5 Most Eerie Cases Ever That Needs To Be Known!

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throughout history there have been literally countless murder cases that shook the world a criminal murder case must contain a few key elements to truly disturb the nation and attract mini attention for one the case must be heinous the public generally responds to a case that involves a horrible crime scene or a victim that is seen as innocent second the case must include a cloud of mystery viewers get hooked on learning more and more shocking details as the case is solved Thurid it must be convincing viewers will obviously still be intrigued by cases with various possible endings however if a suspect is seen is clearly guilty by the audience it will attract the more attention because viewers want to see justice served considering these few facts some cases have not only gained popularity during their investigation or trials but they've made a lasting mark on media and public viewers these are some of the worst or most mysterious cases in history number 5 this case began in 1932 not only has it secured a place among history's most shocking crimes but it still receives attention today from curious readers and amateur investigators that create their own theories surrounding the final facts of the case Charles Augustus Lindbergh jr. was a 20 month old son of famous aviator Charles Lindbergh on March 1st 1932 at around 7:30 p.m. the Lindbergh family nurse Betty Gao put Baby Lindbergh to sleep in his crib two hours later Charles heard a strange sound coming from the baby's room however he disregarded the sound and assumed that it was something in the kitchen at about 10 p.m. nurse Cowell returned to check on the baby who was shocked to discover that he was gone before making a scene she checked the baby's mother who'd just taken a bath he wasn't with her either though nurse cow alerted Charles who inspected the nursery he found that a window was broken and a poorly written note had been left behind the note which was almost impossible to read due to horrible grammar and spelling explained that the baby had been taken and a fifty thousand dollar ransom was required for a safe return Charles took his gun and searched the grounds he found footprints bits of broken window and his baby's blanket he immediately contacted police and his attorney authorities arrived to the home shortly thereafter an officer searched the grounds tirelessly but found nothing of importance specialists were even unable to find fingerprints that were left behind within a few hours more people showed up to search many members of the search party were important businessmen scientists politicians and prominent public figures all friends of Charles the days after the kidnapping then President Herbert Hoover was notified kidnappings were considered a state crime Hoover announced that the entire Department of Justice would be assigned to find baby Lindbergh though due to the celebrity status of many of the searchers present the media quickly became involved news articles and radio broadcasts covering the story were published in bulk and the case eventually became a spectacle for the public while the conditions of the kidnapping may not be as shocking today at the time this case was disturbing upsetting and concerning is one of the worst cases to occur around that time a third ransom note was eventually received and it required a higher payment of $70,000 it also instructed that John Condon a retired teacher and public personality leave a man between the family and the kidnappers it's also instructed how the money should be delivered John agreed to play his part and met with the mysterious man to deliver the ransom he was unable to get a good physical description of the man but explained that he described him as a Scandinavian sealer he also claimed that the baby was being held safely on a boat who would not be harmed unless the family stopped cooperating a few days later another ransom note and the baby's sleeping Sue was mailed to John on April 2nd and unknown cabdriver gave John Condon another note John followed its instructions and delivered ransom to the suspects he informed them that he was able to raise $50,000 in the suspects who hid their appearance accepted the money and told John the baby was being cared for by two innocent women however the infant's return never occurred the nation stayed up to date with every article the media published by this time the casein sparked a frenzy and citizens had become consumed by any news concerning the infant safe return unfortunately the remains of the infant were found about a month later a truck driver had pulled over to relieve himself in a wooded area a few towns away he noticed the body of an infant and contacted authorities the body's skull had been badly fractured and decomposition had attracted nearby woodland animals who chewed on the flat he's concluded that the infant had died from a fatal hit to the head and it's burial was a hasty job nurse cow confirmed the identity of the toddler and the family was notified the family was devastated and the public shared their grief the media coverage did not stop here though throughout the following investigation the case still captivated the nation as they yearned for the case to be soft and for justice to be served in 1934 Richard Hoffman was arrested for the crime after a month-long trial he was found guilty and sentenced to death finally the family was given answers they wanted and got to see justice rain down on their child's killer the public was still obsessed with this case and found