Making a Helldivers Killteam

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As you can probably tell from some of my previous  builds, I’m often inspired by video games I play,   and I happen to have been playing a fair amount  of helldivers 2 recently. In particular it   really reminded me of killteam, with it’s  small squad completing various objectives,   and even more so given the killteams  I most often play against are necrons   and tyranids. Plus helldivers and  40k are kind of spiritual siblings,   both taking inspiration from starship troopers,  giving it a lot of potential for conversions. The idea I decided to go with, was making a  killteam of helldivers I could use in game. There   were a few potential kits that I could start off  with. I knew it should be imperial guard based,   given that there are direct similarities  between their main armour style and helldivers,   both being loosely based on the mobile  infantry of starship troopers. While   cadians or scions would work, kasrkin  were the ones most resembled helldivers,   plus they have a dedicated killteam  box, which tend to come with a variety   of options and extra bits which are  perfect for customising and converting. I made sure to check a few things first,  like making sure I could build them all   with the full face covering helmet  options, and that the armour had   close enough spots for the yellow trim of  the helldivers black and yellow scheme,   and it all seemed to have exactly what I  needed, so I picked up a box and got to work. I started simple with the first one,  built with a fully covering helmet option,   and some modifications to the gun, to make it look  closer to the default weapon of the helldivers,   the liberator. I couldn’t bullpup  the rifle to fully match the look,   but I could at least remove the  wires, which works given these   guys most won’t have backpacks. And I  also cut the front of the gun short,   then gave it a smaller muzzle by drilling a hole  in the front to glue in some paper clip wire. Still keeping it relatively simple for the  second, I made the same changes to the gun,   as I would for most of these, but went  with the grenade throwing arm options.   It gives some variety with the poses,  and it’s also fitting for helldivers,   since it works as shutting down a bug hole or bot  factory, or even calling down a stratagem marker. From there I looked at what other  weapons I could give the units,   and given I’m partial to using shotguns  in the game that felt like a good place   to start. I used one from the arbites killteam,  and tried to find a kasrkin which had the arms   in a similar enough place so I cut it at the  weapon handle and just swap out the rifle. The kasrkin kit itself already comes  with a good variety of weapon options,   and one of those that matches a game option is the  flame thrower. So I built one with that loadout,   the only change being cutting off the  fuel tank from the backpack so I could   attach it on the weapon itself to  match the game’s version better. Then I started to look for some even heavier  weapons I could add, and the autocannon seemed   like a good option. I searched my bits and found a  spare autocannon from an ironstrider ballistarius.   I just cut down the barrel a little to match  the scale a bit better, and trimmed the back so   it could rest on the units shoulder. Then I just  used whatever kasrkin arms that were in the right   enough position to hold it, along with adding  a scope from one of the rifles I didn’t use. A nice extra touch I decided to add to  my squad was a guard dog rover. I made   the body of it by gluing together two of  the kasrkin backpack I wouldn’t be using,   then attaching some of the thrusters  from a space marine backpack,   then for its energy weapon I used the plasma  pistol option from the kasrkin sergeant. Since the game isn’t all just bot shooting  and bug stomping, I wanted to include a   trooper doing something related to the  games objectives. For this I made one to   match the carrying the SSD. Using the pistol  and mine holding arms from the demo trooper,   but I replaced the mine with the  fancier backpack from the vox-trooper. Another thing from the game I thought would be  neat to include is some of the pack options,   so for the next trooper, I build them  mostly normally, but also made them a   version of the supply pack, using some ammo  boxes I had spare from a skorpius dunerider,   plus the kasrkin medic’s pouch, since the  games re-supplies also refills your stims. I wanted to use the kasrkin demo trooper for  some armour type variety, and a heavy weapon   seemed like it would be a good fit with the  heavy armour, so I looked for a rocket launcher   since the game has a few of those. I bought  some bits from a space marine devastator,   since one of those units had both a launcher and  a loader backpack. Normally I’d be hesitant to   use space marine parts for more regular  soldiers given their size difference,   but it came from a kit of old firstborn space  marines, meaning it wouldn’t be too out of scale. Starting with those bits I cut off and trimmed  the space marine arm holding weapon, and replaced   it with one of the sword holding kasrkin arms,  since it had a handle and the right kind of pose,   only needing a little adjustment at the wrist.  I adjusted another spare kasrkin to use,   and trimmed down the sides of the backpack so  I was left with just the rocket loader part. The squad needed a leader, so I went with a pose  to try and signify that, using one of the pointing   arms, and a rifle just held at the side. And  for another touch to really make him stand out,   I wanted to replicate the helmet wings from the  super citizen “saviour of the free” armour. I   remembered a similar fancy helmet from another  killteam I had parts for, the arbite’s kit’s   leader, so I cut the wings from that helmet  and attached to it the sides of my kasrkin’s. For the last trooper, I wanted to give them  something to match the game’s railgun weapon.   