anyway um usually when a person want to give with you it's going to be through a person that that know you because nobody not going just come you ask you to take a hit and they don't how to trust you whatever yeah and I was going to ask her what's probably the back then like what was the going rate for like about man and it's sad bro I know somebody that killed somebody for $2,000 000 2 it was 22500 it's in it's in paperwork um it varies back then some people you might get you seen racks rack could get you knocked off in 2008 20 rack yeah I know I know a known stepper now he might say oh I did CU we was cool that was my boy you know what I'm saying but like you goingon to get somebody 10 the most I seen now he in the fade now he was a big boy he had 50 on one dude he had 25 on another dude um I I've seen 10 20s um I I was given 20 plus 4 o of heroin um but it varies depends on who you cool with if you like this dude or if you trying to get in with him you know what I'm saying so sometime people do it for free right you got to do that hit a dude just on the street just to be down with you have you ever deleted somebody that was outside your race no that you know what's crazy BR I a never hit no white no no none of that always been the my paint job black did you ever thought like talk thought about that like why why I never went outside my race no because I was in the jungle and in the jungle we got to survive we got the lion tigers and bears and we all got territory and if there money over there I'm coming over there to see you if it's money on us they was to come and see us so you did you didn't discriminate it just just yeah just it was so much so much drama going on around us I ain't had time to think outside the box I had to worry about surviving in the Box whenever people talk about black- onblack crime do you feel like you have like a guilty conscience when people like no not at all joke I don't know what you trying to get out of me no but I L me list to me this where I'm at in life now um I've done a lot right I took Shahar I ask the Lord forgive me for my sins I pray so I don't never want to go back to the streets and I pray nobody pull me back to the streets right that's why think for me the next person that's why I don't be in a certain area I don't run with a lot of guys I stay out the way um but when I see a lot of these youngsters doing I be like man I me I was like that one time so I be wishing that I could talk to him sit down and talk because they don't know what's a was waiting for them in that prison system I didn't seen guys get the butt took get the commissary took get jacked get strong make them call home for money I didn't seen it they don't know that though they think it is sweet because they got a name a reputation down here when you get to the FED bro you around guy from DC from Texas Louisiana all over so and these guys are legends and Hoods from their own cities and states they got a name big me in the FED have you got to talk to any of the youth like the kids and stuff like that yeah cuz that that would be real good for them yes um my therapist she I'm I'm put on a spot y'all so she's supposed to hook up something for I don't want to say the date right now cuz I don't need anybody pulling up on us but we going to the hospital and and donate some toys and stuff and I'm going and she have a a group home or something I'm going to talk to her children hopefully she say she going to let me do it so hopefully we can hopefully this week um but yeah that's that I I I used to go to Fort wor a lot and pass out TOs and clothes and food um because they got like a a Shel Salvation Army then they got some shelters over there in Fort wor like what do you think that made you do this like like can you think back to any early trauma or something like that that would just turn you to to be able to do that without no remorse were you on any influences or anything like that like did you smoke drink at the time see that's why I say cuz you didn't smoke you you didn't drink so it had to been something it was the people I looked up to like I had a homie named Blacky Mo big stocky always dressed nice girl he had plenty of girls lik him he was a hitman a killer people scar him they respect him I looked up to him so I got a chance to run side by side with him okay and he didn't drink he now I would say if he if he would drink or smoke weed or snort I would have may have done that where's he at now he's deceased okay man everybody I ran with dead only two people still alive ran with and and and and I don't talk to them to this day well one of them we talk we we be a little so so he taught you pretty much everything you know some of it not everything because this was in my how we say my adolescent days my stage right um Birman and slim taught me stuff black and mo taught me stuff let's do pluses the gangsters on and on right but killer Stone taught me stuff I always was one of the ones that I'm going to learn I'm going to watch and PE everything was going on around me so um I can't say one person cuz this was like in 1992 when I was running with black and mo so you know he he had stepped in with me so the slim had a little problem right who we know as Magno slim but but um he had taught me about um if