Covering My NEW Hardwood Floors with Filler - Sanding Prep

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welcome back to the channel so in this video I've got my hardwood floors in completely and I'm gonna be basically putting a skim coat across this whole hardwood floor spreading out this trilobal wood filler that we just picked up this morning now I've never done this before with this product so I've never even seen this product but I'm gonna bring you guys along for the ride with that said this is by no means a how-to but it's pretty simple you just spread this stuff across the floor now it's pretty important for the floor I have because this is the number three white oak but I'm using and number three means it's like with all the rejects from one and two so it's all the rough pieces all the knotty pieces and I actually liked those pieces I like think they give character to the floor so we choose those and it's 99 cents a square foot it's cheap this is a 2500 square foot house so I paid 2,500 bucks for the 3/4 inch hardwood floors throughout this whole house so it's a good deal also too if you're gonna be doing this yourself now with this floor you can see it has you know these little nuts right here this rough patch which I'm not really too concerned with filling that in I like the way that looks the ones I'm really concerned with filling in are the ones like these because if we have something spill or we're gonna mop this floor this actually will penetrate underneath and then we have that moisture trapped under there also I'm concerned about these small joint lines if for some reason some of them didn't come together all the way or the lines right here where the pieces meet each other I want to fill all that in so that's pretty much the idea with this we're gonna make it all look like one surface right now then we got to let this stuff dry and then we're gonna come back and sand it we're gonna use a drum sander edger and the buffer Sanders or big orbital sanders I'm gonna be showing you that as well again I'm not the guy who's an expert on this but we're doing it so it might as well show you how we do it and I'm actually open to criticism on this because I don't do this for a living now my trim videos I'm not open to criticism it's my it's the way I do it is the right way well like I mentioned this is the white oak floor so we got the white oak wood filler no nice they see the viscosity of it so I could actually pour it it says on the back of the bucket that you can pour it into an area but honestly I don't know if I'm gonna start like that I want to just get a feel for this product and how thin I want to spread it before I pour like a whole gallon into a room that doesn't need a whole gallon it just reminds me of uh just like pudding it's this like the same exact thing as pudding viscosity and texture and everything so with that said I should have got my my kids would do this for me they spread pudding all over the floors already all right I got about I don't know six or seven feet done here by three feet wide and I just realized I'm putting this stuff on way too thick this consistency right here I think is pretty good it's filling the cracks but you can still see the floor coming through when I started over here I was like basically painting with this stuff and that's gonna make a lot more work for me when it comes to the sanding so I'm gonna go back and scrape some of this off it's been about two minutes of me just doing this and this over here where I started is already dry so this stuff is gonna dry pretty quick all right so here's a perfect little cluster example of stuff that I need to fill in we got this little chipped piece right here we got this piece right here the has all these tiny dots in it I do like the way this looks but again I gotta fill this stuff in because if moisture gets in there it's gonna be trapped so we have to skim over this and make sure no moisture from a spilled drink or a mop or whatever gets into these holes so I got to fill this in I'll skim over that and then this looks like actually like a pocket hole right here we'll fill that and that's a big hole right there we definitely don't want anything getting in there so with this I can just lightly skim over this piece start there and then just drag across clean up all the excess pass it a couple different ways so they get filled in and now that's filled in now when I send this you're still going to see all those holes after the fact so it'll still have that character that I like but it won't be able to absorb any moisture now with this one this is a huge hole right here it actually does look like a pocket hole so I'll just pass over that press it in there and then trowel over it and then there's that little chip hole right there then this not as well and then that's it right there all right guys while I'm still on that first bit of filler that I poured into this little mud pan here and that's gotten me this far and I've just been dipping the tip of this trowel in here laying it out on the floor and then just skimming it over and like with any new thing you do you're gonna move in different ways and try to find different techniques to do this thing until you find what feels good for you so usually I've just been pulling it straight towards me and then pushing it back and pulling it but in this little section here you can see I tried something a little bit different just moving in kind of a 45 degree angle you just sliding this stuff around and that seems to work out good like I can get a lot more coverage in a smoother pool and I think the reason for that is when I cross it at 5:45 I'm not having to deal with these there's a pretty significant change in depth right there which is totally normal they know you're gonna stand this thing down anyways but I don't get those stops you know like there's one here too when I cross it 45 it's a way smoother feel in anything that's really coming to my mind I'm just showing you guys because as I'm passing it over I know you can't really see all these things that are going on but I can see them and everything is getting filled so it's pretty cool pretty cool to see it all just become one really big unit you