COVID 19 symptoms| COVID 19 Day to Day Signs| What makes some patients so much sicker than others?

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hi everyone welcome to health and medicine we introduce the updates or news in health and medicine field as well as will provide the related medical knowledge in a fun way new videos will be updated every wednesday and sunday so make sure you're subscribed with the notification bell enabled as thanksgiving is approaching physicians already began to feel terrified about what's going to happen this holiday season as they predict there will be an unprecedented surge in us covet 19 cases after thanksgiving please stay safe and do our own part to protect ourselves our loved ones and our communities in today's video we will talk about covid 19 day-to-day symptoms you will also learn the newly fda approved treatment for covid19 please stay tuned for a piece of covid 19 breaking news in the end if you find this video helpful please share it with your loved ones let's begin covid19 is a respiratory condition caused by coronavirus although the virus first attacks the lungs it can infect the heart kidneys liver brain and intestines as well some people are infected but do not notice any symptoms for some other people they will have mild symptoms and get better on their own for those who do develop the symptoms their symptoms generally do not arrive just right after they have been infected according to the us centers for disease control and prevention five days is the coronavirus's average incubation period fever a dry cough and shortness of breath are the three most common covet 19 symptoms for most people other common symptoms include fatigue muscle or body aches sore throat congestion loss of taste or smell and diarrhea marking your calendar at the first sign of illness and keeping tracking your fever as well as the oxygen levels are some important steps in monitoring the covid19 as doctors observe a growing number of covid19 patients they have identified a pattern of symptoms among covid19 patients pre-symptoms many people reported that covid19 can go 2 to 14 days with minimal or no symptoms most people may begin to feel the symptoms between days four and five after they got exposed day one symptoms typically begin mild patients usually experience fever any temperature 100.4 f or greater then followed by a cough a minority of patients may have had nausea diarrhea one or two days before this which worth our attention since this could be a sign of a more severe infection in the later stage day two to three some people may feel tired and lose their sense of smell or taste according to a study of more than 550 hospitals across china hospitalized patients develop pneumonia on the third day of their illness day four to six some patients may develop no more than mild symptoms in severe cases this is when symptoms begin to get worse they will begin to feel terrible with an ever-present fever chills aches cough and the inability to get comfortable people who are older or already have pre-existing health conditions may show difficulty breathing the younger adults with mild symptoms and some children can develop rashes like the itchy red patches swelling or blistering on the fingers or toes but the exact timing isn't clear and these symptoms may appear early in the infection or after it is passed day seven to eight for the lucky patients who are with mild symptoms they can expect an end after this one week according to the guidelines from the centers for disease control and prevention patients whose symptoms have improved and who haven't had a fever for three days can leave isolation but for those with severe cases this is how long it took on average they are most likely to develop shortness of breath pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome erds an illness that may require intubation be careful ards is often fatal the doctors will monitor their oxygen levels and check in them more frequently day 8 to 12 monitoring should continue for the second week of illness day 8 to 12 is when we will a good idea if someone is going to get better or get worse patients may feel better sleeping on their stomachs or sides for those who are severe on day 9 some will develop sepsis which is an infection caused by an aggressive immune response on the day 10 to 11 if patients have worsening symptoms this is the time in the disease's progression when they're likely to be admitted to the icu these patients probably have more abdominal pain and appetite loss than patients with milder cases on day 12 in some cases patients don't develop hearts until nearly two weeks after their illness started one woman study found that it took 12 days on average before patients were admitted to the icu recovered patients may see their fevers resolve after 12 days day 13 to 15 patients who are with mild illness should be recovered patients who were with worse symptoms but maintained the normal oxygen levels should feel mostly recovered after these two weeks however patients with severe symptoms and those who needed additional treatment because of low oxygen may still feel unwell and fatigued and take longer to recover after day 14 some people have reported specific symptoms lingering these include fever loss of taste or smell fatigue and a prolonged cough day 16 patients may see their coughs resolve on this day day 17-21 on average people in wunon