you really cool with somebody you real don't look at it as a friend a friend to kill you a friend to take a hit you know I look at you like you're my brother from another mother you know so I'm not your friend heed to S me that um Eric mauce he taught me and black and mo when we pull up at at the red light in the car don't pull up on too close you got to give a little somebody come hitting that you got to be able to pull up you know you might have to jump over the little neutral ground little intersection part or spin out you know so I've learned from different gangsters all over who's the stiffest out of the whole cash money what you mean stiffest stiffest like uh realist like who's the in all in all in all facets like just stand down that [ __ ] like that you respect no matter what man now you trying to get me in trouble um slim slim slim the godf let me tell you something bro um I'm not at Liberty to speak on Slim too much right but we know as the cool quiet laidback slim right now just picture the TV the movie scene slim being a gangster yeah um that's what I love and respect the most out of the whole Cash Money click that just you could sit down and just really learn from it kick it with whether the street or industry slam all right so I'm I'm just curious uh this goes back to question before that but um uh are you like the side of blood does it does that mess you up at all like still or you does it turn you on I'm just curious like the side does it do does it what kind of reaction do you get like like I say bro and you got people that watch this channel if there's any I don't want no males contacting me do not come in my DM I want all females Young and Wild old and wild I need a therapist I need I need to talk to somebody right but I want a kinky therapist I don't want nobody coming on the Prof I want some with a high skirt on with the cleav on that's going to lead me on while we talking and then I can try to um I would get in character role like y'all be having nightmares I'm going need your number I'm need doc I'm call you yeah I'm going call you like 3 4 in the morning I do that then you you had to have seen something right like to know that even when you said you were 11 when you first did something right but did you see anything that caused this like cuz I saw a little youngster get killed when I was living in the Calo back then okay but I didn't see him I take that I didn't see him get killed but I know you to sell drug for something for this guy and he would give me money when I would on walk to the store me him was the same agent he was hustling I was like around 9 10 anywhere from 8 to 10 somewh up in there and he used to be out there grinding you know hustling and but the older person used to be abusing and punching them hit them and make them hustle um and then I see I didn't see him actually get killed but when I you know how the people come out the crowd come out he was laying out on the ground so um I've seen that but I don't like I say man some not of them older and I'm out the way um I don't really I don't be home in these days and time cuz I'm old now so I don't had time to be worrying about you know back then so I don't reflect on that think about this cuz I'm trying to think how I'm going get this money and move on right so um but I'm open to talk to a therapist but I got the certain therapist I want to talk to they not going to let me talk to I'm just not going to sit down talk in therapy I want to therapist on 24-hour call um where she could spin an act with me cuz I might need I I might need to see listen I need two therapist that can spin a night with me so if I wake up in the C I might wake up in a cold sweat one night that you telling me that it might be on my brain now so I'm going need a woman to C me down I need two of them a long did back in the day the gang say respect The Pimps no we ain't never seen no pimp back there man we have ran pimp what the I know with thise um I cuz like I say in my in my time in my time yeah my home girls was so gangster that they was doing what they you know some of them had guns some of them cuss you out some of them you know the people was ganger so um I never saw a pimp like I've never seen like how they have in St Louis with the Cadillac with the fur coats I've never seen that in my city back then I've never witnessed that kind of stuff um so I know you was really good with the pistol were you good with your hands at all I was all right I can get by um I never been beat up in jail I guess by me having a reputation on the street guys respect me when I went to jail now it was just one homeboy wanted to fight me who was a little Abed taller than I was cuz I had uh rote on his we had we had this commentary slip where we know we got the women the men in the women jail so somehow some kind of way the women uh uh all their stuff was on our commentary slip so how our commentary were coming would come in a a a big transparent bag that's already sealed so if there's something in there that you don't want or didn't come you got to refuse the whole commissary so you got to wait till next week get your commentary so we would do is when when we fill out commentary slip we they take all them and put them up front by the mailbox so the people come