Crafting the Ultimate Helldivers 2 Bug Hunt Diorama! | Democracy Manifest |

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[Music] yeah he guys welcome back to the Hobby hatch like many of you out there I've been playing a lot of hovers 2 lately so to commemorate how Kick-Ass that game is I decided to make a little diarama so to get started I 3D printed and primed these excellent hell diver models sculpted by trien Studios over on Colts and then moved in with a dark gray through the airbrush to give them some directional light [Music] volumes then using a slightly lighter gray I dry brush the entirety of each model catch all those nice raised details then on all the areas that were going to be painted with metallics I painted a nice solid coat of Ash and [Music] gray then I dry brushed on a very bright silver metallic IC paint to each of the armor panels and helmet using the lob model air [Music] steel to prepare the hell divers for the iconic yellow trim they have I painted a coat of bright white paint so the yellow that will add later isn't D down by the dark paint underneath uh though upon painting the remaining hell Dives I found that a few coats of yellow got a fairly similar effect so this step really could have been left out then to paint the trim I used avalan sunset by Citadel [Music] [Music] color [Music] after a little bit of cleanup work I painted on the helmet visors by adding a coat of valo Steel and then glazing over a layer of a Kellan green contrast [Music] paint the screen on the call-in radio got the same treatment but was instead glazed with hex Ray [Music] flame each of the little key buttons got a touch of the Leo model color [Music] Vermilion and after everything had dried the model going to wash of agra's Earth [Music] shade to save you the boredom of watching me paint the exact same thing three more times the other three hell divers were painted the same way off C for the enemies of super Earth couldn't find any terminated SCS at the time recording so instead I settled for these excellent ant line sculpts uh from halfly they should act pretty well as ter hunter proxies from the game to start off I gave each a directional highlight through the airbrush using white ink I then began painting each of the wing sections by stippling on a gradient of bright red to bright [Music] yellow [Music] I then dry brush the entire model with flade one flesh by sidel [Music] color I picked out the more chitus sections of the Wings with more flade one flesh and after all that are dried I gave the entire model a coat of adrax Earth shade to accentuate the recess [Music] details I mixed up a light ready pink color and painted the bugs [Music] Underside [Music] [Music] this then also got a dry brush of flate one [Music] flesh moving on to really sell the theme of Hell divers I decided to include an arachnid Warrior from the oso classic Starship Troopers movie I'm doing my part to paint I gave it a directional highlight through the airbrush like the other [Music] [Music] bugs then using urio Yellow by Citadel I have hazly splotch sections of the model to start creating the bright yellow patterning that you see in the [Music] [Music] film I then covered the remainder of the model with black paint [Music] [Music] which I dry brushed with Ashen Gray around the iron on top of the warrior bug's back there's kind of a ready pattering there so I stipple this on using a bright red paint the last steps would to give the entire Model A wash with lull oil and paint those lifeless lifeless eyes I then moved on to the base which I built up on a piece of foam and a cork placement which we glued together to which I layered on some firm off cuts to build up the hill where our brave hell divers will be fighting for [Music] democracy I used a sharp knife to cut away the foam to remove some of the blocky [Music] [Music] appearance and then the foam was sealed with a mixture of plasta paint and M Podge [Music] once a PL the mix are dried I glue down some fine and then core Scrabble to give it some earthy texture [Music] all [Music] [Music] with all that done I primed the base black and begin painting it more and Fang brown with the airbrush [Music] I gave it a directional highlight with screaming skull by [Music] Citadel and painted the rocky areas with Ash and gray which I highlighted with dawnstone and a quick dry brush of administratum [Music] [Music] Gray [Music] the last thing for the base was to lay down some Matt mod podge and sprinkle on some grass [Music] flocking [Music] [Music] with the base done I glued all the models in [Music] place as a final touch I made a super Earth flag out of a piece of soft drink can and a lollipop stick and I glued it triumphantly to the top of the hill with that in place I called the diarama finished and it was onto the Glamour Shots gentlemen this [Music] is [Music] I [Music] thanks so much for watching everyone as always if you like the video and want to support the channel the best way you can do that is by leaving a like and subscribing if you want to see more don't forget to leave any comments or feedback in the comment section below I try to get back to and reply to each and every one of them anyway thanks again for watching always more content on the horizon so stay tuned and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: The Hobby Hatch
Views: 2,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hobby, craft, crafting, painting, mini painting, painting minis, resin, resin printing, 3D printing, anycubic, photon mono x, terrain art, #starship troopers, bugs, diorama, dioramas, Helldivers, Helldivers 2, Terminids, Automatons, Democracy, scale model, model painting, miniature terrain, terrain, basing, Super Earth
Id: hKWxsfwwpB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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