their own sense of relief when media outlets announced the suspects sentence this case was not only shocking because the public figures involved but also because of the intense media coverage and the conditions of the kidnapping and eventual murder which were uncommon during this period the case disturb the nation and suggested that times were changing number four this case is from 1957 and is actually considered a cold case in some aspect it's often referred to as the case of the boy in the box and is without a doubt one of the most mysterious shocking in notorious cases of all time this case is about a four or five year old boy who was found dead inside of a wooden box in a forest area of Fox Chase Philadelphia in February of 1957 right from the start this case becomes strange and confusing usually when a child's remains are found they can be linked to an existing missing persons case for this poor child though he was never reported missing On February 25th 1957 a young man was checking his Muskrat traps in a forest when he stumbled upon a mysterious box by opening the box he was shocked to see the body of a child he feared that officers would confiscate his traps so he didn't report what he had found a few days later a college student was passing the area and saw a rabbit run into the underbrush murid the rabbit would be caught by the trap he got out of his car to hell he noticed the box and checked its contents well he faithfully reported what he'd found to police he was reluctant to be any further involved that would not provide a statement the box which held the boy was a large bassinet box from JCPenney the boy was wrapped in a plaid blanket and said carefully inside his hair had been recently cut and remaining clumps of hair were stuck to his face a study of the body showed signs of malnourishment surgical scars near an ankle groin and under the chin after obtaining the body police collected fingerprints and created a sketch of the boy they were initially optimistic that he would soon be identified but unfortunately a quick check showed that no child resembling this boy had ever been reported missing furthermore after making the sketch public and calling for any relatives of the victim to come forward another dead end was head no one claimed the child and he remained unidentified the case immediately drew the attention of the media and the public and news outlets published countless stories about the boy the Philadelphia Inquirer published 400,000 fliers depicting the boy's appearance and spread them far and wide every day updates were shared with the public about the anonymous boy and soon not only was the media obsessed with the case but their audience was consumed as well the crime scene was inspected at least 270 times and a white handkerchief believed to belong to the killer was found it had a letter G sewn into it and while this evidence was considered a breakthrough and never actually led anywhere after a while officers positioned the corpse upright as though the boy was sitting and they dressed him in new clothes and fixed his hair they then took a photo and released it to the public begging for anyone with information to call in the photo sparked much controversy while most people were interested in the case and desperately wanted to see it soft very few were okay with the idea of publishing a corpses photo he was described as too graphic and unethical the photo sparked the wide dispute and unfortunately didn't help bring in any more evidence the boy was never identified in the case eventually went cold even to this day the innocent little boy has not been properly identified and due to this his killer has also never been found when the case was still active it was considered shocking simply due to the conditions in which the boy was found obviously another intriguing factor is the lack of identification it was baffling to most people that a child could be forgot he'd come from somewhere and someone had to know him yet they left him behind this saddened people but it also motivated them people began conducting their own investigations to concoct theories concerning the boys background Remington Bristol an employee of a medical examiner's office dedicated his free time to pursuing the case in the early 1960s an anonymous psychic contacted wrist ow and told him to look for a house that matched the foster home the psychic was brought in from New Jersey and led Brist out to a foster home Bristol later attended an estate sale at the foster hall and while there he noticed the bassinet that matched the style of the box that was originally held he also noticed an array of plaid blankets hanging out to dry that matched the blanket the boys wrapped it after learning more about the family that ran the home Bristol believed that the child belonged to the stepdaughter of a man who owned the hole he believed that an accident occurred and the owner wrapped up and disposed of the body so that his stepdaughter would not be exposed as an unwed mother of a dead child Bristol reported his findings to the authorities and evidence was completely circumstantial though so officers were unable to make an arrest Bristol continued working on the case until the day that he died and the case still haunts those to stumble across it in fact some amateur investigators still request information on the cold case to try their best to find the victim what makes this case such historically shocking one is the fact that the public not only paid attention to the case but they devoted their own time to it because they were so deeply disturbed by it number three the