get them so we used to mock extra stuff on people store so I CAU one of my homeboys I had new fr the street we had went robbing together back in the day when I had broke out a Juvenile jail yeah so I wrote I put a d on his thing so when it came he was mad everybody laughing so he want to fight me um my sale was here his sale was right cross for mine was it was a OPP seven sales four man sales but it's like a little hallway and we could like reach stuff to each other so he right Coss for me and we always us to go to w it was mandatory wck on that yard right she was like I'mma beat your butt we go out you talking crazy and I got a reputation right and it's a home he can fight and he's bigger than I am but I got to go outside is I got to go outside all right so I was in myself d man I got to go out so his name is Renard he for around Newton to uh so I said uh I said rol what man he C man calm down look come to the bars so he come to the bar I said listen man tomorrow when they car wreck I'm going outside yeah I'mma beat the I said calm down listen I said bro tomorrow when we had wreck I'm going outside and if you put your hands on I'm going kill your little brother cuz he had a little brother I know he loves his little brother I like I said I know him from the street even in prison he had pictures of his little brother and he just loved his little brother and I know that was his weakness so if you put your hand when I cuz I bro like if I go to jail for a murder 58 59 we had a thing where if they don't indict you in 60 days they got to release you right so I know I was going to be getting out yeah and and it worked for me you know she was like man now you want to talk with since now man you shouldn't have did that I said bro we be playing we if we catch you down bad that's how go now you want to fight me you know in front all the people bro no bro I'm going outside you I'm a k and we didn't have no problem godamn none would you have killed his little brother I don't know if if he might would have beat me up I think I may bro cuz you got to keep mind I had a reputation I'm I can't take no bruises man I bruise fast bro I I was a little nice pretty bo back then man you no man I can't let him do that bro my thing always been this I want to win both I want to win the fight and the war but I'm going to win at least one of them but if I can talk you out of it if I can do my skill tactic then that's what I'm going to try first and it worked for me we a had but I ain't disrespect them no more I ain't going saying be like look BR I don't want to play no more we a going to play cuz you get to you get mad too fast so but yeah I left that alone yeah I left it alone man now you speak on the the females back then um you know uh for Birman uh BG Wayne Uh Manny all them they made a song project chick uh for those that ain't never been in New Orleans been to the Magnolia been to none of these projects uh can you explain what a project chick is for those young kids send at home they didn't know nothing about New Orleans project chick shout out to back new shout out to all my home girls um now her bro yeah bro uh project chck somebody in the hood that's going to sit out on not all of them Jorge they going to sit on the porch they going to smoke weed some of them going to drink they drank beer back then or drink whatever they going to drink liquor whatever um I had some hungry to call theel the H word that's so they call themselves yeah they had a crew to call your the H like oh the H is out the date right so when I saw him downtown and and I can hear that accent too it's probably yeah I ain't going to lie it's probably and uh so I see him around the club right I see him around let me just say this here majority slangs come from females in my city like I caught my home girls down time time like girl what Y what y'all doing with oh we out the hes we out hustling so in your mind you going to think they hustle selling drug like no when they say they out hustling they called a men trade oh that's little trade that's my trade right there so they would say oh we out hustling mean like we trying to find us somebody who got some money a dope boy or you know somebody with a car whatever like all right but um you know project chck somebody who we going to go hang at her house you going sell drugs out the house she can have about four or five children but you going to sell drugs out that house you might keep your gun your stash in the house oh yeah oh it's just somebody who down you know it so it's not always a bad thing it's just somebody that we love that's down to earth she just grew up in the hood and she know how it go got to love a project and she going to play she going to know her role all right all right let's let's do it like this um shout out to the cat pound yeah hey come on now you out the back know you too well not all of them but one of the head on let me just say this Cu uh BG made a song yeah and he say about how he used to have anal sex with cat pound right one of the leaders contact me she was very upset about that she was like danger and I was like look hold no cuz I a WR disrespect I said listen listen listen cuz he was young did he did I said listen I thought I thought y'all was happy to gave y a shout out y'all old