A Linebacker Bobcat and Coyote-Filled Canyons | The Last Stand S3:E3 | Western Nebraska

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i'm jeff nimnik and i'm rick palette and we're the hosts of the last stand coyote hunting is my passion and coyote calls are my livelihood and together we aim to bring you the best predator hunting tips tricks and tactics right down to the last stand the last stand presented by lucky duck predator calls we are the masters of deception swagger bipods shoot with confidence shoot with swagger on x hunt know where you stand hornady accurate deadly dependable feels good to be back out doesn't it feels good last time i had to get up early was to go fishing that was not as much fun i can tell you that [Laughter] so we're out here in nebraska it's middle of october october coyote hunting is is one of those things sometimes it's really really good sometimes it's a little slow um it really just depends if you've had some weather yet a lot of times in october in certain areas they're just taking out the corn and the different agriculture aspects of the of the landscape so if all that's still in that still gives plenty of places for these coyotes to hide um if they're taking it out obviously it's scattering the coyotes a little bit more you have all these young pup coyotes that are scattering around so the coyote densities are as high as you're going to find any time of the year in october on this hunt i'm bringing a carver he's my middle son he's been hunting coyotes with me now for for eight or nine years um he gets a little amped up you know he's a little different than the other boys these coyotes come in you know it hits him he talks about getting buck fever a lot of times he'll just say hey dad you just go ahead and shoot and i can tell he's shaking and stuff but he's starting to realize the fact that you know if he's not ready he shouldn't be taking the shot so it should be an exciting day so also today we're going to hunt with my cousin brandon brandon and i have been chasing coyotes around for i don't know 20 years now um and he's got a family ranch out there that he now runs and uh just over the last few weeks he's been telling me he'd been seeing you know quite a few coyotes out just driving around checking cows so um we figured part of the plan for today we're gonna hit his his part of the ranch uh first thing in the morning i think carver and i should have a little competition today but if you miss a coyote what is it 35 push-ups yeah 35 push-ups yeah okay 35 push-ups miss coyote what do you think is that including me i think so i'd like to see you knock out 35 push-ups so this first stand of the morning we pick brandon up we don't drive probably three quarters of a mile from his house and just to the west uh there's a big drainage system that runs up through there and obviously those are travel corridors for coyotes just a great place to catch coyotes moving back and forth going from you know where they were hunting to where they're hoping to maybe bed up for the day and and brandon knew a good little spot where we'd get the vehicles hidden uh we walked in about 300 yards a big rock knob that we could all hide on and we really had a perfect setup we had the wind kind of blowing right in our face we had a big drainage coming down from the left and a big drainage coming into us from the right all right here we go feels great to be back on stand it's mid-october western nebraska basically we're looking at just this huge draw that just winds all the way back up through here just pasture country on both sides we got the wind right in our face just an awesome hide right here we got all these big rocks to break up our silhouette hopefully lots of young dumb coyotes out there i'm just going to start off with some high-pitched rabbit sounds and get her going here coming in the bottom right here in front of rick i'll stop him for you yeah take it on there we go he was on my side fix your sticks carver sorry carver i was basically pointing the gun was already pointing where he stopped i didn't i just looked in the scope and he was already in so i i just went ahead and shot it and i knew carver was going to be teed off at me but he got over it as the day went on you bet man good shot ricky am in trouble carver nope first stand of the filming season oh yeah i know i this is my first outing so i gotta get now i'm i'll settle in now that's pretty cool you were you were on that sucker boy he wouldn't stop for about a millisecond wow when you come hunt with jeff you got to get you got to be like that i realized carver's alone we're trying to get him on some kills but i had to whack i feel better now all settle down and i won't shoot till they get to the call from now on i thought for sure once with this one come from there i thought oh we're gonna get another one right here carver was probably shaking so bad he's glad you shot it you didn't want to shoot did you you didn't want to do no push-ups the second stand we it looked really good and max and i were kind of went around to the downwind side of it jeff and carver and jeff's cousin they stayed kind of watching the main part i'm starting off with some lucky pecker we got this big bottom out in front of us a lot of hardwoods a lot of brush across this bottom about 400 yards is just a bunch of cuts so wind's blowing now maybe 15. really just hoping that sounds gonna carry up into those draws or further down this draw here to catch the attention of something rick's around the corner to the right wind's blowing from left to right across up here just just some okay where dear wrecks around the corner here covering the downwind coming across here he's coming right to the call he's gonna be out front wind carver see him coming right defense get moved right now get moved get moved there you go right there it's right on the fence right now just sit tight everybody okay carver you just take your time when it gets up here okay that was rick's coyote how's that in front of rick did you get him oh he's right down here in the bottom that second car coming in been about five minutes in we had actually coyotes coming in from 180 degrees from each other we had a coyote coming in on the downward half just making a sweet time but then we had this second