Couples Share a Secret With Each Other

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(upbeat music) - Oh s****! - I'm sorry. (person grunts awkwardly) (woman laughs) - What? - It's pretty annoying. - No, you're lying. - I'm just kidding. - Do you wanna go first? - No, you can go. You can go first. - I'll go first. - Okay, I guess it's a funny one, I guess. I'm sorry. - Oh no. - I really wish you would just take a poop in my house. - Oh my god. - I wish you could just poop in my house without feeling insecure. - All right. - You know what, honestly, I get shy, everybody gets shy. I mean, going out in public- - I'm your girlfriend. - We're not ready for that yet, you know what I mean? Like it's just, it's a beautiful relationship. It's better than this, you know, think it was still behind closed doors. So I guess it's my turn. Let's go. Oh, you know what I want. Same thing. You know how you were so shy to fart in front of me trying to come at me. What's up? Girls don't fart. We don't fart. We poo. - All right so girls don't poop either. Oh my God. (both laughing) Honestly, I feel better. I feel attack, low key, that's okay. [Narrator] Question to ask a couple like, how'd, you know, that you wanted to be with the other person? - Oh my God. You know, it's weird. I've never thought about that question till now. I think for me, it's more like, I know, sorry. I think for me, it's just like her accepting me as a person I'm gonna cry. Cause I've been judged multiple times in my life. And like, I feel like for her, like she's never judged me, you know? And like, I've been through a lot, you know, in other relationships, like I've been physically abused and like for her to actually like ask me about it, not try to protect me, you know? Like I've never had someone who's actually been wanting to know is that I've never really had that. Not even within a friend and then like have that as a friend and then turn into a girlfriend. I think it's, I'm very grateful, you know? And I think that's when they knew, I guess, but I didn't mean to cry. - A big Secret is that sometimes I go out to eat, like by myself. - I'll see the bags every once in a while. - I'll find them. You're not slick. - Well, you know, just to have like that little personal time real quick or - That personal snack? - Yeah. - It's fine to enjoy a little, a little, a little taco by yourself. - Every once in a while, I guess. [Narrator] How often do you do it? (laughs) - Once or twice a week. Yeah. Yeah. - Okay. Okay. A little weekly thing. - This is really silly, but sometimes I get jealous. Cause I feel like you're better at animal crossing than me. (laughs) - That is silly. I am better than animal crossing you. You're the first woman I've been sure about. - I mean it's not like, I didn't know it. (both laugh) Like I dunno. I think I'm pretty cool. So I can see why you'd be sure about I'm sure about you too. - Yeah. So like we talked about, it's kind of hard to have a secret, you know, when you're married. But the thing I thought of saying was that in the beginning of our relationship, it was almost like so intense to be believed in to, to the level that you believed in me. And especially on my creative journey, like the ideas I had and the projects I had, it almost like frightened me in the beginning, but now I look at what we're doing together and I'm just, it's kind of overwhelming sometimes to see how far we've come. I'm just really grateful that you've encouraged me to be brave. I love you. - Love you. (both laugh) - Okay, ne thing that I've always kept to myself is I think it's think is funny how you're so oblivious to doing like the smallest things. - Like how things just go way over my head. It keeps me entertained though. (both laugh) - What about me? - About you? - Yeah. - It's so complicated for me to figure out what you want me to do just by the pitch of how you go, "hm." (makes noises) Like you're just reaching for something and I'm like, what the, what are you looking at? Well, what do you want me to give you right now? - It's pretty simple. You know, you just got a line of what I'm gonna reach for. (laughs) - It's got to get like the measurement, right? Of which way your fingers are pointing. - You go for the the water then you go for the soda and then you go for like the orange juice or something. - It's usually always the last one. - Yeah. It's usually always the last one. - You're right. - But that's okay. That's okay. We manage. - Well good. Fantastic. You know what? I'm happy for you. - So glad. - All right. - So great. - Great. - Awesome. (both laugh) - When I'm in the shower, I feel like I have to over scrub myself like three times ever. I don't know. I don't know if it's like a tick or something. - That's your secret? - That's my secret. - Really? - Yeah. - Well, my secret to you would probably be when we're in the shower and usually when you're scrubbing your face, that's when I'll pee in the shower. - You do pee in the shower! I knew it. I hate that. I hate when he knows I don't like when he pees in the shower. [Narrator] Disgusting. - But when she's washing her face, her eyes are closed, It smells like face wash. It'll be harder for her to detect that. So that's when I go, that's when I go. (laugher) (unintelligible) - There's a place for the shower, there's a place for peeing. So go to the toilet. - Oh okay. Thanks for sharing. - No, okay, yeah. You're welcome. I didn't want to give that one away because now she's onto me. - Now I'm gonna get urinate smacked. - She's gonna be peakin like She's in washing her face. I think that's enough. I don't think I want to share anymore. (laugher) You got something better than that. What else you got? Come on. - I secretly eat three bananas a day. Did you know that? - I mean, yeah, no, I didn't know that. So that explains why they're gone. When we go to the grocery store and they're all the bananas are gone. (both laugh) Not enough for my smoothie. - Okay. You know, I hate when you, - Oh! Oh s****! (laughter) Hey. - You need to clean up after the bathroom, after you shave, you know, there's hair everywhere. - I try so hard to get hair. - Like everywhere. - I can't get every hair. - And there'll be times I just cleaned the bathroom and then I can hear you in there shaving and I get so pissed. - Because knows there's going to be hair in there. - Is he really shaving after I just cleaned the bathroom? I try really hard to, I really try hard to, to get the, all the hairs. I really do try hard. - It's ridiculous. - I'll share one. I'll share one more of like a, not a hate thing, but more of like a thing I love about you is when I do a load of laundry, I could always count on them being folded. Nice and neat and stacked up like a stack of paper laundry. - Sometimes I hate when you do laundry because you leave them in the basket. I've never shared that with you. Cause you always leave them in the basket. And then what happens? They get wrinkled for days. - Because she has really good folding skills. Like she makes him like, even. - I think that's an excuse. Cause you don't want to fold. - That's one thing I never expressed that to you, but I do love when you fold, take care of the clothes. - Well you're welcome. - And fold them. - You're very welcome. I didn't know that. I just assumed that you just wanted me to do it cause you don't want to. - Well yeah, I do I do because you do a good job at folding the clothes. (laughs) - Anything else you want from us? You've been taken out of this now. We've been together since middle school. So, yup take advantage of us. - I think we just have like little things, but all the major things. - Middle school. I met her. I was 11. She was 12 and I'm 27. She's 28 now. So this is so we know each other. We've spent a lot of time together. - Hey everyone. Thank you for watching another episode. Also, I just got some new merch. So I'm just going to model a few of them for you guys real quick. (upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) That's it. Thank you guys for watching. I'll link my shop in the description. I love you all and I'll see you next time. (upbeat music)
Channel: Thoraya
Views: 878,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: couples share secrets, couples share, strangers answer, strangers share a secret, people share a secret anonymously, thoraya, thoraya maronesys, post secret, tell your secret, what's your secret, reading strangers secrets, people get emotional, emotional video, sharing secrets, revealing your secrets, strangers call crush, people share, lgbtq, coming out stories, juicy stories, deep and dark secrets, asking strangers, interviewing strangers, interactive projects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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