Crafting SLOGO MERCH In Minecraft!

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you can shoot slugs right click right click okay uh-oh it's coming for me it's coming have you guys been over to yet well you should because we decided to add our merch into minecraft this merge is extra cool because they have special abilities so each of us are going to craft our own merch don't worry you don't have to craft it it's simple you just have to go over to and you can get some for yourself anyway let's go you guys ready to make some merch all right let's make some slogo merch first oh my merch first wait did you guys bring shias no i told you to bring you didn't tell us anything about anything brings nearest for me okay okay look we need to gather some red wool okay really already maybe we should just kill the sheep from correct let's be honest i mean i don't really know how many sheep are sacrificed to make your merch they're not sacrificed i'm just trimming them oh yeah true is your merch made out of wool yeah i don't know about this look okay stop asking questions all right i think i've got enough you've got enough let's go to the crafting okay now it's a very complicated system to craft this um are you dumb yes yeah i'm out okay so basically so yeah i don't know how much you need but and my me too i want some sloco merch i've heard it all right i'm ready so first of all you basically craft it like you'd craft any body armor okay uh-huh why did you drop down so calmly i think i did something wait wait what are you guys doing you can shoot slugs right click right click okay oh it's coming for me it's coming we're shooting snails out of our mouths they don't like me they keep trying to kill wait maybe we shouldn't destroy this whole yeah they don't like me either i am your overlord so essentially these are walking wait crap they things up when they touch somebody okay why am i what josh died i'm crouching oh my god so if you hold crouch you get shot into the air and then slowly wipe it down so destructive yeah that's a great question it's kind of like his personality that's just she going to catch a snail all right guys we've got other merge to make we can also make hats but we'll do that a bit later let's move on to one of yours mine mine mine all right we'll make a trainer take off give me the scissors take off the shirt by the way give me the scissors jelly take off the shirt we don't want any more damage all right listen to me it's fishy beast get craner wool wait we've lost the crafting bench yeah make a new one josh please okay yeah yeah yeah we'll craft a new one i'll go get the wool there we go all right got the wall i'll make the merch first and then you guys can what all right josh why couldn't you just let us make it at the same time and jelly over here no please okay there you go all right so now you have to craft the crainer shirt i already crafted it in town that's crazy oh yeah what happens now oh wait can we just turn anything into a skeleton dude don't even care about the sheep i care about the bulge bro by sheep is this is this the last guys this is the last green never mind we have we don't we can't make jelly merch now oh wild green wool guys yeah i don't think that's a thing jelly no i don't think they actually exist in the world okay this is also going to start climbing on both please stop with the boats like they are actually kind of annoying hello this is the best video ever why do the skeletons die so quickly i want them to live can i turn this is actually pretty cool it's actually op wait iron golem should i turn nine golem into a skeleton skeleton i'll see you later go live get wrecked this is like the most powerful item this is a horse now it's a skeleton wait it's the life oh my god it's really hilarious it's in a boat everybody let's shift at the same time three two one okay i mean what were you expecting working sometimes mine works half the time trainer all right well now we need to go and find a jelly sheep yeah get it all right guys i actually have a reverse stack of green wool laying around oh well that's easy uh these are i don't know how are these natural these are natural i mean jelly okay he's been working hard josh exactly exactly all right you just know what game dare mode creative him i am sharing the wall has anyone got a crafting table i got 16 wool already i'm good okay i gotta craft the table there you go all right i'll make a chili shirt but we only have one pair of shoes here we go okay your turn josh so this ladies and gentlemen jelly it's a jelly shirt whoa i'll be paying slime oh there goes the crafting table that you can throw guys watch that oh [Laughter] [Applause] that's cool when you land you actually bounce on slime but can you not walk is it impossible to walk normally what if i wanted to walk normally this is actually annoying no jelly's merch is actually old i don't walk like jelly come on this is how you normally walk just bounce around down the street wait what about shift uh i think that's just the walking thing jelly doesn't [Music] this is you you said mine was destructive guys yeah jelly's definitely the most destructive uh yeah yeah i got an egg because this one adds the fire and it kind of just there's also a bunch of floating controllers now yeah if you shoot them up into the air they'll just stay in the land do they though look they just stopped there looking around all right guys i think it's time that we go make some hats don't you think i think so too time to move on to another piece all right let's bounce out of here now did you guys know we could also make hats my turn well no let's each make our hat how do i look at this head available i forgot the wow i got the crafting recipe you forgot the crafting recipe for that i got it whoa look at this what is it wait wait josh i can tell this is so cool i can teleport anywhere what can i do are you ready to see mine yeah yeah i'm ready it's floppy wait you're gonna wrench oh my god oh my this is what you get when you kill floppy all those times guys i can just teleport out wait wait are you guys ready to check out what can jelly do well my hat doesn't require a right click ability watch this guys okay i'm just gonna go into a cave all right so all i've gotta do is stand against the wall and then bang my head against it no there was no fish what try it again jelly try it again that was really cool bang ahead keep going jelly bang ahead jelly come on yep okay uh so what can you guys do josh i could teleport it's pretty cool oh yeah that's cool all right well jenny that's great guys mine's a fashion statement okay sure i do agree with that tilly i lost my head for some strange strange reason i'm going to teleport out of here bye-bye just don't think about it jelly but that's not strange because damn i look good well thanks for watching remember to head over to if you want to get your own merch and click a video on the screen if you'd like to watch more right now
Channel: Slogo
Views: 699,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, slogo merch, merch, jelly, crainer,
Id: -V_0Q9M3hf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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