now n ain't good she was going off she was very upset so shout out to her my my sister Shannon um cat pound um let me tell what the cat P should do though cat P should do us do dudes like we do females like you know how we get a female bring into the house and a fell try to run a train on them yeah so some of the cat to get dudes they come out meow meow and they two three of them have sex with the one dude oh yeah yeah yeah um run that play they got money and oh you know what's crazy these some beautiful women they still look good to this day still look good to this day um shout out to the cat pound again Mercy love respect huh they would kidnap you and that would happen no no they going to like if they meet you at a club or something one of them might bring to the house and two three of their friends might be like if they like you too they they they wasn't on no oh that's mine none of self stuff if that if you was their main man or nothing it was anything go a [ __ ] okay godam but yeah they was getting money there was some there was some gangsters now shout out to them um uh we recently just seen uh I believe it happened in Vegas BG saw booy for the first time in since long Embrace of hug man um you know this is there you go bro yeah I I got to ask you man you know we know your war with booy we know your situation with BG uh when you see something like that what's what's going on to get me in trouble I don't want to beef with them right now shout out to BG and booy listen this what inspired me to get my jewelry I saw boo with all that BL I said boy that boy so yeah so I went to Walmart I went got me some stuff so don't try to ride me when y'all see I thing this Birdman why but I got the rest of from Walmart so don't try to ride me when y'all see me yeah bro I ain't going lie that was a a real intimate moment um that was good for hip hop I like to see that that was genuine like I would I would have liked to be the DJ that had a mic right there cuz I know be was telling him something in his ear and what you think he was telling him I'm happy to be back out here they let me out the halfway house I'm not on house arrest I don't have that mindor no more but I'm happy to see you let's turn up let's I can just imagine two dudes that's freaky around a bunch of these young girl that that that that that have nice bodies that's freaky that want to get drunk and want to come back to the hotel with them so I'm like wow bro that's a good moment I so Joker no I'm not about to troll him right now I'm not about to troll him right now um but but I a lie boy when I saw booy when BG backed off him I saw I said boy that boy booy bought he he was looking right I'm like Boo had me think about back in the day now said all right now I come and run that yeah let me get that boo cide yeah they they they huged you trying to tell about what you mean about to hug anyway you trying to say too long I'm just asking they ask question what a question you say it was too long Joker uh I say it was the right amount of time for the right amount of years they ain't seen each other that's what I would say that's my answer okay so now uh Lil Wayne was just on a podcast where he's like um they they they asked him about uh the Cash Money tour and Lil Wayne said he said yes we do want to do a tour we want juveniles good we want Turk on the tour BG on the tour it just BG has to work out his house arrest he off he not on oh yeah he on cuz I think when he when Wayne might have gave the interview it might have been while he was you know right still on it but what do he thoughts now that Wayne the biggest one out of all them right now wants to do a cash money tour and he said all their names could come on it I am ve I'm I'm very excited but here's the thing Wayne is up and down Wayne is up and down one minute yeah then wom now Wayne is up and down another thing is it's a big b for Wayne now let's be honest now Wayne did the did the the thing with two chain yeah that ain't do too good so we know Wayne still grinding for money yeah we see Wayne doing interview we see Wayne doing little TV shows all that so he interested in money right so now why would you pass up millions of dollars a big bag would you say that everyone would need to get paid equally if they do it no indeed no sir no no no no not ah uhuh what no who should get who should get the biggest percentage Wayne okay Wayne got the biggest catalog got the biggest who going to really hold the people Weezy Baby so then who gets the second biggest percentage or everybody else splits equal then me but I'm not there so okay we got to exclude me um I'm going to go with juvie okay juvie juvie okay yeah then BG then BG then Turk then Turk uh if Manny and baby choose to join that ain't no trueu they you could best believe it ain't going down without baby that's number one and fresh the you know the fresh pioner yeah he got to be behind the DJ Fresh DJ from all that yeah you got to have fresh yeah so do they do they get as much as what juvie you put them in the same way still gets the most no no it's levels to this stuff um like I say I got to get my cut I got to work that out but um we it going to get the most he's going to get the big bag okay Wayne going to get the most um then it's going to be then