Countryball Plane Crashes| Season 1

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[Music] Bank angle Bank [Music] angle [Music] where you my there we are [Applause] on I [Applause] P it up push your way up where up where up that's it [Music] P them P pull them off if lose that's what turn left 06 me said hard me terrain ahead P up P up P up up up up 1000 what you have to do 500 clear to land 34 left stable [Music] right C on the right no this is approach the godamn left yeah find 500 oh Jesus Christ American 191 turn right heading 330 cleared for take off 32 right no delay ah American 191 underway 99 and four there's 8 knots okay V1 root okay oh the engine came up power power power just bra for impact bra for [Applause] [Music] impact [Applause] get the km 4805 is now ready for takeoff and we're waiting for ITC clears km 8705 you CLE to the Papa we can climb to maintain level flight 0 9 uh right turn after take off proceed with heading 04 until inter the 325 radi from Ro we clear to the Papa Beacon flight 1190 I turn out0 40 until intercepting the T25 and we are now Von okay no uh stand by for take off I will call you and we're still taxing down the runway Clipper 1736 Ro Alpha 1736 report when run clear okay we report when we're clear thank you is done the p amican you won that son of a is coming for [Music] [Music] us [Music] power you all right yeah I'm fine hang on to it hang on to it P please what the hell is you I'm stuck in it get out of it get out of it July 17th 1996 6:30 p.m. was just like any other day for New York citizens in the meantime tww 800 is boarding at JFK airport there are 230 people on board including 18 crew members and 212 passengers there are three people in the cockpit whose identities remain unknown to this day yo guys it's solor here I just want to point out that there were names of the people in the cockpit and I will reveal them at the end of this video so sorry for the error all right got your checklist done yeah it's done prepare for start up now we do that ATC d t w 800 requesting push back and taxi instructions Roger tw800 push back approved and cleared for taxi to Runway 22R via Alpha Bravo 2 hey it's going to be a great flight right yeah this is going to be a very good flight as you nine problems with this nine kind of a bit of a hold here but the plane reach just the runway pwa 800 climb and maintain 15,000 D World AER 800 heavy climb and maintain 15,000 the plane reaches V1 at 8:30 p.m. and it takes off the plane has now reached 15,000 ft it's cruising altitude all right so let's go we are in the cruising altitude say what do you want want to do what the freak was that something exploded let me check holy shoot our front of the fuse slitch has [Music] exploded I can break grab my hand grab your hand and don't fall don't you pull yourself into this well goodbye shallow plane now goes into a sink raate after the front of the fuselage including the cockpit of the plane and thus they have L control everyone get trapped in your seats the plane now crashes into the water with several parts missing and sinking many people have reported seeing military ordinance but it's unclear whether they might have been it so you got so you got the ILS set right yeah I'm going to put you on 147 and that'll give you oh I've got 100 ft on the the date is is March 8 2014 this would be a tragic day where Millions would be affected quala lumbar International Airport Malaysian Airlines flight 370 is getting ready for take up whil waiting for a Toc clearance it is midnight where many air traffic control tower operations are tired yet staying committed to their job and handling one of the planes all right my friend let's T the ATC for confirmation ATC this is milaya 370 we are requesting take off and instructions please Malaysian 370 Roger turn right heading 23 clim and maintain flight level 10,000 thank you ah Roger Malaysia 370 clear for take up clim and maintain 10,000 ft to right heading 23° will go in the air well this is good yeah bro you said it well H this movie was funny let's watch another one wow this is another one I watch this and it even has it own Indonesia d ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we have reached cruising altitude you can unbuckle your seat belt and take a St for a flight to Reg hello sir why you like something to eat or to drink yeah yeah please give me the and some all right sir anything else why you guys like something okay sir I will just go go back to my STP C we need to contact ATC that we're leaving there space you are me you do because I have control of the plan Mal 370 contact [Music] 120 all right it's time for up up up sink rate sink rate pull up has been presumed in the water ever since the traic day matter people have never been found meanwhile this makes a big hit in the aviation media proving how incidents regarding the 777-200 can be very deadly these are all come with all the people who lost their Liv Continental Airlines flight 55 was boarding from Paris Charles deu airport heading towards New Jersey the aircraft was a McDonald Douglas dc10 a very common aircraft at the time Continental 55 taxi via whiskey 9 hard short Runway 26 ride cop that ground taxi Runway 26 RV whiskey 9 Continental flight 55 Continental Airlines flight 55 is now ready for takeoff Continental 55 line up with Runway 26 right clear for takeoff Roger that continent that flight P F line up and take up 26 [Applause] little did they know the aircraft would make for the demise of the legendary Concord the pilot doesn't realize it but a titanium alloy fell from the back of the dc10 onto Runway 26 right it is now July 25th 2000 air front 4590 is getting ready to taxi onto Runway 26 right at Charles dwell airport in Gess people are just enjoying the beautiful summer weather the pilots from The Amazing Splendid and state-of-the-art Concord the call sign being 45590 are now going to contact the air traffic control all right which one of you going to contact me all right then ask for taxi instructions all right ADC this is air FR 4590 requesting taxi instructions air FR 4590 taxi fire whisky N9 and line up with Runway 26 right hold short for further instructions on 26 righty R clear to taxi to 1way 26 white DP suit or no sure you do I do okay okay both of you shut up I'll do the trophy all right this you get the suitcase which suitcase a how could you forget this all right so what should we serve today I think we should back it we do that I'm going to do some wacky things in the Bronx when I get to New York woohoo all right so uh what now my banana open everyone is joyful and having fun the plane is now on the runway waiting for takeoff permission is a France 459 are requesting takeoff permission France 4590 cleared for takeoff rway 26 R clim and maintain flight level 220 once for report cruising altitude establish contact center CDG at 127 dimal 130 Roger France 4 590 good day but just a little bump probably the bump was not any bump in fact it was the Concord running over the alloy left by the Continental DC 10 all right V1 V2 VR rotate FR 45590 you have fire on your wing you have fire on your wing what is this why is why is the fire oh God plan's engine erupts into flames as soon as it lifts up off the ground fire Services Air France 4590 is returning Runway 09 I repeat Air France 4590 is returning 09 the gold Tower from the fire service leader can you give me situation of the G oh oh too late we are dead yes that will be one CR sent and some wine and okay and I'll have the what the hell is that the Concord has crashed beside a nearby airport hotel causing ground fatalities too not only did this Prov to be one of the reasons for concord's retiring but it also adds to the fact of how much money Concord lost in the end nobody on board the concord's flight survived and there were 113 fatalities in total of course rest in peace to those who died lefts 40 please I disregard don't do that yet and Roger trying to correct I don't know why we to 40 anyway speed heavy weight in it 162 Tire limits 176 what are you what are you saying why aren't we doing with 45 oh we're not oh I thought we were no he's got should be I know you suggested too late now I guess I don't even know where we are final a we're here guys I'm concerned we got nothing left BR the flaps up bring the flaps up we are uh bringing out a stick Shaker stall stall stall [Music] okay back to my favorite Airline my favorite sh Airline hope we don't crash like that other invest plane that crash [Music] damn3 [Music] hey bu do you have the Vodka smoke up yet I told you to bring the vodka how stup are you I feel it's not right I think something will [Music] happen I hope that I can meet the captain after this flight dude oh is that as quiet I think that's the pilot sun in the [Music] cockpit are we going to crash what is going on in the cockpit oh man get out out for Fore [Music] fore
Channel: Republic Of Solokor
Views: 94,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r3pDDW40Ogw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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