The Lakeside Cabin | There's Always Work to be Done

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so [Music] so oh my gosh okay hold on come on baby we're not out of it yet well it's springtime in alaska and we decided to take a trip the first strip of spring to our cabin i think it's gonna go okay as you may know we don't always successfully make it up here it's early in the season and so the water is a little bit low it was a little bit lower than we were anticipating and we clearly did not know there was going to be icebergs on our journey so we still have a little more to go i'm not quite sure if we're going to need to hop out sometimes we have to hop out and actually tug our boat or pull our boat upstream i'm already completely saturated for the day eric has some waders on but he's a little bit wet too we've had some lunch it's about midday it's beautiful weather out here and we're gonna keep keep going and see if we can get up there we're getting close we are but man this has just been crazy ice on these lakes this is just insane i hope we make it this time there's more ice coming up we're going to go around it on the side okay those are thick oh we came up here to do pike fishing pretty early season we're gonna see if we can get some i love this little frog lure this one sits on top of the water it's called the top water lure see if we can get anything to bite already there's not a lot of weeds in this channel let's see that looks like a rock right there to the right well the rapid we usually have to get out and pull the boat through we honestly didn't even recognize it this trip we went right up it the water's super high apparently and we're not really noticing it until now kind of further up this creek system let's do some more fishing we're almost there i might switch this over to a spoon if i don't get anything pretty quick because they might not be biting this top water [Music] nice we made it there was more ice but we're here last time we came just once over the winter season we had hoped to come quite a bit more and when we left we did do some bear preparation but we had just expected to come back and we weren't able to because of the winter we had so we haven't been back here in a long time and we're hoping there's no bear damage i don't think there will be i can see it right now and it doesn't look like there is and i am cold and wet so we're gonna get inside and make some coffee and start a fire grab the old man okay hopefully there's no bears up there i'm gonna grab the shotgun okay are you gonna come play you went through so much ice i have some of them yeah that was crazy out of nick glacier i think we got a lot more experience out there a little better out here you know let's go it's warm really warm you feel that warm air too me too it got like hot oh weird that was extremely nice yes everything's looking good look the right this stuff's already growing yeah i know there's so much more green here then is this a raspberry there's tons of raspberries growing so there's no snow left here we have more snow in our house i know yeah the chimney the chimney didn't fall off that's good okay yeah tree fell back there this one fell in there dude get you some water nice looks great awesome ah smells the same okay i always forget which way the flu is on this stove well we knew coming up here this trip that arrow was gonna get wet her waders that she has they have like some major leaks in them so we decided to just give her some old tennis shoes and she was gonna get wet in the creek and then we were gonna dry off when we got here i brought my waders unfortunately my new waders they have a hole in one of the legs so i got wet too we're getting a little fire going here it's not too cold outside maybe like 50 degrees but we want to dry our clothes and we got a little clothes rack so we're gonna get our stuff dry for us so right there oh cool okay just haven't seen one like this you know that's gonna burn really quick in here so that'll be good this will be perfect man this stove is so sketchy in the back right now oh my gosh so pretty cool our chimney that we put in we put in a new wood stove and we ran the chimney straight through the roof it survived the whole winter up here without removing any snow from the roof so this has a metal roof so it does shed and we put up dang it i can't remember what the piece is called but it's a little uh i think it's called snow break right before the chimney and it stayed up so it's awesome little java this is called death wish coffee and it says the world's strongest coffee not a morning person not a problem smells pretty good so we got a couple cups here and we're taking them to go we're heading back out all right bo we'll catch one for you dude i'm gonna pick something something good here we're gonna try with something with uh that makes some noise so this is like a rat and it's got a rattle in it treble hook nice rubber tail look at those rubber feet and it's got this little uh nose on the front this thing might says you can either work it on top or you can crank it in and it'll dive down i'm gonna try this one that's like the best looking lure i've ever seen yeah i'm definitely gonna use this one [Music] hey it's nice we got reverse working well the plan was come up here and we're gonna shoot up to a far lake that we like to go fishing we've seen some big pike in there and that was gonna be our fishing spot but we just talked