Cowboy Candy Recipe - Step by Step!

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today I'm gonna be making something I've never made before I've never even tasted it before and that is cowboy candy so join me right after this and we're gonna learn how to make it cowboy candy is basically jalapenos that have been candied so sugar there's some vinegar in there and obviously the jalapenos and there's a few other ingredients so the first thing we need to do is prepare our jalapenos I've got quite a few here as you can see I haven't weighed them just yet I'm hoping I have about 2 or 3 pounds what I need to do is cut these into little rings I'm not going to do this with a knife I'm gonna take this and get this chopped up inside my food processor I'll be right back with you in just a couple of seconds [Music] [Applause] we're back and while that was easy I definitely want to be doing that again the the machine I use just has a basic mandolin and it just slices up the peppers so beautifully sliced their peppers in about five minutes so the peppers are prepared let's talk about some of the other ingredients we have here I'm following a recipe online because like I said I've never done this before and I want to do it just the the way that it's recommended online first and I might make adaptions later on or maybe even use a hotter pepper in future so we'll see for now I'm just gonna stick to the basic recipe the recipe I will link it down below in the description so you can go and have a look at all the ingredients but I'll just go through a few of them we've got celery seed we have turmeric we have some cayenne powder and quite a lot of sugar and some cider vinegar and of course we have our peppers this recipe is something where we're actually going to be doing some cooking with these peppers always be careful when cooking with peppers because it does release quite a bit of the capsaicin that's inside the peppers basically it just aerates the the stuff that is really hot and spicy inside the pepper so just be really careful try and ventilate the area where you are we're gonna need a big pot like this and that's for what happens after we've actually cooked up this recipe we're going to be doing a bit of canning I am not the expert on canning I have done it in the past I've done it quite successfully but I'm not the expert in it I'm going to be doing a few more recipes in the future where we'll be canning I'll try and give you the basics of what to do so just follow along with what I'm doing if you copy what I'm doing you should be alright but do your own research please so I've measured my peppers and we have just over the amount that we need for this recipe so I won't have to make too many adjustments the recipe calls for three pounds of fresh peppers try and make sure they're as fresh is that can be must be firm and obviously you have no blemish things like that you want to have nice peppers for this because you want it to last a long time you don't want them to ruin all the other peppers one other thing we're going to need is ground garlic the first thing we need to do is boil up the vinegar the sugar and all these other dry ingredients we're going to be boiling that up and joining it up together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we just need to bring this to a boil and let it boil or simmer for about five minutes I just realized I'm gonna need a bigger pot so I've got this one ready because you need a pot that's gonna be able to take the syrup as well as the three pounds of peppers that we put [Applause] once it starts boiling you want to bring the temperature down so that it starts simmering rather than boiling and you want to let it simmer away for about five minutes so after five minutes you're going to be adding in your peppers do this carefully this is boiling hot sugar it will burn so do not let it splash or anything like that be very careful [Music] while the smells I'm used to cooking very very spicy peppers and I'm quite used to this but if you're not used to this this would be a bit of a shock to the senses smells amazing like really does it's just started simmering so we're gonna bring the temperature down and we're timing four minutes so there we go that's four minutes and we need to stop this and we're gonna start bottling it up you want to get your jaw's that you should have nice and clean and sterilized and we're gonna start putting the peppers in here I would recommend getting yourself one of these if you're going to be doing these sort of sources and future these things are invaluable it just helps you not spill everywhere and especially on the edges of the jar you don't have to then have so much to clean up so this just sits on top of the jar and we can start transferring the peppers across you want to use a slotted spoon for this because you're trying not to get the the sugar inside there just yet so you want this about a quarter inch from the top of the jar so that's the first one done I'm just gonna finish these off and I'll get right back to you and we'll do the next step so I'm quite surprised that three pounds of peppers filled only two of these small jars so that was a interesting I actually have prepared four jars and two extra big ones as well but I nee needed two so what you want to do next is you want to get this serve back on the boil a roiling boil for about six minutes so we get a time six minutes and then we'll be able to finish this off that's been six minutes now and it's time for us to switch off the plate and what we're gonna do now is transfer some of the syrup into the jars you wanna again be very careful this is seriously pot use a ladle that'll be the easiest way to do this what you want to do and you've done this just to make sure there's no air pockets use a stick in the recipe itself it actually recommends a cooking chopstick whatever that is but you just want to get rid of the air that's in there make sure there's no air pockets and then you want to wipe off the edges because this is some sticky stuff and with canning you want to make sure that the lip of this is clean so that you can get a nice tight seal and again be careful it is bloody hot once you've done that you want to take a new lid so a new one of these if you ever look down there these are the inner lids of these make sure