I got a few different rail gun type parts to test,  but it was tricky matching exact weapon details,   with hands and arms holding it in the right  way to attach it to the body of the unit. In   the end I went with adding the front half  of a tau rail rifle, to the back half of   a kasrkin rifle I cut down. And along with the  binocular helmet, he works as the squads sniper. All the squad was built, but there was one  last step before they were proper helldivers,   their capes. A good material for making  fabric type parts is normally green stuff,   and while I’m not good at sculpting it, I have  found an easy method for making simple bits of   it. And that is to look at sewing patterns,  and test it out on the model with paper,   before cutting out greenstuff that had been  rolled flat to match the paper pattern. So all   the sculpting that needs to be done is just laying  it on the model and lightly pushing it into place. Here I just did add an extra step or  two here though, after figuring out the   pattern with paper, I made a stencil of it  with plasticard. As I’d be using it a lot,   I needed something slightly sturdier than paper. I made more capes than I needed, just so  I could pick the best to use. Once they   were cut out I made a few unique alterations  to each one, just cutting simple patterns on   the bottom to match some of the different in  game cape options. I also tried to lightly   score a few lines on either side of the cape  and slightly pinch them to get them folds,   so they weren’t completely flat. Then all  that was left was to lay them onto the model   in the right place and push down on them at  the shoulders with a silicone tipped tool,   so they were attached to the model, but there  weren’t any big marks where I secured them. Then the last things to put  together were the backpacks,   I was sure exactly which units I wanted to  have which packs, so I magnetised a few,   just drilling a hole for a 3x2mm magnet in packs  and the back of the troopers under the capes. With all that done I could finally get to  painting. I wanted to keep this squad simple   and consistent, so I went with the black and  yellow most the helldivers armour sets are in. Now painting black can be tricky, because  the way you normally paint a colour is:   you start with the base colour, shade it with a  wash so it looks like it’s got shadows where the   recesses are darker, then you highlight it, so  the raised areas and edges are brighter to look   like they’re catching more light. But black  is already very dark, so it’s hard to shade,   and for a similar reason, white is hard to  highlight, given it’s already very bright. Fortunately I’ve had some practice  painting black armour with my black   templars and figured out a quick way to  get some good depth using drybrushing and   multiple shades of black and grey. As I often  do, I start with a coat or two of black primer,   here paying extra attention to the capes,  as it can be tricky to get the inside of   the cape and their green colour can be  quite noticeable if a spot is missed. Then I do a heavy drybrush with a paint  slightly brighter than the prime, corvus black,   so the recesses remain the darkest, but everywhere  else is slightly brighter. It’s a very broad and   very slight highlight, inversely shading it I  guess? From there it’s a more traditional drybush,   with a bit of eshin grey paint, and using  downward strokes to catch more raised areas   and edges. Then a very light drybrush with  the lighter dawnstone grey, just focused on   the most raised edges around the upper parts  of the model, like the head and shoulder. While doing this, there’s also the opportunity  to brighten any bigger parts of the model with   dawnstone, because it can be tricky  painting brighter colours over black,   so you can brighten them a bit here to  make it easier later. Which is what I   did with the sniper’s railgun since I  planned to paint that a bright grey, Also it may look a bit too bright  for black armour at this point,   but it won’t look as extreme once there’s  other colours on the model, and even after   that it can still be darkened easily with a  black shade or grey contrast where necessary. The next part of the scheme was the yellow on  parts of the armour, which I used averland sunset   for. I tried to pick out parts similar to the  yellow on the helldivers armour, so a line at the   bottom of the jacket, a line around the shoulder  pads, some small detail on the helmet and a line   at the top of the kneepads. If you can find a good  way to add some vertical lines to the helmet that   would be ideal, but I’m not particularly  good at freehand so I left that bit out. Since yellow is tricky to paint, even  more so over a dark colour like black,   I needed to take my time and do 3 thin coats  before I could get a consistent colour,   and just to add a bit of warmth to it, I  shaded it with the contrast iyanden yellow. Then, the last main colour of the helldivers  armour is a bright silver, for all kinds of   details like harness buckles, insignias, various  devices, and a lot of parts of the guns. For   this I tried out sir coates silvers from the  two thin coats paint range, which worked out   great. Once that was dried I shaded that with  a black wash, the dark tone from army painter. For the leader, since I wanted him to look  like he was wearing the saviour of the free,   or hero of the