either recovered from the virus and were discharged from the hospital or passed away after 2.5 to 3 weeks day 19 patients may see their shortness of breath resolve on this day according to a wu on study day 27 some patients stay in the hospital for longer the average stay for wenzhou patients was 27 days covid19 can damage the heart and kidneys the bacterial infection is one possible complication these complications may occur as late as three weeks after the onset of the initial illness researchers are still trying to identify why some people experience symptoms for longer than others what are the emergency symptoms that we should keep in mind if you have one or more of these covered 19 symptoms call a doctor or hospital right away trouble breathing dot constant pain or pressure in your chest top bluish lips or face dot sudden confusion when you develop any of these you need medical care as soon as possible call your doctor's officer hospital before you go in this will help them prepare to treat you and protect medical staff and other patients since strokes already were reported in some covid 19 cases which is another case you need to call 911 right away please remember the fast face is one side of the person's face number drooping is their smile lopsided arms is one arm weak or numb if they try to raise both arms does one arm sag speech can they speak clearly ask them to repeat a sentence time every minute counts when someone shows signs of a stroke call 911 right away until now you can notice every patient is different some may have mild or even no symptoms why do certain covit patients die before we reveal this breaking news let's briefly learn two newly fda approved treatments for covid19 patients first on october 22nd 2020 the us food and drug administration approved of equity rendezvous which is an antiviral drug for use for adult patients and pediatric patients of 12 years and older and weighing at least 40 kilograms about 88 pounds for the treatment of covid19 requiring hospitalization second on november 9 2020 the us food and drug administration approved the emergency use of the monoclonal antibody therapy bama neva map for the treatment of mild to moderate covid19 in adult and pediatric patients so what makes some patients so much sicker than others why does one 40 year old get really sick and another one not even need to be admitted researchers say some patients may be protected by past exposure to other coronaviruses patients who get very sick also may have inhaled higher doses of the virus such as from repeated exposure to infected co-workers besides based on some most recent studies there's a breakthrough finding of how the interference affect the severity of covet patient symptoms interfere and serve as the body's first line of defense against infection sounding the alarm and activating an army of virus-fighting genes said virologist angela rasmussen an associate research scientist at the center of infection and immunity at columbia university's mailman school of public health our body manufactures many types of interference giving these patients a different type of interference one not disabled by their genes or auto antibodies might help them fight off the virus screening patients for auto antibodies against interference could help predict which patients are more likely to become very sick said bastard who is also affiliated with the necker hospital for sick children in paris but for now doctors should be cautious about interfering for now because a study led by the world health organization found no benefit to an injected form of the drug in covet patients in fact there was a trend toward higher mortality rates in patients given interferen although this finding could have been due to chance giving interference later in the course of disease could encourage a destructive immune overreaction called a cytokine storm in which the immune system does more damage than the virus around the world scientists have launched more than 100 clinical trials of interference according to a database of research studies from the national institutes of health. until larger studies are completed doctors say the current findings are unlikely to change how they treat covid19 if you're interested in the other covid19 information please click and check my previous videos here do you drink coffee correctly we will talk about coffee this sunday thank you all for watching if you like the video please give a thumb up if you think what i said is helpful share with your friends or families please comment what else you're interested to know if there's any part you cannot understand feel free to leave a comment to me and i will try my best to reply to you see you guys at the next one you
Channel: Health&Medicine
Views: 192,471
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Keywords: covid 19 symptoms day by day, covid 19 symptoms, covid 19, symptoms of coronavirus, covid 19 symptoms timeline, covid 19 sypmtoms, covid symptoms, coronavirus symptoms, covid 19 symptoms patient, covid 19 experience, coronavirus explained, coronavirus update, coronavirus outbreak how to protect yourself, symptoms of coronavirus loss of smell or taste, coronavirus pandemic, coronavirus news, coronavirus news update, public health, infection, pandemic, Coronavirus outbreak
Id: qMkuO7fyB-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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