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11 insane ways to die in minecraft i'm talking about campfires anvils netherrite and so much more watch until the very end of the video and let me know which way you thought was the craziest way to die in minecraft so i've spawned on this little sky island here and i presume that this is probably the lobby these are gonna be the unluckiest ways to die in minecraft ladies and gents so you know what let's just get started with this oh my gosh okay i'm kind of nervous level one all right find a way to die so i have a wooden pickaxe and i'm in this little thing here so i have to find the best way to try and die here okay so let's figure this out oh wait no way i can mine all this all these blocks too that's actually really sick wait so can i break these logs as well if that's the case yo that's really cool okay so i need to find a way to die in minecraft with everything that i have in here okay all right we could we could pull something off what if i built really high up in the jump is that no okay i can't place blocks so that's out of the question to mine this dirt oh wait no i can't mine this dirt uh there's no hidden chests or anything right i'm not gonna be missing anything i think i have a solution as to how i can die here i just need a couple more stone and then actually no i already have a furnace let me make some sticks real quick because i need to go mine some iron so i'm thinking of one way i could try and die here that would be to crush myself with anvils now if that's the case that would make a lot of sense that's really the only way i'm thinking that i could try and die in this little area here i mean i can't place any blocks to build up so that's another question watch it's gonna be something completely random that like i nobody would have expected i do have to say though wow i need a lot of iron to craft uh two anvils that will kill me so i really need to stock up all right let's just throw those in there so they start smelting you know i'm gonna take the anvil route i have a good feeling that's probably how i'm gonna kill myself on this round level one oh silly no i'm going to get faster ah but wait a second i actually can't place blocks i don't want to use a tip yet we literally just started i want to see if i'll be able to place anvils i really hope so because if not that i would have just smelted and done all this iron for nothing oh man i hope this is it should i should i get a tip should i i'm contemplating just getting a tip to see if i'm on the right track or if i'm not i don't you know what it's okay all right we'll get we'll get one tip just if we're on the right path if we are on the correct path with this this will confirm it but if we're not then we'll know at least okay let's let's see put something in the hole wait this one huh oh wait a second oh is this where i could drop anvils on my head that would make a lot of sense because i can place here i can't place up here see i can't place but here i can alright so one anvil requires uh we need three blocks each which is literally i'm gonna be here for a minute just smelting all this i in fact i need to get more they make it really easy to get iron in they make it really easy to get all these ores in this so i have a funny feeling that's probably why i do have to make an bills it makes so much sense i'm gonna have to sit here for a couple minutes literally just waiting for this to spell boom i got another furnace there we go efficiency all right we've got our second block of iron this is all literally just a waiting game i am literally just waiting half of this level so far i hope the other ones aren't like this i really want something that's fast paced okay boom here is our third block of iron now we can go ahead and make our first anvil here all we need is one more boom we got one anvil now we just have to make three more blocks of iron before we have our second one yes we've done it okay i cannot mess this up whatever i do i can't mess this up all right i'm putting a block here one anvil second anvil what how wait what okay well i took damage from that do i just have to keep dropping anvils on my head is that literally what ow oh i mean i could can i i could do this i mean this would make sense ow one more yes i did it i died level two oh my gosh that took forever and it was only level one okay level number two we have a llama here um we have a furnace a chest some potions a crafting table i feel like it has something to do with the llama now there's some bone meal in here let's see there's some more stuff here so if i punch you you spit me but the spit oh well yeah the spit does damage me actually so technically if i just sit in a corner right here and i just keep punching you guys theoretically you should kill how do you miss me i'm right here come on come on you gotta spit please come on thank you you too come here come on both you yes both of you why are you not aggroing on me well we got two hearts guys come on come on thank you come on i just don't want you to die okay that would be really bad there's another heart come on we're halfway there guys come on just just do some more damage to me okay i just hope i don't kill you that's it come on four hearts come on three hearts please no oh my gosh wow this is not good okay okay uh so yeah you're you're still alive which means you probably only have one or two more hits uh if i hit you right now you will you will probably die you will probably okay should i do it oh thank you thank you okay let's work this out okay let's i'm gonna let you heal you robot llama thing come on don't die don't die oh thank you thank you come on come on one heart oh my gosh yes please please i need one more hit and if you die next if you die next it is over everything is over yes get me