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okay if you've ever wanted minecraft to add a brand new sword something like this let me know by leaving a like and subscribing to my channel in the next two seconds okay you ready one two oh oh my gosh guys but it's real oh my gosh [Music] let's go to everyone welcome back to a brand new video I hope everybody's having a fantastic day so far guys today we have 16 new minecraft swords that you wish Minecraft would have added to the game now I say that because unfortunately these are swords that are not in Minecraft however these are swords that minecraft does most certainly add to the game alright look I know you guys want to see these swords in exactly what they do so let's just jump right into this Oh so off of first glance these are all of the new swords that are in my Minecraft world right now and they all look insane none of them look like a regular sword I mean here all right on the very bottom row of the chests there you can see there's the wood sword the stone sword the iron sword the golden sword and of course the diamond sword now they all look very very similar aside from their colors from the material that they're made from however these new swords all look different and well they all do crazy things all right so I'm just gonna say this now I probably won't be able to pronounce half these sword names but I'm gonna do my very best so the first sword or we are checking out is called the clefts I draw sword the club side row sword has a total of fifteen hundred and sixty durability this sword compared to a diamond sword has a damage rate of fifteen for instance the diamond sword only has three and a half so this one's not something you want to mess with all right here we go oh my gosh guys this sword looks so sick look at this it kind of looks like a pickaxe a little bit honestly but it is it's a legit sword so first things first oh my gosh dude I am the freakin flash man I am so quick look I'm obviously this sorta what you're holding it it increases the player's speed drastically you can move and travel around the world like so much quicker than any other sword out there and of course it's a near one-hit kill to almost any mod depending on how much health they have I love chicken goodbye chicken the next weapon which actually is not a sword with this would be classified as a bow is called beegley it's got a durability of 400 and it deals a seven attack damage holy cow I have been really meaning to find some new bows in Minecraft I mean it is been getting really repetitive with our basic bow I mean yes we have new kinds of arrows which can do potion effects but I really want to expand my horizons with my bow types now the one thing which you might not have realized with this bow um well first off it does not use regular arrows to shoot it and honestly I've been trying to your wife and I have no idea what the no it has a special ability and well if you could guess I'm invisible yes this bow turns you invisible so I need to have special arrows in order to shoot with this pole which makes sense but if I'm just gonna hold this and become invisible I mean oh I'm God up next we have the gun grrrrrr it has a total durability of 1560 and it deals a six attack damage against opponents oh my goodness oh wow look at those farts dude holy cow okay that's sick so it's Lebanon that I'm showcasing on this list has pros and has cons so pros meaning it does something really really good that would help you and cons meaning that it might actually cause you a slight disadvantage somewhere else so with the gun gird I think it's pro is the fact that it actually regenerates you a lot it's Colin unfortunately might outweigh the pro a little bit and it's the fact that you have blindness so you can't really see where you're actually going but if you take damage you're gonna they're gonna regenerate which I mean I guess that's and as you'll notice with this item it actually is a regular player speed meaning it doesn't increase or decrease our player speed we just simply run and watch as a normal player next what our list here is the Honjo Masamune and this is a samurai sword type item and it has a total durability of fifteen hundred and sixty and it also deals an attack damage of a whopping ten again a diamond sword is three and a half horns okay if I go ahead and I pick this up oh my goodness dude this is just so sick so what are the pros to the samurai sword is that it gives you a haste effect though everything you're doing is just slightly faster with this sword now I wouldn't go mining out dirt blocks with this sword because well you don't want to rip through your durability like that like how I am right now but just to demonstrate just how quick it actually is even on crass blocks is pretty impressive now this katana actually work the best up against a previous weapon gun girl which gun gir gives you blindness and the Honjo Masamune is actually very powerful against that sword so if you're ever battling the to make sure you pick the right one also yeah I'm sprinting really quick to it it's it's so far it's lit all the swords that I can run fast with I like them next up we got the horn the horn has a total durability of 400 and deals a total 7 attack damage however you have a normal players speed so no you're not running fast oh my goodness okay so one problem with this sword that I can clearly tell is that it's making me so gosh darn hungry they would come on so what are the pros with this sword is the fact that you can actually jump extra high and I'm pretty sure if I'm not mistaken I jump it's three blocks high wait no I only jump two blocks high so this sort allows me to jump two blocks high not three only two and the con is that it makes you sue for a hungry I don't know maybe it's super heavy to carry and your player got tired that's my best excuse next up we got the khopesh the khopesh has a total durability of 1560 and eight deals a ten attack damage whoa whoa okay this looks really cool not gonna lie pretty cool so this sword actually gives you the ability to have more strength if you're ever in a battle and you need some sort of strength potion well this is the sword that's got you now this sort actually works really good against swords that give the player blindness is similar to the previous store that we just showcased however I don't know if this is one of my favorite ones I think I want to keep going until I find the right one because there's just so many swords that can do more next up we got the Kusanagi the Kusanagi has a total durability of 1560 and also deals a 10-2 attack damage Kusanagi whoa I love that animation that is really really cool so this sword offers a fire resistance so essentially if I were to go and walk inside a fire of some sort or even a pool of lava I could resist a fire or the temptation to burn for quite some time now I'm not saying that you can just go inside and lava and wait for your friends mind you but I am saying if you happen to be mining and you're out and about and you do fall in a pool of lava pull out this sword and you might just save your life next up we got the Leviathan okay well I'm gonna call it the Leviathan but it's real name is lay vacant it looks a lot like Leviathan it has a total durability