COVID-19 Day by Day Symptoms Timeline: My First Seven Days of Coronavirus Symptoms | COVID Symptoms

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seven days ago i had my first coveted symptoms six days ago i got a positive covet test and so i thought i'd make a video talking about my first seven days and the symptoms i had each day my husband also has covid so i'll talk about his symptoms and the reason i'm doing this video is that before i had kobit i was watching some videos like this to see what to expect what different people were experiencing and then now that when i got covered i was watching videos like this to see what potentially could be coming for me so of course this video is not medical advice whatsoever and it's definitely anecdotal it's just based on my experience and my husband's experience for context um i am 28 and he is 32 so we're both in the younger age demographic we live in iowa where cases are smacking like crazy lately it is um what is november 21st 2020 so it is the end of november in 2020 and cases are on the rise in iowa and my husband and i are two of the people who currently have it so back to the symptoms so sunday was the first day that i had symptoms my husband symptoms started earlier they started on thursday and we think that i probably got it from him and so my symptoms started three days after his dead sunday morning i woke up with a stuffy nose and a bit of congestion and that was it so um i felt fine other than just being a little bit stuffed up then monday i woke up and i had a headache so i had in the top of my head but also in my neck and i've definitely had worse headaches it wasn't like a migraine where i just couldn't do anything but lay in bed i still logged on for work and i was still working but it was definitely noticeable and painful so still had the stuff he knows the congestion as i still do now if you can hear in my voice a little bit of a sore throat nothing like i've been sick in the past where every time you swallow it feels scratchy and painful it's not like that it's just like you notice that your throat doesn't feel at least for me i've noticed my throat doesn't feel 100 normal and also something i have not seen other people talk about is that my glands are painful to the touch they're not as much today but the second day was the first day i noticed that my glands would hurt when i touched them and then i also started feeling a little bit tired so some of the fatigue so monday was one of the worst days that i've had so far mainly because of the headache then tuesday i still had the stuffy nose the congestion minor sore throat and the headache had pretty much gone away i could feel like i'd say like the remnants of it like my head hurt just a tiny bit but nothing compared to monday so tuesday i felt pretty good like i logged on for work the entire day i felt totally alert and you know normal other than feeling congested congested and having a stuffy nose then on wednesday so this is now day four of symptoms still had the stuff you notice the congestion and a tiny bit of a sore throat and then also i started noticing a little bit of a cough but when i went into this i was expecting to have a bad cough just because i've kind of heard like a dry cough is a really common symptom and really the cough i've had has been nothing even really that noticeable so it's not like persistent or i had a cold like a year ago where i coughed so much that i was gagging and i coughed so much that i lost my voice so the cough has been nothing like that um just a very minor cough again this is just in my experience so wednesday again day four i had a new symptom emerge which was the loss of loss of taste and smell this symptom is something that all of the people i know my age who have got copied have lost their taste and smell so i was not surprised that this happened to me but it was like progressively over day four like the morning i could taste my breakfast lunch i started to question if i was losing it dinner i was certain that i had lost to my taste and smell wednesday i also definitely felt the fatigue i like wednesday i think it was wednesday afternoon i just kind of decided to log off early for work because i felt like my brain was just not where it should be like i was feeling congested and tired and then around i started watching tv and then like 7 7 30 i'm just gonna close my eyes for a second and then you know i ended up sleeping until the morning so i slept 7 30 p.m to 7 30 a.m on wednesday into thursday thursday morning i woke up i logged in for work i was feeling congested all the same symptoms up here so congestion minor sore throat minor cough and um my glands were still a little painful to the touch and then i definitely felt the fatigue so again i was trying to work but i just felt like like i was kind of like you know you know like drifting even though i was attempting to work and so like i said i slept 7 30 to 7 30. i woke up i logged in i worked for a while and then i decided i was going to take a nap over lunch i'm like i'll just set my alarm i had a meeting at two so i'm just gonna set my alarm for 1 45 um i work from home i think that's probably obvious but just to be clear so i am like 11 30 i laid down and i sat alone for 1 45 and i'm like at the maximum i'll sleep that long if i don't wake up before then and i woke up at 1 45 so i was definitely tired on the fourth and fifth day of symptoms and that day i also continued to lose my taste and smell i mean i shouldn't say i continued to it was already gone so it continued to be gone i did try different things i was in the shower and i would take a shampoo bottle and kind of squeeze it to my nose see if i could smell it nothing i tried some different types of foods just to see if i could taste the difference and i couldn't