it's going to be up for it could be now here's the thing now it could be a to grab with BG no no no not fresh stop saying fresh fresh going to get Somey but fresh not going to get a lot cuz you got to keep mind this this this is real talk they could go without fresh cuz the song's already done and baby got a young DJ uh in um uh he rock you see what I'm saying so I ain't going to lie you got to put that Manny on it though yeah I agree yeah I'm with that facts I'm saying I'm with that but what I'm saying is but you ask me like the levels like who going to get and and we way ain't going to get the most out of all of them now now I think that that you're old a fair share me too I agree with that we going to start a campaign yeah so real life Street star yeah real life Street Stars exclusive do you have some type of number that have in your head that she would be like man just give me this just give me this number and everything can go away just you know I'm I'm the originator of the hot boys this all I want you know or you don't even have to give me this number we can do half the number 5 million 5 million but I take three 5 million I take three now if you want to give me one I'm going to be a little mad because soon as I buy something I ain't going to be a million no more so yeah I don't want a lot though see this thing this where I'm at okay if I got out the FED like in my 30s maybe where it's still the the jewelry The Bling Bling the fancy stuff I want I'm about to get a lawyer it's time to go to walk I'm older now I don't care about all that material listen I had all that when I was young I got children and grandchildren and then there are uh people who in these shelters and homeless people and people I think about like why I going to waste that money when I could try to help other people yeah so you you would take the money and help a lot of people no ain't going to say that now Rook slow down ain't going to help lot of people okay I'm help out but I ain't going to help a lot of people I'm going do my fair sh you know I would like you to agree on this couch that when you get the El cuz we spoke it right to me that you can break us off something just like the million of course listen that's my word cuz real life Street star is my family y'all been showing me nothing but love and plus let me put since we putting stuff out on the table uh real life Street Stars y'all I want to let y'all know this here have promised me when they get to a million subscri that I'm going to get a real life Street star Medallion so let's put that out there too I haven't forgot about that yeah so yeah once you get your settlement that's right oh okay oh man that ain't cool no no no no no no we still got you all right but we're saying yeah either way we just I just want to say this too don't I don't want that little that little one Joker got I don't want that little small one I don't want I got to have a magnify I want the big one y'all ones y'all have I need that you want to come down yeah so don't don't try to be like let's give him this one here N I won't I want the two three all right cool I'm with that cool with that we at 700,000 right now we almost there oh I've been watching the numbers y'all at 6 I saw 693 yeah yeah I'm I'm I'm watching I'm watching I'm watching don't worry that's my job to keep up with the numbers y'all just do the interview um you know juie just was going viral man for uh his name getting put put on the Lovers and Friends tour by Usher Out in Vegas and he like ain't nobody call me about no deposit he said yeah they I spoke to someone about being on the show but ain't nobody send no deposit so take me take my name off the flyer till that deposit ready should juvenile just be like hey this is free promotion at least keep me on there till y'all work it out or should he be causing Bad Blood by going live and saying y'all ain't send me no deposit take me off ruffling feathers basically or should he just be like quiet and say shout out to juvie that's my homie I come up with juvie I rock with juvie I'm with juvie 1000 he WR don't promote my name you ain't give me a diamond Chinese money but y'all got I got fans out here still follow me back that thing up you got older women that's still unes that's going to be in that concert back of the that thing up so don't put my name on there you ain't pay me that's how I go bro come on y'all making this don't try to pay me on the back cuz now y'all paying me what using my name that ain't cool so I I agree I I understood when juv did that cuz he don't need no promot think about it ju ju been fresh doing their little tours now and that's what I like about ju not trying to be a rapper juie know is lame he's doing his all his his hits that he been doing and doing what he do you know what I'm saying he not trying to run with these youngsters so that's what I love and respect about juvie but if juvie looking at if I could still pack a little a kind shirt or whatever and and my name still hot man don't pay me man that's no more than fair there you go let me ask you uh right now um uh Ben Ben Crosby I forget his name the black lawyer the ACT lawyer is uh now representing Snoop Dogg and Master P because they serial Snoop or what is it called Snoop O whatever Snoop Dog and