you have a new one don't reuse these because I think they're only for one-time use and when you're canning it's just important to make sure that you're doing everything the right way so tighten that on finger tight and same one here so this year you can see we've got a whole lot left this is gonna go into another jar and I'm gonna be able to use that for my barbecues when I'm making meat marinades or straight on to the meat I think this is gonna be fantastic so I don't have a canning system here but what I do have is a big old pot and we're gonna do an immersion canning which is basically having the jars just below the surface of the water and it's gonna cause this to create a nice seal at the bottom of the pot I'd recommend putting a little cloth you just don't want do these jaws sitting directly on the base of the pot so I'm just gonna use a an old muslin cloth and place that in the bottom of the pot we're gonna get the jars in there so we're just gonna pour a little bit more water in here so it covers the lid by a few centimeters the way the canning works is you have a jar like this which has this top like this that little red ring is a rubber seal and that basically is going to seal against the glass that's over here when you put this screwed on you don't want to screw it on tight so what's gonna happen is the heat in here is going to expand the air any air that's inside this jar and it's going to push that air outside of the jar when we take the jars out and we let them cool down what's going to happen is everything in here is going to cool down and contract and it will actually create a vacuum seal this lid will pop down and what will happen is that creates a nice seal so he has a jar that I've done this with before if you have a look on the top we can see that there's a lid on it and this is firmly pushed down it is created a seal a vacuum seal and it's black the day that I put it in there this is from last year August and this will be absolutely perfect if I opened this up and wanted to eat any of it I recommend doing your own research around this it's quite an interesting topic actually and might do more about this in the future but canning is it's an interesting way to prepare your food an interesting way to preserve your food so we're going to get this water to a boil once it's boiling we're going to set a timer for about 10 minutes if you've got half pint jars and 15 minutes if you've got bigger jars you're gonna then let it have a rolling boil for that 10 minutes or 15 minutes and we're gonna switch everything off take the jars out you're gonna leave them for 24 hours and at that point you're gonna have perfectly sealed jars you have to have a little bit more patience waiting for two weeks before you open them up so I'll come back to you in two weeks time and we'll see how these turn out finally it's time to open these up I've been waiting quite a while I meant to open these up two weeks after I made them but I ended up getting a bit busy with work and I wasn't able to do it until today so this has been sitting on my shelf I didn't want to open it up until I could do it in the video so we're gonna get to do it today so here we go here's our canned cowboy candy and you can see the tops here nicely dented in I can actually take these lids off now and it won't be a problem because that lid is firmly on there do the same thing on this one you really don't need to keep these on so there's our two canned jalapeno candies and then before I open these let's talk a little bit about this stuff I had three jars of this and I say had because I've been getting into this one over here we can see it's almost finished and this stuff is just amazing if this cowboy candy is as good as this I'll be a happy man I use this on ribs I use the darn chops chicken wings even baste it some chicken with it as well it is just so good really tasty anyway enough of that time to taste our cowboy candy I'm gonna leave this one sealed up nicely and we're going to open up this one here so to open these lids you need to break the seal a little bit so I'm just using a flat screwdriver we can see that popped up and nicely and if we have a look in there we can see the candy looking really good and let's give this a bit of a taste let's use a ball here to put some in let me just close this up again I should probably get a plastic lid for this but for the moment I'm just gonna cover it back up like that I've never actually had Kowboy candy before so I don't really know what to compare this to I'm just hoping it tastes good and I'll be happy with that so let's give it a taste [Music] it's just spicy candy Mahalo Pinos this year were quite spicy so this has actually got a little bit of spice to it a bit of a kick but it tastes really good Wow I've got to know what to compare it to it's it's perfect really tastes good definitely want to make that again if not for this alone as a good based for your barbecues the stuffs great I think this will go amazing on salads on sandwiches or just eating just like this what will be interesting is trying hotter peppers with the same process it'll be quite interesting experiments are definitely gonna give that a try next year I don't have any more really hot peppers left from this year but definitely one from the list for next year that's it for this video thank you so much for watching and I hope that you enjoyed it I hope that you're going to be making this recipe for yourself it really is fun and very tasty please if you haven't yet subscribed make sure you do there's gonna be loads more videos like this and lots of other quite interesting things happening especially next year I've got a lot planned but thank you again for watching and we'll see you again on the next video bye bye for now [Music]
Channel: ChilliChump
Views: 432,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chillichump, chilli, pepper, spicy, cowboy candy, candied jalapenos, cowboy candy recipe, food preservation, jalapeno recipe, chilli preservation, candied chilis, candied chillis, how to make cowboy candy, candied jalapeno, how to, how to pickle, how to pickle chillies, red dead redemption 2, rdr2, red dead redemption, snack, cowboy, candy, jalapeno
Id: f2-7Ppn0oBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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