out of this one go yes dude that was a lot easier than i thought dude level three all right let's get it guys we got phil phil phil hello phil he says hum that's it all you say is hum okay great thanks phil you're such a kind person i have a sword it can't damage you now what is this this is santa claus chimney it looks like it there's nothing in this chest now what blocks can i break okay i can't mind that can i mine these no i might no i can't um this is gonna be a little interesting is this gonna be the good old-fashioned just ball damage nope i can't even take fall damage i'm very curious as to what this is for oh i could get the torch is there something at the top of that that i need to break or something i'm really curious can i break these iron blocks oh i can i can oh wait a second am i making another anvil like right right now is that do i place the anvil in there i mean that would make sense but that would be the second time i've done anvil crafting table oh my gosh i think i think it's meant to be guys this is literally the only way i'm thinking i can pull this off right now watch ready yeah boom there's half my house yay ah there i go who knew would be so much fun dropping anvils on top of our heads lover number four here we go guys we got this little machine here this dispenser with a button now it doesn't do anything okay now that's a problem because it should be doing something what is this you don't do anything these chickens don't do much okay i'm seeing some gravel we all know gravel okay guys we all know good old gravel gravel is a very good suffocation tool in minecraft same with sand okay now realistically i could probably just drop gravel on my head would that work yep that that would work and look at that i've already found a solution pinky's up for that one guys yep we die in the world's most spontaneous ways in minecraft alright level number five it's night time this time around ooh does this button do anything oh what the oh oh okay well that would that's easy like yeah you're just gonna oh wait i have regen do tell me i have regen i do have regen oh my gosh okay so i have to find a way to die with you here and i don't even take damage from you okay great that makes a lot of sense that makes my life so much easier and i can only spawn one out get away ow stop it get get get get there's a bone under here i get dude now did that button come back no okay so i can't spawn another one uh dude this is this is actually really confusing bro what the okay i need a tip i need a tip i'm sorry okay i have to i need to ask the question i don't know what to do ah fall into the hole with the help of husk oh oh my okay i have to reset got to reset this level so i need to fall into a hole with the help from a husk now obviously that was that was given i obviously thought that but i have i have regeneration right now so i'm just gonna heal up all right so let's do let's spawn you in oh it's a baby one lovely we all love baby husks all right fall into a hole with the husk all right easy easy i could do that i'm just going to go on this cobweb right here now what there's a skip level option but i do not want to skip level i want to try my best to not skip levels but i have to i i i might i don't want to though dude i want to figure this out this husk is not damaging me at all little guy ain't doing anything oh wait a second wait a second oh wait a second can i get up here he's got to hit me at the exact time yo this is it no way we did it he had to push me up there that makes so much more sense aha lover number six all right so we got some food gotta love me some good old food all right i can mine all these oars we got some iron we got some coal here am i gonna fall into a void of lava probably not no that's that's not what's happening here okay so we have three iron and one coal so this was meant to be i'm only meant to smelt three of them uh now why it happens okay okay so something tells me um what if what if i somehow got that fire to start and i stood on top of the fire which then caused me to burn ah that's exactly why there's gravel here see this is making a lot more sense come on i need some flint give me some flint here guys work with me okay aha thank you very much oh wait a crafting oh wait no we don't need that what am i talking about boom clinton steel light this puppy up stand on top of it and that's how we're dying let's go i don't know if i should be impressed or nervous that we're so good at dying in minecraft i'll leave that up to you guys level number seven all right here we go we are climbing up the ladders here guys all right we got uh this librarian here who uh is offering some trades now those trades are not anything i'm too interested in so we're just gonna we're just gonna head down there's tnt down here and lots of emeralds now why why why the emeralds exactly i don't know oh the emeralds to trade with the villager that would be the only way i would expect there to be emerald sierra plus a villager with some tnt included i hold up there's a missing rail right there there's see what does he have to trade so if i give him nine emeralds he can give me a flame book that flame book could be possibly enchanted i need a book first okay so if i want to trade him that 24 piece of paper ah-ha okay we're getting somewhere guys we have a book now so now i could trade the emerald and the book get a flame enchantment wet okay get this ready we're gonna go we're gonna throw the bow and the enchanted book together we're gonna enchant flame on it we're gonna go down to this tnt boom and we're gonna stand inside of it this is gonna how it's gonna kill us let's yes i thought for a second i didn't die but we did let's go hey level number eight dude what kind of block is that that looks so cool it's nether right okay guys i'm sorry