M cereal is called uh is not being put on shelves uh they send an Undercover Brother into a Walmart asking where it's at they said we got something in stock the dude D just walked to the back of the Walmart and found the Snoop cereal and said damn they really they really trying to hide us and now they got open lawsuit what are your thoughts man on uh Snoop Dogg and masterp winning this lawsuit because the Snoop Dog cereal ain't on Walmart Al n n n nah listen I did a video on that right when I first heard about that I got I got on my channel um shout out to Snoop doll shout out to Master P they're being robbed out of millions of dollars what I look at um these are two brothers that come from where I don't know about Snoop but P come from where I come from and he's showing that you can do this like they got a brother out in the young brother out in Chicago he got I think he got cereal too so it made me want to get the OG giggity cereal you know that that actually sounds see what I'm saying with marshmallows got no no marshmallow if they got pork in it but if they a got no pork we put the marshmallow in anyway yeah got a little pissy sh delicious you own something I might cut you in little bullets little man maybe some dollar sign yeah some little yeah some big butts yeah girls with big butts y'all make me some cereal now get at me yeah I like that g yeah y'all always give me name y That's What I Love About Street star y'all all that's why I got some from here come on um but no bro um I I was like man they robbing these men out of millions of dollars and why y'all don't want to put this ser and I I realized when I heard Snoop Dog Talk they want to buy their Sno say man we started we started this to sell it because you know it's sad we are known as blacks as a whole to come up with some of the best ideas some of the best of but we sell out we sell yeah what bet was owned by a black man Let It Go um I don't want to disrespect other F cuz there's a lot of family household I used to talk about they have big names they had a lot of stuff that don't own this or that no more but we as black people are quick to sell so them white folks was used to us starting something kicking it off all right now give it turn give it up boy ah yeah Snoop got money P got money no we ain't doing that we know people see they small they know in the ghetto we grew up on cereal yeah but maybe no one was buying the cereal and they said everybody bought that cereal for cuz apparently somebody was buying it because well I went to my w i a see it in that too I'm about to get on them too um yeah but the thing is this even though nobody not buying it if I have a deal with you or put on a shelf let it expire let it go back then send it back to me don't hide my Ser give me a chance come on give me a chance man I want now I want to take Ser because of seral bad I'm going troll him on my channel so I need to know what's going with the cereal so anybody get me some cereal I Ain see it in my Walmart come on I got my own Walmart Y come yeah come on now come on now um so I have to ask uh this just happened recently I got to get your take on it um Mo'Nique did a uh interview with Club Shay on Shannon sharp show and um she talked about a situation in which Ty Tyler Perry uh like you know black baller by saying she was difficult to work with but the reason she she has a recording of him of herself I mean of him saying he's sorry for doing that that mean he admitted to it so he played that recording for Shannon sharp and um Shannon Sharp's argument was like yeah I hear you but why you recording that man and she was like see look at you you you skipped seeing that he lied to say that why am I recording him um what are your thoughts on that as far as uh Mo'Nique uh you know you know recording people putting it out there uh I know you've been wir tap before do you have any hard feelings about that no um I don't like it that was a little blow I don't like it I don't like it um it may me don't trust people because uh people do a lot of dirty cut stuff but then on the other hand I understand people be needing their receipts yeah because a person to lieing oh I ain't talk to him or I ain't say that they lying they they play for the camera you know what I'm saying like it's a lot of people there are a lot of people who out in public don't want to talk to me they don't want to kick with me they can't stand OG giggity but they get my DM or they'll call me on the phone or they do that Len let me like right well all right cool you want to I'll be the black I be the black sheep of the F I'll be the bad man bad guy whatever hey you know what I'm saying but I be like as a man how do you feel that you got to hide from people a man going to do what he w't do a sucker going to do what he can you know um but females let's listen females are dangerous godam they known for that they will they will get their receipts on you in a minute and when mad Day come they going to add you out so now fellas be careful don't let them record you be careful when women see like now what I'm about to do now women come around me now when you come to I got to pat you down you got to leave the purse long a long long pat down you got to leave the purse out in the car you got put it in the