Cowboyin' 101

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hey everybody good morning I'm kind of back at home for a few days so I'm back in my little routine of what I do every day around here and of course as you know from watching one of those things is going up to check on my horses but as I was walking across the driveway Amy text me and said hey if you'll wait for five minutes I'll go with you so I've got Amy with me today hey Amy girl check her out she puts the console up so she can sit by me we've been married 30 for five 35 years and this chick still wants to sit beside me okay we're headed up to check on our horses little grain and see how much speeds left at their feuless can deliver home that pasture [Music] we haven't seen these horses for about a month but we've had somebody checking on for us so they are probably not in the habit of coming up here when they hear my truck roll up like they used to we may have to get out there and listen for them a little bit get him to come come to us ain't probably they probably think it's like a mirage over here somebody's just over here feeding them hey get over here it won't be real it's been a while since we've done this for him Amy said stop whistling certain her ears [Music] I saw the other horse that we had here SpiderMonkey I sent him over to guy's house and st. John's to be ridden for the month or six weeks while we were gone he is a he's one of those horses that you have to kind of stay on top of and so we sent him over there to be put through the paces a little bit see if we could kind of keep him rode down [Music] on the road again only this time I don't have to go very far just gonna run down to the ranch ray and I are going to gather some cattle and hauling up here to the house so that we have them here to break in starting tomorrow we're gonna bring sixty head and it's just easier to to go get him in this truck than it is to try to call two or three training notes so let's go let's go get some cattle put the corral we're gonna drive down in the pasture aways and then unload and get around these cattle that are right here and what we call the South bonded pasture on the other side and what we have north bond and on the other side of that we have the blue rooster and you'll find all around the country ranchers that name pastures a certain name they did it for a reason something happened there there was a story behind that pasture something like that anyway that's for another day so today we are gathering on four-wheelers my uncle and I ray he's he's been a cowboy all of his life and has been horseback more than he hasn't been but ass does happen when you get a little bit older it hurts his knees to be horseback him so we get a lot more done on a quad or on a four-wheeler so that's what we're doing today okay we're unloading our horses our iron horses right Troy do you want me to go oh you go to these here and up by those others it was by that other little tank up above and I'll get out on this flat and start teaching cattle will try to throw them together right out this the other side to this tank now we want to go south ways to get all those deep drawers before we turn into the Cottonwood tank okay hey here's another little thing for you if you are gathering cattle on a four-wheeler is you still have to treat them like they're a horse you can go a little faster then a horse can if you have to get out around some country and get around some cattle but once you get them thrown together you still have to act like your horse back and drive them like your horse back they I mean you can go a whole lot faster sometimes you look down and you'll be going you know two or three miles an hour but that's that's about how fast cattle go and move and so what part has an advantages when you making a circle get out where the cattle are or get or right back to your truck after you're through it's faster you can cover more country but you still have to use good sense and how you handle your cattle and you have to get around them and let them kind of get used to you or they'll run and then then you get them started running then you're gonna have trouble all day do it the cowboy way yeah if they do get you running on you you you know just like you would horseback you have to get around in front of them and kind of hold them up a little bit and then then let them move again okay let's go I'm gonna kind of let him get around that way a little bit faster than me so that my cattle don't get too far in front of him this country right here gets a little bit rough with lots of deep little ravines drawers so I'm gonna try to get these cattle over on the other side of it [Music] we have our little drive of cattle thrown together so we're going to take them on up to the corral hopefully we'll run across another little bunch of ten or twelve on the way up there so that we have as many as we wanted there's about 40 right here I think okay so see cowboy 101 right here we are moving these cattle on a quad and we're just we're just easing along here slow I'm going about three miles an hour cattle are walking comfortably we don't have them on the trot or trying to run off we're just handling them just like we would if we were horse back and tell me if I'm stretching it or not I'm always looking at the ground when I come out here riding and I found this looks like an arrowhead to you you could almost imagine that being an arrowhead but I don't know what do you think comment below we're getting a little bit closer to the crowd we're at this little tank down here that we call the Cottonwood tank right below the Corral's we have not picked up any more cattle so we're probably going to have to corral these and then if we want more go to the other end of the pasture and Correll some down there and those pins and then maybe hollom back up here to these big pins and load them onto semi you see what the plan is 45 I could probably get by with 45 tomorrow but if I have a big crew tomorrow which I think I will have it would be nicer to have a few more steers so that we don't run out of Catalan and quit like 2 o'clock in the afternoon [Music] he's a little tired you're pretty good circle horse but he ain't much for working the herd no but that's that's textbook right there that was that's the way you bring them in right there that's the way you did we set that up from way back there because we didn't have them truck or anything they just they were had them asleep all the way over in the crowd for they knew it so we need about 15 more but I think what we'll do is go over there on the other side put them in that Corral over there and haul them over okay so we're back out the pasture [Music] we've got enough cattle right here but I think we're gonna go see if there's any closer to the corral and then another good thing I like to just ride my cattle sometimes leave a plan so that they don't get to thinking every time you show up get up and go somewhere see those cattle they just stayed right there come back to [Music] we might eat up [Music] I got all the gates set coming into this little crown gotta live right back there right right over here I'm gonna go right out over here sit while he brings him around to me that gate is right up there in the corner these cattle probably haven't ever been through it before but we're just gonna sit here really easy until they kind of see where we want them to go [Music] just like that we could have made that hard to if we did cut yet chase them too much come on boys how many's get 18 of them hey cattle are loaded we're headed out of here [Music] [Music] there's two more left on here that won't come on hi ah all right 62 is the number just we got our work cut out for us tomorrow it's a pain in the butt frankly to load and unload kappa that have never been on or off of the truck because they don't know how to do it they don't know how to get on they don't know don't know how to get off they're afraid of every little thing there they came off so 62 of them I'm gonna go put these cattle away and we're gonna call it a day tomorrow we're upright and early breaking in these steers and making it happen tomorrow thanks for joining us everybody we'll see you tomorrow flake out Hey look who's here it's the kids mr. grandkids say give me a big hug papa see thanks everybody flake out Wow Wow holy cow right sir well I tried to give her a ride way to go hear that [Music]
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 36,811
Rating: 4.9474216 out of 5
Keywords: Rodeo Video, Reed Flake, Vlog, Flake out, Cowboyin' 101, cowboyin, cowboyin 101, cowboy, cowboy 101, how to cowboy, how to be a cowboy, cowboys, what cowboys do, become a cowboy, be a cowboy, cowboy up, gathering cattle, cattle, steer, cow, cows, steers, bull, bulls, horse, iron horse, quad, quads, 4 wheelers, 4-wheeler, vlogging, cowboy vlog, cowboy video
Id: IQy4BOzlhpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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