Courage for Life Study of John - Chapter 17

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[Music] welcome to the study of John I'm an white and today we're gonna be discussing one of my favorite chapters in the Gospel of John Jesus's prayer chapter 17 now were the last few lessons we have looked at chapters 14 through 16 which was where Jesus gave his final farewell speech to his disciples in the upper room and he gave them instructions and comfort and also told them that the Holy Spirit would be delivered to them once he was gone so let's take a look at chapter 17 and let's see how Jesus closes out his final words of communication actually this time with the father just before his arrest so let's look and see that this is going to be divided neatly as I said into three kind of subject matters Jesus is gonna pray for himself for glorification for what God for God's will then he's gonna pray for his disciples and then he's going to pray for you and I so let's take a look at what Jesus has to say to the father about his glorification verse one after saying all these things Jesus looked up so after saying all the things and all the instructions that he had given to the disciples in the previous chapters Jesus looked up to heaven and said father the hour has come Jesus knew any minute he was going to be arrested and he said father the hour has come glorify your son so he can give you glory for you have given him authority over everyone he gives eternal life to each one you've given him and this is the way to eternal life and this is significant to know you the only true God and Jesus the one you sent to Earth that's the way to eternal life for you and I to know the only true God and to know and believe Jesus who God sent to Earth Jesus goes on to say in verse four I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do all throughout this gospel we've seen Jesus repeatedly say I came to do the will of the Father I came to do the work of the Father I'm gonna complete the work of the father and that is about to take place and then he goes on to say now in verse five now father bring me into the glory we shared before the world began verse six says I have revealed to you the ones you gave me on this earth they're always yours you gave them to me and they have kept your word these disciples have kept the Word of God now they know everything I have is a gift from you for I have passed this on to them the message that you gave me they accepted it and they know that I came from you and they believe that you sent me K word again believe again John has repeated that word 84 times in this gospel because that is the key to our relationship with Christ and our ultimate relationship with our Heavenly Father is that we believe verse 9 here's Jesus's prayer he says father my prayer is not for the world but for those you've given me because they belong to you all who are mine belong to you and you have given them to me so they bring me glory now I'm departing from the world they are staying in this world but I'm coming to you Holy Father you have given me your name now protect them by the power of your name so that they will be united just as we are united Jesus has said I have protected them while I've been here on earth please father protect them they're staying here I'm going to I'm coming to you but will you protect them we see that the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and are saved that's what Jesus is saying if we will just claim the name of the Lord we will have that name as our strong tower we will be protected from what the world throws at us because every day you and I are going to face challenges in this life during my time here I protected them and I guarded them and I did not lose one now I'm coming to you he says to the Father and verse 13 I told them many things while I was with them in this world so that they would be filled with my joy they're prepared and they're going to be filled with that joy I have given them your word and the world hates them because they do not belong to the world just as I do not belong to the world and then he goes on in verse 15 and I think this is such a pivotal point where Jesus comes to speak to his father about this he says I am NOT asking that you take them out of the world but keep them safe from the evil one they do not belong to this world any more than I do make them holy by your truth teach them your word which is truth keyword God will sanctify us teach us will change from the inside out how do we do that by being in his word because his word is the truth and the truth transforms you know what I like to do in this section starting at verse 13 I like to read this in the first person because Jesus is speaking to us in the same way he was praying for his his followers the disciples that were in that room as he's lifted up and praying to the Father he's praying this same prayer for you and I who are also followers of Christ so let's listen how this reads when we read it in the first person now I come to you to say these things while I am still in the world so that you will be filled with my joy I have given you God's Word and the world hates you because you do not belong to the world just as I do not belong to the world father make them us holy by your truth teach us your word which is truth just as you sent me into the world I am sending you into the world and I give you myself as a Holy Sacrifice for you so that you may be made holy by God's truth Jesus is praying for you and I just as he prayed for his disciples and then in verse 20 this is where Jesus begins to pray for all believers that are to come and I think it's just another beautiful section of this prayer verse 20 says I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message I pray that they will all be one just as you and I are one as you are in me father and I am in you and may they be in us so that the world will believe that you sent me I have given them the glory you gave me so that they may be one as we are one may they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them just as much as you love me then they can all see the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began and this closes Jesus's final prayer by saying then your love for me will be in them and I will be in them Jesus is praying just before he's arrested he's preparing to go to the cross to shed his blood as a sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world for his disciples for those that they will teach and those that they will minister to and those that they will share the Gospel message with and you and I today and that's what we need to learn from this I think this is such an amazing amazing chapter that we see the heart the true heart of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior so let's review what we've learned and what we've seen here we've seen three beautiful sections in Jesus's final prayer to the Father he prays for glorification he prays for God's will to be done and that glory to be received then he prays for his disciples that God would protect those that follow him and that God would sanctify them make them holy through his truth because his word is truth and in he prays for all believers that will come to believe through their message so the disciples he's instructed to carry that message on and he instructs you and I to do the very same thing so now let's talk about what we always talk about as we close out any section of scripture that we study let's take a look at the timeless life lesson that we learn from this section and I believe it's what I came up with is that Jesus was with the father before the world began Jesus desires that you and I be protected by the name of God and perfected through his holy presence and through his word what is your prayer life look like are you praying the way Jesus prayed do you pray for yourself and you pray for others the way Jesus prayed for himself to be glorified and for others to receive holy protection from the father do you do the same thing what is your prayer life and your quiet time look like and do you spend time in God's Word and allow that truth to change you from the inside out I know it has me and through the years as I've done dug deeper into His Word and gotten to know the Lord on a personal basis I know that I've been transformed from the inside out so God's Word will change you if and only if you allow it to so I hope you will take these words to heart and I hope you will join me as we move forward into these coming chapters and we see Jesus is arrested and then he goes to the cross for you and I god bless you and have a great day [Music]
Channel: Courage For Life
Views: 1,927
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: jesus prayer, protection prayer, protection from evil, glorify your name, protection scriptures, protect me, jesus be glorified, bible studies, bible study, book of John, bible studies for women, follow Jesus, bible studies for beginners, bible studies for life, how to study the bible, Ann White, Courage for Life, women’s audio bible, free bible app, free download, st john, who is john in the bible, help for life, bible video, video lessons
Id: lO4ZshkJM_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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