to our neighbors and unfortunately they said that lake still has a bunch of ice on it so we're gonna go up the little creek here and go take a look see what we're working with [Music] [Music] so this well that didn't pan out we were hoping to catch a pike we were hoping to get a few pike actually to bring back home and also for tomorrow's dinner we have something else in store for tonight but i think we just got here too early in the year last time it was two just two weeks later and the pike fishing was hot like we were catching dozens left and right and we thought earlier better you know what i mean right after breakup but i guess it's just too early the water's a little too cold and we've had no action eric's been out here for like an hour casting and casting cast and usually if they're not biting they're not going to bite it's just a little too early we came out here in the fall it was the same thing just no action so that just means we're gonna have to come back again for that monster i'm gonna go backwards what are you saying around disney greats and such how about baby [Music] we're making moose sandwiches for dinner and we're gonna pick some fresh greens to go with it we've seen fiddleheads watermelon berry shoots and we saw a couple fireweed shoots we weren't expecting to find them here back where we live we still have like snow on the ground and nothing is sprouting so we're gonna take advantage of this and we're gonna get some fresh veggies for dinner there's another one there these are good fireweed shoots is a fireweed which is a real small little start and this is a watermelon berry start and these are these ones are extremely good i love these ones there's more [Music] out the outhouse again we checked it out in the winter and we've pretty much known that we got to build a new one but we're doing that this summer that's the plan at least we've got a bunch of logs at the house and uh we're going to cut them up with the sawmill we're going to haul them up here and we're gonna build a new outhouse but we're gonna disassemble this one and burn it it's two by fours one by four small it's small it's nice we should make it a little groofier now yeah i think we will i mean this one held up it did until it fell we should go that's a fiddlehead fern and this turns into a big fern plant and if you get them when they're still curled up like this you got to take this brown like flaky papery skin off of them and you cook these up and these are extremely good these are kind of hard to see right now because these are really early in the season and they're kind of underneath these leaves but early in the season these things taste the best they're really tender okay so here's a good example of the fiddlehead ferns that have gone a little too far this one has already started to unravel and kind of make its little leaves those are you could probably still eat them but they uh they get a little like woody almost and another thing with these is you don't want to eat them raw i did one time and it sucked you get a pretty bad stomach ache for like the rest of the night so these ones are a little too far actually that one's probably good but the rest of these we're just gonna leave there we're not gonna pick too many of the watermelon berries those ones aren't my favorite cooked they are really good raw you can't eat them raw and they literally taste like watermelon they have a very melony essence there's a little bug on this guy right here we're just gonna probably lightly saute all this a little bit of butter i personally like the fiddleheads a lot in the fireweed shoots they remind me of asparagus and they're really good just like a delicate green down at the lake washing our greens and there's just so many plants going out here there's like raspberry plants roses growing lots of lots of different flowers and other things thankfully what we're harvesting there's really not that many things that look alike there is something called a false hell bore and i guess it kind of could look like a watermelon berry shoot but they're much thicker and those are poisonous and then the fern that eric and i are harvesting is an ostrich fern so the only other fern out here i think is a lady fern and it looks entirely different it grows quite a bit different so there's really no confusion there we're gonna get this all cleaned up usually i purposely don't pick as many of the fiddlehead ferns because they take a really long time to clean and you want to get them really clean the watermelon berry shoots and the fireweed you can pretty much just eat those like off the ground put some water on them they're good to go but these ones let's see getting the getting the paper off of them i mean you really gotta you gotta spend some time with them but we're getting there okay let's head up that's good that's awesome those are cleaned and we're going to cook dinner we're trying to decide how we want to cook we're going to do a campfire or when we bought this little cabin there was a little tiny mini barbecue here that came with it so i think i'm going to pull that little thing out and see if it works [Music] yeah look at that it's got like little lava rocks cool we're barbecuing tonight all right turn that off get it cleaned up all right well we got ourselves a working little barbecue this is gonna be awesome barbecued mousse roast so we're gonna do olive oil on there salt and pepper about old bay because we're planning