coyote coming in from straight up wind they both were coming in at the same exact time luckily brandon saw this one after rick shot the first one that was picture perfect slow 50 yards power this 22 creedmoor with the 73 grain eld hornady is the hammer of thor that's about all she wrote it's exciting i don't think we got much footage if any on the second coyote it was just uh man it was just we were all kind of focused over here and that's you know that's a good tip a lot of times you know don't get solely focused especially early on in a stand maybe on the three minute mark like that was when you're calling a big open spot like this you know you get tunnel vision on one coyote here you know before you know it like this one came in but carver again the second time you're just about ready to pull the trigger you know exactly what rick's going to tell you what's he going to tell you you got to be a little quicker on the trigger hey but you're doing what i told you you're being patient not rushing shots that's good he was pretty coming down through that pasture shoot him on each side and meet in the middle huh that's right [Laughter] i never know when we spread out like that to let it go i didn't know how far around this corner you guys might have been but when he pegged you know when he looked up and pegged you i thought yeah it's worth pretty much i i wasn't gonna think twice and so you guys could see this one playing his day yeah i didn't where'd you i didn't see him until he was right in the corner there well i thought maybe you didn't see him because he was coming good the lucky pecker and you switched i'm switching and as soon as i switched i look up and saw him stand in the when he was standing there it's funny how when you hunt with people and now you know right then i said jeff don't see him he would have never switched with a coyote coming you know when we're filming this show we always try to set up to where we can get the best footage possible and anytime you can watch coyotes come from four or five hundred yards to the call it's pretty cool to watch and on this particular stand that was the goal we had a big flat bottom a bunch of rolling cuts and hills off to the the far side and our goal was we'd see a coyote come rolling off that and we get footage coming all the way in i mean you could see for four or 500 yards and i'd rolled through a series of sounds i was into some pup distress schoolyard brawl towards you know maybe a six eight minute mark and just out of nowhere i look down and there's a coyote running right at the call less than a hundred yards stop take your time carver take your time carver take your time whoa whoa let him stop woof woof woof woof and when it kind of bolts off you have to make a quick decision you have to decide did it just win did it see us or did it windows and a lot of times if they just see you they're probably going to run out there at some point and stop if they wind you they're probably not going to stop and i knew this coyote didn't win this i knew it just saw us and he was running broadside and i've shot enough coyotes you know at 100 yards running that i felt pretty comfortable shooting that coyote running dang you must not ever been on him yeah hell yeah i was i'd be in there as long as he like fight he stood there carving was trying to get steady and trying to get moved it was kind of hard for carver to get kind of turned to the right on that side hill there and uh the longer he sat there i was just expecting just i was on him the whole time i just i don't i'd be in the dog house [Laughter] did anybody see him before i said anything no i was trying to kind of scan up in there you know and watch that bluff and stuff and i heard that and i looked over here and i was like how did he get here so fast one of the all-time greats top top four rick comes up with awesome sounds every year but i don't know that schoolyard brawl baby that's about eight years old eight years old and it's it's getting close to parvo status isn't it probably i would say so we get back on this big bottom this big old river bottom drainage whatever you want to call it um we're about a you know two miles further up than when we we killed that previous coyote and now it's you know the wind's blowing a little bit more i'm cranking the revolt up trying to cast that sound clear across the valley and about three minutes in i catch this coyote cutting across this dirt field and he's kind of going for wind so i had the call purposely way out in front um a so that the coyotes wouldn't be looking at us sitting up on the hillside and if a coyote comes in from from the side it purposely kind of holds them along that edge and they can come into the call and not get up behind us try to turn him back here he comes right down the rocks here see him sean right straight on the side hill there we go kind of circled downwind a little bit a lot of times that pup distress will kind of turn it back on they've heard that rabbit before a little bit and that's exactly what happened he just got up on the side hill it's only been about five minutes keep calling that coyote came from clear off that far far hill well dang of carver they just keep they keep coming in about every which side but step right down the middle to us man you know and right there when he stopped in those rocks i hesitated a little bit i thought he might come but he was really you could just tell us he was nervous he was looking around it was time to shoot him all i had was a head neck shot through over the rock but that's all i needed so when you're calling this this hilly canyon country um i have called in bobcats in the past not very many we don't have our bobcat densities are not very high you know here in western nebraska but we do have some mid-afternoon here on the first day with carver trying to get him on one and seems like they show up where he ain't set up to shoot sitting here on this bluff just playing lucky pecker the wind's kind of probably blowing 20 plus mile an hour gust we're staying after it though we ain't giving up 12 o'clock in between the trees bobcat here just let him come we can't kill him carver it's not bobcat season but we're gonna we're gonna see if we can get him close to it here he comes unfortunately it's not bobcat season