Wood Floor Refinishing FAILS! 2 (YouTubers Fail so you don't have to)

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since my last wood floor refinishing fails video was so wildly successful i've decided to do another one and lucky for me there is no shortage of people that have no idea what they're talking about telling you how to sand your floors i'm going to be targeting specifically people that are telling you how to do it when they have no idea themselves this video is about taking people down no i'm just kidding um it's about showing people how to do it wrong because you really can learn probably more about how not to do it than how to do it so i will do a segment at the end of the video recommending a video that is quite popular at the moment and it doesn't do too bad of a job in explaining how to refinish your flaws but with that said we'll get into the first video and that is quick tip floor sanding and using an orbital sander by i think it's alley picked let's see what ali has to say so i'm about to refinish this floor in a bedroom in my house sorry about the echo but i removed all the furniture and everything else in this room so the noise just bounces off the walls the pain is real every time you do a floor sanding video the room's always empty it always echoes it's so difficult to get good good sound on that so he understands my first thought was to rent one of those big and bulky large sanding machines then i thought why can't i just use my orbital sander my second thought was that'll take forever yes but will it yes i tested this on a small area of my floor in less than an hour i cleared about 30 square feet i estimate that in about three to four hours i can probably have the rest of the room sanded this is a good time to interrupt this video to bring you an important message [Music] this method will work if you intend to leave the floor natural in other words no stain depending on the condition of your floor an orbital sander might not remove enough of the surface to provide a sufficient and even stained tone in other words if i stain the wood after using the orbital sander it has a tendency to look blotchy and uneven now my floor that is because he is not actually removing the finish he's saying that he's sanding the floor and he's removing the finish but he's not the vast majority of finishes when you sand them they become much lighter and it looks like you're going back to bear wood but you're not and the way he's sanding it with the palm sander any areas that are proud it might actually go through to the wood so you're going to have areas of the floor that are sanded through to the wood which are going to accept a new finish most of it is going to still have the finish on it so that it's not going to accept the new finish it's going to look patchier so i mean it's good of him to admit that but really he should draw the the proper conclusion that he's not actually sanding the floor properly particular because it's been abused and neglected for so long your floor it might be different so just test a spot before you decide to stain the whole floor which is what i did and i wasn't satisfied so i left it natural i'm using 100 grit sandpaper to remove the finish i bought this so yeah 100 grit to try and remove the finish 100 grit orbital palm sander that is not enough i gave it three coats using a four inch brush the instructions say that i don't need to sand between the coats as long as it's reapplied before 10 hours which is exactly what i did i think the floor looks great total cost really you think the floor looks great i mean can you see all that patchiness here and here and here and as i always say it looks much better on video and in pictures than it does in real life so that's my quick tip for today using an orbital sander to prepare your wood floor for sanding and finishing can you imagine if like after doing this you know brutal honesty works on youtube if he was like this is the way i've sanded my sanded and refinished my floors and you know what this is not the way to do it i completely screwed up that would have been great and just as valuable in my opinion i wasn't able to sand the floor deep enough to get out all of the scratches now i suppose i could have sanded the floor for another eight hours but i didn't want to do that the pros are that i saved myself a hundred bucks and i didn't have the inconvenience of lugging that heavy equipment he he has not saved himself a hundred bucks because now it doesn't just look like a worn out floor it looks like the decks of a ship that have been refinished by a drunken sailor the floor looks really good no [Music] it's a look at this upgrade why why has he got he's got a a close-up on the left side and he's got a really high far away shot on the right side all of the scratches are still there he's introduced more patchiness i bet he when he uploaded this he was thinking i wonder if anyone's ever going to call me out on this because this looks absolutely horrendous and thanks for watching allie picked and today's quick tip cheers allie thanks a lot okay next up we have how to sand stain and seal old floorboards by build with a e this video is a little bit worse and that is because the guy that's doing the sanding actually is supposed to know what he's doing he has a floor sanding company and what he does in this video really is not good let's take a look so when we first got in here these floorboards were in a pretty sorry state but with a bit of love and attention brought these back to their former