Coyote Hunting Equipment

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I think all my guys is Blake Meyers here with southern extreme TV I'm going to talk to y'all today about a couple coyote setups a couple of y'all want to know maybe you see people coyote hunting on TV you hear all these forum posts on the internet about it you don't really know where to start and kind of show you some tips and kind of show you where I started from where my partner Nick behind the camera where he started from and really show you all how we built up to where we are now to a part-time coyote of God's here in the state of North Carolina so for a lot of y'all that are don't really know where to start I really hope y'all enjoy this video and take a little bit away with you and for some of those for some of y'all that are you know really into it we don't know if you're quite into it yet hopefully this will take you over the edge and I'll give you a couple tips that may make your hutch a little better so I will get started off whenever you first want to get into it um really it's going to be the first thing you want to do is get in and try to find them some property to hunt the best the best part of coyote hunting is being able to hunt different product pieces of land that you might not get to hunt otherwise I can't tell you how many landowners that I have that I'm allowed to hunt their property for coyotes only and I'm not allowed to set foot on their property to hunt deer turkey anything of that nature it's just straight predator hunting um and really it's not the fact that I knew these people before I went up and asked them I just did a little research on who owned the tract of land and where they lived at and kind of kind of went by that and honestly it was basically just going door to door knocking um and really I've never had one person that I was rude to me even if they said no I'm not going to sit here and tell you that every person that I've asked has told me yes you know you're welcome to come on I've been turned down several times but you know they they're always very interested in how how you do it and and what you're doing it for and even if they said no I've never had somebody's been rude so really the easiest way is just to go door to door and knock on your door you know tell them have you been seeing some coyotes crossing the road in front of their place and you know kind of explain to them what you want to do and enjoy at the time these people are going to be very open to letting you come onto their property and help them out with these coyotes and really before you go you want to kind of have a game plan have a sheet of paper and memory to you kind of what I have top down on this piece of paper it basically states a blank which is where the landowner would sign their name give Blake Myers or where you insert your name permission to coyote hunt on my property and then I have the date and then I have a blank for them to put the data up beside it on the day that they've signed it ended up under that I put several other blanks where they can just put the date for the next consecutive years and basically I just run this through and I put four or five of these lines on one sheet of paper and I keep these with me only at all times in my book bag that I carry with me while I'm predator hunting at night so if a game warden or a cop or anybody like that stops you while you're on their property you just pull out this little sheet of paper and it'll show right there that you've got their landowner permission your name stated on there and then you've got the date they've signed it and everything is 100% legal and you should be good to go from there and really once you get a couple pieces of property established that you can go and hunt um really the only thing that's left is to actually get your equipment together to go and get out there in the woods and start calling so that's what we're gonna talk about next is um kind of where I started as far as Colin wise I don't have any mouth calls or hand calls with me at this time I did start off with a with several mouths all's that I went out into the woods and I blew and blew and blew and really if you don't know anything about it it's very hard to master a mouth call especially if you don't have these custom mouth calls that are that are really tuned for you know high-end coyote hunters so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show y'all the very first call that I started off with and kind of talk to it introduce you to you um it's made by Fox Pro it's an e-collar electronic collar with a remote control 100% reprogrammable being able to put different sounds on it and stuff I can't speak enough about FoxPro customers customer support everything they've done for me in the woods advice on different products to buy and really they're there 100% I would recommend anybody to go check them out give them a call they're wonderful people they'll talk to you about anything you need to know answer any questions and really just a great group to work with so this right here is the first setup that I really had it's made by Fox Pro is called a wildfire this is basically a very consumer and product this call right here is going to run you around 120 to 130 dollars which in in the e-collar business of electronic calls um is not expensive at all and especially for the quality of this call I hunted with this exact call for probably two to three years and it's not the loudest call in the market but any y'all out there that no hunting on the eastern part of the state where you're not hunting wide open areas volumes not always the key you know staying real quiet and kind of just whispering to them a little bit is really the way to go this call really is a great call as far as the features that it offers it thought that offers the Fox bang feature which comes from the tx9 remote which operates the Fox Pro wildfire and basically what Fox Payne does is you select a sound on this remote and once you call in a coyote or fox or a bobcat or what you're wanting to shoot and you shoot the gun at the suppression from the muzzle and the muzzle blast will automatically switch to a preset sound on your remote for you to play and it's hands-free as soon as you shoot it will switch over to say a coyote pup distress or a gray fox distress or a red thought pup distress something of that nature you automatically switch over and start playing for you so you got a chance of kind of doubling on yourself and calling a second coyote or second folks back in that might be with that first one that you shot this call this call was a really consumer