know some people were telling me you know why don't I do a floating floor or an engineered floor or a glue down my response is always the same I would have bought a Tesla truck if they made a long bed so I guess we're all different and then I'll go back and clean up those excess lines but this seems to work really good and I'm putting quite a bit of pressure on that too so I don't leave it on there really thick [Applause] [Applause] all right so we're getting down to the last bit of this thousand square feet down here and we pretty much all together got rid of the little mud pen and this is what we've been doing now just kind of pulling out a little bit well a lot of it compared to what you were seeing us use earlier and then just pushing this around and spraying it until we run out of it and everything in the area is covered with a thin layer of the filler here and since I didn't have two trials John was actually using this it's just a drywall knife and this kind of works good too but you got to kind of hold it like this and put more pressure on it but it's basically just doing this this is kind of the technique that I've been using one thing I wanted to mention too about these white oak floors these number three white oak floors is that there's a lot of small pieces when you get the bundles and there's a lot of reject pieces so even within these rough pieces there's still a lot of pieces that we can't even use they have like a broken tongue a lot of times cracked groove so we can't use them and we have a big trash pile of scrap back here that we're gonna use for just fires or whatever but you have a lot of small pieces like ten inch pieces twelve inch pieces like this one here and as much as I tried to keep these things about four to six inches away sometimes I just couldn't the seams right here and I just had to go with it because I don't want to sit there and buy a bunch of material just to get some longer boards one other thing too I tried to avoid the h's as much as possible but again some of them I just had to roll with because the pieces are so small like this piece right here that's a 24 inch piece you're lucky to have these these pieces right here and you're even more lucky to have like this long one here was this doc 42-inch peace most of them are like these sighs so they're real small and when it got down to the last little bits like in the closet and stuff it was pretty much a bunch of small pieces unfortunately [Applause] we're gonna have like probably a good amount left maybe like I don't know about that much from the bottom left because this is it right here this is a thousand square feet that we covered with about that much material from this three and a half gallon bucket when I first started doing this at the beginning of this video it kind of related it to skim coating it it is kind of like that but it's really not like that in the sense that this doesn't have to be perfect like the ridges that I leave behind with this drywall knife and the trowel whenever I decide to use that they're gonna get sanded aggressively and that brings me to another point of if you are a hardwood flooring installer tell me your method please break it down for me in the comments should I start with 40 then 60 then 80 and what do I work up to because I want to just know what you pros out there do because any help is greatly appreciated I'm gonna start with the big drum sander obviously with the low grit to just flatten this all out then same grit with that edger and then I'm gonna get that big orbital buff sander with the finer grits probably like the 220 and then just the screens at the end but if you got time break it down for me in the comments because it would definitely be appreciated so here we encounter another piece that looks like termites got ahold of it well we can fix that done and this has really been all we've been doing lately with this whole virus thing that's going on we've been trying to stay here and not really going anyone's house I did do an estimate over FaceTime it was actually the first time that ever happened had a guy say he wanted to get a quote for crown molding and said we could do FaceTime just to avoid meeting and we'll put that out for another date the the job will postpone that so all this kind of dies down but really with this we got to get it done before we can move on to new projects I think that should be good for now hi everything covered [Music] that should do it just get this thing drying we'll let this thing dry for a few days I got gonna walk on it now it dries pretty quick but we'll let this thing dry for a few days I got some stuff to take care of anyways and then we'll come back with the Sanders again if you install floors and you want to leave me your method and run down down in the comments please do so I will be reading all the comments and absorbing any information I can to make this go smoother for me so let me know if you guys have any questions I'll point you in the right direction if I can't answer it but this is what we've done so far for the hardwood floor let me know if you guys have any questions and we'll see you guys on the next video where we're gonna be sanding these floors take care and as you can see right here I made a little makeshift fire pit with the stones that were here on this ground here and yeah I started burning some of this floor last night these are the scraps and it got kind of out of control but I'm gonna burn a little bit more of it right now but we got that that's in that fire pit there in this huge stack over here this is all scraps broken tongues ripped downs off cuts I would say this is probably about three pallets worth so all in all maybe ninety bucks or something like that worth of waste that we had to go through but other than that let's get this fire started see if I can keep it a little calmer today all right here we go I think the problem is I used too much lighter fluid that suckers hot you
Channel: Finish Carpentry TV
Views: 254,576
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Id: p-e_Qfo3YwU
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Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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