case of Kurt Cobain's death provides many of the key elements that make a case historically shocking Cobain was the frontman of the grunge band Nirvana the band's music quickly took off it was considered famous in no-time Cobain is considered one of the most iconic musicians in history and Nirvana's hits song smells like teen spirit was recently named the most iconic song ever an early 2019 so it's no surprise when Cobain suddenly died and the public was shaken on March 1st 1994 Cobain was staying in Germany because of the band's tour unfortunately he fell ill and was diagnosed with bronchitis his wife Courtney Love traveled with him to Rome to receive medical treatment that night the pair checked into a hotel so that he could rest in the next morning love woke up to find Cobain had overdosed on prescription medication they rushed into a hospital and after five days in treatment he was released love initially believed that the overdose was an accident the later shared that it was Cobain's first suicide attack on march 18th of that same year luf called 911 claiming was expressing suicidal thoughts while locked in a bathroom with medication officers arrived and Cobain surrendered the pills stating that he was not suicidal and was just trying to hide away from love after an argument an intervention was later planned by love and Cobain became violent with his friends and family at first but he reluctantly agreed to attend a detox program at that time Cobain was allegedly addicted to heroin and pills while in rehab visitors claimed that Cobain seemed to be getting better and was more positive after visiting with family one day Kobe leader stepped out at the hospital to have a cigarette even jumped the fence and fled from the scene he was allegedly spotted on several occasions but his loved ones had difficulty locating him on April 8th electrician Gary Smith arrived at Cobain's Washington Boulevard home and found the singer dead Smith called the authorities and reported that aside from a small amount of blood Cobian seemed fine in fact as Smith did not recognize that he was dead until he tried to wake him up and noticed a shotgun near his ear an autopsy found that Cobain had actually died three days before he was discovered heroin and painkillers were found in his system but the amount was not lethal he was publicly announced that Cobain had been found dead at the age of 27 allegedly from suicide the loss of Nirvana's frontman shuch fans across the world and thousands attended a vigil to mourn his loss aside from the shocked reaction of fans which was expected there's a lot of surprising amount of disbelief Co being left behind a lengthy suicide letter that was eventually shared with the public the sad letter exposed that Cobain had been suffering from severe depression and drug addiction something many of his closest associates already knew however some fans use the letter as evidence against this existing verdict apparently some sections of the letter contained handwriting that was noticeably different from Cobain's usual style additionally some quotes within the letter didn't match the writing voice that Cobain it displayed these individuals took the evidence is proof that Cobain was murder an investigation performed on Cobain's body also suggested that the gun was too long for Cobain to have pulled the trigger the evidence showed that the length of the gun made it difficult for Cobain to reach this trigger on his own this bird the theory that Cobain was incoherent from his drug use and his murder shot him and then positioned the scene to look like a suicide despite these theories which believers were very passionate about those in charge of the case stuck by their suicide verdict the friends and relatives closest to Cobain also agreed that the verdict was true for many years theorists concocted their own simple investigations to determine the truth behind his death in many instances the suspected killer was believed to be Courtney Love Cobain had described love as obsessed with money so naturally theorists assume that love killed Cobain for his money after rumors spread that he wanted a divorce however at this time love was also a successful musician with her own impressive income other theory suggests that while love may not have killed her plan to kill Cobain she directly caused his suicide fans suggested that loved fueled problems with Cobain and made his addictions worse by constantly providing in the drugs so have even suggested that love directly told Cobain to kill himself thanks to these theories love was hated by Cobain's fans and ridiculed so much that her career began to spiral downward even now in 2019 people still blame her for his death also people are still constantly conducting their own investigations and spreading their own theories public figures private investigators journalists YouTube content creators and random fans of Nirvana are still publishing information about his possible murder this death was shocking and upsetting to the public women occur and it attracted immense media attention for several years but again what truly makes this case stand out is the ongoing effort the public is made to serve their own ideas of justice number two the bystander effect is a psychological theory that claims and bystanders witness a crime while other people are present they'll likely not provide help on the night of March 13th 1964 a 28 year old woman was stabbed to death while a crowd of witnesses watched an estimated 38 witnesses saw or heard the attack and offered no help in fact none of them even called the police after leaving her job