locker I'm going to give you the key but n I'm just playing but um yeah bro but it's good and bad yeah cuz like I say sometime you need rece you got a lot of people that will lie with a straight face and say oh I didn't say that I didn't say that hold on they go right here believe that's a fact cuz they like know Tyler Perry shout first of all Tyler Perry my homeboy shout out to Tyler Perry he's from yeah he's from the third he from the Calio project Tyler Perry from where I from too that's my homeboy and I thought he said he was up like he slept in the car yeah he did but you know you know when him I don't know if he did but I know he from here but you know people going to have the story older when he get older he might was homeless let me say that you trying to talk about you thought like he lying about his story I don't know a story like that I just know he he s in the car for a little while yeah um so with that being said uh you got some people here man uh you know uh if anyone saw that thumbnail or might have seen I want to make sure we bring in uh they might have seen a familiar face I got a few people here we got to we got few the I mean slowly but sure I want my whole gang up we got we got to bring the Gang here boss chick she in the building from Dallas so we going to go one at a time bring them up here we got to bring some chairs up here so y can know who these people is who I hang out with who I surround myself with nothing but women um women women women yeah and and as we bring we notice that you don't have any any Partners around man any dudes around like why you chose no listen let me just say this here I got four people out here that I run with that I got love for two of them work well three of them work my homie jezy he he had to work tonight he couldn't make it he work um my homie Mike I had Mike remember Mike came on the show y' y'all y'all y'all remember when Mike came on the show um and he told you his story about how he uh blew up the gas station oh yeah yeah yeah got that yeah shout out to Mike Mike you know he he working he got his girl they be shacked up my homie sweep PE he from my project he he he work he he be ch and so I don't you know and I'm I'm not I have my shout out to flash flash was on one time we did the podcast well we did a with flash interview with flash um shout out to flash but um I don't run with people I don't hang out with people because um that's where a lot of the bull crap come in when you got too many fellas the jealousy um like I I started from the ground up so I don't need nobody around me trying to tell me how to run my YouTube channel how to run my show or cuz like I'm about to get into uh pimping now like you brought up right yeah so I'm about to get into pimping so uh whoever whatever females interested want to H that OG G yall pull up um I'm trying to start me a new stable I don't have no women right now but I'm trying so um I don't need nobody trying to back do me doing that no no for real though I just I don't do good I don't like to hang out with a lot of guys he I like just be by myself or I hang out with kri until she work on my nerve but other than that bro um I like to just build on my podcast think about my movies that I'm trying to do U my reality show I got enough and then I talk to my son he in jail so I have enough to do by myself than to run with a bunch of dudes well with that being said we going to bring in uh the one of the names you mentioned man miss uh katrice katrice the body big body katrice this my co-host krice fire her too though I'm about to Fire come on girl you jumping on the couch she said there she got come on look how close she coming we now um uh katrice welcome back welcome back you in alumni of the couch um you know we definitely want to make sure we uh put your face on camera once again cuz you here out my face we can hear you oh okay you can hear me you want to be you oh you want to be my bottom girl oh what I like I like I like the that ain't bad now that's a good thing what is that a bottom girl it's a powerful place for real you want to be bottom what well you going to collect you get the you get to collect the money and stuff I'm going be the pimp no I'm the pimp you going to be my bottom girl whereas you going to get me some money but you going to be on all my other girls and keep them in line and get the money too but you got to get me some money you got a power I'm telling just think about it before you say no yeah yeah think about it think about I got me a bottom girl y'all um could you how how has uh how has things been since the last time you've been on the couch uh how has uh you know you know Texas how things been the DMS anything got crazy or crazier since then or um they have been taking parts of my video and spinning stuff oh what's spin what you mean SP Nar yeah no I'm kid spin a narrative spin it in a bad way well now what now what they you can you speak on anything can you can you touch can you touch on something that they uh that they might have spent in a bad way um from the video that I did with y'all by myself um was talking about the time I told my mom you know I wasn't a virgin no more oh yeah and then they said the mom found out that her daughter body count went up like oh wow day they