of 408 deals and eight attack damage ooh this is cool I love the effects that pop up on the screen when it's telling me the different potion effects I'm getting when I pick up the sword now just like one of the previous swords we reviewed and this one also gives you invisibility which is really really cool now the only downside with this is obviously you might notice my sword is swinging a little slow and that's that's due to the unfortunate con that this sword has to offer and that's mining fatigue so yes you can go invisible but yes you're also gonna be playing a little bit slower because you have some mining fatigue on obviously I'm in creative mode so it doesn't look like it but I yeah it definitely will be a little slower look at how small the swing okay it's slower next up we got the magna mega is a total durability of 1560 and this one deals a whopping twelve heart attack damage oh let me get something bad so this one actually decreases the players speed a little bit here as you might notice I am running a kind of the same speed as a normal player I like the swords that offer are a the ability to run a bit faster I think that's just really creative and it definitely there's a purpose to get and grind for that sword now the pros on this sword is it offers you strength so if you know you're hopping in a battle or you're going somewhere where you might need to fight or use or you might take some damage this is the sword for you it's gonna give you constant strength and energy so you're always gonna be good especially when you fight and the only downside is that also it does give you a little bit of mining fatigue now I still am invisible yes that is the previous swords potion effects it's wearing off but this sword does not give you invisibility just so you know one of the unexplored planets outer space next up Mars Mars has a total variability of 400 and it deals an 8 attack damage Oh give me give me give me give me oh no you're gonna make me all hung can dude so Mars I think this one fits really well the pros to it is it actually gives you fire resistance like the previous sword so I can go inside of this little lava pool that I have right here and well essentially nothing's gonna happen to me because I got the Mars sword okay anybody that knows this sword or anybody that sees me with the sword don't mess with me probe don't make me bring out ours and the downside with it because every sword has a slight downside is the fact that it's always making me hungry why next up we got majora Lynn yard but maggiorin that thing that's a total durability of 1560 and it does a total attack damage of ten okay I don't know how to pronounce this name at all okay guys look at this and tell me majora Neal yeah sure that works so this sword offers you a health boost which is really really nice so if I actually hop on over to survival mode quickly you'll notice I have an extra four heart rather than my normal row of hearts that you would usually have it's like eating two gabbles right now the only downside to it is it does slow you down just a little bit you'll notice that the right side I have a slowness ocean-effect this sword is pretty darn heavy actually this isn't even a sword this looks like Thor's hammer okay I really don't blame my player for being a little bit slower while using this sword but if I get some extra hearts and still deal ten attack damage I mean I'm pretty darn happy with that next up we got the egg link the neg link has a 400 durability and a nine attack damage gimme gimme gimme gimme Oh okay so this sword offers you when you're holding it you regeneration so just like many of the other swords if you're going in a fight boom this is perfect but the only downside is that slows you down a little bit I got slowness right now it's very epic but it slows you down so if you're willing to use a speed potion then maybe you could even this out move it on so what are the most coolest looking swords on this list we have these soon I do than I do scan ooh dude that's an eye dude yeah yeah there's a total durability of 400 and it deals a seven attack damage this bad boys got oh I see that hunger man these swords are starving me out here bro what's going on so this swords just like many of the other ones offers you a fire resistance effect so again I can go in this lava pool I'm not gonna burn however the downside to it is that you are going to be hungry what is with these swords and always making us players eat if you plan on breaking any of these swords that take your hunger make sure you come with a stack of cooked food ladies and gentlemen one of the most important and very unique we have the medusa the medusa is not a sword no it is not no it is not a bow it is not a hammer it is not a pickaxe it is none of the above ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce to you the medusa holy cow so the medusa would you right-click it generates a three by three stone structure around you to protect yourself so say if I'm being chased by somebody right now and I pull out the Medusa and pull by right-click oh okay well that doesn't help oh oh that's actually so cool I'm literally underwater right now and as I was able to spawn in a 3x3 Medusa super epic especially if you're trying to get away from somebody you haven't been to so you can spawn in this thing anywhere that you want best part is to is there's no durability on this so you could keep going for as long already guys so we have two more swords on this list now obviously I know you guys probably want me to do some more minecraft swords or armor type reviews or mod reviews so I'm gonna leave this up to you guys I want you guys to leave a like and to subscribe to my channel and I want you guys to let me know down below in the comments section what kind of review should I do for the next one also do you want to see the last two swords on this list yes or no feel free to let me know down below in the comment section guys over on your right side here these are all the shoutouts for today's video thank you to everybody that comments and within the first 60 minutes of a video going live again if you guys want to be featured right there just with everybody else all you guys got to do is comment when I first posted the video within the first 60 minutes of it going live ladies and gentlemen thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest your day now Kat you guys tomorrow in a brand new video thank you thank you guys all so much for watching today's video if you guys did enjoy and want to see some more from me you don't see the videos over there like that one there's a playlist and in another video right there go check them out they're really really awesome I think you would really love to to watch it but ladies and gents until then I'll catch you in the next video take care
Channel: Shark
Views: 117,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, shark, New, minecraft swords, best minecraft mods, Axe, squad minecraft, challenge, minecraft mods, 09sharkboy, best minecraft swords, top minecraft, minecraft troll, Hammer, modded minecraft, minecraft trolling, Swords, minecraft swords they never added, modded minecraft swords
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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