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[Music] today we're going to make macaroon in france we could read macaron tiny ones some store make them very fancy and if you have almond paste in your supermarket you can grab your almond paste put a bit of egg white in it vanilla and that set or you can start with almond directly sugar vanilla and egg white okay here is my sugar i have three quarter of a cup of tiny bits [Music] and about one one and a half egg whites okay or you can also do it with a spoon whoop when i work with my granddaughter this is the type of recipe she likes to do chocolate dessert anything like this okay if you do a lot then your pastry bag it's certainly easier because you can go faster otherwise the spool is fine if you use a pastry bag like this one you turn the side so you don't get it dirty here cut the end of it put your tube in it it could be bigger smaller it could be fluted straight down so that it comes out here tight now if you think that this is not too runny but if you think you have something which is relatively runny then you twist this and push it in for nothing will come out of it and then one of the best ways to put it in something high like this [Music] unless you have a front at home which can hold it for you all right so what you use you actually use the side to clean up your spatula waste not want not okay and you bring those two things together you fold that like an accordion like this and then you put it on that hand here and you never open that hand again you push with that part of your hand and you don't happen on top so you can put that on this happen to be a non-stick aluminum foil which is very good so as you turn it you turn extend it turn again and about that side or bigger you can always push the top with a little bit of water all right pastry is slightly different than cooking for me there is more precision in baking you cannot really if you do a recipe like this one and forget the vanilla did i forget the vanilla i may have then there is no recovery that in the cooking usually you can adjust location more here here just to finish what i have here okay if you have a little bit of a water something wet you can brush the top if you have a little tip here sometimes you can put if you want to put a bit of sugar on top okay sugar if you are bad and that will go in the oven around 3 325 350 at the most for about 15 15 20 minutes that's it so now my macarons are cooked after 20 20 minutes 25 minutes we put them in the oven it's not that you just take them out they have to dry out a little bit so drive them out outside you can see the texture of it here will break but still be slightly elastic which is what a macaron should be most of the time you serve it like this for me one of the best way is to do it with apricot jam i love apricot jam so apricot time on one and sandwich on the other one well that's apricot jam two sandwich okay let's set here to the large macaron you can do it with chocolate too and sometimes the chocolate you just if you want to put chocolate on it this is melted chocolate of course you can put the chocolate right on tip or even dip it in there and put them on something flat like this it will cool up and get hard and and that's it you rub it this way or then you can make sandwich just as i did over there sure my grandeur had a hard time deciding on that one very well the chocolate or the apricot that she liked okay chocolate on this side now maybe this one looks better yeah try to get them of about the same size which i didn't do there so they are this way i leave them here because what you can do very often another variation is to put a bit of a like in the kale of the chocolate i probably would put a cocoa powder maybe in the cave of the apricot probably the powdered sugar all nothing at all [Music] here we have another one here here we have another one here we have another one with uh maybe apricot again i do that sometime i put i've done that not too long ago for a party and i put a a big bunch of mint i have mint in my garden around or you can put nuts around you can put other type of thing that's it this is our macaron versus chocolate and with apricot jam thank you for [Music] watching [Music] you
Channel: Home Cooking with Jacques Pépin
Views: 100,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French Macarons, Light-as-a-Feather Cookies, Holiday Treats, Baking Tutorial, Almond Macarons, Macaron Recipe, Holiday Feast Desserts, Homemade Macarons, Baking Tips, Festive Cookies, French Pastry, Dessert Delights, Sweet Treats, Almond-Based Cookies, Macaron Baking, Culinary Creations, Holiday Dessert Recipe, Macaron Magic, Holiday Baking, Baking Like a Pro, Cookie Perfection, Holiday Sweets, French Desserts, Jacques Pépin Recipe
Id: cO4dWLt1L5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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