and product now just because it's a consumer in and it's one of the cheaper models that FoxPro makes does not mean that this is a call that is not going to call it coyotes or is not uncommon thoughts or anything like that I have taken many animals with this call right here and I cannot say enough about it it is the reason that I still have it just because I love it so much I mean I've upgraded recently and I love the call that I have now we'll talk about it here in just a second but this is a call that you really need to check out and especially good for somebody who just want to get into it and start kind of seeing what what they're wanting to do so now that I've got that out of the way I'm going to show you all to go with the Fox pro a wildfire if you're just going to start off you've never really got into coyote hunting you want to dabble in a little bit next thing to do is find the weapon that you're going to want to use um as far as weapons here in North Carolina I absolutely adore using a 12-gauge shotgun coupled with double-aught buckshot with a standard full choke in it cannot say enough about it that's my go-to weapon I carry it with me 95% of the time that I go hunting here in North Carolina and basically it can be as simple as I mean your your standard bird gun that you take crow hunting dove hunting anything like that it's long as it will run two and three-quarter or three inch shells and you got some bulk shot young then you're ready to go coyote hunting especially during the daytime nighttime hunting's a little different we'll talk about it in just a second now let me show you all this is the gun that this is the gun that I had set up with when I first got into to predator hunting is a Remington Model 1187 semi-automatic this is just a very smooth gun very smooth action on it can't say enough about it taking many animals with it and it's it's it's been very it's just been very productive for me and I love carrying in the woods I know it's always going to perform well and it's just really a great thing to get started going with whenever you're wanting to get into predator hunting just a standard shotgun with three-inch folks on or anything of that nature is really the way to go now you start getting into you know nighttime hunting and other things like that it's a whole nother ballpark um as far as equipment that you need different kind of setups that you need and so on and so forth now if you're somebody who's looking into getting into night hunting first off make sure check your local state regulations make sure that it's 100% legal to to harvest coyotes at night or fox that matter at night with the electronic call by the use of artificial light um anybody who buys a hunting license should get a little booklet in that state telling you the rules and regulations and if you have any questions about that you can give anybody a call from that state in the Wildlife Department they'll be glad to help you and kind of talk you through and show you what you're allowed to do and what you're not allowed to do so really once I got this shotgun I decided I was gonna get into some night hunting um the next thing that I needed to focus on was what kind of light was I gonna buy you hear a bunch of these people talking about they need these real high-end likes to hunt with and that is not true at all really the probably the most simple thing that I can tell somebody to start off night hunting with is going on eBay there's a type in a scope mount of a flashlight scope mail I will do is it will bring up what looks like a little scope ring and I'll have a little Picatinny rail on the side of it and basically what you can do is put that on your shotgun I'll show you all here in just a second I have my nighttime rig set up and what you want to do is find you just a decent flashlight something like this this is a um this is made by GSX I think I purchased this life from Gander Mountain is a wonderful light it has it has five different modes on it as far as intensity wise when I have sorry when I have it set on my shotgun and I use the second brightest intensity no need in going out and burning all 550 lumens of this light which is at the highest power and as you can see I've taken this flashlight and all it is is it's got a standard one-inch body on it which is all your and all your tactical flashlights comes standard with the one inch body and I'm taking just a simple Picatinny scope scope ring right here something that you want to put your put your scope in to mount onto your rifle and all it is just put it on there and that's basically all you need once you couple once you couple it with the Picatinny rail excuse me I'm sorry my mousetrap um and once you get this setup going um it's really simple to install under your gun so I'm going to show you exactly how that I have this mounted onto my gun as you can see here this is a extension tube that I have now on the semi-automatics you are going to have to have an extension - for this system to work however if you're hunting with a regular Remington a pump shotgun or something of that nature majority your pumps you'll have a little bit of section right through here where your action doesn't meet and that's the place where you want to install this little Picatinny rail that I have mounted here I have several friends who have that exact same setup with their pump shotguns once you have this X talk installed putting your flashlight on there is just I mean it's just this simple is just laying it on there and then tightening the boat up and then basically you're ready to go night hunting um especially with a shotgun really it's very simple when you shoulder this weapon and and you have it under your left side your officer your left hand is going to be your right here and it's going to be as simple as just clicking the light on you've got good illumination down through your barrel under your bead and then you've got a good glow out in front of your target that you're going to be hunting I am trying to harvest so it's just a really really nice setup um take this set up and and couple it with a FoxPro system and there's no way that you can go wrong it's just an absolute great rig so I move on from a shotgun and kind of talk about the rifle end that we're talking about how we use um for my rifle that we use now this is my own personal rifle we have here a is a savage axis in a 223 caliber I'm going to take the clip out and kind of show y'all check out the rough yellow that don't notice your standard 223 round reloaded these are sales nothing nothing special you know just regular hollow hollow point lead lead point