skipped the story about you like possibly lose your virginity they they just talk about mama she that's not funny I'm sorry yeah and we are mad at we are mad at y'all so can I ask how many people say that yeah the person who um Shar shared the video like it was a page a page took the get I don't know I ain't going back to that but hold up that that that's what I always tell people this that negative thing right there could draw people to your page then when they see you doing a lot of positive thing that's other followers you could gain Yeah man so sometimes bad stuff is not bad just you got see you running with OG gek so you got to develop the bulletproof remote I always tell you that they're going to come but you got a nice body are you dating he him [Music] listen cuz next I'm going be I'm going be telling you to get hand me that money out the purse let me work my thing now why trying are you dating I'm not dating anyone now okay so hey what does that mean OG what does that mean he Elsa I oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I just kind of put him in the roll I'm so sorry she can't be my Bott she you don't want no B with no lip nobody going to talk n that's so you you actually she dat so you two things you got dating then you have hooking up like sexual friend are you um silently hooking up I be with him every day I don't know why you said that you just trying I'm single all the way all the way she whatever single mean to y'all anybody want to hi her get in my DM give me a few dollars going start dating straight forward treat yeah we we could go go on some dates oh yeah we can do that oh we going to start that up oh yeah yeah my idea love of katrice I like hey we starting that up for real we going to do that a good one love ofce Yeah blind date um yeah he going interview she my therapist she agreed Oh yeah talk about that yeah do a contract while I own everything good and before we bring everything man you lose you uh you might lose more than just the game okay uh kri let them know uh what you what you got going as far as far as your business too I want to make sure you y'all I'm a braider boom look at that come on show y quality come on now your do I'm not into you I did not mean to do that but there a lot going on over here so be careful well it's a lot right there so just chill anyways y'all I'm a braider my um Instagram is too class to touch and yeah yeah look at that length I did these myself about how long does that take to do you 6 weeks right all my life if I've been braiding this I'm crying but like on the regular if I'm not working it'll probably take two days like I do the bag and then next day I do prank that's pretty cool if I'm not doing other people hair if I'm doing other people hair it'll take me a week okay okay well I'm actually thinking about taking these out and doing some more and um doing it this orange kind of color pull we can record you while you're doing it yeah do you pull up to houses and do it yes actually I'm traveling right now in Dallas so y'all get at me um follow my Instagram two class to touch it shows all my work I got over almost probably like 820 um pictures posted of my word I'm a very talented real raw period well and I'm available too to do hair yeah what would you do if like you got a request to do some hair and you got there and it's a middleaged bald man a just it's just me baby a middle what like you you should have say that saying like if can a can a guy try to get if he want to holl at you can he book you for and and he actually paid for the he actually paid for the hair but he just want to I he going to insect you now he like hey it's going to take you like what two days to uh break to do a to do a ballhead man hair n he just he's paying for your time he don't he's trying to holler at you he just wanted to get you there well he should have just took me on a date oh you don't think that be special like I'mma pay you for your job baby you ain't got to work I don't know sit down and watch a movie okay if my if my security can come stand by the door listen am my security here Co I'm not going to nobody house I didn't saw too many movies where they be lock I saw the woman locked them in in that house down there leave yeah man I so security not going that he got to come to us just take me on a date if you want some of my time and let me go to date too you can feed me yeah all we out the call but let me eat first we going to get to know y'all [Music] facts shout out real Street Stars [ __ ] M hey
Channel: RealLyfe Productions
Views: 272,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reallyfe Productions, ReallyfeStreetStarz, Reallyfe Street Starz, #ReallyfeStreetStarz, Reallife Street Starz, ReallifeStreetStarz, Dallas Rapper, Terrance gangsta williams, cash money, cash money records, Terrance “Gangsta” Williams, Og giggidy, O.G. giggidy, O.G. giggity, mr answer right back, Birdman, b.g., BG, lil wayne, Turk, birdman, charleston white, jaguar wright, new orleans, lil wayne tour, cash money tour, prison stories, prison reform, diddy, boosie, Mannie Fresh
Id: ICNH7zqh0mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 43sec (4903 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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