federation armour, I  used the gold paint retributor armour,   in most of the places I used  yellow and silver other models. Given the leader of a killteam has  slightly better rules for their weapons,   I thought a good way to represent that would  be to paint their weapon as the helldivers   liberator penetrator variant. For this I  painted it with a few coats of grey seer,   which I also did for the railgun, as  that is also a brighter colour in game. There are a lot of fancy patterns on the  games capes, but my freehand is not good   enough to do them well, so I just painted a  few different edges of them yellow and used   some decals. Fortunately the decal sheet that  comes with the kasrkin matches pretty well   with the icons on the helldivers armour,  with a lot of regular and winged skulls. So I just used those on the capes and shoulders,   applying them regularly with water at first,  then going over them with decal softener,   to make sure they sit flush on the model.  Then just making sure they fully blend   in by painting over any noticeable edges  and shading the whole section they’re on. Then there were just a few smaller parts left  to paint. For weapon sights and helmet cameras,   I decided to go with green, as in  game weapons use green laser sights,   so I used the contrast paint karandras  green, over grey seer on the weapon sights,   but just over the existing black on the helmet  cameras, to keep it dull and not too distract   from the eyes. For some other details, used  khorne red and kabalite green for some parts   of the chest device, and aethermatic blue over  grey seer for the plasma effect on the guard dog. The eyes of any humanoid model are always a big  focal point, and to make sure these look the part   I went over the visors with a gloss finish of  ardcoat. Hand painting some highlights or light   reflections is sometimes also an option, but this  area is small and tricky enough to reach anyway,   let alone for precise highlights, so  I just settled with the gloss coat. I mentioned before that I most often play  killteam against necrons and tyranids,   so I thought it might be a fun idea  to paint one of those as one of the   basic automatons and terminids since  I can easily get a one or two of them. For the necron I cut off its chin as automatons  lack the jaws in their head designs, drybrushed   some greys and a few spots of metal, used  rakarth flesh for the bone coloured face,   and used blood angels red contrast for  a few spots of red. And for the tyranid   I drybrushed on some greys and browns, and used  iyanden yellow for a few small spots of colour. As for basing, there are many options to  choose from given the variety of planets   that can be fought on in game, but one that  always stood out to me was malevelon creek. I remember the first time I played helldivers  2. I had just finished the tutorial and a few   bug missions on easy, saw an old friend on  steam was playing it and joined his game.   I didn’t know much about the systems but he  was already 30 something levels higher than   me and I had just dropped in, mid  base assault on one of the hardest   difficulties. Going from the simple, low  number of bugs on a bright empty desert,   to a flood of enemies I’d never seen,  bots and tanks, in a dark, dense jungle,   where multiple directions at a time would be  filled with red lasers coming straight at me.   That mission and planet really stuck with me, so  it made an obvious choice for basing my killteam. So for this dark alien jungle style of base, I had  already started with some astrogranite technical   paint for the dull ground texture. And to darken  it, while also giving it a hint of colour, I mixed   my black army painter's dark tone wash with my  blue two thin coats tempest blue wash, to shade   the base. Then for the vegetation part, I checked  my local hobby shop and found two things from   gamers grass, burned grass, and alien rosettes,  which fit the look. So I just bent the rosette   into shape, assembled them, trimmed the grass  tufts a little, and attached them to the bases. Then all that was left was the highlighting, I  never do a huge amount of this, as the initial   drybrushing often already covers a lot of  it. I just did a bit extra edge highlighting   on particularly prominent parts that I  thought needed to stand out a bit more,   on the black armour I highlighted with dawnstone  on most prominent edges and administratum   grey for the upper parts. On the yellow I  highlighted with the original averland sunset,   and then I used two thin coats’ mythril  blade on the silver, and gold parts. And that completes my helldivers kilteam,  incorporating the main colour scheme,   a few amour details and weapon choices  from the game, but still close enough   to the original kasrkin for me  to use them in on the tabletop. And speaking of, I already won a  game with them against some tyranids,   doing my part to help spread some managed  democracy, for super terra of course.  Now I’m happy with just the killteam myself, but  there’s definitely potential for more with this   idea. With plenty of alternate armour types  and colour schemes, plus maybe even enough to   turn it into a full imperial guard army, with  cadian heavy weapon squads as sentry turrets,   a valkyrie pelican-1 dropship, and  patriot exo-suits made from sentinels. Thanks for watching, consider  liking and subscribing if you   want to see some more warhammer conversions
Channel: Dumb Robot Stuff
Views: 167,253
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Id: X5f9reK5CAE
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Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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