glory so if you'd like to see the entire process stay tuned look at that can you see those lines across the floor right here that is uh not good you can't see much else but that's already showing me that there's certain things that haven't been done properly whilst the floor has been sanded so on the whole as usual it looks great on the whole you know just look at the the whole grand scheme of the room if you were there it would be different so the next thing to remember is to use the correct nails so ollie and phil are actually using cut clasp nails which would have been traditionally used in flooring don't this is the one thing i do agree with like and you don't actually see that often is using proper nails cut glass nails are okay the other ones are better i can't remember what they're called the little l shaped ones those are the ones that properly match but sometimes you can't get them go using some ring shank nails or some screws because once you've sanded the floor down it's going to look really insightly so always go with the traditional methods we are using a lagla hummel sander because it's the most robust and i think if you have a look at the floor you'll be able to see that it's quiet so rule number one don't sand it directly across the boards like that in my opinion especially when the floor is completely uneven which is what which this floor is there are people who are very good at sanding floors who disagree with me but they're wrong so that's fine rustic so we're going to sand it across the grain to get a nice level then along the grain to get it all smoothed out and then we'll go down through the grades until we get to 150 grit which is smooth for a floor and then we're going to stain it with a oh so already you can see scratch marks from going across the boards that are still in the surface but then the other elephant in the room is why is he rolling the stain without a pole like why would you break your back instead of just putting a pole on it and and rolling it that way very very strange stain it with a walnut color grits we're using range from a 24 grit which is a really quite aggressive carbohydrate and carbohydrate are not very powerful they're pretty good abrasives to start off with down to a 150 grit finish which is a really nice move and the process is just so i just want you to just remember that this is this video is called how to sand stain and seal old floorboards so we're about to get the the real low down here and find out exactly how we really sound these boards right let's hear it simple fashion sanding sanding sanding oh awesome okay cool so they're just standing standing standing across the boards how often do you have to change them around just depends on what you run into on the floor sometimes you know you can get the whole floor done with one on the on the first or cut i have to admit this floor looks like a nightmare i probably wouldn't wouldn't take this job on just it doesn't look fun to sand it's never fun when you're spending like a whole day just trying to get it flat and and clean and you've got lots of broken boards and chips everywhere and after you've put so much hard work and effort into it it still looks a little bit naff to be fair i think this floor could actually look it could have looked really good if it was done well so yeah i think we'll probably use about three for this first cut and then what we do is because we're going across with a sort of middle cut we go along with a deeper cut so the deeper cut takes out the scratches that we're pulling across it so just looking at that that floor looks like it's not a job it's not it's not a fun job that oh i'm not jealous of that oh my god so it looks like they've made a mix um a filler mix with a very coarse dust which makes it look very blotchy like that you ideally you want to make your filler with quite a fine dust like 80 grit or above but they haven't vacuumed the floor they're filling directly on top of all the crap that's on the floor for one thing if you've got dust in these gaps when you fill them the filler might not bond very well and therefore as soon as you get like because you have to sand the filler off the surface once you've filled it as soon as you start filling it and the sander goes over it can just suck that filler straight back out so you've got to hoover the floor first before you fill it that looks atrocious [Music] cool look at that it looks terrible [Music] and so that transfers to the trade all the music for can be a bit of a trial but otherwise very very good stuff guys turkey's never done it before [Music] so guys hopefully you enjoyed that video and hopefully you've now realized that with a bit of love care and attention and look so i can see just by his feet here the way that the because they put a fairly glossy finish down you can see you you've got scratches going across the board and then you've got scratches that are going with the grain of the board that have not been smoothed out sufficiently so it's been it's been really badly sanded basically some serious machinery you can turn any floorboards into something as beautiful as these oh yes as usual if you like this video please make sure you like comment and subscribe you've been watching me john did you just say like comment and unsubscribe please make sure you like comment and subscribe you've been watching me and john from floor sound solutions until next time right i was trying to find these videos to do another hardwood floor refinishing fails video but in searching for them and trying