Cowgirl Candy | Pickled Candied Jalapeño

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hey friends welcome back to acre homestead today is an exciting day we are gonna be canning cowboy candy this is a 30 quart stainless steel bowl filled with jalapenos what cowboy candy is is it's pickled candied jalapenos it is so ridiculously good i put it on almost everything i put on burgers i put on pizza i put on burritos you name it if you want a little spicy sweet something on it cowboy candy is what you need in your life so i just went ahead and sliced up 10 pounds of jalapenos this is a lot of jalapenos but we go through a lot around here and also i gift this i have tons of family and friends that love cowboy candy and not many of them make it so i make it and i gift it so we're not only going to take these jalapenos and make cowboy candy but i'm gonna can it and i'm gonna show you how to do that what i've already done with these jalapenos is i've taken the stems off them and i ran them through my food processor so that they'd be sliced up i don't want to touch it to show you because then i would have the jalapeno spiciness all over my hands and that just made it a lot easier doing it in the food processor i've done this by hand with a knife but it just takes a long time so i like to do it in the food processor when we're doing this amount of cowboy candy this also makes a fantastic appetizer what i love to do is just put a block of cream cheese pour a jar of cowboy candy on the top and you eat it with crackers and oh my gosh that's so good that's actually the first way i've ever had this cowboy candy i am making a ridiculous amount of cowboy candy today but i'm gonna leave a reasonable size recipe down in the description box below at which is my blog if you want to check out the recipe i'll also link all the canning equipment and the bulk supplies that i use for this i buy my sugar and salt in bulk and when i do this much candy that i do around here that's just a great way for me to get organic products for a great price so if you want to check any of that out it will be down in the description box i have a stock pot on the stove and what we need to do first is make the sugar brine solution it's super simple this ratio couldn't be easier it's one part vinegar to two part sugar a lot of recipes actually put a lot more sugar in there i found that this is a great ratio so i am adding pink himalayan salt in here right now when you're canning you want to make sure you don't use iodized salt i buy this in bulk and i found a great price on amazon for it now we are just going to dissolve this sugar and vinegar solution in here a lot of recipes call for a ton of extra added ingredients like turmeric and ginger and garlic mustard powder and just a bunch of different things and for my family we have found that we really just enjoy it when it's the sugar the vinegar the salt and the jalapenos it just lends to a really sweet tangy spicy condiment that if you guys have never tried this you've got to try it the first time i ever had this was actually in hiding school one of my hygiene classmates brought this in her and her family every year would make i don't know 20 50 jars of this and she brought it in and she'd bring it in with crackers and cream cheese and that was probably seven or eight years ago now and ever since then i've made it every year after that so all we're doing now is dissolving the sugar all right so this is ready to go it is boiling like crazy while i was waiting for this to boil i got my canner on and it is starting to get warm we are going to add the jalapenos to this boiling liquid now what we want to do is have this come back to a boil because i added all those peppers it definitely dropped the temperature and we are going to cook it for five minutes the reason we want to do this is because what it'll do is it'll shrink the peppers and so we'll be able to get more peppers into our jar if we just raw packed it which you could do technically then what would happen is when you go to can it the peppers are going to shrink so you won't have as many peppers in your jar ask me how i know that because one year i didn't want to do this step and i ended up with about only half the jar filled with peppers by the end so this is boiled on the stove for five minutes and it is ready to be canned up i have clean jars out here the way i like to clean my jars before i can them is i just run them through the dishwasher and we are going to take these peppers and fill them up in here i have both pint and half pint jars what i like to do is try to strain a little bit of the juice out because i definitely made more brine than i need and i try to get those peppers packed in there pretty tightly and you want to leave about a quarter inch to a half inch head space right just like that this is really really spicy cowboy candy this year some years they're not as spicy it really just depends on the jalapenos i get last year's jalapenos were not very spicy and i still have some of those left it'll be good to have some really hot ones and some that aren't so hot i'll just make sure to label that 20 21's cowboy candy is super hot i like to just kind of push down just a little bit to make sure i get any air bubbles out i just turned my canner on to start heating up i'm going to water bath can these in my pressure canner now i'm going to take a clean damp rag and wipe the rims of each jar we want to make sure there's no food or debris or sugar on the outside that will help that will inhibit a good seal and i feel the jar to make sure there's no dings or nicks in the jar with 10 pounds of jalapenos i got 10 pints and one half pint which will be plenty for my husband and i because my husband doesn't actually really like spicy food i love it though and i love to give these to my dad and my brother they love spicy food and this is a really really hot batch so i just put a clean lid on each one of these and now we're gonna put a ring on each one as well so we want to get our jars into the canner our water is pretty warm and our jars are pretty warm they're cool enough i guess for me to touch but they're about the same temperature as the water which is good because you don't want to put warm jars into cold water or cold jars into hot water because then you're more likely to break your jars so you want to kind of make sure that the jar and the water are about the same temperature what we're going to do now is we are going to water bath candies for 15 minutes so once this comes to a rolling boil then i will set the timer for 15 minutes now if you're a thousand feet above sea level please check your canning times because you might have to increase that after this came to a rolling boil and i boiled it for 15 minutes i turned the camera off and i let it kind of just cool down for five minutes before i take the jars out of the canner and that way it can just help kind of relax everything and it won't shock it quite so much then when you're taking your jars out of the canner you want to make sure you put them on a towel or a place mat or something like that that way there isn't such a temperature change between the jar and the counter especially if you have granite counters and now i'm going to put my jars that didn't fit in the first round in there and we're going to get these ones canned up as well i'm going to let these jars sit on the counter for 24 hours once they're done i'll take the rings off mark what they are and they'll go in the pantry you don't want to store your canning lids with the rings on because if you're going to have a lid fail you want to know it's going to fail you don't want to rely on the ring to keep the lid on and that's why we always store our candy lids without the rings on them i hope you guys give this a try this was probably the second thing i ever can and it's something i can every single year it's a staple in our house and it's just fantastic it's good as the appetizer it's good as a condiment and it's just all around really really good so i hope you guys try this like i mentioned earlier the recipe will be linked down in the description box at if you want to check that out also if you're new i hope you subscribe because i have a ton of stuff going on actually today on the stove right there we're making a simple classic just red hot sauce and then here on the counter we're fermenting some sauce to make some homemade sriracha sauce which sriracha is actually my favorite hot sauce so i'm excited about that so if you're new i hope you consider subscribing in the meantime if you're new and you want to watch some of my other videos they will pop up right here so you can go watch those i hope you guys are all having a great day i hope your gardens are abundant and i can't wait to see you guys next time bye guys
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 133,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cowboy Candy, Acer Homestead, Water Bath Canning, Growing food, Home canning, Home preservation, long term food storage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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