doesn't really matter bold action just uh this going is a extremely accurate gun absolutely love it just going to ram me around 230 dollars for the gun itself didn't come with this coat I have a Nikon Prostaff on top of it no bullet drop compensation reticle or anything like that just a standard Nikon Prostaff scope and on the pen for the by part part of it I have a 17 inch bipod that adjust out to a 27 inch 27 inch bipod gives you more than enough room for sitting down being able to swing and prop your going up easily while you're using your own you're like trying to call this setup is really really great now the thing I love about this setup this is my personal rifle and as I showed you just a minute ago my shotgun that I had the flashlight that I put on it let me show you all right here as I showed before that flashlight just popped on and off of that Picatinny rail so if I was going to go somewhere and say I wanted to go set up on a field and I was going to go try you know call Fox for cutting through a field I could just very easily take this flashlight right off my shotgun as I just did and put it right on this male tighten the bolt up and I'm ready to go that's I mean as simple as that um like I said right here I've got this several different modes - brightness modes I'll show you how this isn't the lowest level because I think is maybe 150 lumens give or take some I'm not exact on the powers you up and look them up later and just by a simple twist of the knob it gets brighter on each twist and then the and then of course you have your standard SOS flash and then I mean your tactical flash so I mean it's just all around good flashlights and a good setup to have to get started coyote hunting um this is a very consumer consumer oriented type of weapon for predator hunting however it isn't a little pricey with some of these mounts I think I ordered this mount from a hog hunting website or something like that and all it is is basically a scope mount that's turned upside down and then you have to picatinny rails so that you can connect your flashlight on the top so really I have one flashlight that I can use on both of my firearms I used to hunt at night and it's just a great great duo that I have and I've taken many many animals with this system and I'll probably never change my system as far as using this light and on my rifle and on my shotgun so now that I've kind of showed y'all but that weapon I'm going to move on to my the second cause I don't want to introduce um this is the this is the Fox pro Hill fire this is the the system that I personally use now that is a it's a it's an upgrade from the Fox Pro wildfire as you can tell it's got a little bit bigger bullhorn on it it's going to give you that real loud and clear distance that you're looking for for whenever you want to do coyote vocalizations that January through March period when those coyotes are in dead of the rut I absolutely love using vocalizations I've had more success using vocalizations than I have distress sounds it sounds more natural to coyotes then that time of year there being more vocal than ever and it's really just a great a great call to really hit those high pitch and natural sounding levels again this remote this I'm sorry excuse me this call the Hellfire is also coupled with the Model T x9 remote from Fox pro this call comes with comes with maybe hundred sounds standard from Fox Pro and it's capable of holding up to 200 sounds and of course all those 200 sounds you're not going to use at one time but is a it's a really good really good product I'm tickled to death to have it and be partnered up with Fox pro using their equipment is just absolutely awesome that we're getting to use this stuff now on the inside I'm going to show you all we are running another Fox pro set up this is the Fox Pro double a rechargeable batteries on this you have to buy separate from the Fox from the call itself but I'm telling you right now these batteries will absolutely save you a fortune just by going ahead and spending that extra fifty dollars and getting them as opposed to this wildfire this wildfire I use standard double-a batteries and I do not have to change these four double A batteries in this wildfire but one time per first season um I take it out go all night from 8 o'clock to 8 o'clock I hunt and a call call call I can use for double-a batteries inside this call all season long now over the hill fire however when I first got it you know I thought I might give I knew that the sound quality and everything was gonna be good but I knew that my battery life was not going to be what it was with the Wildfire and I burned through probably 50 double-a batteries within three weeks of each other and I knew this time that I need to get these rechargeable batteries and this will absolutely save you a lot of time and hassle and money so it's really the way to go if you're really getting it starting to get into this coyote hunting stuff so I just wanted to show you all that and just tell you that it's an absolutely great product it just slides into a little sleeve right here on the side of the call you up and look up the specs on it later at the end this also comes with the Fox pain feature where when you discharge your firearm at a coyote or some type of predator it will automatically switch to a preset to a preset sound of your choice and will start playing it automatically for you this feature is absolutely awesome case pick enough of it so now that I've kind of showed y'all this I want to move on to kind of now that we have got into the part time guiding industry and we've taken you know a couple people out and you know put them on some coyotes and stuff like that I want to show you a really high-end call that Fox Pro offers it's an absolutely wonderful call um by far the best the best eCall I've ever worked with you seen somebody using all of my predator hunting career it's just something that y'all really need to check out and it's not a consumer type product for somebody who's really starting to get off in the coyote hunting listen for somebody who's even coyote hunting a couple years or somebody who wants to go ahead and purchase this call and then grow into it as they go so I'm going to introduce this call to y'all now this call is the Fox pro shock wave that is coupled with a TX 1000 remote um this remote really has it all and this call has it all these this system is absolutely unbelievable y'all can go on and do a couple other check up on you know exactly how to work it and all that stuff later on but really this call it's got the two speakers on each end and both speakers