Hiding As ELITE CAMO PLAYERS In Minecraft Hide & Seek!

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i mean i'm still looking i can't see him oh no he wasn't i i wanted you to have a glimmer of hope today we're back playing camo hide and seek but we have leveled up in this video today we can now lay down and sit down also for some reason we can dance not really sure why that's useful anyway if you want to see more of these camo hide-and-seeks maybe even play with some fans click the like button we really enjoy making them so if you like it we'll like it too also check out the merch over at slogo.com the only official place to get it and anyway let's get into the video i'm the hunter and oh no hey what are you doing with that thing wait where did josh go did you always cheat okay where do we go i'm looking at you look away okay crainer what should we wait are you coming with me okay wait are you inviting me uh sure my phone oh my god today this is huge for us what do you think about no josh i can't get over this wait a second let me give you a hug come here no no no stop oh what do you think about this okay that's really cool we have upgraded today although my head is trying to find it this isn't gonna work my head is there it's okay this won't go here here here and then i'll i'll be here oh yeah here no yeah yeah you go there i'll be down here no no no no you go down you go down okay i'll go down you'll be there okay but you need i think you might need to turn around so go forwards a bit yeah okay then just yeah and crouch when you turn so it doesn't stand up good turn around turn around so you're headed like this look no turn around so your right move forwards until your head is like i can't move while being there you can crouch and move i just told you move not just screaming okay yes all right and then and then do the other referee hold crouch hold crouch oh josh you're a genius what do you mean crouch-hole genius i don't know what he means what does he need i've got a seeker axe and a secret bow and i will find you and slaughter you okay and yeah it's true what's up with excuse me sorry weight limit then what would you prefer okay let's drop this i don't know i think you're upset they're just being offensive dude josh we look good right now all right so well yeah maybe we shouldn't have hidden this these guys are hiding as something that looks like a block yeah that's how this game works julie i have a i just know it's a decent backup blocks everywhere yeah yeah that's the point of the game though jelly and that's minecraft i think we're equally well hidden yeah well depends on your angle it does all right with you guys because you're a man that's a big map this is a big map okay jump just jump just just jump wait uh yeah yeah no no i meant jump off sorry i'm allergic to you yeah okay question what you're allergic yeah to you being so bad at seeking oh i thought maybe you were in in the in the wheat no no that wasn't don't think there's there's no weakness i just like questions are you on top of a tree no no definitely not all right let's do one question done yeah now go search go look around you're not doing anything yeah yeah you you do not read the terms and conditions you're doing really you've pretty much gone to one tree and not moved for this emotional video three to three you're on one lady look i'll tell you what you're not that far away from us no you're not okay i can see you right now but you can see him you can see me right now yeah all right um you just you just start doing the work oh yeah i can see it but you're going the wrong way help you that much definitely going the wrong way definitely the wrong way i'm not helping anybody today because you guys always fool me in my round this is so hard man you guys are hiding as players i might have looked at you but i just don't know we're not hiding as players yeah we're hiding his blocks are you dumb i'm getting a little bit bored honestly do you think you've seen us josh i don't know where he is where are you guys this is just absolutely you know what we should do it would be really fun it'll be really fun crain if we just told him where we are that would be entertaining should we do it wait oh wait a minute oh huh okay wait he found you who's that he found you no way okay where's josh it's a good thing i hid away from him okay no josh i will not tell him where you are okay he needs to find out himself okay i'll probably okay with you i won't help him okay there it is did you not see me in bedrock you didn't see you're still on our secret team come on crainer all right all right can you go hide please three two one go no no no no no no no oh i see jelly i see you you better high quality jelly this is really bad josh this is this is illegal man you know what it's a it's a lesson that life's not fair josh you need to be fair oh okay well that's we executed him i can see you it it got rid of the ground i can see a dirt person hiding five seconds josh look away i know i can't handle this pressure right now josh please just give me time okay uh no okay i'm i'm hiding you've had plenty of time now unfortunately we split up where was the dirt boy over here okay i think i'm good now i think i'm good jelly i don't know i'm not good this is terrible but you guys are working together right no