The Strongest Man You've Never Heard Of: CT Fletcher

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but don't look for an easy way out nobody wants to work hard these days everybody wants the easy way the 20-minute ABS of ten minute there's ten minute fat [ __ ] that come to the gym work your ass off earn it even if I died I died that's how seriously dedicated I was to my sport he said well you can't do it you're gonna die I said well I rather die doing what I love to do then sitting at home looking at TV I'm Ct Fletcher six-time world champion three-time world champion drug-free then suppressor three-time world strict girl champion I'll say this my childhood growing up I'm a contrast because if you looked at video you see that I used quite a bit of profanity and it's really a contrast of how I was raised there was a time in my youth when I thought that any amount of weight that I put on the bar if I went down with it it was coming back up I felt there was nothing I couldn't do I felt like a real [ __ ] Superman walking around on planet Earth I like to do pause rip sometimes and think about the things going on in my mind throughout the day and how anxious I am to get to get there and just work out great super religious by a super Street Pentecostal preacher who in his spare time used to beat the [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a school life I grew up in Compton number-one crime rate at the time we were proud of it and so I got into some things that everything that a preacher's kid should do I did I'm sure that everybody probably know Tookie Williams which is the gangster from Compton and one of the founders of the original crib when I was a kid growing up Tookie Williams was the man not Arnold Schwarzenegger and also Craig Munson another guy you've never heard of largest guy ever seen in my entire life including Sergio leave on all the body bills that included Craig Brunson a prison guy was one of the biggest guys I ever seen my mother is probably the biggest influence she kept me from being insane as a kid as I told you my dad used to be whooped my ass for sport he'd come home if he felt like you know whooping somebody's ass him there I would but my mom was my biggest influence yeah benchpress my maximum lift good lift 700 5 pounds it was done in the gym so it didn't count in competition 650 pounds I done 725 on the pits in the gym which doesn't count but it was with bored so it also didn't down the most every squad it was 725 so I could bench press with my second squad 725 what is really a good squat for a guy good ways you know for in excess of 300 pounds Shane Hammond has the world record when I was around he did about back when I was in my competitive political days nutrition was a joke to me I would eat any and everything non-stop eating machine as I felt like that's what I had to do in order to be the biggest baddest [ __ ] on planet Earth I want to stop traffic I wanted to crack the sidewalk with every step I wanted to be the king of the jungle the baddest beast on the planet so I felt like stuff in my face was the only way to do it and I was such a wreck Lou had mcdonnell's back then they knew what I was going to eat for lunch every day they prepared my for Big Macs for fries two shakes and four apple pies I had that same lunch for over 20 years at the same McDonald's actually had no problem saying I'm number one on the fence I actually went to a World Championship competition I announced to the entire crowd a super heavyweight she was back there warming up which one of you [ __ ] is coming in second because all you [ __ ] know that I'm winning this [ __ ] now that was my attitude in 1992 when I thought I was the best on the planet what happened and always took the year 2005 but my attitude to changed and being humbled was the fact that I had to have open mergency open-heart surgery yeah I was rushed to the emergency room or times when I I hate the emergency they told me they advised me not to even do it because the strain of having that much waiting might cause the or aortic valve to break at that time in it with your brakes then you're dead there's no coming back from that and I went anyway well I had to stop powerlifting and I had lost you know I was 260 before the operations where I lost 45 50 pounds just to try to not have to have the operation but it didn't work and I came out of that surgery weighing 190 pounds and looking like I never lift weights before in my life I was a human skeleton well I have a pretty good idea it might have something new for six seven cheeseburgers I ate every day for 20-some years I would eat those cheeseburgers because I thought I needed it in order to keep up my size instead of taking steroids I would eat so I would overheat and I would eat anything it took me almost two years of recovered powerlifting I still want to go back and defend the unbroken 225 pound stripper record I'd like to do it at the age of 54 be able to do what I did at the age of 30 I think that'd be pretty cool to come back 24 years later and do the same thing at a much lighter body weight in 24 years older so I want everything I've learned over all these views of competition to get out here I've been training with CT for at least 3 years and it's the best training ever can't get nothing better than that hardcore he's gonna push you to the max one day I was training with CT I was about to pass out he told me was pass out and is still my set my name is Samson Fletcher Ct Fletcher son my dad is my hero and I want to be just like him I want I want him to pass the torch to me I started training with CT about two years ago from now when I first started I was really lightweight I was about from 140 to 150 in one year I went from 140 to 150 to about 195 close to 200 pounds that was about in 2012 in the beginning of 2012 and from 2012 to 2013 now I'm about 185 solid muscle all-natural 20-minute ABS 20 minutes 20 minutes but 20 minutes any [ __ ] thing is a pile of [ __ ] if you see somebody with great ABS a great butt a great whatever they didn't do this [ __ ] in 20 minutes and if they tell you they did they are a [ __ ] liar trust me on that no matter what if I hate complainers I hate cries if I can tell me here with a metal valve implanted in my chest taken ten different medicines just to stay alive every day and do my workout you have no excuses so no matter what your nose bleeds it's that time in a month the kids are crying you don't feel like it your back hurts you got action it's still your mother-fucking said let's get it done [Music]
Channel: Strength Project
Views: 10,785,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gymnastics, Strength, Project, capoeira, stand, canes, hand, how, Handstand, StrengthProject, on, exercise, parkour, hollow, advanced, training, train, to, your, lever, superman, guide, Planche, holds, breakdancing, tutorial, crossfit, tips, progressions, free, beginners, pull, cross, Strength Band, position, fit, tuck, bar, up, lessons, hands, Strengthening, calisthenics, fitness, stands, body
Id: x5xXsdWRaFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2013
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