are our 100% capable of swiveling out so you can really blast that calling zone um you know if you really want to focus that sound out in front of you you can really turn these two speakers and just absolutely found one zone and you can really get that sound to carry a long long ways this call is what are the most clear and crisp II call ourselves that I've ever heard and like I said I cannot speak enough about foxpro and the quality of materials that they make um now this call has so many different types of features that is unbelievable it comes with the Fox main feature it comes with I don't even know how many sounds right off the top of my head but I know that it is unbelievable all the sounds and the different types of sounds that you can make with this call it has it records your moon phase it it keeps track of your movements your the different kind of call sequences that you like to use whether you were successful in the past on a certain night and it just it just keeps track of all that stuff with all with fox data it also has this thing called Fox fusion where you can pick any two sounds that you have on your TX 1000 remote and you can just more them together so it has two sounds so say I wanted to go with a red fox pup distress and I wanted a couple of that with a red fox of rally bark which is a combination that I absolutely love to use I can I can click on Fox fusion a couple those two sounds together it will fade out the red fox rally bark rally you'll fade it out and really ramp up the volume of that cut of that red fox pup distress and then it will kind of switch it and make that red fox rally bark be really loud and kind of fade out that red red fox plug distress in addition it gives a whole nother level of what that predator is hearing when he's out there in the field um and gives him the sound of something moving around and it just is a really great call another feature that is offered with this is called um like Fox fade it makes it sound any sound that you won't sound like you like think that prey is moving back and forth and actually gaining or losing ground from that predator as it's making distance to you this is an absolutely great product this is brand new we've used it several times but we just really have got into this call and really started to get into how to work it a couple of times I can't wait we haven't got to use it on a guided trip yet however I cannot wait to take people out and kind of show them this new equipment that we've got and really just introduce into the world of predator hunting so now that we have this I want to show you one more item and this is kind of a does along the lines with somebody who has been into predator hunting for a little while especially the night the night hunting end of it um personally my favorite time is I love to go hunting at night here in the state of North Carolina we are allowed to hunt coyotes 365 days a year on private property at night with the use of an electronic collar and the use of artificial light which in my opinion I think is a really great thing because um I really don't want these coyotes over populating and wiping out our deer numbers and especially our turkey numbers so this is a another not a consumer end product but something for somebody who's been into it for a little while it's something that I would definitely recommend looking into and basically what this is is our AR model X 15 um it's been completely built ready to go rig four coyote hunting this is a rig with a sight mark scope and has a night vision extension on the end of it now this is a brand new product for the southern extreme TV group we've only been able to use it one time we went out a couple nights ago and actually use this product and we were looking across a field maybe 300 yards long and was picking out individual trees at the end of it and the fact that you can use this and not have to turn on a light at night to stand for eyes or you know turn on a flashlight and kind of look for eyes it just it just puts a whole nother twist on the on the game that you can use um for coyote hunting it's just this being able to use this kind of technology nowadays is just absolutely remarkable I cannot wait to take people out got on guided trips using this because not too many people have this type of technology that they can go out and hunt with every day I know this is the first night vision scope that I've ever been introduced to and everybody had the opportunity of using and hopefully any of y'all who are going to go out hunting with us this is going to be something that's going to draw y'all in and want to go and also people who are looking into purchasing you know something on the night vision end that y'all been into predator hunt for a little while and I don't really know if it's something that that y'all are going to like if it's going to be something that you're going to use its a lot of money to spend you're kind of kind of timid into buying it I'm telling you right now this is 100% worth the money of being able to pick out pick out an animal from 300 yards away using this system and actually identify and tell what the target is and having that animal have no idea that you're there while you're calling to them is just absolutely remarkable I cannot speak enough about being able to use this and how how thrilled I am to use it and I just look forward to actually getting to incorporate this into our arsenal of equipment that we have so guys really that's all that we have for you today um if there's any questions or anything feel free to comment on here I know there's a lot of information that we covered like I said if there's any questions comment ask us questions we'll try to get back with y'all that y'all answer any questions that y'all may have especially if there's anything that I didn't cover in today's today's show thank y'all for watching and I really appreciate it stay tuned with some extreme TV and like I said y'all got any questions feel free to ask us I'm glad glad to answer them and take y'all for watching y'all stay tuned
Channel: Southern Extreme T.V.
Views: 171,246
Rating: 4.7854252 out of 5
Keywords: Coyote (Organism Classification), Hunting (Magazine Genre), Coyote Hunting, Southern Extreme T.V., Hunting Equipment, Coyote Hunting Equipment, Hunting (Interest), Coyote (Animal), How To, Guided Coyote Hunts, Blake Myers, Rocks Edge Gear, Ole Blu Cover Scent, night vision, coyote hunting, thermal imaging, night hunting, predator, coyote, how to hunt coyotes
Id: -QsvK_GmpZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 09 2014
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