on eating fish i don't know if we're gonna catch any of this trip so i'm gonna put a little bit of this on there nice cool sear it on high heat flip it and then we're going to put it on low and keep it covered maybe like 20 minutes that's gonna be good this is like the best thing just sitting on the deck again to look at the lake even though there's like a lot of work involved coming out here to our little vacation cabin but it's always really fun it's really beautiful gonna let this meat rest for a little bit we're gonna cook up our greens we've got some butter put that on high this little barbecue is awesome oh my gosh look at all those very good [Music] it looks good like that you wanna do one in time that looks good no sure okay how like that let's do it i don't know about that maybe i should have separated this all the way here i'll flip it in a second would that like be bad cut a piece off let's try it would that be bad if someone did that no i'm hungry oh my gosh oh thank you this one wow this looks in there yeah it's really good okay we got this other one ready well it's called ferns however you're taking it a lot of everything yeah [Music] [Music] oh this looks so good let's make these sandwiches and eat here's yours baby are the greens ready yet no yeah we're ready [Music] that looks really good thank you i really like the extra mismate that's for tacos no these greens are so good just like asparagus it's small it's a forest um it almost tastes like lemony to me like there's a lemon like a charred broccoli cooked broccoli you could eat that mosquito he's so big this is so good those caramelized onions are awesome on it and we put a bunch of kefir cheese on there and we are just going to enjoy the night do what we always do maybe play some games or something like that and try to save that meat for breakfast tomorrow so that's going to be hard to do do you want me to scrub up there what are you doing i know when you said south though i was like for sure that's the south but then i was like i knew him dishes are done one of the perks of coming out to the cabin in the summertime is it's 10 o'clock p.m right now and it's still light out so awesome coming out here in the summer and did some dishes we're done for the night we'll see in the morning little baby 12 year old baby sorry he's just so funny he thinks you have something for him time to get cozy for the night huh look look he's cozy he is cozy wept wept dang that's pretty good though you got four or five it's a w yeah last time we came here was january 11th zeet is that a word z-e-e-t i just think you really like to like make words out is it or not is it i don't think so it's like a cleaning product or something probably now it's not a real word i don't think it's about zeep remember we need a dictionary so did i do one extra you did one extra but i counted them like three times i was like what's going on here it looks like there were seven i don't care gonna be uh big ones it's okay we've got two cups of coffee or just one oh just one but i'm probably gonna make noise look how beautiful those are [Music] oh my gosh this one's your turn cheers baby what do you think about this coffee i think that i haven't drinking any and i think that i'm like extremely angry can you tell me my eyes i'm really hungry it's really good coffee but i don't know about world's strongest maybe i didn't burrow strong enough but that's pretty dang strong you think it is pretty strong it felt hard but it didn't bother me because i was in so much pain i was just like i'm gonna sit here and just sweat i left the door open for like a good hour i know i was like wait the door's open like open open that's an old one right there see the old see that's old it got stained over and then this is a new like this well we are up and out for the day admiring the bear damage on the cabin it's all old damage and eric and i had a plan to go fishing all day today but that has changed because the fish are not active enough yet so instead we're just going to do a lot of work we need to do a lot of things i don't think we'll get to all of them there's always wood that can be chopped there's a lot of dead trees we can cut some of those down if we have time we want to get the outhouse taken down and probably something that's we do need to address is we want to have another trail the trail coming up that we made originally when we came here is very steep and it is extremely to get up in the winter it's hard to get up and it's also hard to get all our gear up so we are going to pick a more gentle slope down to the lake there's plenty of room well i'm just saying yeah no sense when you're transporting it around where uh where it looks a good spot to burn oh gosh that floor in that corner right there yeah it's wrong yeah kick it and see it's probably completely wrong right the floor well you could reuse some parts if you really wanted i just i just think that small piece rather than buying a whole new section of plywood unless we end up buying more plywood then if that's fine because that's the base if that's the case [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sweet [Music] well the old outhouse is down we're gonna think we're gonna burn that a little later this evening and we've picked a new site for the outhouse that one was kind of like down in a goalie so we're gonna put the new one up on top of that hill kind of in the sun you get a new nice view of the lake