but this is going to be pretty awesome it'll come clear of the call this is gonna be pretty awesome here i just switched over to baby cottontail demise he liked it he took off running i've lost him behind this tree i'm betting we can almost get him right up to the call here you see him carver there's kyle rayer coming to cope coming here coming in here let him stop there's something shoot that guy when he stops take time carver did i hit it no you shot high over oh my god the bobcat we had a coyote and a bobcat was stalking this coyote came running in the bobcat charged the call when he got like 20 yards for him it knocked it down the coyote ran out there garber you shot right over the top of that coyote oh man get the coyote yeah i got the coyote that bobcat charged that thing dude and just tackled it i think he i think he thought that coyote was gonna beat him to it was gonna beat him to it that's the kind of stuff that i like cat doing the stock all the way in here in that yellow grass coyote comes burning in here i was watching in my scope and i seen that cat go like that at that coyote i think and i think he was like i'm getting that caught that was crazy that was wild that was unbelievable good that was awesome i mean we're we're 40 50 yards from the call and that that bobcat hit that call hard enough you could hear him smack it [Laughter] hey now that rattled me a little bit that was awesome do you see him get real low in this yellow grass hey all i know that was pretty cool but guess what we get to watch when we get back to the truck we get to watch 35 35. he airmailed it first he airmailed it on the first one and i killed him running come on brother hey what you just saw here trust me you might not never see again so don't worry about missing that coyote look at this cat cat knock my ding knocked the antenna off this sucker he hit it with it he hit it he hit it going full speed he hit it harder than the coons hit it all right hey you just seen something you'll never forget when i guarantee you and your dad are long gone you'll be telling that story about why we are out here in this coyote to see them both on the same stand is really unique so now at this point carver's pretty distraught you know he's had his opportunities today um you know he did he did miss a standing coyote um he's pretty down on himself but i told him you know hey just keep your head up we've got a couple good stands left for the day um we'll get one we'll get one right down your barrel for you boy those sun's fading fast it's been a phenomenal day we're still waiting on our carver smash one i think this is gonna be the stand the wind laid down it's been just howling this little front came through we're just kind of tucked in down off the top of the hill sun's behind her back these guys come over this middle hill right here they're gonna be you know 100 yards should be perfect yep here he comes all right here he goes it's gonna be a good one carver you turn come on come on come on come on tighten it tighten it take your time now all right he's gonna come right down to us watch him die in the scope all right he's gonna probably stop at the top of that hill we're gonna let him come down okay there he is coming over the top see him ready nope are you solid huh take your time take your time nice carver good shot buddy had a baby nice that's good that's hey that's what we're gonna do take your time be patient there you go that's great that's perfect just take your time that coyote was not going anywhere drilled him square in the chest dude i think let's break it down it's been uh it's been 11 minutes 112 yards right in your wheelhouse [Laughter] good shot bud that's how you do it right there only shoot males huh good shot he finally took his time oh yeah slow squeezed it solidified the shooting position awesome pretty sucker good that was a good shot so we're all pumped up the winds died down now carver just killed his first coyote of the day we got time for one more awesome stand uh we slip in we're you know we kind of ran out i didn't have a particular stand in mind we just kind of got on the two track and we headed down um about a mile from where we had just killed this coyote you know the sun had already you know crested behind the skyline so we knew it was gonna be getting dark quick we got set up started calling and sure enough eagle eye carver spots this coyote coming off the far hill at about 300 yards is it coming carver okay there he is straight over the top of the call out there about 300. here he comes when he gets on this far hill right here he gets right here we're gonna shoot him okay just take your time where's he at okay okay just let him come [Music] get ready right here he's to come right in that cap carver right in that gap you take your time zoom your scope in a little bit if you need to he knows we're here but he doesn't know he's a puppet carving you zoomed in a little bit when we get a shot at him here yeah just slow squeezing on the shoulders knew something wasn't right wasn't smart enough to leave that coyote was burger barking behind that tree down in there and then he wanted to see you know like i said he ain't smelled us so he the gig ain't up till they smell you and he finally made the mistake of coming out and exposing himself down there and carver made a great shot yeah and that's the thing about carver you get him you get him going like that uh i think his comment was after he shot that coyote i wasn't even shaking on that one dad you know so that was that was pretty fun to watch just a great way to end the day great way to end the hunt just a phenomenal phenomenal day of coyote hunting
Channel: Lucky Duck
Views: 422,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucky Duck, Predator Calls, The Last Stand, Hornady, Swagger Bipods, Coyotes, Coyote hunting, How to coyote hunt, how to call coyotes, nebraska coyote hunting, lucky duck decoys, late season coyotes, how to hunt pressured coyotes, foxpro, primos, electronic calls, best coyote hunt, hidden instinct coyote hunting, coyote assassins, foxpro tv, Bobcat hunting, calling in bobcats, mountain lion hunting, bobcats, bobcats and coyotes
Id: di8H0mbJXUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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