How to Fill a Wooden Floor (Effective)

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in this video i'm going to show you how to fill a floor what you need to use is the fine dust from the floor sanding process so this is a 80 grit dust but you can also use 100 grit dust take a good pile you're probably going to need to mix more throughout the the process but take a good nice chunk of it to start off with i'm using a a solvent filler and i mean you can get water-based fillers this dries very quickly and it can be tough to work in but it's better for a professional sand i would say if you're doing it at home then i would say get a water-based filler but this is basically how it works just pour it in like i don't mix it up straight onto the floor [Music] because you'll get just big pockets of dust filling the floor and they'll come out over the next sanding process [Music] probably mixing up too much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so there's my filler um you don't want to mix it too thick you don't you don't want it to be too viscous and too dry that you're you get tired trying to push it around the room but you also don't want it too liquid so that it's um it just sinks in and doesn't really form the surface this is [Music] about right probably a little bit too watery but uh i think we're good to go once you've filled an area of the floor you can mix more on top of the areas that's already been filled but i would actually probably suggest mixing your first bit in a little tub or something just to make it a bit easier [Music] uh [Music] and [Music] just move it in a kind of a figure of eight pattern you get the hang of it fairly quickly um [Music] me [Music] with the solvent fillers it dries out very quickly and that's when it starts getting really tough to work in so you have to add a little more just to make it a bit more a bit a little bit loose a little bit more loose so that you can actually work it over the floor [Music] hey so [Music] me [Music] so that is how you fill the floor um that's pretty much the same process as you use on any other floor so like hardwood floor pine floorboards it doesn't change with the direction of the wood or anything like that but there are if you don't want to fill the gaps like on pipe floorboards a lot of people don't want to fill the gaps but there's holes and stuff you can just mix up a tiny bit in a pot and just spot fill it with a filling knife
Channel: How To Sand A Floor
Views: 1,442,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fill a floor, how to fill a wooden floor, gap filling, gap filling a wood floor, how to gap fill a wooden floor
Id: S-MsW89nyfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2014
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