no split up you stressed us out so much josh well that's the point josh we hate you yeah we do i know yeah yeah josh is a poop so are you guys you know what are you feeling well i don't even know you pressured me into a spot that i didn't want to be in so it's all your own fault now mate oh i'm sorry for that okay am i like close to you guys though or what no i don't see you yes yeah i guess no i don't see you you're not trainer what ominous you could have run quite far away to be honest i mean i think we got this deal we just don't move later i don't even know where you are i haven't been with whatever i am one with the material i am which i'm not going to say not me too thanks okay hey you guys seen my name tag anytime soon you must inform me if you see my name tag wait okay i don't see it hmm i i don't know i'm informing you that i don't see it is that a part of it too okay uh well sure what what about so i don't see a name tag josh you guys must be uh in the middle of nowhere i've seen you once oh okay i only saw you once too and i wasn't even hiding then so you kind of suck for not seeing well i yeah wait what i saw no that's you sucked josh it wasn't cheating i counted [Laughter] josh's countdown is now no it was three two one now all right listen up josh you gotta start asking some questions uh are you near water yes okay yeah so you might be around the outside of the map or something okay that was too much that was super beautiful are you worst questions are you near bedrock no not to my knowledge well not you can't just be ignorant well not no i don't yeah i do see some bedrock and i also i see your name tag now by the way okay is it closing in oh my god oh this is an odd looking tree area oh are you guys on a tree no when it's my round by the way you guys answer these questions too okay i'm tired of this yeah you're on a tree jelly huh uh-huh oh yes i didn't know that this tree is mama she's not going to help easy to climb these trees i'll tell you that i don't see daily at all where are you hi are you going to say anything myself all right well i don't know if daley knows where i am do you know where i felt like i was in a good spot yeah i just i just no why did you teleport to me that ruins the game wait what why did you teleport to crainer yeah just now you know where i am oh wait i'm a seeker too oh my god oh my god no you get to become a seeker jelly remember he's not allowed to help you now that's obviously cheating all right you're getting i thought i thought i was gonna speculate no you just spectate now you're in a horrible spot i know but do you think he's far away from where you were yeah within 50 blocks i would say maybe less yeah see josh you're heading the right direction but you're not yeah yeah god is he here made him a snake i made a mistake no okay josh no what is it what are you saying i can't tell you which direction to go but i can just say yes or no no i have the best hiding spot it gets actually more confusing when jenny helps me yeah i feel like the help is actually worse than not getting help to be honest yes all right just keep going and you'll see him in uh roughly five to ten yeah if he will also you're giving him a gps signal right now please turn left i'm gonna freak out i mean i'm still looking i can't see him ah no you're kidding right wait what no you're kidding what wait he's being is he being serious no of course he's not being serious yeah i know it wait just no scope him wait are you oh no he wasn't i i wanted you to have a glimmer of hope if i don't have a gps party commencement complaining commence complaining guys jelly what are you doing why are you dancing yeah okay just go hide i don't want to look at you guys go hide and i'll actually look away and not cheat like you guys always do all right here we go i'm looking away how long are you counting for i'll give you guys 30 seconds all right all right josh listen we gotta hide together okay buddy i don't think we do but what but i love you but i don't love you all right i mean we could find a separate spot we could as long as we know where we are where we are okay five no we're not ready yet four okay three two one hello hello all right you want to ask us questions to figure out where we are and no because i know you guys won't give me any [Music] are you kidding me yes sweet justice well josh knows where i am yeah that's true all right do you know don't just please give me sweet redemption yes there you are little run no run my child run see pizza jelly like he did yes sweet redemption oh i couldn't save you sorry you know i'm just that good guys i don't know what to say yeah but i tp that was a spectator you cheated no no you cheated first and then i cheated okay that was a lame round you're lame thank you very much for watching click the link in the description slogan.com to go check out the merch or click one of the videos on the screen if you would like to watch another one it's simple just tap it come on what are you doing ah
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,359,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, hide and seek, jelly, crainer, camo, mod, Hiding As ELITE CAMO PLAYERS In Minecraft Hide & Seek
Id: 2DASn6fcX2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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