to come up with videos that i can use i um i didn't actually see this one but now i'm seeing here there's this one so and i don't know this might go well we'll see it says uh sanding hardwood floors um tutorial how to do it yourself okay so it's going to teach us how to do ourselves that's great it says i think it says sal flores i can't actually see very well because of the way this this system works so let's have a look before we start the video let's jump to the intro [Music] now we're seeing like clips of them doing all sorts of other work around the house so we know that we're not they're not they're at the very least not specialists in floor sanding is this is a build uh paper is that myself he's watching a it looks like he's maybe he's watching a video on how to refinish a floor like whilst he's recording a video on how to refinish your flow paper the way you install this is just lift the guard and slide the paper then there you go as soon as you drop the lever the sandpaper start doing it work so i just let the machine to do the work right where to get to the edge lift the lever take the machine back okay so you don't need to walk all the way back you just you drop the machine down as you're walking backwards usually it's actually that's a more powerful pass than the walking forward pass so it's going to take twice as long to sand the floor doing it that way than it is by going forward and backwards you see how i save you time here that's rental costs you know that stress could save you so much time just by letting you know these little tips i'll do it again and then look so he's overlapped by 50 which means that now this line here is is roughly halfway across the drum here which is like that that's how you're supposed to do it i mean it can vary in different situations but roughly that's how you do it so he knows that that much time now as he's got to the end of the room it's crept over now and he's over only overlapping maybe about 20 percent and you see so you can see there how he's moved over it's left this strip that hasn't been sanded and as you can see back here you see that see that because he was overlapping properly here he's connected the two sanding strips together properly and because he's drifted over it's now left that little gap [Music] i just realized i could probably teach so much better by critiquing other people's videos than uh then demonstrating myself because i don't think to make mistakes so the machine doesn't go all the way to the wall because that's where the handle and where myself is and also so that's massive amounts of uh of the old finish left on the surface you really want to get it pretty much perfectly clean with the first cut and again just let the machine do the work don't try to push it that was a long wait there he stopped long before he pulled that up and this is the city you see yes 60 grit paper it's a very good example of really when you should drop down to a to a 36. fold the collar off the floor always keep an eye on these locked in the 50-60 overlap okay [Music] you gotta empty the bag see the floor could have been much cleaner if he was doing that 15 50 uh 50 50 overlapping what are we doing at the end the only thing you gotta do is clean the floor with uh with water and let it dry no you don't need to clean the floor what you need to do is sand off all these dark bits that you've left in the floor that's what you need to do come on give us a close-up shot let's see how bad this looks how funny i i did not find this uh this video previously just whilst i was searching for the videos that i had listed that i wanted to do i saw this video and it's a how-to and i was like i i bet it's i bet it's crap please watch the next video where i'm gonna show you how to apply the polyurethane oh okay cool we've gotta see that right next video let's do this right so i i managed to find the uh part two and uh it looks like he's already um he's already put put the finish on or at least he's put the primer on it's like so he's actually not teaching you to do it he said it says learn to apply polyurethane maybe that's just a plea so please learn to do this because i didn't okay guys for those who don't know this is a part two look you could those those stains that you can see there and it's darker the the closer you get to the edge of the board that's where the edges of the boards are slightly sunken and then it just kind of lightens as it goes into the center of the board that can easily be sanded out just needed a little bit more set like a tiny bit more sanding you know an extra pass with the first grit and that would have that would have been clean of the video of how to redo your hardwood flooring you the applicator lamb skin not lambswool lamb skin it's like a squeegee this is actually a good idea just um getting a bit of tape and trying to remove loose fibers before you apply the finish that way you're more likely to get a cleaner coat on the final a cleaner finish on the final you don't wanna leave it thick because you're gonna create bubbles on the floor okay so we're gonna do this okay so i can't actually comment on lambswool applicators that much because i've never really used them so but they are a good applicator they're a great way of applying lacquer you can get a very a good smooth finish out of it the interesting thing is that most professionals these days even people that are really good with lambswool applicators or t-bars they're all moving to using rollers and yet rollers are what most people are familiar with and no