and the ground is completely frozen solid right now so we can't dig the hole for that yet but the next project is one i'm actually kind of looking forward to it's going to come in pretty useful and that is making a new path from the lake up to our cabin it's extremely difficult to get things up here so we're going to see if we can find a nice mellow path down there so look you got it through there well let me think so you got that slope right there the only thing is that's going to fill up quite a bit with snow so we'll have to pack it down i guess that would be helpful in the winter too when everything's covered with snow right or even dangle it off a branch or something so we can see it you know excuse me there we go [Applause] wow [Applause] i think we should probably try to avoid you see that beautiful little green spruce growing straight ahead yeah and that burst to left yeah but look there's another spruce to the right isn't there you that might kind of go any kind of curving me put that little one down right there come through here curve a little [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so it's going to kind of come through here go through those nice healthy ones cut that dead one down yeah i don't know how we're going to cut it yeah i see you got that nasty yeah we're gonna try to cut that birch first we're making progress the lake's right there we're probably like 50 feet from it hasn't been too bad we're mostly cutting brush we are cutting down some dead trees we had to take down one small live birch tree but we're actually tricky spot here we have a big birch tree that fell into a dead spruce tree and that's in our path so i think i'm gonna try to work on that birch tree see if we can get it off that spruce tree and then we'll take that spruce tree down and we're pretty much there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you got it dang it that's a that tree was still alive it was just like falling over yeah i see that he has buds on it yes live that's good firewood hope we can get it out of this tree [Applause] [Music] dang it it's just sitting there now nice [Applause] it's sitting still [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah 40 pounds [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm what is that little piece got caught in the exhaust oh my gosh it lit on fire that's what i'm saying yeah are you putting it out with your spit yeah smokey the bear would do [Applause] [Music] did i get take a little break on the deck we've got some iced tea and lemonade on ice delicious and it's extremely warm today it's i don't have a thermometer outside but i think it's probably close to 60 degrees things are going good down there came back we're gonna mix up a little more gas for the chainsaw but we're on the home stretch and our new path is looking amazing it's gonna be awesome having it when it's done i gotta mix them too oh that's good all right i'm gonna put the rest of this in the boat finally that's it on our extra gas we've got one more full tank and a half a tank and that's more than enough to get back especially because on the way back we're a lot lighter and most of the way we are going with the current but we got the chainsaw filled up i gotta go put a little bit of oil in there because it's a two-stroke and we're almost done with our little trail you know what they call this what a scrunch a screw wrench a screwdriver and a wrench at least that's what i've heard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow okay looking good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think that's it well for the most part we got the main path cleared all the way down this is freaking awesome you could like drive a truck through this thing and we're hanging up the surveyors tape as we go up because in the winter this place just completely changes and it's really hard to see your path so we're marking the trail up all the way down to lake this is turning out awesome put one right here too so down at the lake taking another break this is kind of a cool grassy bank i'm gonna say and i don't know if it was cleared prior or if this is just like the natural landscape but it's it's a good area a nice smooth trail there is a beaver lodge down here so we're going to be mindful of that come winter time when we're coming up this direction but it's gonna be awesome the plans to come up here in the winter pack it down and grab all of the wood that we are going to be cutting up or have cut up today really warm out here today i hate to be a complainer but it's like almost too hot for working it's obviously too cold to swim in my opinion and i flew our drone up and i saw that the ice is moving quite a bit from these upper lakes so we are going to venture up a little bit higher and just you know maybe try fishing or something like that maybe we'll catch something for dinner maybe not though all they're good my cap fell off the castle [Applause] [Applause] this is awesome we're trying to make it up to that lake and the ice is breaking up and it got jammed in this little creek and it's flooding it and we're waiting for this huge iceberg to flush out it's almost there [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh no you're really scared of her yeah they're just not biting right now like they refuse to bite we've tried everything spoons crankbaits i got the jawbreaker on now they're just not biting so it's all good we'll come out here