sorry if i sound like a noob i have not even tried 1.16 yet 20 000 likes and i will give you guys my first honest reaction on minecraft 1.16. i have yet to see it and i'm really excited too this would be my first time ever using another right pickaxe if i'm being honest with you i'm really excited this thing looks sick am i supposed to break this i don't even know what block this is crying obsidian huh what okay well i'm assuming it wants us to finish the portal so if that's the case can i light this portal no i can't so what if i get rid of all the crying obsidian the heck is crying obsidian why would obsidian be crying that doesn't even make any sense now if we just replace the crying obsidian blocks with non-crying obsidian then we should be able to light the portal and if it takes us to the nether we're probably going to die in the nether boom boom light this baby up let's go do i just go with it now where is it gonna take us please kill me hello hello hello oh whoa whoa well i've definitely found my way to die deuces deuces deuces i did it i died level nine ladies and gentlemen we are in the nether right now i'm nervous we got some crazy music going on it there's an arrow that's a stand here i'm standing here and it's not doing anything whoa this looks sick we got red wool here what are these jams we got some jams going on am i supposed to place the wool here maybe hmm maybe jump over this way or am i supposed to get on top of this tree that would make sense so what am i supposed to do with this red wool exactly uh oh boy okay i kind of want a tip i'm sorry guys i've been standing here for like a couple minutes and i'm blanking on what i'm supposed to do let's get a tip and see how we can do this sleep oh yeah of course dude why did i think about that oh my gosh i didn't even know is this a tree i i'm being honest guys i'm sorry if if you're like shark you're a minecraft youtuber you don't know what these blocks are i literally did not even know crimson stem do these work like trees as well they do oh my gosh all right that's easy enough literally i could have thought about that yesterday boom put the bed here stand on top good night get it whoa level number ten dude this looks so cool all right this one looks like a little fall damage episode oh it can't take fall damage that's gonna make things interesting we got some bones in here now these bones are probably gonna be used for something very very important maybe some bone meal possibly now there's lava on that side what is this warped fungus okay now does warped fungus grow into something i'm not too sure so let's find out all i need to do is get over to that lava once i'm in the lava i'm in the clear dude this looks so sick in the nether i really need to play 1.16 and check all this out this is insane okay can i build over yay done done so easy easy peasy let's go oh where are we going are we going back are we did we just beat the game did we beat the game level 11 finale this is the final level ladies and gents oh my goodness okay so there is a tnt with some rails that head down to this mine okay i feel like we have to complete this mine to ignite that tnt off that is what i am guesstimating from this here there's iron there's also crafting tables and furnace there's also a tree for some sticks okay i know exactly what we need to do are these furnaces already full no they're not so that means i have to get i'm gonna have to smelt these with logs and not coal i'm thinking guys i already know how to do this one throw the wood in there start smelting all that iron now we just got to mine all this iron man i wish i had some coal that would have been really helpful so i don't have to waste all the wood but it's okay i this is all the part of the map because we have to be strategic with this it makes sense hey yo let's go we got 27 iron holy cow this has already stopped smelting uh i'll split up this and this right here gonna have to grab some more wood though so i might as well just get going on that oh wow 16 rails okay we're good so i just got to connect that this one connect these all together all the way down to this redstone block voila tnt ignites i blow up i die i win challenge complete pull that lever go ahead let's go ignite let's go let's go come on yes dude hey whoa let's do it congrats you have completed the game dude no way this is so sick i did it guys i did it this was so awesome guys these were the craziest and world's most unluckiest ways to die in minecraft ladies and gentlemen thank you guys so much for watching today's video of course if you guys did enjoy and you want to see some more videos like this let me know by leaving a like on today's video and subscribe to my youtube channel if you are new to the channel ladies and gents thank you guys so much for watching i hope everybody has a safe and fantastic yesterday and of course i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video take care thank you guys all so much for watching today's video if you guys did enjoy and want to see some more from me you guys see the videos over there like that one there's a playlist and then another video right there go check them out they're really really awesome and i think you would really love to uh to watch them but ladies and gents until then i'll catch you in the next video take care
Channel: Shark
Views: 291,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shark, challenge, minecraft, 09sharkboy, minecraft trolling, best minecraft mods, minecraft troll, minecraft mods, squad minecraft, modded minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft challenge, 11 ways to die in minecraft, 10 ways to die in minecraft, worst way to die in minecraft
Id: ADVlJgYg-pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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