at a bar at about 2:30 a.m. could he drove to her apartment while driving she was seen by Winston Moseley kitty parked her car near the rear of her apartment building and she was unaware at the time but mostly had been following her closely after she got out of the car Moseley quickly parked and pursued her on foot he pulled out a hunting knife which caused Kitty to run faster she ran to the front of the building as her attacker followed he eventually got a hold of her and stabbed her several times all over her body Kitty screamed and exclaimed he stabbed me and several witnesses heard the attack but casually disregarded it one witness that was outside yelled leave that girl alone and Moseley ran from the scene when this is watched as Kitty struggled to make her way to the rear entrance of her apartment building and despite witnesses being present no one went down to help her and no one called the cops witnesses later claimed that they saw Moseley drive away however he was actually searching the property to find Kitty after Kitty made it to the rear entrance barely alive Moseley grabbed her again he locked the door and proceeded to rape and robbed her he then left as Kitty slowly passed away the witness reports in this case were very unusual investigators were unable to confirm which witness call occurred first however some callers provided statements one witness apparently called the police long after Kitty had staggered to the back another witness said that he called to friends for advise those friends call the third person who finally called the cops after extensive interviews with witnesses officers estimated that among the 38 possible witnesses at least half of them watched the crime from their homes and did nothing it was difficult to grasp the idea that so many people could watch another person be attacked and offer no help whatsoever after the case went public outrage was expressed over these actions and the case was considered a textbook example of the bystander effect it's believed that the reason so many witnesses did nothing was because other witnesses were present witnesses may have subconsciously dismissed the attack because they assumed someone but act upon it Winston Moseley was later arrested for an unrelated crime and was charged with first-degree murder he confessed to the crime sharing details about his motive with prosecutors he also confessed to murdering two other women prior to this he was charged and sentenced to death with two life sentences and an additional 15 years although the case was solved he continues to attract attention to this day the crime itself was disturbing but the witness reports are considered the most shocking aspect of this case number one the case of the Grim Sleeper is a more recent crime that shocked the world involving a notorious serial killer that was finally brought to justice Vonnie David Franklin jr. was responsible for at least 10 confirmed murders and one attempted murder in Los Angeles around 1988 the Grim Sleeper nickname derives from the fact that Franklin took a 14-year break from his crimes between 1988 and 2002 the killings began in 1985 with Franklin inviting a black female prostitute into his home before killing her with a 25 caliber shot all the Franklin's victims were black females except for one additionally the majority of his victims were prostitutes Franklin documented his crimes by first taking nude photos of the women which he kept stored in his garage it's unclear what caused the crimes hiatus but after Franklin murdered Alice Alexander in September 1988 his next victim did not occur until March of 2002 when he killed Princess Perth ala Mew in 2010 Franklin was finally arrested for his crimes the most recent of which being Jenica Peters in 2007 he was charged with ten counts of murder and one count of attempted murder the trial stretched until 2016 and after many discoveries deliberations and recesses and delays the Grim Sleeper is found guilty on all counts incidents of death this case quickly unfolded is one of the most notorious serial killer cases in history furthermore it was one of very few serial killer cases that gained significant media attention a case such as this one had not been ongoing since a notorious cases prior to the early 2000s which included familiar faces such as Bundy Dahmer and Aileen Wuornos and others due to its rarity Franklin and the Grim Sleeper case caused a media frenzy with millions of citizens tuning into the news to stay updated individuals came forward as mature detectives who believed the killer had more victims than he would confess to others also expressed that they were a fan of Franklin and his macabre crimes something that strangely occurs often for serial killers since its closing the investigation and trial have been researched for a documentary and mentioned in at least two other popular true crime programs an array of other popular references to the case have also been made in TV and film thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video be sure to click that like button also don't forget to subscribe and 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Channel: Top 5 Unknowns
Views: 137,137
Rating: 4.8542595 out of 5
Keywords: unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mystery, unexplained 2018, unexplained 2019, unknown, top5, top 5 unknowns, top 5, found online, unsolved 2018, unsolved 2019, strange, unexplained mystery, scary mysteries, scary mystery, unexplained mysteries, top 10
Id: UO-o0WO-XM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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