one wants to use them in a lot of videos i've seen recently there's lots of people that have never done it before and they're using a t-bar it's fairly difficult to use especially for a beginner whereas conceptually a roller you kind of understand maybe i'm wrong maybe it's just because i'm so used to rollers but one thing that is strange is that he has started so far out in the room that he's doing a really wide strip and also i just don't think you should pour the lacquer straight onto the floor like that especially with the first coat the first coat can be more temperamental make sure to cover every spot i'm gonna use this pole and let's use smoothie to send this buckle and i'm gonna use this 150 grit so when i first started when the very first like when i first started sanding we used to rub down coats using one of these and like they always flip over and bang the floor like yeah i didn't we didn't do it properly when i when i first started doing floors yes do the entire floor but do it methodically not the way he's doing it because you're going to lose track of where you have been where you haven't been so to the right it's already just start close to the wall i don't understand why did you start to start so far away with too much pulling now he's toughen it up that's good to the floor because it's going to be hard to spray he's not terrible this guy i don't remember that you can see a drum mark in the reflection therefore the room is looking really nice now the fact that he was just pushing so hard on it to spread it like that shows me that he's he's not got enough on there he's doing a really thin coat [Music] that is a gorgeous drum mark that is an exemplary drum mark that is an unbelievable drum mark but this is the ending result i hope you like this video please subscribe to my channel and see you guys on the next video thank you for watching it's not too bad it's not terrible as i said i would recommend a video that i think is a pretty good video um and it is very popular i think it's only been a year he's got half a million views so i don't think this is too bad and rather than just um promoting my own videos because i am a professional floor sander and i have been for 18 years and that's what my channel is all about but um instead of promoting my own channel which is fairly obvious i'll recommend this video what hello there brent here with bring your own tools and on today's episode if you want to learn how to refinish hardwood floors to their original glory from this to to this well keep on watching i'm not sure if i said the the name of this video it's refinishing hardwood floors start to finish by byot which i think stands for bring your own tools come over for free and fix these hardwood floors for you just to say a big huge thank you for all the amazing memories that we've created at this amazing cabin yes this type of drum sander will there's a lot of different types of walk behind drum sanders but something that's extremely substantial like this is definitely needed on hardwood floor restoration projects now if you haven't used a drum sander before realize that this can be in a very aggressive machine it can take off copious amounts of material very quickly so if you're trying to make sure you're not damaging your floor and you haven't used a machine like this before i would always highly suggest using a higher grit so to be honest in my opinion it's not that aggressive those machines are not as aggressive as the machines the professional machines and those abrasives are not very good abrasives and it's as long as you've got the motion of the machine right you know you're not gonna you're gonna still struggle to get the finish off sometimes with a 36 grit it's not like it's a planing the surface off more like l100 or 120 before you start using something super aggressive like a 36. ah so now brent if you're watching this please comment on my video and tell me if you watched my videos including this video here where i make the recommendation at the end of the video that before you actually start using the machine you you put on a 120 grit and you practice the motion of moving forward before you drop down the drum and then lifting up the drum before you stop brent if you're watching please comment and i will pin it to the top of the comments um and please don't copyright strike me thank you yeah much better to screw up on 120 than 36 i assure you let's test it out good idea though this is a really key element to make sure you don't have any drum marks at the end of your project because that's not what anyone wants i forgive you brent with us you also have to keep in mind that you don't want to rush any of the staining processed by avoiding as i said this is a great video so if you want to check it out check it out although there are a few issues with this floor which you can see here here and here although it's only very slight on this floor but it's the exact same problem that we saw here and here well in this video here i explain why you're pretty much guaranteed to make the exact same mistake unless you make this one easy but kind of counter intuitive adjustment and the difference is huge check it out
Channel: How To Sand A Floor
Views: 95,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood floor refinishing, refinishing hardwood floors, how to sand a floor, how to refinish hardwood floors, wood floor refinishing fails, floor sanding
Id: qhkEP_GvlRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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