and i made um tacos and my husband was like geez these are kind of spicy and i was like i can't tell like they taste mine it just tastes bland and like nothing to me like i can't taste the food i don't know it's a very weird sensation so that was thursday and then friday which was yesterday still congested um a minor cough minor sore throat and i still had don't have any taste or didn't have any taste or any sense of smell and but i think the fatigue definitely got better yesterday i didn't take a nap at all and i went to bed like around 10 30 which is normal for me i didn't i actually like had a little bit of trouble falling asleep versus the night four or two nights before where i had just been like out as soon as i closed my eyes i was asleep today is day seven and i you know like i said you can hear my voice i'm still congested i don't know if i would say i have a stuffy nose or not because i can breathe through my nose fine right now and i still have no taste or no smell so i'm on day i guess i'm about 72 hours and now of having no taste and no smell and so far it doesn't seem to be coming back so i'm very interested to see how long i will lose my taste and smell for in terms of fatigue i feel really good today i don't feel like i just want to go take a nap and i feel you know ready to get things done so those are the first seven days of symptoms the worst symptoms i've had are the um headache on second day and the fatigue on the fourth and fifth days and then i've had just constant congestion and stuffy nose throughout all seven days so my husband on the other hand oh i forgot one thing so on either wednesday or thursday so i'll either fourth or fifth day i had some muscle aches in my right leg really random but just don't throw that in there and on the sixth day i was sneezing a bunch but i had decided to go out and do some yard work since i was feeling better and i think the sneezing is from the allergies due to the yard work so you can probably ignore that one but i just wanted to throw that in there because i was sneezing a bunch last night so now my husband like i said he got his symptoms a few days before me so i got my first symptoms sunday he got his first symptoms thursday so his first symptom was different than mine so i said i felt stuffy knows congestion that was my first symptom my husband had pain in his right arm i don't know really random but muscle aches are a common symptom and his was a muscle like in his arm and just kind of like a feeling of achiness in his body and he also had cold feet which i've heard i've seen other people talk about tingly feet but he just you know he's like literally was like putting his feet on the heater and we had gone for a three mile walk and it was like 45 to 35 degrees like it got colder as we walked and so we thought maybe he just was sore from the walk and cold from the walk but looking back now that was the first sign of coping then friday so this is day two for him um he went to work because again we just thought he was cold feet and sore from the walk went to work and he got home and he was like yeah i think i'm sick like he had a headache he had body aches and still the cold feet so one thing that's been pretty consistent for him is having muscle or body aches throughout whereas i have only had like my like i said my right leg hurt one day but otherwise i haven't really had muscle aches or body eggs saturday which was day three for him was his worst day he had the headache and light sensitivity so he pretty much just laid in bed all day and i have talked to some other people it seems like quite a few people i talked to get a headache right towards the beginning of their symptoms and jacob and i both experienced that and then since then he is also congested has the stuff he knows um he hasn't really had the fatigue that i have he hasn't been super tired on most of the days and he has had like i said consistent muscle aches throughout and he's now on day 10 um oh the other thing is he hasn't lost his taste or smell at all so that one has been unique to me whereas the body and muscle leaks have really been unique to him so let me know what questions you guys have in the comment section down below and i'm going to do another video where i just talk about whatever questions you guys have for example i might talk about the types of tests jacob and i purposely did two different types of tests to see how different they were and just to make sure that they were consistent they were both positive so they were consistent i think that's it for today's video i plan from here out to record every day so it'd be kind of like a vlog updating my symptoms and we'll see hopefully i'm through the worst of it and it's just going to be congestion from here on out i am interested to see how long it takes before i get my smell and taste back so if you want to see that please subscribe to my channel i just created this brand new channel where i'm going to just post videos about my life unfortunately this first one is about something not so fun in my life but um if you want to know again how the rest of my code symptoms progress please subscribe to my channel and if you have any questions put them in the comments down below and i will answer them in a video sometime over the next week thank you guys all for watching and i hope you all stay healthy
Channel: Amber Alpine
Views: 2,116,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: covid 19 symptoms day by day, covid 19 symptoms, covid 19 symptoms timeline, covid 19 first seven days, covid 19 first week symptoms, covid symptoms day by day, covid symptoms timeline, coronavirus symptoms day by day, coronavirus symptoms timeline
Id: py2FUaEWJGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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