in a couple weeks hopefully yeah maybe longer and we'll get them then we got to get out of here that iceberg is going to block us in ariel yeah there's a bunch of stuff on that there's like a all right let's get out of this place [Music] so this is crazy oh [Music] [Music] something yeah think it does honestly because it kind of looks like it is see it's so dark is that just from being maybe being super rotten we're out here burning the pooper got this log that i was kind of getting rid of the chainsaw is out of commission my little uh cap that we put the bar oil in apparently i didn't screw it in all the way or it was loose and it is now lost in the forest somewhere so i'm messing around with the machete and i found this little piece of chaga on this birch tree and usually you don't find this on dead trees but my guess is this tree was alive and then it fell and had this little piece of chaga on there and you can make tea out of this no no look at look at this yeah it's wrong it's rotten okay that one's no good look at that juicing oh well let it break down you're gonna freaking do it all right here you go first no you go first if you do and what if they win one i knew it wouldn't but i didn't know it was gonna break apart this game's over things made out of wood yeah it's made out of wood it's really weird okay well burn it then oh yeah oh look at the ducks oh huh those who again are coming up soon i bet a big old lady on you mosquitoes she's checking you out she's trying to get you it'll be okay it usually stops it's lighting the leaves on fire yeah he's still out there he's in the same spot it sounds m brown bread brown bread original we're gonna make it a dessert a little cream cheese and jelly bread in the can look at this old thing i found i'm tempted to toast mine but i may do that inside rather than over our fire oh it had a seal when we came that bread a few years back it was actually a lot better toasted like reheated yeah rather than just out of the can that was just my opinion but this is professionally made so commercially made whole wheat flour whole kinds of dishes oh is that what it is there's directions on here for baking it or toasting it or what to do it says cream cheese peanut butter jam or cheese let's see if it that smells like molasses oh they also said if you can't get it out this way you gotta take that bottom let's go into that one it's good it tastes a lot like it's like i don't know why i want to say like cinnamon raisin bread um it just tastes a lot like the mat the molasses i think it'd be really good toasted honestly i think it's gonna be good with the cream cheese any good there's the cream cheese did you scribe the bread just by itself no but i can totally taste bread does it taste like a gingerbread man like a soft gingerbread man cookie yeah like an unsweet gingerbread cookie that's really good it doesn't taste like regular bread at all tastes like a like a spicy like a spiced cake i didn't care for the bread just itself that much but i like it with this combination no like just trying to be delicious just try the bread itself it's really good with what we just did or you did that was that's my opinion this is good like this yeah do you remember when when we first came here for one night oh my gosh what would you say there was so much cleaning up to do that was an exhausting trip mate though right but remember too not only was it really cold the wood stuff really didn't work that well well you know i mean it wasn't set up okay we're just gonna take it easy for the rest of the night watch this fire and tomorrow we have to take off hopefully we can come back and return for more work and fish [Music] huh [Music] uh there you go come on papa let's go oh come on okay another cabin trip in the books this was a fun one wasn't sure if we were going to make it here but i'm glad we did but we still got to make it home and we got 60 miles on the river probably about a three hour ride getting the dogs with their sweaters and their life vest because as soon as you hit that river it gets chilly oh my gosh what it flew two inches from my face the black benches one of the black ones i think there are ballsy like right in between here between both of us you didn't see it because you're looking down you ready you want me to tie it okay everything's i think we're good we're solid we're good [Music] you're going to go backwards or something oh no there we go okay [Music] so [Music] so [Music] animals [Music] so [Music] okay one really down yeah i'm gonna try to slowly slowly go down and not on plane i think because that's too fast and then we'll see what happens if i have to kill it i'll jump out if i need to jump out you'll just jump out okay what's up hold on all right yeah but if it spins us backwards i think
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 893,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, alaska vlog, cabin life, debt free living, tiny house alaska, fishing in alaska, cabin living, off grid living alaska, off grid cabin, summer alaska, homestead alaska, jet boat alaska, g3 jet boat, river boat, homesteading alaska, wilderness cabin, remote alaska, simple living alaska, off grid in alaska, boating alaska, remote cabin alaska, outhouse alaska, lakeside cabin, alaskan cabin, alaska cabin in the woods, log cabin alaska
Id: --Tvlqy_CIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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