Can you sand and finish an oak floor in 1 day?

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I hear from subscribers all the  time that they spend days, weeks,   even a month to sand and refinish their floors.   Today we're going to attempt to sand  and refinish 400 square foot in one day. And we are off! In order to accomplish this we  need to do all the belt sanding,   all the edge sanding, the corners, the finishing  sanding and vacuuming by midday so we can spend   the rest of the day getting one coat  of primer and two coats of lacquer on. I had no idea about this spot on the lens,   absolute nightmare, but I  guess you live and you learn We have a thin wear layer but the floor  is very flat so it shouldn't really be a   problem. However for DIY, it would be a bit more  of a risk. Make sure you do your practice runs   with the big machine first as I've said before  in other videos link at the end of this video. As you can see it's coming up to 10 o'clock  already and we haven't even finished the first cut   yet, which is not a great start. We need to pick  up the pace if we want to get this done today. As always you have to throw in a diagonal cut  when you're sanding a strip floor like this   just to make sure that it stays flat. We're  doing it on the 60 grit which is the second   grit, the second of the three, that we're going  to be doing with the belt sanding machine. So, in typical fashion I have forgotten some  abrasives but luckily I'm only 15 minutes away   it's uh, well it's two minutes to 11 already.  We actually didn't get started until about   nine o'clock. We haven't haven't  even started the edging yet but I   still think we can do it because it's  sanding like butter so... Alright,   I'm going to shoot off and get my finishing  abrasives, 60 grit for the trio. See you soon. Right, I've just got my  abrasives and some brushes,   I didn't realize that I'd  run out of brushes as well. Got Norton Red Heat for the trio,  really good stuff because it's... Made in America! Finally, we're on to the finish sanding, this  is the process for smoothing the floor after the   initial sanding with the belt sander and edger.  As you can see, just past my bulbous belly,   I'm using the trio which is a planetary sander.  And then, round the edges, we use an orbital   sander, again all of this is explained in the  video which I will link at the end of this video. So we're running a little  bit behind schedule now so... If you can see that. It's just gone 2:30. All the corners are done so  we've got to final trio, hoover it and put the   first coat down, so hopefully, we're going to have  that done by roughly three o'clock, maybe just   after three which is not great. I've had a lot  of phone calls, lots of things slowing me down,   obviously forgetting things, and a late  start, but um we're still getting it done   it just means we're gonna probably be here  a little bit later, so I'll just show you   what we're... I'll show you  Adam doing the final cut now. So it's, what time is it now? Oh, coming up  to four o'clock. The first coat is dry... We're just putting down the second coat. Alright, 18 minutes past six, right, we have  finally put the last coat down and it is drying...   I will be coming back tomorrow to get  the final dry shots um... but yeah,   we have managed to do it, we have managed to  do the 400 square-foot in-one-day challenge! It could have been earlier,  could have finished earlier. I've popped back to take the final shots  of this floor the lighting is not perfect,   but uh, I hope you're going to  be able to see how good it is. You know, not blowing my own trumpet, but um  you know, you can do a a reasonably good job,   a very good job in one day with 400 square feet. I will turn on the lights in just a moment And there it is! The final  product. What do you think? Now bizarrely YouTube in its infinite wisdom,   thinks that you're most likely  to click this video next. However, I think you should watch this video next   as it may just change the way you  think about floor sanding altogether!
Channel: How To Sand A Floor
Views: 26,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: refinishing hardwood floors, floor sanding, old wood floors, wood floor sanding, how to refinish hardwood floors, refinishing hardwood floors professionally, how long d, how long does it take to sand a floor, how long does it take to sand a hardwood floor
Id: xVb3exBStqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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